Attempting to map dates to index in ElasticSearch - elasticsearch-5

I am using ElasticSearch and attempting to create an index with a class that has a dynamic type property in it. This property may have strings or dates in it. When indexing, I have been using the code below:
dynamic instance = MyObject.GetDynamicJson();
var indexResponse = client.Index((object) instance, i=>i
Here's the code for GetDynamicJson().
MyObject has only Name and Value as properties. (apologies, I've had issues in the past with Elastic choking on json without all the quotes, which I have escaped with \ characters):
String json = "{ \"Name\":\" + Name + "\",\"DateValue\":\"";
try {
var date = DateTime.parse(Value);
json += DateTime.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss Z") + "\", \"Value\":\"\"}";
} catch { //If the DateTime parse fails, DateValue is empty and I'll have text in Value
json += "\",\"Value\":\"" + Value + "\"}";
return json;
For some reason it doesn't seem to like the string in DateValue and I definitely don't know why it's leaving out that property entirely in the error:
For whatever reason, ElasticSearch is completely dumping the DateValue property, doesn't seem to see the DateValue property at all.
I'm getting the error:
[indices:data/write/bulk[s][p]]"}],"type":"class_cast_exception","reason":"org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.TextFieldMapper cannot be cast to org.elasticsearch.index.mapper.DateFieldMapper"},"status":500
Later note: I have changed the index creator method to update the mapping. I added a third field to the Object, so now it has properties: Name, Value, DateValue:
public static void CreateRecordsIndex(ElasticClient client)
client.CreateIndex("myIndex", i => i
.Settings(s => s
.Mappings(x => x
.Map<MyObject>(m => m.AutoMap())));
Now, it is successfully mapping and creating a property each time, but it still seems to drop the property I am sending it in the json. It just sets them all to the default datetime: "dateValue": "0001-01-01T00:00:00". This is strange, because when making the dynamic instance I send to Elastic, I use only the MyObject.GetDynamicJson() method to build it. I no longer get the mapping error, but Elastic still seems oblivious to "dateValue":"some date here" in the object when it is set.

OK, I got rid of the dynamic object type (ultimately I wasn't actually getting data from the json method, I had a typo and Elastic was getting the original object directly - it's a wonder it was still handling it). So I let Elastic do the parse using its mapping. In order to do that, I first updated MyObject to include multiple properties, one for each type the incoming property could be (I am only handling text and dates in this case). For the DateValue property of MyObject, I have this:
public DateTime DateValue {
return DateTime.Parse(Value);
} catch
return new DateTime();
try {
DateValue = value;
} catch
DateValue = new DateTime();
Now, if Value is a date, my DateValue field will be set. Otherwise it'll have the default date (a very early date "0001-01-01T00:00:00"). This way, I can later search both for text against that dynamic field, or if a date is set, I can do date and date range queries against it (technically they end up in two different fields, but coming from the same injested data).
Key to this is having the index mapping setup, as you can see in this method from the question:
public static void CreateRecordsIndex(ElasticClient client)
client.CreateIndex("myIndex", i => i
.Settings(s => s
.Mappings(x => x
.Map<MyObject>(m => m.AutoMap())));
In order to recreate the index with the updated MyObject, I did this:
if (client.IndexExists("myIndex").Exists)
CreateRecordsIndex(client); //Goes to the method above


Dart Object instantiating

I'm very new to programming and Dart. I was wondering why you put Response in front of the variable response. Also why do we use Datetime object in front of the variable 'now?' I believe when you want to instantiate, you write Datetime now = Datetime(); But it was written something else for the variable. What does it mean? Thank you very much in advance!
void getTime() async{
Response response = await get(Uri.parse(''));
Map data = jsonDecode(response.body);
// get properties from data
String datetime = data['datetime'];
String offset = data['utc_offset'].substring(1,3);
//create DateTime object
DateTime now = DateTime.parse(datetime);
now = now.add(Duration(hours: int.parse(offset)));
Ok, let's break this down:
Response response = await
A variable declaration in Dart looks like this:
<Type> <name> [= <value>];
So in your case Response is the type of the variable, response is the name of the variable and get(Uri.parse('')) is the value of the variable (actually get(...) is a future, and the future's response is the value, that's why the await keyword is there, but that's not important.)
Sidenote, you can actually use the var keyword to skip the <Type> part of the declaration:
int myFunction(a, b) => a+b;
int x = myFunction(1,2);
Above, we know myFunction returns an int, and the variable x is equal to the result of myFunction, so it must also be an int, we can use the var keyword to skip writing int then:
int myFunction(a, b) => a+b;
var x = myFunction(1,2);
Of course, here there isn't that big a difference between writing int and var, but when your type is something like List<Map<String, List<int>>> it is quite nice to be able to skip writing that over and over
Now for this line:
DateTime now = DateTime.parse(datetime);
We already know that the first DateTime tells us what type the variable is, and we know that now is the name of the variable, we also know that the variable's value is DateTime.parse(datetime) because it is what goes after the = sign, but we still don't know what DateTime.parse(datetime) means.
Classes can have static and non-static methods, a static method is a method that gets called on a class, while a non-static method gets called on an object. Most method calls ever are non-static, look at this example:
class Car {
void accelerate() {
// some method to increase the speed of the car
void decelerate() {
// some method to decrease the speed of the car
Car buyCar(int maxCost) {
// some method to buy a new car
void main() {
Car car = Car();
Car otherCar = car.buyCar(100000000);
Above, the method accelerate and decelerate are instance methods and that makes sense because they probably affect some statistics of the car (like current speed), buyCar is also an instance method, but if you think about it, it shouldn't be, it doesn't affect your current car if you buy a new one and also you shouldn't need to have a car object to buy another one in the first place. So let's make that last method static:
class Car {
void accelerate() {
// some method to increase the speed of the car
void decelerate() {
// some method to decrease the speed of the car
static Car buyCar(int maxCost) {
// some method to buy a new car
It is as simple as adding the static keyword, now instead of having to do this:
Car myOldCar = Car();
Car myNewCar = myOldCar.buyCar(100000000);
we can just do this:
Car myNewCar = Car.buyCar(100000000);
looks familiar?
That's right parse is a static method on DateTime class, it takes a string that looks like this: 2012-02-27 13:27:00.123456789z and returns a DateTime object.
So to recap:
Response response = await
Response is the type of the variable, response is its name and get(Uri.parse('')) is a method that returns a Response object.
DateTime now = DateTime.parse(datetime);
Similarly DateTime is the type, now is the name and DateTime.parse is a static method that parses a string and makes a DateTime object, in this case the string is datetime, which was declared as being equal to data['datetime'].
If you want to understand better how the parse method works, here is the DateTime parse documentation

How to Serialize an Object to Json in F# excluding defaults and Keeping Enum Names

I thought this would have been easy but I am having issues ticking all the boxes that I need in this.
I need to
Serialize an object to Json
Ignore any properties not set
Use the ENum names instead of integer values
I have generated all the models for this using the Open API Generator based on a .yaml spec.
My first attempt was to get a bit of code from what looks like an old serializer
let json<'t> (myObj:'t) =
use ms = new MemoryStream()
let serialiser: DataContractJsonSerializer = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof<'t>)
let settings: DataContractJsonSerializerSettings = new DataContractJsonSerializerSettings()
(new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof<'t>)).WriteObject(ms, myObj)
This function actually does everything fine - except it copiess the enum numbers instead of names and I can't see an option to make this happpen.
My other attempt is using System.Text.Json.JsonSerializer:
let options
= new JsonSerializerOptions(
options.DefaultIgnoreCondition <- JsonIgnoreCondition.WhenWritingDefault
options.Converters.Add(new JsonStringEnumConverter(JsonNamingPolicy.CamelCase))
let jsonString:string = JsonSerializer.Serialize(shipmentRequest, options)
I have tried a few different things ( including excluding the Enum converter ) and I always get the following error.
Unable to cast object of type 'System.Int32' to type
The specific Object ( roughly ) that it is having an issue with is:
[DataContract(Name = "ExpressPackageReference")]
public partial class ExpressPackageReference : IEquatable<ExpressPackageReference>, IValidatableObject
[DataMember(Name = "typeCode", EmitDefaultValue = false)]
public TypeCodeEnum? typeCode
get{ return _typeCode;}
_typeCode = value;
_flagtypeCode = true;
This particular property is not even set so it should be skipping over it theoretically. It is possible that I am not generating the object correctly
Without understanding all the details here, I think you are asking how you can serialize an object to json while omitting all properties that are null using System.Text.Json.
To accomplish that you have to set the following option:
options.IgnoreNullValues <- true
Here are the docs for this option:

Golang XML Unmarshal and time.Time fields

I have XML data I am retrieving via a REST API that I am unmarshal-ing into a GO struct. One of the fields is a date field, however the date format returned by the API does not match the default time.Time parse format and thus the unmarshal fails.
Is there any way to specify to the unmarshal function which date format to use in the time.Time parsing? I'd like to use properly defined types and using a string to hold a datetime field feels wrong.
Sample struct:
type Transaction struct {
Id int64 `xml:"sequencenumber"`
ReferenceNumber string `xml:"ourref"`
Description string `xml:"description"`
Type string `xml:"type"`
CustomerID string `xml:"namecode"`
DateEntered time.Time `xml:"enterdate"` //this is the field in question
Gross float64 `xml:"gross"`
Container TransactionDetailContainer `xml:"subfile"`
The date format returned is "yyyymmdd".
I had the same problem.
time.Time doesn't satisfy the xml.Unmarshaler interface. And you can not specify a date fomat.
If you don't want to handle the parsing afterward and you prefer to let the xml.encoding do it, one solution is to create a struct with an anonymous time.Time field and implement your own UnmarshalXML with your custom date format.
type Transaction struct {
DateEntered customTime `xml:"enterdate"` // use your own type that satisfies UnmarshalXML
type customTime struct {
func (c *customTime) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
const shortForm = "20060102" // yyyymmdd date format
var v string
d.DecodeElement(&v, &start)
parse, err := time.Parse(shortForm, v)
if err != nil {
return err
*c = customTime{parse}
return nil
If your XML element uses an attribut as a date, you have to implement UnmarshalXMLAttr the same way.
From what I have read the encoding/xml has some known issues that have been put off until a later date...
To get around this issue, instead of using the type time.Time use string and handle the parsing afterwards.
I had quite a bit of trouble getting time.Parse to work with dates in the following format: "Fri, 09 Aug 2013 19:39:39 GMT"
Oddly enough I found that "net/http" has a ParseTime function that takes a string that worked perfectly...
I've implemented a xml dateTime format conforming a spec, you can find it on GitHub:
You can find XML dateTime in W3C spec
A niche technique to override the JSON marshaling/unmarshaling of select keys in a struct is also applicable to XML marshaling/unmarshaling, with minimal modifications. The idea remains the same: Alias the original struct to hide the Unmarshal method, and embed the alias in another struct where individual fields may be overridden to allow the default unmarshaling method to apply.
In your example, following the idea above, I'd do it like this:
type TransactionA Transaction
type TransactionS struct {
DateEntered string `xml:"enterdate"`
func (t *Transaction) UnmarshalXML(d *xml.Decoder, start xml.StartElement) error {
const shortForm = "20060102" // yyyymmdd date format
var s = &TransactionS{TransactionA: (*TransactionA)(t)}
d.DecodeElement(s, &start)
t.DateEntered, _ = time.Parse(shortForm, s.DateEntered)
return nil
The smartest point of this method is, by sending TransactionS into DecodeElement, all fields of t gets populated through the embedded alias type *TransactionA, except for those overridden in the S-type. You can then process overridden struct members as you wish.
This approach scales very well if you have multiple fields of different types that you want to handle in a custom way, plus the benefit that you don't introduce an otherwise useless customType that you have to convert over and over again.
const shortForm = "20060102" // yyyymmdd date format
It is unreadable. But it is right in Go. You can read the source in

Object.ReferenceEquals returns incorrect results (in Silverlight 3 at least)

I just discovered a very strange behaviour. I have a class with a string property. In the setter of this property I compare the old value with the new value first and only change property if the values differ:
if ((object.ReferenceEquals(this.Identifier, value) != true))
this.Identifier = value;
But this ReferenceEquals almost always returns false! Even if I call object.ReferenceEquals("test", "test") in Quick Watch I get false.
How is this possible?
That's because strings are immutable in C#:
The contents of a string object cannot
be changed after the object is
created, although the syntax makes it
appear as if you can do this.
Since you can't modify an existing string reference, there's no benefit in reusing them. The value passed to your property setter will always be a new string reference, except maybe if you do this.Identifier = this.Identifier;.
I'll try to clarify with an example:
string s = "Hello, "; // s contains a new string reference.
s += "world!"; // s now contains another string reference.

Doctrine date in save override / before save

I have Doctrine model with a date field "date_of_birth" (symfony form date) which is filled in by the user all works 100% it saves to the db as expected, however in the model save() method I need to retrieve the value of this field before save occurs. My problem is that When trying to get the date value it returns empty string if its a new record and the old value if it is an existing record
public function save(Doctrine_Connection $conn = null)
$dob = $this->getDateOfBirth(); // returns empty str if new and old value if existing
$dob = $this->date_of_birth; //also returns empty str
return parent::save($conn);
How Can I retrieve the value of this field beore data is saved
In Doctrine 1.2 you can override preSave pseudo-event:
// In your model class
public function preSave($event) {
$dob = $this->getDateOfBirth();
//do whatever you need
In Doctrine 2.1 the function names changed.
Generaly pseudo-events in doctrine uses "new" values, however there is getModified() method and it doing exactly what you need.
$modifiedFields = $this->getModified(true);
if(isset($modifiedFields['date_of_birth'])) { //index is available only after change
echo $modifiedFields['date_of_birth']; //old value
more info from doc about getModified()
