We developing a service and the target datastore for my service is Cassandra. I want to use spring data flow for ingesting feed. As data flow server requires RDBMS to keep track of workflow, i am forced to choose an RDBMS (eg:postgres) and need to provision it for SDFS. My question is that should DB(used by SDFS) be highly available & scalable to keep my service up/running on target runtime(eg: kubernetes)?
Dataflow usage of DB is very light. It does not mean you should not provide a high available DB in production though. As far as it concerns to scaling concerns it's very light on accessing the DB so you don't need to worry about it being a burden on it. It only uses db to store metadata not during the ingestion of data over the streams
There is a couple of confusing points in the documentation that make me struggle to understand how exactly distribution across the cluster happens in Orleans. Hence, the questions.
Question #1
Orleans claims to have a built-in distribution capabilities to distribute across multiple servers. To me it sounds that Orleans can act as a load balancer itself and can scale out automatically. Thus, if I deploy Orleans app to several servers, then service discovery and load management should happen automatically, correct?
In this case, why some docs and articles suggest using other tools, like Ocelot or Consul, as a single entry point to Orleans cluster?
Question #2
I would like to use simple but distributed in-memory storage across several servers, like Redis or Apache Ignite, and I would like to know if it's possible to use a simple grain as this kind of a data storage?
Let's say, one grain will store a collection of restaurants and some other grain will keep track of the last 1000 visitors for selected restaurant. Can I activate these 2 grains only once as a singleton collection, add or remove records to each collection, and use these 2 grains as in-memory storage evenly available to all nodes in the cluster? Also, if answer is yes, do I need to add locks to these collections or each grain always exists in a single thread?
Service discovery and load management happen automatically indeed.
Consul is not a strong required. The only external requirement is a Membership table provider - something that is used internally by Orleans Clustering. There are many build in Membership table providers that come already built-in with Orleans. For example, Azure table storage. all you need is to configure Orleans to use it and of course have Azure storage account. Consul is another alternative to Membership table provider and there are more.
Another thing that does not come built-in is infrastructure scaling. If your service demand increases, something need to ask the infrastructure provider (Cloud Provider) to add more Servers. Once servers are added, Orleans will automatically adjust the workload and load balance across the new servers as well. But figuring out that more servers are needed and adding them is not done by Orleans itself (there likely some externally contributed tools to do that. maybe K8 can be configured to do that? I am not completely sure about that).
Yes, you can use those 2 grains as in-memory storage, just like you wrote. And no, you do not need to use locks. All grains are single threaded.
I'm currently working on a new Java application which uses an embedded Neo4j database as its data store. Eventually we'll be deploying to a cloud host which has no persistent data storage available - we're fine while the app is running but as soon as it stops we lose access to anything written to disk.
Therefore I'm trying to come up with a means of persisting data across an application restart. We have the option of capturing any change commands as they come into our application and writing them off somewhere but that means retaining a lifetime of changes and applying them in order as an application node comes back up. Is there any functionality in Neo4j or SDN that we could leverage to capture changes at the Neo4j level and write them off to and AWS S3 store or the like? I have had a look at Neo4j clustering but I don't think that will work either from a technical level (limited protocol support on our cloud platform) or from the cost of an Enterprise licence.
Any assistance would be gratefully accepted...
If you have an embedded Neo4j, you should know where in your code you are performing an update/create/delete query in Neo, no ?
To respond to your question, Neo4j has a TransactionEventHandler (https://neo4j.com/docs/java-reference/current/javadocs/org/neo4j/graphdb/event/TransactionEventHandler.html) that captures all the transaction and tells you what node/rel has been added, updated, deleted.
In fact it's the way to implement triggers in Neo4j.
But in your case I will consider to :
use another cloud provider that allow you to have a storage
if not possible, to implement a hook on the application shutdown that copy the graph.db folder to a storage (do the opposite for the startup)
use Neo4j as a remote server, and to install it on a cloud provider with a storage.
We are considering using Azure offline data sync for our app which usually has very sporadic connectivity (In most cases users sync their data once a day). Thing is that mobile app needs to hold a lot of data (tens of thousands of products). Currently we have our own sync solution which works fine with sqlite.
My question is, do you have any experience or thoughts about performance of Azure offline data sync? Will it be able to handle really large datasets?
Thanks you
Azure mobile service is the cloud version of popular Microsoft sync framework. This is a light weight json API which tracks changes between local and remote data store. It transfers only changed rows, hence data traffic will be minimum. But when you sync very first time and you have huge data, it might be a problem.
You could overcome this problem by carefully designing your database structure. Azure SDK provides api to sync table by table, which gives you enough flexibility to choose what to sync and not.
I'm thinking about moving my DAL which uses DocumentDb and Azure Table Storage to a separate Web API and host it as a cloud service on Azure.
The primary purpose of doing this is to make sure that I keep a high performance DAL that can scale up easily and independently of my front-end application -- currently ASP.NET MVC 5 running as a cloud service on Azure but I'll definitely add mobile apps as well. With DocumentDb and Azure Table Storage, I'm finding myself doing a lot of data handling in my C# code, therefore, I think it would be a good idea to keep that separate from my front-end application.
However, I'm very concerned about latency issues introduced by HTTP calls from one cloud service to another which would defeat the purpose of separating DAL into its own application/cloud service.
What is the best way to separate my DAL from my front-end application without introducing any latency issues?
I think the trade off between scaling-out/partitioning resources and network latency is unavoidable. That being said, you may find the trade-off well worth it for many reasons (i.e. enabling parallel execution of application tasks, increased reliability, etc.) when working w/ large-scale systems.
Here are some general tips to help you minimize the hit on network latency:
Use caching to avoid cross-service calls whenever possible.
Batch cross-service calls and re-use connections whenever possible to minimize the cost associated w/ traversing the NAT out of one cloud service and through the load balancer into another. Note - your application must also be able to handle dropped connections (inevitable in cloud architecture).
Monitor performance metrics as much as possible to take measurements and identify bottlenecks.
Co-locate your applications layers within the same datacenter to keep cross-service latency to a minimum.
You may also find the following literature useful: http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/best-practices-performance/
I recently split out my DAL to a WebAPI that serves data from DocumentDB for both the MVC website and mobile applications for the same reasons stated by the questioner.
The statements from aliuy are valid performance considerations generally accepted as good practice.
But more specifically - in order to call Web API from MVC without latency using Azure cloud services, one should specify same affinity group for each resource (websites, cloud services, etc).
Affinity groups are a way you can group your cloud services by
proximity to each other in the Azure datacenter in order to achieve
optimal performance. When you create an affinity group, it lets Azure
know to keep all of the services that belong to your affinity group as
physically close to each other as possible.
I'm working to port some data access to dynamo DB in a high-traffic app. A bit of background - the app collects a very high volume of data, and some specific tables were causing performance issues in a traditional DB. So with a bit of re-design and some changes to the data layout we have been able to make them fit the DynamoDB niche nicely.
My question is around the use/creation of the client object. The SDK docs suggest it is better to create one client and share it amongst multiple threads, so in my repository implementation I have the client defined as a lazy singleton. This means it will be created once and all requests will share the same client (currently around 4000 requests per minute, but likely to grow massively as we come out of beta and start promoting the product).
Does anyone have any experience of making the AWS SDK scale?
When you create one client and share it with multiple threads, only one thread can use the client at one point of time in some SDK.
Definitely if you create separate clients for different threads, it is going to slow down the process.
So I would suggest you to take a middle approach here,
Maximize the HTTP connection pooling size, so that more number of clients are allowed to be created.
And then you follow the sharing of client objects.
Batch operation can be used for .Net aws sdk