Ruby + RMagick + base64 image + RGB conversion from GrayScale doesn't work - ruby-on-rails

I'm uploading base64 encoded image to a RoR application. When I receive the image, it has a rgb color scheme (correct), when I write the image on file to be uploaded with paperclip gem, the image color scheme change from rgb to grayscale.
Here is the code:
source = src.gsub(/^data:image\/(png|jpg|jpeg);base64,/,"")
blob = Base64.decode64(source)
img = Magick::Image.from_blob(blob).first
img.colorspace = Magick::SRGBColorspace
img.add_profile "#{Rails.root.to_s}/lib/color_profiles/RGB.icc"
img.write(url = "#{Rails.root.to_s}/tmp/#{}_logo.png")
image =
the img is correctly a RGB image, if I check the resulted created file:
identify -format "%[colorspace]" #{url}
the color scheme is Gray.
Additional info:
The uploaded image is all black with white text, if I upload same image with red background, the final image is correctly an RGB image.

There seems to be a bug in ImageMagick and when reporting the conversion of a grayscale image to RGB PNG. Identify -verbose is reporting grayscale but the string format %[colorspace] is properly reporting sRGB as are the PNG tags. I have reported this bug. For example:
convert logo: -colorspace gray logo.jpg
convert logo.jpg PNG24:logo.png
convert logo.png -format "%[colorspace]" info:
identify -verbose logo.png
Colorspace: Gray
png:IHDR.color-type-orig: 2
png:IHDR.color_type: 2 (Truecolor)

I do not understand. Is your image a color image or a grayscale only image?
IM was during a time that ImageMagick was changing from non-linear gray to linear gray and back again. And also had RGB and sRGB swapped. So you may have a version where gray was linear (darker than non-linear gray) or where RGB and sRGB were swapped. You can convert back to non-linear using one of the following (I do not recall which to use at this time). The other will convert from linear to non-linear. If I assume your input image was grayscale and not color, then try one of these:
convert input -colorspace RGB -colorspace gray result
convert input -colorspace sRGB -colorspace gray result
If it is not grayscale, but color only, then leave off the -colorspace gray in these commands.
I would urge you to upgrade if you can. You are well over 200 versions old.
P.S. It is also possible your profile is causing a problem. I don't know what the RGB.icc profile is. Is that an Adobe RGB profile or an sRGB profile.
Can you reproduce your problem using Command Line ImageMagick? If so, post the command line you used. Sorry I do not know Ruby or RMagick.
P.S. 2 Apart from the lighter/darker issue, if you are trying to convert a grayscale image to color, then you will need to specify the output as PNG24:name.png. That is the only way to force a grayscale image to report colorspace=RGB without inserting color pixels.


How to convert PNG images (specifically grayscale ones) to Indexed color

I'm trying to convert some small PNG images from 32-bit color mode to indexed color mode.
For color images, I ran the command convert IMGS/FLAME.png INDEXED_IMGS/FLAME.png and it converted fine. For an image that had only grayscale colors, I ran that same command (with the filename changed obviously) but I got a warning:
convert: profile 'icc': 'RGB ': RGB color space not permitted on grayscale PNG 'INDEXED_IMGS/SHADOW.png' # warning/png.c/MagickPNGWarningHandler/1748.
I ran file IMGS/*.pngand got
IMGS/FLAME.png: PNG image data, 16 x 16, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced
IMGS/SHADOW.png: PNG image data, 8 x 8, 8-bit/color RGBA, non-interlaced
which is expected; both images are in 8-bit RGBA mode (since that's the mode I created them in Photoshop). However, when I run file INDEXED_IMGS/*.png I get
INDEXED_IMGS/FLAME.png: PNG image data, 16 x 16, 4-bit colormap, non-interlaced
INDEXED_IMGS/SHADOW.png: PNG image data, 8 x 8, 8-bit grayscale, non-interlaced
The 4-bit colormap part checks out, but the grayscale part does not.
So my question is: how can I convert a grayscale image to indexed mode? What really gets me is that it starts out in RGBA mode like the color image, but for some reason it converts automatically to grayscale mode. Is there a way to prevent it from doing that?
I should add that I have a bash script that looks like this:
for img in IMGS/*.png; do
file=$(basename $img)
convert $img INDEXED_IMGS/$file
so I don't wanna manually distinguish between grayscale and colored images. If there's a way to do so automatically with some command that's fine though.
Here is info about my ImageMagick tool:
Version: ImageMagick 7.0.8-42 Q16 x86_64 2019-04-24
Copyright: © 1999-2019 ImageMagick Studio LLC
Features: Cipher DPC HDRI Modules OpenMP
Delegates (built-in): bzlib freetype heic jng jp2 jpeg lcms ltdl lzma openexr png tiff webp xml zlib
With ImageMagick, for 24-bit color, append the output with PNG8:output
convert input.png PNG8:output.png
PNG grayscale images do not support color profiles, so you get that warning. But the resulting image should be 8-bit palette.
If you have 32-bit color, then this needs more to be done. The color under the alpha channel must be one constant color and one not used elsewhere in the image. Find such a color after converting to 256 colors and set the color under the transparency to that color. For example if you have no opaque black in your image after converting to 256 colors, then set the alpha base color to black.
convert image.png +dither -colors 256 -background black -alpha background PNG8:output.png
You can get a list of unique colors from the image as follows:
convert image.png +dither -colors 256 -unique-colors txt:
Here is an example:
Make it 32-bit transparent:
convert rose.png -fuzz 20% -transparent red rose_trans32.png
identify -verbose rose_trans32.png
Colorspace: sRGB
Type: TrueColorAlpha
Convert to palette alpha:
convert rose_trans32.png -alpha off +dither -colors 256 -unique-colors txt:
List shows no black
convert rose_trans32.png +dither -colors 256 -background black -alpha background PNG8:rose_trans8.png
Or if you already know that the 32-bit version has not black, then just:
convert rose_trans32.png -background black -alpha background PNG8:rose_trans8.png
identify -verbose rose_trans8.png
Colorspace: sRGB
Type: PaletteAlpha
If you do this adding -colorspace gray, ImageMagick will still report as type grayscalealpha, since it recognizes it as a single channel image with transparency. But using EXIFTOOL, it will report 9 ColorType: 3, which is 3 = RGB Palette
NOTE: For ImageMagick 7, change convert to magick.

ImageMagick: Invalid ICC profile after conversion

I wrote an application which trims and resizes a bunch of images via ImageMagick. The images are also converted to grayscale. But when I try to open a converted image in Photoshop CC, the following warning appears:
The embedded ICC profile cannot be used because the ICC profile is
invalid, ignoring the profile.
Plus, the image profile is in grayscale, but I want it to be in RGB. How can I achieve this with ImageMagick? I played around with the different parameters, but none worked for me.
This command is currently in use:
convert ${src} -type grayscale -set colorspace RGB -background white -gravity center -extent ${longest}x${longest} ${dest}
Also, this one didn't work either:
convert.exe ${src} -set colorspace RGB -set profile RGB.icc ${dest}
A simple way to force the output PNG to be RGB is to replace $(dest) in your command with PNG24:$(dest), or use PNG32:$(dest) if your image has transparency). If you do this, then your existing RGB color profile will be OK.
You can also try PNG8:$(dest) which will be OK if you have fewer than 256 gray levels, and will result in a smaller file size.

Image conversion to Grayscale using ImageMagick is very dark

I converted a bunch of "normal" JPG photos via
convert infile -colorspace Gray outfile
to monochrome. However the result is for all images very dark. Here a sample conversion: original photo and converted monochrome image.
Is there a better way to convert a photo-realistic image with ImageMagick to gray-scale?
The documentation states that when changing the color space, the colors are converted from their original gamma to linear before the conversion. You need to convert them back to an appropriate gamma.
convert infile -colorspace Gray -gamma 2.2 outfile

ImageMagick: convert keeps changing the colorspace to Gray. How to preserve sRGB colorspace?

I have a batch script that converts my PNG-24 (with Transparency) images to 50% and 25% size (for mobile development). Usually these images have colors in them but now I am trying to convert an image that has no colors and ImageMagick keeps changing the colorspace profile to "Gray", which messes up my image in the 3d engine I'm using (Unity).
I have tried forcing it to use type TrueColor, colorspace sRGB, and the sRGB.icc profile (the one included with OSX) but it doesn't seem to care. It still changes it to Gray.
> convert old.png -profile srgb.icc -colorspace sRGB -type TrueColor new.png
> identify *.png
old.png PNG 140x140 140x140+0+0 8-bit sRGB 3.68KB 0.000u 0:00.000
new.png PNG 140x140 140x140+0+0 8-bit sRGB 256c 2.33KB 0.000u 0:00.000
ImageMagick still identifies it as an 8-bit sRGB image but it puts "256c" after it which I'm assuming means it has reduced it down to 256 colors, which I don't want either. When I look at the image in OSX, it says it is using the Gray color profile. The image also visually looks a lot different.
Here is the image I'm using:
There is a duplicate question here, ImageMagick Reduces Colorspace to Gray, but the answer does not work for me and I don't have enough reputation to comment on his answer, unfortunately. I imagine my case is different because I'm using PNG and not JPG.
Version: ImageMagick 6.8.0-7 2013-01-02 Q16
Features: OpenCL
edit- After reading the ImageMagick forums as specified in one of the answers, it looks like just prepending PNG32: or PNG24: to the output file solves the problem.
The proper way to keep a grayscale PNG as RGB is to use PNG24:result.png
convert lena.png -colorspace gray PNG24:lenag_rgb.png
identify -verbose lenag_rgb.png
Image: lenag_rgb.png
Format: PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
Mime type: image/png
Class: DirectClass
Geometry: 256x256+0+0
Units: Undefined
Colorspace: sRGB
Type: Grayscale
So as you see above, Colorspace is RGB while the type is Grayscale.
For other image formats such as JPG and TIFF, use -define colorspace:auto-grayscale=false along with -type truecolor.
You may pass -set colorspace:auto-grayscale off to convert to disable automatic conversion of RGB channels to a single grayscale channel.
This solution was not yet available at the time of your question, but was introduced in 2015 with version 6.9.2:
2015-07-25 6.9.2-0 Dirk Lemstra <>
Added -set colorspace:auto-grayscale=false that will prevent automatic conversion to grayscale inside coders that support grayscale.

ImageMagick: how to reduce colors but keep transparency?

I have some PNG files I wish to convert to 256 colors (i.e. GIF-like). Each image has transparency, but when I try to convert I always end up with a black background on the resulting image.
Here is my current command:
convert file.png -colors 255 file256.png
I'm using 255 colors because I read that you need one color for the alpha channel (though I don't think that should apply to PNGs). I've tried many other options such as -background none, -channel RGBA and -matte but nothing is working at all.
Interestingly, this command did work when converting to grayscale:
convert file.png -channel RGBA -matte -colorspace gray file256.png
It kept the transparent background. But replacing -colorspace gray with -colors 256 doesn't work.
The reason to use 255 instead of 256 colors is that one color needs to be reserved for "binary" / "boolean" transparency, i.e. all pixels of that color are interpreted as completely transparent. There (usually) is no such thing like an alpha channel with 256-color / palette-based images. For reference, you may want to read the ImageMagick usage sections about Color Quantization and Transparency and GIF Boolean Transparency. That said, this should convert your 32-bit true-color PNG with alpha channel to an 8-bit PNG with palette where all pixels that are fully transparent in the input image are also fully transparent in the output image:
convert file.png png8:file256.png
The png8 instructs ImageMagick to write a GIF-like "8-bit indexed with optional binary transparency" PNG and implies to use 255 "real" colors.
Have you tried -colorspace transparent to preserve the Alpha channel?
