Pass SSRS parameters into Drill through report VIA url - url

Im having trouble passing multiple parameters to my drill though report using an url.
I have got a single one working however when i try to add the next one it doesn't like what i have put.
Above is the working one parameter and im now trying to add
MTC = Parameters!MTC.Value.
Just think im imputting wrong.

Try this one.. almost there but just a small tweek:
="http://rpt.Test.local/ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?%2f%5bQuote+Tool%5d%2fChange%20Elec%20Split&"&PC=" &Parameters!PC.Value &"&MTC=" & Parameters!MTC.Value & "&rs:Command=Render"


Can I force OpenLayers 5 to send POST request?

Here is my issue.
I have to filter an ImageLayer with OpenLayers 5, so I prepared this kind of code :
const params = layerToFilter.getSource().getParams();
delete params.CQL_FILTER;
params.CQL_FILTER = myFilter;
This code works fine, but not if "myFilter" variable is a too big string.
For example, with a filter like 'FEATUREID IN (1,2,3,4...1000)', I get a HTTP 414 URI too long.
My question is : is there a way to force OpenLayers 5 to use POST request instead of GET request when it tries to refresh map layers ?
I have some workaround ideas like building a smaller filter and prepare a view for this filter on database side, or by making preprocessing also on database side, but it will be really easier if I could simply send POST request.
Any help or suggestion will be appreciated :-)
Many thanks in advance.
Geoserver can publish feature id as a property of a layer. So you dont have to use FEATUREID. You can use CQL_FILTER instead of FEATUREID
http://locahost:8080/?CQL_FILTER=id BETWEEN 1 AND 1000

create multiple 'view in app' links using in index view

I'd like to create an index view which shows a list of items followed by a 'view in app' button to download data directly into the app.
Solution 1. [Not a sulution] I think deepviewcta call is appropriated to use in a single product page. It doesn't look like suitable in my case, because it has to call deepview before calling deepviewcta.
Solution 2. I'm trying to construct the URL directly using 'dynamic' deeplink. The documentation says any additional query param appended will shows up in the initSession callback, but it doesn't work for me.
the construct link looks like this:
what I got in the callback only has following data
"+clicked_branch_link" = 0;
"+is_first_session" = 0;
in the callback, other params are just missing, I got:
url NSURL * #"my-app://open?link_click_id=197576253652400385" 0x00007fad90d47450
Any Other Solutions?
It turns out I was using live key in ios App while using test key in server end. So solution 2 works now.
Also for anyone want to do the same thing. For regular Branch Links, it is not possible to stay on the same page as the Branch link was clicked from. they suggest adding a $after_click_url to the Link's data. This key will tell the system to route to a particular web address after the Branch Link has been clicked.
Thanks for's support, they responded very quickly.

Is there a best method to evaluate URL variables to determine the appropriate page?

I am using ColdFusion 9.0.1.
I have a new web site that uses Bikes.cfm and Makers.cfm as template pages. I need to be able to pass BikeID and MakerID to both of the these pages, along with other variables. I don't want to use the Actual page name in the URL, such as this:
I want my URL to look more like this:
I need to NOT specify the page name in the URL.
I want these two URLs to access different data: // goes to bike page // goes to maker page
So, if BikeID appears in the URL before MakerID, go to the Bikes.cfm page. If MakerID appears before BikeID, go the Makers.cfm page.
Is there an easy and existing method to arrange the URL keys in such a way to have them point to the appropriate page?
Should I just parse the the URL as a list and determine the first ID and go to the appropriate page? Is there a better way?
Any thoughts or hints or ideas would be appreciated.
UPDATE -- It certainly appears that using the order of parameters in a URL is a bad idea for the following reasons:
1) many programs append variables to the URL
2) some programs may reorder the variables
3) GoogleBot may not consider order relevant and will most likely not index the site correctly.
Thanks to everyone who provided advice in a positive manner that my approach was probably a bad idea and would not produce the results I wanted. Thanks to everyone who suggested alternate means to produce the results I wanted.
If anyone of you positive people would like to put your positive comment/advice as an answer, I'd be happy to accept it as the answer.
Despite my grave misgivings about the whole idea, here's how I would do it if I were forced to do so:
<cfswitch expression="#ListFirst(cgi.query_string, '=')#">
<cfcase value="BikeID">
<cfinclude template="Bikes.cfm">
<cfcase value="MakerID">
<cfinclude template="Makers.cfm">
<cfinclude template="Welcome.cfm">

asp:listbox how to provide data?

I'm having some trouble with in my MVC-View. The data for the listbox is passed by the controller and accessible via Model.templateList. So now I have to pass these data to the asp:listbox. Is there any way to do this or do I have to use some sort of DataProvider. What would be bad in terms of SoC. I considered using the Html-Helper Html.ListBox but I have no idea how to get actions like double-click and so on to work with it. Hope there are many smart people with some knowledge about this.
Thank you for reading
To bind to the list box you would using something like this
#Html.ListBox("ListBoxName", new SelectList(Model,"dataValueField", "dataTextField"));
with regards to the the actions you would need to use JavaScript. A google query like "listbox double click javascript" will help you get to the next level.

Changing the order of params in pagination links

I am using Cakephp to perform a search through sphinx. I wanted to do modify the default structre of pagination links generated by cakephp
For example
I want the page number to appear at the end. Is there a way this can be done?
Any help appreciated
I would suggest that you modify the PaginatorHelper. I would recommend that you extend it and load it when Cake launches so that you dont modify the Cake file in cake/libs...
Then, wherever you want the output URL to be printed w/ the page number at the end, you'll need to modify the PaginatorHelper... I'd suggest you search for the page/# key/value pair. If you find it, remove it, then append it to the end of the string. Then return that value.
Edit: link to PaginatorHelper in the API -
