How to compile srlua? - lua

I made a program today, and I was wondering on how exactly to make it an executable. I've researched and I've came up with using srlua. I've asked this previously, but I usually mess up on the same instruction. I was told to 'compile srlua' While I know exactly what to do right after I compile srlua, I don't know how to compile them right now.
I've gone through a few YouTube tutorials, and I managed to find one but only in Spanish. I was able to slightly follow along until he downloaded a precompiled version of srlua, where the download link is no longer there at the same page he was at.
Would anyone be able to explain what they're trying to say?

You need to tell CMake where the Lua files it needs are.
For me, the Lua includes are in /usr/include/luaX.X, where X.X is your version number, e.g. 5.3. The Lua libraries may be in /usr/lib (with filenames like
If the locations differ for you, you can try find / | grep "lua.h" and find / | grep "liblua".
Once you've located the folder which lua.h is in, and the appropriate library file like, you need to add these to the CMakeLists.txt file in the srlua folder.
For example, using lua5.3, you might replace this line:
with this one:
And for the libraries, you might replace this:
target_link_libraries(glue ${LUA_LIBRARIES})
target_link_libraries(srlua ${LUA_LIBRARIES})
with this:
target_link_libraries(glue /usr/lib/
target_link_libraries(srlua /usr/lib/
After this, run cmake ./ in the srlua folder, then run make. srlua should be built.
Note: you may also have to remove the line find_package ( Lua REQUIRED ), it was a false error for me (it only built when I removed that line).


Cannot compile C++ files with boost and odeint

I installed boost using brew install boost in order to use odeint library (the odeint webpage says : odeint is a header-only library, no linking against pre-compiled code is required).
I am on Mac Yosemite 10.10.5 . Now when I cd to /usr/local/include, I can see boost directory there. Inside boost (/usr/local/include/boost) there are all the header files I needed for my project, along with the numeric/odeint directories needed for my specific purposes. At the same time, when I cd to usr\local\lib, I can see a lot of libboost_* .dylib and .a files.
However, when I try to compile a c++ file that I temporarily save in ~/Downloads (the first header is #include <boost/array.hpp>), I got the error fatal error: 'boost/array.hpp' file not found.
I am inexperienced in programming, and I really appreciate your help! Thank you!
Use the following include statements and let us know if it works.
#include <boost/numeric/odeint.hpp>
#include <boost/numeric/ublas/matrix.hpp>
If not, some additional info is needed. What is your BOOST version, what is the structure of the /usr/local/include/boost directory, how about including other (non-boost) headers from /usr/local/include (maybe compiler include path is broken).
I asked my professor about this. He gave very detailed explanation, and I think I should share so that everyone can benefit from it:
Your compiler needs to know where these files are. You need to find a way to tell it where the files are.
Depending on how you are doing the compiling there will be different solutions. If you are compiling via the command line, use something like
g++ -I/usr/local/Cellar/boost
The -I stands for "include files". There is a similar g++ "switch" called -L for libraries when you get to that stage.
There is also a whole series of tools to tell the compiler how to search for include files. The directory /usr/local/include is almost certainly on the list of places for it to look.
If you are using "make" and the associated tools for compiling, you can add the include directories to part of the "Makefile". Again, the details are different for every setting.
Bottom line -- you'll need to learn more about your compiler system. Find manuals and examples for your specific tools and system. Learn how those tools work and where to specify the boost libraries. Read the boost manuals and learn where they store files and what all the names are for the different directories where these files are stored.
It's not fun work, but it is worthwhile learning about how all the parts get put together.

Missing opencv_core248d.dll

I'm trying to install OpenCV 2.4.8. Turns out this is far more complicated as expected. The tutorials are all outdated. Here is my current problem:
I'm running on a 64 bit machine, and am trying just a simple sample code:
#include <opencv\cv.h>
#include <opencv\highgui.h>
using namespace cv;
int main() {
Mat image;
VideoCapture cap;;
while(true) {
cap >> image;
imshow("window", image);
return 0;
When I run this, I get an error stating that opencv_core248d.dll is missing. Checking the bin directory, it's there. How do I fix this?
Edit: I've been on this issue for the past 3 hours. Whoever can help me solve this issue will get so much rep and love from me...seriously I'm getting desperate
Edit2: Picture of some settings:
OPENCV_BUILD = C:\OpenCV\build\
You are running into OpenCV dll issues, similar to here. Three ways to fix dll-related issues about OpenCV, also works for other dll related issues.
copy the required dlls into the same folder with your application. This is a little better because it kind of prepares you for when you'll need to deploy your application on systems that don't have OpenCV installed (for then don't forget to build the release version of your application).
add the dll path to Debugging Environment: Project –> Properties –> Configuration Properties –> Debugging –> Environment –> add dlls' paths here. The syntax is NAME=VALUE and macros can be used (for example, $(OutDir)).
For example, to prepend C:\Windows\Temp to the PATH: PATH=C:\WINDOWS\Temp;%PATH%
Similarly, to append $(SolutionDir)\DLLS to the PATH: PATH=%PATH%;$(SolutionDir)\DLLS
add the dll path to Environment Variables (be careful that the path in there are separated by ;)
EDIT: Among the three methods, the first two will only work for this project (local) and the last one works for all projects in your PC (global).
Have you tried adding C:\OpenCV2.0\bin to your PATH variables? Yup, installing OpenCV can be a chore :/
Have you done the proper project setup, like adding source library, source directories etc? Anyway, if my guess if right, the following will resolve that particular error:
Go to your project properties, Linker -> Input -> Additional Dependencies, add opencv_core248d.dll in and compile. If a new error appears, means you have yet to do the proper configurations.
EDIT: to comments
Here, the include directories and library directories. Did you add the relevant build/include & \lib into to the include and library directory respectively? This are some of the "configuration" that need to be done.
EDIT2: TO answer your edit
Yup, looks like you did do the configurations. Was confused by your comments.
1) I am not really sure if $(OPENCV_BUILD) will work. Maybe you would like to try C:\OpenCV2.4\lib, (link directly) etc instead of that.
2)Go to your linker input and edit the additional dependencies to this (image from one of the books I have):
Hope it works. And don't worry. I know how you feel. I was stuck at installing OpenCV for almost a week, and only one guy's youtube video saved me. I needed to edit some header files. But it's a different problem from yours. Good luck and hope my method work.
EDIT3: Hopefully this solve your problem, try these.
1) If you are using the "band-aid" method, which means having to copy paste the dll files every time, my suspicion would be that your PATH variables is wrong. Just double check it.
the equivalent for yours would be something like(the path of where you copied the dll files from/the path of the library directories you added inside the property page. But instead of lib at the end, you use the bin folder):
More details on this : Setting window path
If you have done this, just check that you have separated them with a semi-colon.
2) Not sure if this is really the solution for missing .dll file, if I remember correctly, it's more for linking errors. But give it a shot if step 1 doesn't work, or if step one works and you face another error. At the most, you can just undo it.
For each header files, for instance the core.hpp file, add the following lines:
#pragma comment(lib,"opencv_core248.lib")
#pragma comment(lib,"opencv_core248d.lib")
This need to be done for all the header files you use. Where to place it? I place mine here:
This goes the same for highgui.hpp, etc, but you change the name, so #pragma comment(lib,"opencv_core248.lib") becomes #pragma comment(lib,"opencv_highgui248.lib", etc...
Hope all goes well. I think if the path variable, but if not and 2nd method doesn't work, I have no clues anymore.

Opencv dll issues

I was following a tutorial for object detection using opencv, I did it step by step but when I run it, I got this error -
The program can't start because opencv_244d.dll is missing from your computer.
Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
I don't know what is the problem because I can see this dll in opencv libraries, I have added the following to the input dependencies:
This is still not working, what can I do?
You can find the required dll files into the bin folder (that is next to lib folder where the .lib files are located), and you have two options:
1) copy the required dlls into the same folder with your application //this is a little better because it kind of prepares you for when you'll need to deploy your application on systems that don't have opencv installed (for then don't forget to build the release version of your application)
2) add to the Path in the Environment Variables your path to that bin folder (be carefull that the path in there are separated by ; )
I would advise you to build the OpenCV libraries from source so that you can have a custom installation specific for your system (this is always better since it gives you the option of using what you want/need and also the performance is better since the libs are custom-made for your system).
OpenCV does not contain a library file called "opencv_244d.dll".
Check all your dependencies and their names so you don't have any misspelled names. All the names are something like "opencv_name244d.dll" such as "opencv_photo244d.dll".

How to include the boost library in a C++ application?

I'm very inexperienced with Linux and the terminal, but I'm trying to learn. I've also never included an external library before. Now I need to include the Boost.Asio library in a program being developed in Ubuntu with G++.
Could someone very kindly and very carefully explain how to go about this, from the beginning?
Expanding on the original question: if I need to send this code to someone else for them to run it on a completely separate machine but in the same environment, how do I take that into account? If this whole process involves literally placing library files into the same folder as the code, do I just send those library files along with the .cpp to this other person?
You have mentioned you are using Ubuntu, so the simplest way to use boost is to first install libboost-all-dev package (from synaptic), which will install everything for you including those that needed to be compiled. Then you just need to use g++ in the usual way.
Please note that whether the version is what you want, if not, you may want to install it yourself. On the other hand, boost is mostly header only library, so you only need to extract the files (right click in Ubuntu...) to a folder and link to it while compiling:
g++ hello_world.cpp -I boost_1_49_0/boost
where the last one specify the path for compiler to find the boost headers (please use absolute path).
If you want to send your program to others, dont copy only some boost files, it does not work because of the dependence. Ask them to install the same environment as you while is easy (just unzip a file...).
I don't know about your specific IDE, or about Boost.Asio specifically, but in general:
Whenever you need to link to a library, there is a file named similar to lib???.a, which you need. You need to pass the -l??? flag to g++ to link to the file.
(I'm not too familiar with the details myself, so there might be other file formats and whatnot too...)
Regarding the edit:
The "right" way would be to just have them download the library themselves, and just pass -l??? to their linker. Including Boost in your source code will make it huge, and for no good reason... it's not like you include the STL in your code, after all.
You don't include the library, but instead you declare a dependency on it. Eg. consider you use autoconf and automake then you would add AX_BOOST_BASE1 to require boost and AX_BOOST_ASIO to require the ASIO libraries. In your file(s) you use BOOST_CPPFLAGS and BOOST_LDFLAGS macros and rely on the ./configure to set them properly. Then whoever consumes your code will have to run the well know ./configure script which will analyze the environment for the location of boost and setup appropriate values in the build environment so that the make succeeds.
Well at least this is the theory. In practice there is a reason the whole thing is better known as autohell. Alternatives exists, like CMake or boost's own bjam. But the synopsis is always the same: you declare the dependency in your build configuration and the destination location that consumes you product has to satisfy the requirement (meaning it has to download/install the required version of boost, in your case). Otherwise you enter into the business of distributing binaries and this is frowned with problems due to richness of platforms/architectures/distributions your application is expected to be deployed in.
Obviously if you use a different build system, like ANT, then you should refer to that build system documentation on how to declare the requirement for boost.
1: ax_boost.m4 is not the only boost detecting m4 library, there are other out there, but is the one documented on the GNU autoconf list of macros

Delphi "E2161 Error: RLINK32: Error opening file ________.drf " during Build All

I am trying to resolve a problem with a set of packages that apparently have dependency issues. Occasionally during a Build All, I get this error:
Delphi "E2161 Error: RLINK32: Error opening file ________.drf "
What does it mean / indicate, and what is a "drf" file?
It looks like this turned out to be the main problem / solution.
Open up all the packages for which you have source code, and specify the compile option:
'Rebuild explicitly' instead of 'Rebuild when needed'.
In addition to the Solving the 'cannot find drf file' problem when compiling packages article, I also came across Delphi bug report #44134, in which a commenter mentions that the problem stems from having your .dpk files in the same directory as your .pas files when that same directory is in the library path and "rebuild as needed" is enabled.
You thus have three options for fixing this problem:
Turn off "rebuild as needed". This seems to be the most common solution.
Put your package files (*.dpk, *.dproj) into a separate directory and then reinstall the packages. I have done this, with success.
Remove the directory containing your .dpk and .pas files from the library path. Note that Delphi will add it back again in certain circumstances, including when you install/reinstall your package.
Hmm... never heard of them. I just searched the project that inspired the question you linked to, and there's nothing in there with a "DRF" extension. Checking here doesn't turn up anything Delphi-related. But the fact that it's a linker error, not a compiler error, would lead me to guess that the first two letters stand for "Delphi Resource."
Try a search through your project's directory tree and see if you can find anything with a DRF extension. If so, try opening it with a text editor to see if it's readable, and if not, try a hex editor if you know anything about reading binary file formats. See if you can make any sense of it.
If you don't find any, then Delphi's probably getting it from somewhere in the code it's compiling. Try running a grep search for "DRF" on your directory tree and see if it turns up anything.
From :
When you compile with packages, you
can specify which packages should be
considered for linkage. The package
requirements of the project get stored
into a temporary Windows resource file
with a .DRF extension.
Whatever that file with the many underscores is, the linker is most probably searching it in what it thinks the tempdirectory is (you can confirm this using filemon). The explanation at DelphiFaq, where a misdefined %TEMP% is the culprit, is as likely as any reason.
Sometimes the problem was file access permissions.
A workaround was run Delphi as Administrator.
