UrlMapping to Index is not working - grails

I am trying to get my Index which in my case is just localhost:8080 to go to a different page. This code is not working and I'm just going to the index page instead of rendering "this worked"
My UrlMappings file looks like this:
package appworld
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
constraints {
// apply constraints here
"/" {
controller = "Home"
action = "isUserLoggedIn"
The method in HomeController.groovy looks like:
def isUserLoggedIn() {
println("We made it from index")
render "this worked"

It looks like your syntax is off. Try:
"/"(controller:"home", action:"isUserLoggedIn")


UrlMapping causing method not to render different view than default

class SearchController {
def list = {
List<Product> productsList = productRepository.findProductBySearchPhrase(params.searchPhrase)
render(view: "/product/list", model: [products: productsList])
class UrlMappings {
"/$controller/$action?/$id?" {
constraints {}
"/search" {
controller = "search"
view = "list"
constraints {}
1) This URL works properly, rendering GSP from /views/product/list directory.
2) This URL doesn't do the work, rendering /views/search/list.
Any ideas?
May be you want to replace 'view' with 'action' in the search URL Mapping.

Grails: Can't figure out why I'm getting a 404

I'm using Grails 1.3.6. I have this file ...
Here is what is defined in my HomeController. Sadly, whenever I visit, "http://localhost:port/context-path/design/", I get a 404 error. The server starts normally and there are no errors in the logs. What can I do to get my page instead of the 404?
def index = {
def folder = params.folder;
def page = params.page;
if (page) {
try {
def contents = IOService.getFileContents(folder, page)
response << contents
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
response.status = 404;
} // try
} else {
render(view: "/home/${folder}/index")
} // if
My URLMappings file consists of ...
static mappings = {
controller = "home"
action = "index"
Thanks, - Dave
If you want to be able to access
Your action needs to be named design, i.e.
class HomeController {
def design = {
The Grails convention is always /context-path/controllerName/actionName (unless you have it mapped differently in grails-app/conf/URLMappings.groovy).
Your example's a bit unclear which path you're trying to access. To address both:
If you want /context-path/design, you need a DesignController with an index action (because if no action is supplied in the URL, Grails looks for the index action).
If you want /context-path/home/design, you need a HomeController with a design action.
In the comments, you express the want to be able to have /context-path/design map to the HomeController index action. You can do this with grails-app/conf/URLMappings.groovy:
"/design"(controller: 'home', action: 'index')
Since it seems you have two distinct actions, I would set things up a bit differently:
def indexWithPage = {
def folder = params.folder;
def page = params.page;
try {
def contents = IOService.getFileContents(folder, page)
response << contents
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
response.status = 404;
} // try
def index
def folder = params.folder;
render(view: "/home/${folder}/index")
with a URLMaping of:
static mappings = {
controller = "home"
action = "indexWithPage"
controller = "home"
action = "index"
I also threw a e.printStackTrace(); in there to help us determine whether you're getting YOUR 404 or the action is truely not being called.

Grails URL Mapping question

I'm using Grails 1.2.1. I want to set up this mapping ...
So I added this to my URLMappings.groovy file ...
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
‰name mediaproxy: "/mediaproxy" {
controller = "SocialMediaCacheProxy"
action = "index"
However, I'm getting a 404 when I visit the above URL. Here is how I set up my controller
class SocialMediaCacheProxyController {
def index = {
if (params.dumpAll != null) {
} else if (params.url != null) {
doCacheTransport(params, response);
} // if
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Thanks, - Dave
There are is some weird character in front of your named mapping (‰) and your controller name should be lowercase on the first character so that it points to SocialMediaCacheProxyController.
If you don't need a named mapping the following mapping would do the trick for you:
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
"/mediaproxy"(controller:"socialMediaCacheProxy", action:"index")
It might be some problem with your question formatting but I would expect the url mapping to look like this:
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
"/mediaproxy" {
controller = "SocialMediaCacheProxy"
action = "index"

How to make some URL mappings depending on the environment?

When getting an HTTP status code 500, I want to display 2 different pages according to the running environment.
In development mode, I want to display a stackStrace page (like the default Grails 500 error page) and in production mode, I want to display a formal "internal error" page.
Is it possible and how can I do that ?
You can do environment specific mappings within UrlMappings.groovy
grails.util.GrailsUtil to the rescue
Its not pretty, but I think it will solve your issue
import grails.util.GrailsUtil
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
if(GrailsUtil.getEnvironment() == "development") {
constraints {
// apply constraints here
if(GrailsUtil.getEnvironment() == "test") {
constraints {
// apply constraints here
if(GrailsUtil.getEnvironment() == "production") {
constraints {
// apply constraints here
There may be a cleaner way to do this, but I'd got with mapping the error code to a controller and handling the logic there:
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
"/$controller/$action?/$id?" { constraints {} }
"403"(controller: "errors", action: "accessDenied")
"404"(controller: "errors", action: "notFound")
"405"(controller: "errors", action: "notAllowed")
"500"(view: '/error')
and then create the corresponding controller (grails-app/conf/controllers/ErrorsController.groovy):
import grails.util.Environment
class ErrorsController extends AbstractController {
def accessDenied = {}
def notFound = {}
def notAllowed = {}
def serverError = {
if (Environment.current == Environment.DEVELOPMENT) {
render view: '/error'
else {
render view: '/errorProd'
You'll need to create the corresponding GSPs in grails-app/views/errors (accessDenied.gsp, notFound.gsp, etc.) and also the new grails-app/views/errorProd.gsp. By routing to a controller method for all error codes you make it easier to add logic to the other error code handlers in the future.

Best practices for grails index page

What is the right way to populate the model for the index page in a grails app? There is no IndexController by default, is there some other mechanism for getting lists of this and that into the model?
I won't claim that this is the right way, but it is one way to start things off. It doesn't take much to have a controller be the default. Add a mapping to UrlMappings.groovy:
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
constraints {
// apply constraints here
controller = "quote"
Then add an index action to the now default controller:
class QuoteController {
def index = {
If what you want to load is already part of another action simply redirect:
def index = {
redirect(action: random)
Or to really get some reuse going, put the logic in a service:
class QuoteController {
def quoteService
def index = {
redirect(action: random)
def random = {
def randomQuote = quoteService.getRandomQuote()
[ quote : randomQuote ]
I couldn't get Ed T's example above to work. Perhaps Grails has changed since then?
After some experimentation and some rummaging on the net, I ended up with this in UrlMappings.groovy:
"/"(controller: 'home', action: 'index')
My HomeController looks like this:
class HomeController {
def index = {
def quotes = = latest(Quote.list(), 5)
["quotes": quotes, "totalQuotes": Quote.count()]
And in views/home, I have an index.gsp file. That makes the index.gsp file in views unnecessary, so I removed it.
The good answer: If you need to populate a model for the index page, it's time to change from using a straight index.gsp to an index controller.
The evil answer: If you create a filter whose controller is '*', it'll get executed even for static pages.
In grails 1.3.6 for just adding
to UrlMappings.groovy worked fine for me. It has the same effect as adding a new controller and mappings like described before.
Below is my complete UrlMappings.groovy:
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
constraints {
// apply constraints here
