Can I replace all xib with storyboard - ios

I wonder if there is any way to replace all xib with storyboard. I am using a tableview which uses a custom cell. Usually all online resources and tutorials guide to make a xib and then load from delegate on a custom cell class. I dont want to use any xib in my project. How can I transfer those cell xib to storyboard and instantiate from there.

After some research and study I found that there is no such functionality in xib which cannot be replaced with storyboard. Thanks to #DonMag for comments and clue.
The only issue I was facing is to design uitableview cell, but prototype cell design can be used easily from storyboard. Here are some example how to use it.


iOS - UITableViewCell in different Storyboard

I want to use a UITableViewController which has four different type complex cell. Different team members are required to work on different custom UITableViewCell simultaneously. We are working on Git so to avoid conflicts I have been asked to make four different Storyboards for four different cell. But I cannot place a cell or simple UIView in different Storyboard without view controller. Please guide me, how do i implement it.
Please keep in mind that cells will be instantiated and added on
Create xib of your each cell, and register it in your UITableView , you can use this xib anywhere in your project and with the same CellIdentifier.
How to Make UITableVIewCEll XIB

UITableView - how to register a cell from secondary view?

If you drag a UITableViewCell onto the top toolbar of a view controller, it appears above the view controller in IB as a secondary view. This is nice because you can do all the layout there. But how do you then get a table view to load the cell from there?
This doesn't work:
[self.tableView registerClass:[MyCustomTableViewCell class] forCellReuseIdentifier:#"MyCell"];
And since it's not in a separate nib file, registerNib doesn't seem appropriate either. Any ideas?
Although that may be possible you have several options when designing tableview cells. You can either design it in a separate .xib file or you can use a prototype cell. Below is an example of a separate .xib file. When you use a separate .xib you would use the registerNib method.
Or with a prototype cell in which the cell is automatically registered with the tableView.

Loading a custom view in a storyboard from a separated nib file

I've customized an UIView in its own .xib file in order to being able to reuse it in several scenes of my storyboard. It is only a view with no view controller behind. I'm trying to load it in the storyboard and to see it in Interface Builder in the scenes I want to place it, with no success. I've been looking for a way to do that and I didn't found a post with an answer that worked for me.
I'm using Xcode 6.3.2 and my app is targeting iOS 7 and above. Could somebody help me?
Thanks in advance
What I do is make a subclass of UIView with its xib (CustomView.h, CustomView.m and CustomView.xib). And add a UIView to your controller on storyboard. Then assign its class to your custom view class.
This works without loading custom xib via code. But you cannot see the subviews of your custom view on storyboard.

Custom table view cell in storyboard

I have a pretty strange situation. I use storyboard in order to go with the times. And I have a view controller in which I have UIScrollView in which I have UITableView with with custom table view cells. So my question is: how to make a custom table view cell from storyboard inside scroll view, because before I used to make a separate nib with a Custom Cell in it. But now I get this error: 'The NIB data is invalid.' So please, suggest me any solution or idea how to solve my problem. Thank you in advance
I had the same problem. Turned out that I had checked "Use Autolayout" in the Interface Builder Document pane of the Storyboard file. This throws the "invalid NIB" error when running on iOS 5.

Using NIBs in UIStoryboard

For an ipad application in ioS5.0 using arc and storyboard, i wanted to create another custom view and instantiate several instances of that view within a scrollview so as to show a scrollable train of these custom views. To do this, I created the custom view in XIB file, however, how should I instantiate this view in the ViewController being refrenced within the storyboard. The custom view also has a gesture recogniser within it.
thank you in advance for your help on this.
I don't think there is a way to instantiate a nib backed view from a storyboard. You can do most of the layout in your storyboard, but then you will have to programmatically build your nib backed views and add them to the scroll view.
As a side note, it sounds like you are building something that could be solved with a UITableView and a prototype cell. Here is a pretty good tutorial.
