Unity Ads Showing Only in Editor - ios

I'm trying to implement Unity Ads on my game that I'm planning on deploying on iOS, but for some reason they are only appearing in the editor (where it says "Everything Seems to be Working!") but every time I build to my iPhone 5s, the ads don't pop up.
Here is my script (to activate it I just attached it to a game-object in my scene):
static int loadCount = 0;
void Start()
if (loadCount % 3 == 0) // only show ad every third time
ShowAd ();
public void ShowAd()
if (Advertisement.IsReady())
Any help is appreciated!


Having problems to tap on button on IOS Unity game

I started to work on my first mobile game in Unity. For now, the game I am working is Pong.
The problem that I am having is that I want to create the pause and resume buttons but whenever I create and tap on them, nothing happens.
This is the created button:
This is my canvas:
This is the event system:
This is the code I use for my button. It works fine when I clic it but not when I tap it:
private void pause() {
Time.timeScale = 0f;
private void resume()
Time.timeScale = 1f;
public void pauseResume() {
if (!paused)
paused = true;
else {
if (paused)
paused = false;
I tried using Event triggers but it does not work so my theory is that the problem is not in the way I create the buttons or the way the resume pause method is coded. Something is blocking me of using the button in my device (Iphone 8).

AppLovin Ads in Unity3D : onAppLovinEventReceived not fired

I used Applovin fullscreen ads in Unity3D iOS game.
Ads are working good. But event listener not fired. I wish to track fail event call.
public static void StartApplovin ()
Here is ApplovinListener.cs class
public class ApplovinListener : MonoBehaviour {
void onAppLovinEventReceived(string ev)
Debug.Log ("\n\nonAppLovinEventReceived\n\n");
if(ev.Contains("DISPLAYEDINTER")) {
// An ad was shown. Pause the game.
else if(ev.Contains("HIDDENINTER")) {
// Ad ad was closed. Resume the game.
// If you're using PreloadInterstitial/HasPreloadedInterstitial, make a preload call here.
else if(ev.Contains("LOADEDINTER")) {
// An interstitial ad was successfully loaded.
else if(string.Equals(ev, "LOADINTERFAILED")) {
// An interstitial ad failed to load.
GameCenter2.ShowAdmobAds ();
Debug.Log ("\n\n Applovin FAILED\n\n");
When I run, Xcode gives below console log.
SendMessage: object ApplovinListener not found!
How to get onAppLovinEventReceived called ?
UPDATE: I have fixed this problem by creating gameObject
In Unity Manu, Press GameObject->Create Empty
Name it “ApplovinListener”
Now attach script named ApplovinListener to game object. That’s it.
Your ApplovinListener script must be attached to the name of the GameObject that is passed into the AppLovin.SetUnityAdListener function in order for the onAppLovinEventReceived function to be called.
You had this:
Make sure that there is a GameObject actually named "ApplovinListener". Now, make sure that the ApplovinListener script is attached to it. The onAppLovinEventReceived function should be called after you do this.
To make this easier for you, I recommend you do this instead:
then attach the ApplovinListener script to that GameObject you referenced above.

How to hide amazon ads in unity

So I integrated amazon mobile ads into my unity/ios project. I have it all working to where I hide the ads every time a scene changes. Every time I open a scene, the ad shows. So it's all working fine except when you change scenes really quickly. I don't want ads in the main game as it obstructs the view of the users. Every time you get to the retry scene, if you quickly switch from that scene right before an ad loads, that ad will get stuck on the next scene which makes another ad show on top of it. Every time a scene changes it should be hiding the ad not matter how fast you change scenes. Is there any way to make sure it hides the ad if an ad is shown? I'm using the code below:
void Start() {
mobileAds = AmazonMobileAdsImpl.Instance;
ApplicationKey key = new ApplicationKey();
key.StringValue = iosKey;
ShouldEnable enable = new ShouldEnable();
enable.BooleanValue = true;
Placement placement = new Placement();
placement.Dock = Dock.BOTTOM;
placement.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.CENTER;
placement.AdFit = AdFit.FIT_AD_SIZE;
response = mobileAds.CreateFloatingBannerAd(placement);
string adType = response.AdType.ToString();
long identifer = response.Identifier;
newResponse = mobileAds.LoadAndShowFloatingBannerAd(response);
bool loadingStarted = newResponse.BooleanValue;
void OnDestroy() {
response = null;
mobileAds = null;
newResponse = null;
When did you download the Unity Plugin? There were some issues in an early version of the plugin that this sounds like (the whole, one ad loading over top of another thing). If you have not updated it recently, try downloading the latest version from Amazon and see if the issue still occurs.
The close ad API
will only work if the ad is already loaded. You need to register for the ad loaded event. If the scene is destroyed, then you would close the ad when the ad loaded event tiggers.
You can register for AdLoaded event as follows, Documentation
using com.amazon.mas.cpt.ads;
bool sceneDestroyed = false; //tracks if scene is destroyed
//Obtain object used to interact with the plugin
IAmazonMobileAds mobileAds = AmazonMobileAdsImpl.Instance;
// Define event handler
private void EventHandler(Ad args)
if (sceneDestroyed)
//Do some other job
//Register for an event
void OnDestroy()
sceneDestroyed = true;

stop() and start() Methods in main class are called automatically on iOS

My app connects to Facebook and Parse and it works well on simulator and android but it doesn't work on iOS.
The stop() (the Display.getCurrent() returns my current form) and start() methods of the main class are always called automatically. This caused my app (current form) disappeared in unexpected way. I thought the application was crashed but not.
When I double tap on the Home button I can see my app and when I select, it starts again. Any idea can help?
Thanks, William
When iOS app crashes or get killed, it doesn't remove the app from the recent apps you see when you double tap home button. It will only restart the app when you open it (Apps usually get killed on iOS within 10 minutes, depending on if the app is using any resources or not).
Verify that your app is indeed not crashing on iOS. Uncomment the crash reporter from the class that contains start() and stop() methods. This will send you an email if the app crashes and if you are a pro or higher CN1 subscriber.
Just for clarification, the class should look similar to this:
private Form current;
public void init(Object context) {
Display.getInstance().addEdtErrorHandler((evt) -> {
Log.p("Exception in MyApp version " + Display.getInstance().getProperty("AppVersion", "1.0"));
Log.p("OS " + Display.getInstance().getPlatformName());
Log.p("Error " + evt.getSource());
Log.p("Current Form " + Display.getInstance().getCurrent().getName());
Log.e((Throwable) evt.getSource());
public void start() {
if (current != null) {
new StateMachine("/theme");
public void stop() {
current = Display.getInstance().getCurrent();
public void destroy() {

How to fix alignment for vertical and portrait screen in BlackBerry?

I want to do application which will not change UI even if screen is changed to portrait or landscape direction. How to do that?
I have made a static method in one of my library classes:
public static void disableOrientationChange()
// force app to use only portrait mode
int directions = Display.DIRECTION_NORTH;
UiEngineInstance engineInstance = Ui.getUiEngineInstance();
if (engineInstance != null)
The trick is that this code only works for screens created after running it. So you must run the code BEFORE you show your first screen.
I call this method from my Application.main(String args) method, just before the call to enterEventDispatcher().
public static void main(String[] args)
MyApp app = new MyApp();
* BlackBerry OS 5.0.0
* Disable screen orientation changes
// enters the event processing loop thread if required
if (!app.isHandlingEvents())
you can use this code to set the orientation to portrait. After that even if the device is held in landscape, the orientation wont change.
