URL for cancelling an in App purchase in Apple IOS - ios

I am using Apple with Java to validate an IN app Purchase this way
public static void validateProductPurhcaseReceipt(String receiptData, String VERIFICATION_URL)
Map outPut = new HashMap();
HttpClient httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient();
try {
HttpPost request = new HttpPost(VERIFICATION_URL);
JSONObject requestData = new JSONObject();
requestData.put("receipt-data", receiptData);
requestData.put("password", "f1ebdc2f49664d7188b4d83f90131ecf");
StringEntity requestEntity = new StringEntity(requestData.toString());
request.addHeader("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
HttpResponse response = httpClient.execute(request);
String responseBody = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
JSONObject responseJSON = new JSONObject(responseBody);
catch (Exception ex) {
finally {
The URL i am using is for verifyReceipt is
Development mode = https://sandbox.itunes.apple.com/verifyReceipt
Production mode = https://buy.itunes.apple.com/verifyReceipt
Could you please tell me what is the URL for Cancel an in app purchase

There aren't any to cancel an IAP. If it is an auto-renewing subscription, the user has an option to cancel the subscription before next renewal from their iTunes settings. If it is a one-time purchase, the IAP either goes through or fails.
Here's an Apple support doc explaining the different types of IAPs
And if you want to find out how to cancel an IAP if verification fails, this SO question discusses it (and this).


Flutter ios appstore validateReceipt on non-consumable in-app purchase

I seem to be stuck on this. Trying to validate the receipt (server side) on an in-app purchase on IOS (haven't tried with android, yet.)
I'm using the official in_app_purchase pub package.
This is the setup to initialize the purchase:
Future<bool> initiatePurchase() async {
(verify store is available)
print ("==> Store available, initiating purchase");
final PurchaseParam purchaseParam =
PurchaseParam(productDetails: _productDetails![0]);
await InAppPurchase.instance.buyNonConsumable(purchaseParam: purchaseParam);
return true;
Here's my verify purchase call:
Future<bool> _verifyPurchase(PurchaseDetails purchaseDetails) async {
PurchaseVerifRest purchaseRest = PurchaseVerifRest();
Map<String,dynamic> rsp = await purchaseRest.verifyPurchase(
"source": purchaseDetails.verificationData.source,
"vfdata": purchaseDetails.verificationData.serverVerificationData
// bundle up the source and verificationData in a map and send to rest
// call
return rsp['status'] == 200;
On the server side, the code looks like this (NodeJS/express app)
// (in router.post() call - 'purchaseData' is the map sent in the above code,
// the 'vfdata' member is the 'serverVerificationData'
//. in the 'purchaseDetails' object)
if (purchaseData.source == ('app_store')) {
const IOS_SHARED_SECRET = process.env...;
let postData = {
'receipt-data': purchaseData['vfdata'],
try {
let verif_rsp = await execPost(postData);
retStatus = verif_rsp.statusCode;
msg = verif_rsp.data;
} catch (e) {
retStatus = e.statusCode;
What I get back, invariably is
210003 - Receipt could not be authenticated
... even though the purchase seems to go through, whether I validate or not.
Testing with a sandbox account.
This is for a 'non-consumable' product purchase.
I'm assuming that purchaseDetails.verificationData.serverVerificationData is the payload containing the receipt to send to Apple for verification. Is this not correct? Is there another step I need to do to get the receipt data?
I've read in other posts that the verification step is only for recurring subscriptions and not for other types of products. Is this correct? I don't see anything in Apple's docs to indicate this.
Any thoughts appreciated.

How to implement the in-app purchase feature in xamarin forms ios project

I am trying to implement the in-app purchase inside my Xamarin forms ios application. I have created one in-app purchase product on the app store. I need to do the payment when subscribing the application. I choose Auto-Renewable Subscription as the in-app purchase type.
After that how can I implement that feature on the app side? Do I need to use any Dependency Service for this? Which NuGet package do we need to use, is it Plugin.InAppBilling? I researched this and was confused about the app side integration. Any other setup I need to do to implement this feature.
I am looking for the specific codes that connect the application and the in-app purchase property created on the AppStore.
Only for ios, I am planning to implement the in-app purchase and for android, I am planning to do the payment with stripe. Is google accept stripe payment for this or are they also forced to implement in-app purchases?
Following is my scenario:
The subscription is for the usage of applications from the app/play store. The admin will subscribe to it and all the other users can use it for free.
I tried the below codes from this blog. But it looks likes for the android part, and not mentioned the ios part implementation.
// Connect to the service here
await CrossInAppBilling.Current.ConnectAsync();
// Check if there are pending orders, if so then subscribe
var purchases = await CrossInAppBilling.Current.GetPurchasesAsync(ItemType.InAppPurchase);
if (purchases?.Any(p => p.State == PurchaseState.PaymentPending) ?? false)
Plugin.InAppBilling.InAppBillingImplementation.OnAndroidPurchasesUpdated = (billingResult, purchases) =>
// decide what you are going to do here with purchases
// probably acknowledge
// probably disconnect
await CrossInAppBilling.Current.DisconnectAsync();
As per the same blog, I have updated AppDelegate like below:
public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication app, NSDictionary options)
LoadApplication(new App());
//initialize current one.
Plugin.InAppBilling.InAppBillingImplementation.OnShouldAddStorePayment = OnShouldAddStorePayment;
var current = Plugin.InAppBilling.CrossInAppBilling.Current;
return base.FinishedLaunching(app, options);
bool OnShouldAddStorePayment(SKPaymentQueue queue, SKPayment payment, SKProduct product)
// true in app purchase is initiated, false cancels it.
// you can check if it was already purchased.
return true;
On the MainPage, they have added the below code to purchase:
private async void ButtonNonConsumable_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
var id = "iaptest";
await CrossInAppBilling.Current.ConnectAsync();
var purchase = await CrossInAppBilling.Current.PurchaseAsync(id, ItemType.InAppPurchase);
if (purchase == null)
await DisplayAlert(string.Empty, "Did not purchase", "OK");
if (!purchase.IsAcknowledged && Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.Android)
await CrossInAppBilling.Current.AcknowledgePurchaseAsync(purchase.PurchaseToken);
await DisplayAlert(string.Empty, "We did it!", "OK");
catch (Exception ex)
await DisplayAlert(string.Empty, "Did not purchase: " + ex.Message, "OK");
await CrossInAppBilling.Current.DisconnectAsync();
On this code they are checking the platform is android: Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.Android. This code is on the portable project, so how I can do the same for ios? And my purchase type is auto renewable subscription, that part is empty on this blog.
private async void ButtonRenewingSub_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)

Device to device push notifications via Firebase Cloud Messaging [duplicate]

Is there any way to send Upstream notification message through FCM from one android device to another devices connected with Firebase database.
I know that XMPP server can then receive the upstream messages and send the notifications to the other devices.To receive messages sent with the upstream API i need to implement an XMPP server but there is any other way???
Is there any way to send Upstream notification message through FCM
from one android device to another devices connected with Firebase
Currently it's NOT possible to send messages directly from one device to another.
(or at least it's not possible without introducing a HUGE security vulnerability: more details below)
Full details:
Sending messages to a user device is a pretty serious action!
based on the payload a message can result in spam, phishing, execution of internal methods.
You want this operation to be allowed only be trusted entities, this is why the FCM send API requires the SERVER-API-KEY in the authentication header.
Adding the SERVER-API-KEY in your app code (or communicating it to the app in some other way) IS NOT SAFE. This because apk can be extracted, decompiled, inspected, executed on emulators, executed under debugging and so on.
The best way to implement this today: is to have some sort of server between the two devices:
[DeviceA] -- please send message to B --> [SERVER] -- fcmSendAPI --> [DeviceB]
The server can be as simple as a PHP page, or a more complex XMPP implementation.
An example in Node.js can be found here:
Sending notifications between devices with Firebase Database and Cloud Messaging
Finally, after 2 months of trying to maintain reliable server script myself, I suddenly found OneSignal. It's completely free, supports device-to-device push messages on iOS, Android, WP and browsers.
Hope, I won't get flag for promotion spam, but it's currently the only (and easiest) way to be completely "backendless".
Also, it's completely secure way. Nobody can send push unless he knows special OS user id, which you can store in Firebase Database protected by rules.
UPD: It's not a replacement for Firebase. It has only push service and nothing else
UPD2: Firebase now has Functions, and examples of it usage has sending FCM. You now don't need any other server or service. Read more in official samples https://github.com/firebase/functions-samples
After lots of try finally i got one solution and its work perfectly
Step 1 :Include two library.
compile 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.4.1'
compile 'com.google.firebase:firebase-messaging:9.2.0'
Step 2 : In your MainActivity or from where you want to send notifications.
OkHttpClient mClient = new OkHttpClient();
String refreshedToken = "";//add your user refresh tokens who are logged in with firebase.
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
Step 3: Create one async task which sends notifications to all devices.
public void sendMessage(final JSONArray recipients, final String title, final String body, final String icon, final String message) {
new AsyncTask<String, String, String>() {
protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
try {
JSONObject root = new JSONObject();
JSONObject notification = new JSONObject();
notification.put("body", body);
notification.put("title", title);
notification.put("icon", icon);
JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
data.put("message", message);
root.put("notification", notification);
root.put("data", data);
root.put("registration_ids", recipients);
String result = postToFCM(root.toString());
Log.d("Main Activity", "Result: " + result);
return result;
} catch (Exception ex) {
return null;
protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
try {
JSONObject resultJson = new JSONObject(result);
int success, failure;
success = resultJson.getInt("success");
failure = resultJson.getInt("failure");
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Message Success: " + success + "Message Failed: " + failure, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
} catch (JSONException e) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Message Failed, Unknown error occurred.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
String postToFCM(String bodyString) throws IOException {
public static final String FCM_MESSAGE_URL = "https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send";
final MediaType JSON
= MediaType.parse("application/json; charset=utf-8");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(JSON, bodyString);
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("Authorization", "key=" + "your server key")
Response response = mClient.newCall(request).execute();
return response.body().string();
Step 4 : Call in onclick of your button
btnSend.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
sendMessage(jsonArray,"Hello","How r u","Http:\\google.com","My Name is Vishal");

Delphi Send Device to Device message using firebase [duplicate]

Is there any way to send Upstream notification message through FCM from one android device to another devices connected with Firebase database.
I know that XMPP server can then receive the upstream messages and send the notifications to the other devices.To receive messages sent with the upstream API i need to implement an XMPP server but there is any other way???
Is there any way to send Upstream notification message through FCM
from one android device to another devices connected with Firebase
Currently it's NOT possible to send messages directly from one device to another.
(or at least it's not possible without introducing a HUGE security vulnerability: more details below)
Full details:
Sending messages to a user device is a pretty serious action!
based on the payload a message can result in spam, phishing, execution of internal methods.
You want this operation to be allowed only be trusted entities, this is why the FCM send API requires the SERVER-API-KEY in the authentication header.
Adding the SERVER-API-KEY in your app code (or communicating it to the app in some other way) IS NOT SAFE. This because apk can be extracted, decompiled, inspected, executed on emulators, executed under debugging and so on.
The best way to implement this today: is to have some sort of server between the two devices:
[DeviceA] -- please send message to B --> [SERVER] -- fcmSendAPI --> [DeviceB]
The server can be as simple as a PHP page, or a more complex XMPP implementation.
An example in Node.js can be found here:
Sending notifications between devices with Firebase Database and Cloud Messaging
Finally, after 2 months of trying to maintain reliable server script myself, I suddenly found OneSignal. It's completely free, supports device-to-device push messages on iOS, Android, WP and browsers.
Hope, I won't get flag for promotion spam, but it's currently the only (and easiest) way to be completely "backendless".
Also, it's completely secure way. Nobody can send push unless he knows special OS user id, which you can store in Firebase Database protected by rules.
UPD: It's not a replacement for Firebase. It has only push service and nothing else
UPD2: Firebase now has Functions, and examples of it usage has sending FCM. You now don't need any other server or service. Read more in official samples https://github.com/firebase/functions-samples
After lots of try finally i got one solution and its work perfectly
Step 1 :Include two library.
compile 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp:3.4.1'
compile 'com.google.firebase:firebase-messaging:9.2.0'
Step 2 : In your MainActivity or from where you want to send notifications.
OkHttpClient mClient = new OkHttpClient();
String refreshedToken = "";//add your user refresh tokens who are logged in with firebase.
JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
Step 3: Create one async task which sends notifications to all devices.
public void sendMessage(final JSONArray recipients, final String title, final String body, final String icon, final String message) {
new AsyncTask<String, String, String>() {
protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
try {
JSONObject root = new JSONObject();
JSONObject notification = new JSONObject();
notification.put("body", body);
notification.put("title", title);
notification.put("icon", icon);
JSONObject data = new JSONObject();
data.put("message", message);
root.put("notification", notification);
root.put("data", data);
root.put("registration_ids", recipients);
String result = postToFCM(root.toString());
Log.d("Main Activity", "Result: " + result);
return result;
} catch (Exception ex) {
return null;
protected void onPostExecute(String result) {
try {
JSONObject resultJson = new JSONObject(result);
int success, failure;
success = resultJson.getInt("success");
failure = resultJson.getInt("failure");
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Message Success: " + success + "Message Failed: " + failure, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
} catch (JSONException e) {
Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this, "Message Failed, Unknown error occurred.", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
String postToFCM(String bodyString) throws IOException {
public static final String FCM_MESSAGE_URL = "https://fcm.googleapis.com/fcm/send";
final MediaType JSON
= MediaType.parse("application/json; charset=utf-8");
RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(JSON, bodyString);
Request request = new Request.Builder()
.addHeader("Authorization", "key=" + "your server key")
Response response = mClient.newCall(request).execute();
return response.body().string();
Step 4 : Call in onclick of your button
btnSend.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
sendMessage(jsonArray,"Hello","How r u","Http:\\google.com","My Name is Vishal");

Always "This transaction is invalid..." on live PayPal for ASP.NET

I am developing web application on ASP.NET. In application users can purchase article for money.
For work with PayPal I using PayPal Merchant SDK for .NET package. Application work good with sandbox but with live display error: "This transaction is invalid". Please return to the recipient's website to complete your transaction using their regular checkout flow."
When user click on purchase button I execute code:
// only for live
var paypalConfig = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{"account1.applicationId", "<APP-LIVEID>"},
{"account1.apiUsername", "<username>"},
{"account1.apiPassword", "<pass>"},
{"account1.apiSignature", "<signature>"},
{"mode", "live"}};
var currency = CurrencyCodeType.USD;
var paymentItem = new PaymentDetailsItemType
Name = "item",
Amount = new BasicAmountType(currency, amount.ToString()),
ItemCategory = ItemCategoryType.DIGITAL,
var paymentItems = new List<PaymentDetailsItemType>();
var paymentDetail = new PaymentDetailsType();
paymentDetail.PaymentDetailsItem = paymentItems;
paymentDetail.PaymentAction = PaymentActionCodeType.SALE;
paymentDetail.OrderTotal = new BasicAmountType(currency, amount.ToString());
paymentDetail.SellerDetails = new SellerDetailsType {
PayPalAccountID= sellerEmail
var paymentDetails = new List<PaymentDetailsType>();
var ecDetails = new SetExpressCheckoutRequestDetailsType {
ReturnURL = returnUrl,
CancelURL = cancelUrl,
PaymentDetails = paymentDetails,
var request = new SetExpressCheckoutRequestType
Version = "104.0",
SetExpressCheckoutRequestDetails = ecDetails,
var wrapper = new SetExpressCheckoutReq
SetExpressCheckoutRequest = request
var service = new PayPalAPIInterfaceServiceService(paypalConfig);
var setECResponse = service.SetExpressCheckout(wrapper);
if (sandbox)
return "https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout&token={0}".FormatWith(setECResponse.Token);
return "https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout&TOKEN={0}".FormatWith(setECResponse.Token);
// # Exception log
catch (System.Exception ex)
// Log the exception message
Console.WriteLine("Error Message : " + ex.Message);
After all I redirect user to url with received TOKEN.
For my application, registered on PayPal, I set in options only "Adaptive Payments > Basic Payments > Checkout, Send Money or Parallel Payments"
Why live paypal payments can not work? What is the reason?
ItemCategory = ItemCategoryType.DIGITAL,
and all work
From previous experiences this problem usually comes from having a "null" token because of some mistake in the "setExpressCheckout" request (where, in the express checkout flow, you ask paypal for a transaction token).
Basically, you ask paypal for a token so you can build the redirect URL, but you make some mistake and paypal gives you an error but no token, so you build the URL with no token (or a wrong one).
If you try to redirect the user to the checkout URL ( https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout&token={...}&useraction={...}) with an empty token you will get this error.
Actually I'm trying to know of there can be other causes...
