Set a file path from Jenkins' choice parameter - jenkins

I struggled few days, But still, I could not find a solution for this.
I am trying to deploy Marathon apps with Jenkins and follow this tutorial.
I want to configure a parameterized project for this. Eg :
Builder can select one choice out of four choices.
As an Example: Suppose the user has selected the vault option.
Then I need to change the file name(Definition File) base on what user has selected on above options.
I am using Marathon deployment plugin.
For this configs I am getting below error :
18:12:40 [Marathon] Application Definition not found:
18:12:40 [Marathon] Could not find file 'deployment_files/"($CONTAINER)".json'
18:12:40 Build step 'Marathon Deployment' changed build result to FAILURE
Could you please help me to achieve this problem or suggest a better way to do this?

When referencing a build parameter in another setting (or another parameter) the way you are trying to, I typically use the following format:
There is some good reading to be done in the following thread on using $VAR vs ${VAR}


Is there a way to use parameters in Jenkins job description field?

I have a job creator job that creates other jobs in jenkins and I would like to use the created jobs name in the description.
For example for name "JobXX" i would like to have:
"This is documentation for JobXX etc.."
In "Execute shell" build step I can refer to the jobs name via $JOB_NAME parameter but that does not seem to work in the description field.
Any ideas on how to do this? Or if it's even possible?
Never used it, but take a look to the Project Description Setter Plugin:
In this blog it explains better how to use it:
Among the different variables you can use there is {PROJECT_NAME} which fits your needs.
Besides this, this plugin allows you also to automatically set descriptions to each specific build.

How to configure parameters with time stamp

I have a job ( parameterized build) I am using BUILD_ID as a parameter and I need to add time stamp for the every BUILD_ID.
How to add time-stamp to the parameter.
I need the BUILD_ID value like Test_Build_{time-stamp}.
Kindly help me
There are numerous ways to do this.
Probably your best bet is the Dynamic Parameter Plugin. On the plugin page, one of its main examples does almost exactly what you described.
The Active Choices Plugin allows you to run groovy code to generate your parameter value(s). Here's a screenshot of the plugin setup along with the groovy code:
The EnvInject Plugin allows you to insert environment variables from a properties file as a build step. Using this method you would basically have to have 2 build steps, one to create the properties file and another to read it.
Or using the Groovy Plugin, you can add a groovy script build step to modify the parameter value.
I'm sure there a number of other ways to accomplish this as well.
Install Zen Timestamp plugin and use variable $BUILD_TIMESTAMP

FAKE get TeamCity build branch

I'm constructing some build scripts using FAKE for a TeamCity setup. Part of my build requires me to access the parameter, however because it's not an environment variable, I'm not sure how to access it.
I've tried adding to an environment variable in TeamCity but it doesn't seem to like that. I also can't access it using the FAKE git module because team city agents don't use git to get the project files, TeamCity hands it to them.
How would I go about getting the parameter through to my FAKE scripts? Ideally I'd like it as an environment variable so I can pick it up straight from within the script, but I'm open to any other ideas.
Try passing as a parameter in your build step.
I figured it out with a bit of help from #Nadeem's answer.
I now have my build.bat/cmd file taking in a parameter which I'm then passing into my Fake.exe call like so:
"packages\FAKE\tools\Fake.exe" build.fsx branch=%1
Then inside my FAKE code I'm using the getBuildParamOrDefault "branch" <default branch here>.
I'm then using this as the branch name. I'm also using a string split on the build param that comes in because normally it's in the format of ref/head/<branch name> and I only want the branch name.
I also had to pass in<project>% instead of as my agents didn't like the implicit requirement. I'm not entire sure why this is but all is working well now.

Setting custom build in Jenkins

I'm trying to create custom build format in Jenkins. My build ideally would have the ${GIT_TAG}.${BUILD_NUMBER}
I've installed the buildnamesetter plugin,
However I can't figure out how can I access the build parameters, there is a way to access the environment parameters but not the build ones.
Eventually all I get with ${GIT_TAG}.${BUILD_NUMBER} is the running number of the build such as: #24 and error in the execution log:
Unrecognized macro 'GIT_TAG' in '${GIT_TAG}.${BUILD_NUMBER}'
I might be looking in the wrong direction and different plugin can be used, any help will be appreciated.
I'm still stuck since I have a requirement to have additional parameter as in the build number string and this one is selected by the user from Choice Parameter and Choice Parameter can't be converted to be environment AFAIK. Any ideas would be very appreciated.
Ok, finally after struggling for few hours seems that solution was found I'll post it here in case it might help to someone else:
Need the following plugins:
Create your run time parameter that set by the user
Use the following built in Jenkins functionality to prepare the environment before the run:
Set the Properties Content to have any parameter that your user/script supplies and you would like it to be ENV parameter
How I used it:
When referring the env parameter in the build-name-setter plugin use the following example as reference on how to access the environment parameters ${ENV,var="SELECTED_DEVICE"}
How I used it:

Get result of a build step in Hudson/Jenkins to re-use it in another one

My question may be silly but I've been trying several ways and I still can't do what I want, i.e.:
use the scp target of Ant to target a remote machine and execute
a script there
this script creates a dynamic list of files
get this list of files (only their names) back in Hudson to use it in the next build step (another scp from Ant)
I tried to use environment variables but they are interpreted by Hudson so I'm stuck here...
Globally my question would be: how to get a result from an Ant build step ?
Thanks for your ideas,
You may find File parameter useful. This allows you to create an input file, pass it to build. You may need to write script/ant script to process the file though.
In the long term you may evaluate a Hudson farm. This will allow to create tasks that span multiple machines , pass results around. (
You can get the ID(s) of the job that triggered your job via the API and fetch their status.
