need jenkins file configuration to deploy application on Deployit - jenkins

i was using maven Jenkins job to deploy application to Deployit. now i want manual Jenkins file to deploy using the pipeline job which refer to our jenkins created file. any suggestion?

This link contains an example on how to use a Jenkinsfile with XL Deploy (previously known as Deployit).


Creation of Jenkins file from an already created Jenkins pipeline

I have created a pipeline in Jenkins using Jenkins UI which has the stages - Download from GIT>Test>Deploy>Put Test Report in Nexus.
I am wondering is it possible to generate a Jenkins File of the already created pipeline? Please guide.

Migrating from Circleci to Jenkins

i have few bit-bucket repositories, and till now i have used circle-ci config files to run test-build-deploy.
Now we migrating to Jenkins, and i don't want to build all the steps from beginning
Is there a simple way to convert circle-ci config files to Jenkins jobs.
I have already created a Jenkins instance, and attached the bit-bucket account to it

Pipeline by using Jenkins with private SVN repository

I am trying to implement CI/CD pipeline for my microservice oriented project by using Kubernetes and Jenkins. I am using my code repository on my on-premise server. I created one SVN repository on my server.
I am interested to know, can I use my private SVN code repository with Jenkins?
The reason for my doubt is because every example is showing the creation of pipeline with Jenkins and GitHub project.
You can use the shell command in your pipeline. So you are free to use SVN with Jenkins:
Some info there:
Run bash command on jenkins pipeline

Deploying Jenkins Artifact Built by Another Job

I installed the Deploy Plugin on my Jenkins in order to automate the deployment of my Maven built war packages to Tomcat 7. The problem is that I am able to use the plugin to deploy to a remote Tomcat server only if they are made within the same job that uses the deploy plugin. In other words, I have not been able to set up a standalone job that deploys artifacts made by a different job.
For example, I have a job named It uses the source code in /var/lib/project/module to create module.war and put it in /var/lib/project/module/target. However, because of the Maven version setup, the artifact posted on's artifact page is something like module-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war.
The only way I am able to deploy module.war is if I add a Post-build Action to and specify **/module.war to be a remote Tomcat manager URL (provided I have the manager's credentials in Jenkins config). Then the job's console output logs that /var/lib/project/module/target/module.war was deployed to that URL:
Deploying /var/lib/project/module/target/module.war to container Tomcat 7.x Remote with context
[/var/lib/project/module/target/module.war] is not deployed. Doing a fresh deployment.
Deploying [/var/lib/project/module/target/module.war]
How can I use this, or another plugin, to deploy a WAR artifact that was made in a separate Jenkins job? I would like to have separate jobs for artifact creation and deployment. The plugin wasn't finding **/module-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war or even **/module.war built by another job even though there was definitely a file on disk that matched that pattern.
See the paragraph on the Deploy Plugin's page you linked:
How to rollback or redeploy a previous build
There may be several ways to accomplish this, but here is one suggested method:
Install the Copy Artifact Plugin
Create a new job that you will trigger manually only when needed
Configure this job with a build parameter of type "Build selector for Copy Artifact", and a copy artifact build step using "Specified by build parameter" to select the build.
Add a post-build action to deploy the artifact that was copied from the other job
Now when you trigger this job you can enter the build number (or use any other available selector) to select which build to redeploy. Thanks to Helge Taubert for this idea.

Build a Freestyle project using Jenkins Pipeline Job

I am trying to build a code which doesn't have a pom.xml. Also i want to deploy the same to artifactory. Is there a way to build such a project using pipeline job. I can use freestyle job for building the above project. But I was hoping if there is some way to achieve the same in pipeline job. Also I require the groovy script details for artifactory deployment of such kind of project in pipeline job. But the basic question I have is this even feasible?
We have a freestyle project job in whcih which we package our freestyle code into .tar and then deploy to artifactory using Generic Artifactory Configuration.
Now I am trying to achieve the same using a pipeline job. I get the point that we can use shell script inside Groovy and can build a tar package but how to deploy the tar package to Artifactory using Pipeline job.
if you have only 1 file , you can use maven deploy option , and upload the file.
