Twilio - Showing Gif / media after body - twilio

I'm playing around with the Twilio MMS API, and I'm wondering if there's a simple way to show a Gif attachment after the body text?
So far I've only been able to send the Gif before the text.

I understand the behavior you are talking about. I'm sure you've figured it out by now, but if not, here is a hack:
Send a blank text file first, which means put it last, as the files in this Twilio SMS/MMS (twiml too) are processed in reverse order.
Twilio Functions Example (node.js)
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
var client = context.getTwilioClient();
let dataMMS = {
to: ['+15556667777'],
from: '+15551112222', // your twilio num
body: 'I am the body',
mediaUrl: [
contentType: [
console.log('Message Sent : ' + response.status);
return callback(null, 200); //response.status, queued = good (200)
console.log('An error is happening: ' + err);
return callback(null, err);
This gif link was selected from a random link It was selected because it was nice and small, ~25 kb.
In my testing with Twilio and my carrier, I found gifs < ~100 kb worked and if I remember correctly they are not run thru a compressor like png/jpegs.
Note to Twilio employee: The Twilio public asset is in a dummy sub account, I'd be happy to replace it with an asset not related to me.
Oh yeah, make sure your urls have proper mime type encoding:
I think Twilio is forgiving for .jpg and .png , as they are run thru compressors...
ps This will give you an extra blank line in your text block, you can get rid of it. Share your answer when you discover how, cause I've shared enough today.


How to make a POST request to Twilio to call a number with urequests

I have recently starting doing things with a raspberry pi zero W and wanted to be able to call a number from it.
Unfortunately it seems very hard to use the normal Twilio library because the pi uses MicroPython so I have to use the raw API.
I also gathered that the API uses the content type x-www-form-urlencoded which urequests seems to have a hard time interacting with.
This is my code so far
url = f"{TWILIO_USER}/Calls.json"
def call() -> None:
response =, json=body, auth=(TWILIO_USER, TWILIO_KEY))
print("Status Code", response.status_code)
print("JSON Response ", response.json())
however I get the error
{'code': 21201, 'more_info': '', 'message': "No 'To' number is specified", 'status': 400}
I have tried a ton of stuff like url encoding the body myself, using it as the parameter for data, json.dumpsing it, nothing seemed to work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Please remember I am limited by the picos standard libraries.
It seems I was close. All I had to do was copy paste urllib's urlencode and use it on body, then it ended up working.

How to retrieve Slack messages via API identified by permalink?

I'm trying to retrieve a list of Slack reminders, which works fine using Slack API's reminders.list method. However, reminders that are set using SlackBot (i.e. by asking Slackbot to remind me of a message) return the respective permalink of that message as text:
"ok": true,
"reminders": [
"id": "Rm012C299C1E",
"creator": "UV09YANLX",
"text": "https:\/\/\/archives\/DUNB811AM\/p1583441290000300",
"user": "UV09YANLX",
"recurring": false,
"time": 1586789303,
"complete_ts": 0
Instead of showing the permalink, I'd naturally like to show the message I wanted to be reminded of. However, I couldn't find any hints in the Slack API docs on how to retrieve a message identified by a permalink. The link is presumably generated by chat.getPermalink, but there seems to be no obvious chat.getMessageByPermalink or so.
I tried to interpet the path elements as channel and timestamp, but the timestamp (transformed from the example above: 1583441290.000300) doesn't seem to really match. At least I don't end up with the message I expected to retrieve when passing this as latest to conversations.history and limiting to 1.
After fiddling a while longer, here's how I finally managed in JS:
async function downloadSlackMsgByPermalink(permalink) {
const pathElements = permalink.substring(8).split('/');
const channel = pathElements[2];
var url;
if (permalink.includes('thread_ts')) {
// Threaded message, use conversations.replies endpoint
var ts = pathElements[3].substring(0, pathElements[3].indexOf('?'));
ts = ts.substring(0, ts.length-6) + '.' + ts.substring(ts.length-6);
var latest = pathElements[3].substring(pathElements[3].indexOf('thread_ts=')+10);
if (latest.indexOf('&') != -1) latest = latest.substring(0, latest.indexOf('&'));
url = `${encodeURIComponent(slackAccessToken)}&channel=${channel}&ts=${ts}&latest=${latest}&inclusive=true&limit=1`;
} else {
// Non-threaded message, use conversations.history endpoint
var latest = pathElements[3].substring(1);
if (latest.indexOf('?') != -1) latest = latest.substring(0, latest.indexOf('?'));
latest = latest.substring(0, latest.length-6) + '.' + latest.substring(latest.length-6);
url = `${encodeURIComponent(slackAccessToken)}&channel=${channel}&latest=${latest}&inclusive=true&limit=1`;
const response = await fetch(url);
const result = await response.json();
if (result.ok === true) {
return result.messages[0];
It's not been tested to the latest extend, but first results look alright:
The trick with the conversations.history endpoint was to include the inclusive=true parameter
Messages might be threaded - the separate endpoint conversations.replies is required to fetch those
As the Slack API docs state: ts and thread_ts look like timestamps, but they aren't. Using them a bit like timestamps (i.e. cutting off some characters at the back and inserting a dot) seems to work, gladly, however.
Naturally, the slackAccessToken variable needs to be set beforehand
I'm aware the way to extract & transform the URL components in the code above might not the most elegant solution, but it proves the concept :-)

Editing Twilio TwiML using API or HTTP POST

My company uses Twilio Flex as our phone system and I was recently tasked with setting up a feature that will let us edit a TwiML voice message that plays before our normal voice message. This TwiML message will be changed through a Twilio bot that I've published in our Microsoft Teams.
The reason for this is so that our support desk can add a short message in the lines of "We're currently experiencing issues with X" before our normal "Welcome to [Company] support" message.
If TwiML's can be edited using HTTP POST/PUT or Twilio's API this should be a trivial matter, but so far I've not been able to figure out how.
I couldn't find any reference to this in the API doc, so I decided that HTTP POST would be the way to go. Using this as a start off point, I'm able to retrieve my TwiML using HTTP GET:
const axios = require('axios');
const crypto = require('crypto');
const accountSidFlex = process.env.accountSidFlex;
const authTokenFlex = process.env.authTokenFlex;
var URL = '' + '?AccountSid=' + accountSidFlex
var twilioSig = crypto.createHmac('sha1', authTokenFlex).update(new Buffer(URL, 'utf-8')).digest('Base64')
var config = {
).catch(error => console.log(error))
.then(response => {
}) shows the TwiML's current XML content.
My attempts at a POST only gives the same output as the GET, while PUT gives 405 Method Not Allowed.
var URL = '' + '?AccountSid=' + accountSidFlex
var twilioSig = crypto.createHmac('sha1', authTokenFlex).update(new Buffer(URL, 'utf-8')).digest('Base64')
var config = {
'Content-Type': 'text/xml'
var xml =
'<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\
<Response><Play digits="www"/>\
<Say voice="alice">"We are currently experiencing X related issues". </Say>\
.catch(error => console.log(error))
.then(response => {
Ideally I'd like to be able to change a specific TwiML using either HTTP methods or the Twilio-API, so that we can use it in out Studio Flow. We'd just keep it silent until we need to add something to it and revert back to silent once the issues have passed.
Any help would be appreciated!
You cannot currently change the contents of TwiML Bins, Studio Flows, or Twilio Functions programatically. I believe the key functionality you are looking for is a way to dynamically update the messaging (Say/Play Widget) in a Studio flow based on some condition.
One way is to use a Function Widget to retrieve a Twilio Sync document for the message, returning the message as JSON and have the Say/Play widget play that message. You can find the Twilio Sync REST API examples for Add, Modify, and Retrieve in the associated document.
You can retrieve the parsed response using variable syntax detailed here,

Twilio Studio: Forward SMS conversation log to email

I'm using SMS studio do have a quick chat bot conversation with inbound SMS messages, and would like to forward the conversation log to email after it's complete. I've written a function that uses the SendGrid API to forward SMSes to email. It works independently - ie, if I configure the phone number to run the function immediately as a text comes in, it will email that single SMS input.
However, I'd like to add the function to the end of of Twilio Studio flow, so that it emails the entire log of the conversation to me, once it's over. Once I append the function to the end of the studio flow, it stops working, and I get a failure notice.
Here's the code in the function:
const got = require('got');
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback)
const requestBody = {
personalizations: [{ to: [{ email: context.TO_EMAIL_ADDRESS }] }],
from: { email: context.FROM_EMAIL_ADDRESS },
subject: `New SMS message from: ${event.From}`,
content: [
type: 'text/plain',
value: event.Body
}'', {
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${context.SENDGRID_API_KEY}`,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify(requestBody)
.then(response => {
let twiml = new Twilio.twiml.MessagingResponse();
callback(null, twiml);
.catch(err => {
Here's the error the debugger returns, if I make this function the last step in a Twilio studio flow:
Error - 81017
Error on Twilio Function response
There was an error in the response back from a Twilio Function attached to the Studio flow.
Possible Causes
Your Function timed out before responding
Your Function returned an error response
Possible Solutions
Your Function must contain a callback.
Make sure you place the Function callback callback(err, response) is placed correctly in your Function code.
If you are using a JavaScript promise, make sure the callback is called in both success and catch blocks.
Your Function responded with an error.
I'm having a hard time figuring out what the error is. Does anyone have any tips?
Jarod from Twilio. I actually wrote an app very similar to this. Code looks good to me. Often when people encounter an error of this nature it is coming from the SendGrid promise. Here are two tips:
You can actually log errors and view responses from the function if you leave the function open while testing it. The logs will be at the bottom. These usually have more information.
Check that you are using an outbound email address that has been whitelisted on your SendGrid account Whitelabel - Sendgrid
Make sure you have added your environment variables to your Functions config. Twilio Functions Configuration - Console
Hope that helps! If not feel free to email with more questions.

How to create a bigquery table and import from cloud storage using the ruby api

Im trying to create a table on BigQuery - I have a single dataset and need to use the api to add a table and import data (json.tar.gz) from cloud storage. I need to be able to use the ruby client to automate the whole process. I have two questions:
I have read the docs and tried to get it to upload (code below) and have not been successful and have absolutely no idea what Im doing wrong. Could somebody please enlighten me or point me in the right direction?
Once I make the request, how do I know when the job has actually finished? From the API, I presume Im meant to use a jobs.get request? Having not completed the first part I have been unable to get to look at this aspect.
This is my code below.
config= {
'configuration'=> {
'load'=> {
'sourceUris'=> ["gs://person-bucket/person_json.tar.gz"],
'schema'=> {
'fields'=> [
{ 'name'=>'person_id', 'type'=>'integer' },
{ 'name'=> 'person_name', 'type'=>'string' },
{ 'name'=> 'logged_in_at', 'type'=>'timestamp' },
'destinationTable'=> {
'projectId'=> "XXXXXXXXX",
'datasetId'=> "personDataset",
'tableId'=> "person"
'createDisposition' => 'CREATE_IF_NEEDED',
'maxBadRecords'=> 10,
body = "--#{multipart_boundary}\n"
body += "Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8\n\n"
body += "#{config.to_json}\n"
body += "--#{multipart_boundary}\n"
body +="Content-Type: application/octet-stream\n\n"
body += "--#{multipart_boundary}--\n"
param_hash = {:api_method=> }
param_hash[:parameters] = {'projectId' => 'XXXXXXXX'}
param_hash[:body] = body
param_hash[:headers] = {'Content-Type' => "multipart/related; boundary=#{multipart_boundary}"}
result = #client.execute(param_hash)
puts JSON.parse(result.response.header)
I get the following error:
{"error"=>{"errors"=>[{"domain"=>"global", "reason"=>"wrongUrlForUpload", "message"=>"Uploads must be sent to the upload URL. Re-send this request to"}], "code"=>400, "message"=>"Uploads must be sent to the upload URL. Re-send this request to"}}
From the request header, it appears to be going to the same URI the error says it should go to, and I am quite at a loss for how to proceed. Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you and have a great day!
Since this is a "media upload" request, there is a slightly different protocol for making the request. The ruby doc here describes it in more detail. I'd use resumable upload rather than multipart because it is simpler.
Yes, as you suspected, the way to know when it is done is to do a jobs.get() to look up the status of the running job. The job id will be returned in the response from jobs.insert(). If you want more control, you can pass your own job id, so that in the event that the jobs.insert() call returns an error you can find out whether the job actually started.
Thank you for that. Answer resolved. Please see here :
How to import a json from a file on cloud storage to Bigquery
I think that the line of code in the docs for the resumable uploads section ( should read:
result = client.execute(:api_method => drive.files.insert,
Otherwise, this line will throw an error with 'result' undefined:
upload = result.resumable_upload
