log4j2.configurationFile comma separated values not getting picked up - log4j2

Have configured log4j2.component.properties file with below system property.
However system finds the log4j2.xml file only when it is placed in the current directory. If it is placed either in /config or /log directory, it is unable to find the file.
Could someone suggest what is going wrong here?


How to move a file 'to a directory that's on your PATH'?

Im trying to install a JSON formatter for Cucumber but am having trouble configuring it. The steps (listed here) go like this:
1. Download cucumber-json-formatter-darwin-amd64 and rename it to cucumber-json-formatter
2. Move it to a directory that's on your PATH
3. Make it executable with chmod +x cucumber-json-formatter
4. Verify that you can run it: cucumber-json-formatter --help
I have the file downloaded and renamed correctly. However, I am stuck on the second step of moving it to a directory thats on my PATH.
Doing some research, I know what the folder structure looks like but I'm not sure exactly what the step is instructing. How would I achieve this step? Can it be in ANY directory on my PATH? I am currently using a Mac if that makes any difference for the solution.
Move it to a directory that's on your PATH
PATH refers to the machine's environment variable named PATH. Any time the OS is asked to execute something PATH is searched.
On Windows open System Properties dialog, click Environment Variables button and Path is listed there. You can add a new entry for the location of cucumber-json-formatter or you can move it to an existing Path entry.

Why isn't telegraf reading environmental variables?

My goal is to put my telegraf config into source control. To do so, I have a repo in my user's home directory with the appropriate config file which has already been tested and proven working.
I have added the path to the new config file in the "default" environment variables file:
like this:
... as well as other required variables such as passwords.
However, when I attempt to run
telegraf --test
It says No config file specified, and could not find one in $TELEGRAF_CONFIG_PATH etc.
Further, if I force it by
telegraf --test --config /home/ubuntu/some_repo/telegraf.conf
Then the process fails because it is missing the other required variables.
What am I doing wrong?
Is there not also a way of specifying a config directory too (I would like to break my file down into separate input files)?
Perhaps as an alternative to all of this... is there not a way of specifying additional configuration files to be included from within the default /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf file? (I've been unable to find any mention of this in documentation).
What am I doing wrong?
See what user:group owns /etc/default/telegraf. This file is better used when running telegraf as a service via systemd. Additionally, if you run env do you see the TELEGRAF_CONFIG_PATH variable? What about your other variables? If not, then you probably need to source the file first.
Is there not also a way of specifying a config directory too (I would like to break my file down into separate input files)?
Yes! Take a look at all the options of telegraf with telegraf --help and you will find:
--config-directory <directory> directory containing additional *.conf files
Perhaps as an alternative to all of this... is there not a way of specifying additional configuration files to be included from within the default /etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf file? (I've been unable to find any mention of this in documentation).
That is not the method I would suggest going down. Check out the config directory option above I mentioned.
Ok, after a LOT of trial and error, I figured everything out. For those facing similar issues, here is your shortcut to the answer:
Firstly, remember that when adding variables to the /etc/default/telegraf file, it must effectively be reloaded. So for example using ubuntu systemctl, that requires a restart.
You can verify that the variables have been loaded successfully using this:
$ sudo strings /proc/<pid>/environ
where <pid> is the "Main PID" from the telegraf status output
Secondly, when testing (eg telegraf --test) then (this is the part that is not necessarily intuitive and isn't documented) you will have to ALSO load the same environmental variables into the current user (eg: SET var=value) such that running
$ env
shows the same results as the previous command.
Hint: This is a good method for loading the current env file directly rather than doing it manually.

How to set log4j.property to .jar location

I'm Setting up Log4j2 in a Spring-boot application. I now want to create a /log directory exactly where the .jar file is located.
This is needed as we start the java application from a startup script and the configuration should work on both windows and unix developer machines as well as a server.
I already tried with:
<RollingFile name="FileAppender" fileName="./logs/mylog.log"
which just creates a log folder at the directory where the jar gets started.
then I read i should use .\log/mylog.log as .\ points to the directory of the jar file.
But then it just creates a folder called .\log.
I also tried with configuration with jvm arguments and calling them at the log4j2.xml with: ${logFile}. Now a directory gets created called '${logFile}.
The only ${} command working is the directory of the log4j configuration file. But as this is inside the jar it just gets me a pretty useless folder structure
Thanks in Advance
EDIT: In the End what I did was setting up two configuration files, log4j2.xml and log4j2-prod.xml
The log4j2.xml took the system property as Vikas Sachdeva mentioned, while the prod.xml got the location hard coded.
Not really the solution I was looking for but made it work.
One solution is to pass log directory location through system properties.
Configuration file will look like -
<RollingFile name="FileAppender" fileName="${sys:basePath}/mylog.log"
Now, pass VM argument basePath with absolute path of directory containing JAR file -
java -jar myapp.jar -DbasePath=/home/ubuntu/app

Pyinstaller adding data files

I'm struggling with pyinstaller. Whenever I build this specific script with a kivy GUI and a .kv file, and run the .exe after the build, I get a fatal error:
IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'main.kv'
I've tried adding the .kv file, as well as a mdb and dsn file (for pypyodbc) using --add-data, but I get an error: unrecognized arguments: --add-data'main.kv'. (There were more --add-data arguments for the other files mentioned.)
Are there any solutions for this or maybe alternative methods?
As others (#Anson Chan, #schlimmchen) have said:
If you want to add some extra files, you should use Adding Data Files.
Two ways to implement
Command Line: add parameter to --add-data
Spec file: add parameter to datas=
Generated when running pyinstaller the first time.
Then later you can edit your *.spec file.
Then running pyinstaller will directly use your *.spec file.
Parameter Logic
Parameter in --add-data or datas=:
format: {source}{os_separator}{destination}
Windows: ;
Mac/Linux/Unix: :
source and destination
source: path to single or multiple files, supporting glob syntax. Tells PyInstaller where to find the file(s).
file or files: destination folder which will contain your source files at run time.
* NOTE: NOT the destination file name.
folder: destination folder path, which is RELATIVE to the destination root, NOT an absolute path.
Single file: 'src/README.txt:.'
multiple files: '/mygame/sfx/*.mp3:sfx'
folder: '/mygame/data:data'
Format: list or tuple.
Examples: see the following.
added_files = [
( 'src/README.txt', '.' ),
( '/mygame/data', 'data' ),
( '/mygame/sfx/*.mp3', 'sfx' )
a = Analysis(...
datas = added_files,
Your case
For your (Windows OS) here is:
--add-data in command line
pyinstaller -F --add-data "main.kv;." yourtarget.py
datas= in yourtarget.spec file, see following:
a = Analysis(...
datas = ["main.kv", "."],
If you check pyinstaller -h for help, you can find --add-data option works like this [--add-data <SRC;DEST or SRC:DEST>]. So in your case try
pyinstaller -F --add-data "main.kv;main.kv" yourtarget.py
The solution is to run: pyi-makespec yourscript.py
Then edit the yourscript.spec script and add the files under datas in a= Analysis.
datas=[ ( '/pathToYourFile/main.kv', '.' )]
then run pyinstaller yourscript.spec
should be good after that.
Next -F or --onefile option is assumed when running pyinstaller.
Note that (MacOS Monterey, 12.2 here) the expected folder hierarchy w/in you .app file will be similar to this,
pyinstaller does not add files nor create necessary folders into any of the folders of this folder structure; at least not in any apparent way. You won't find them.
However, when the application runs, a temporary folder is used under /var/folders which is very different from the folder structure in point 1. above. print(os.path.dirname(__file__)) while running the application will reveal which exact temporary folder is used each time it runs. For convenience, let's call it my_app_tmp_folder i.e. your app runs under the folder /var/folder/my_app_tmp_folder
Then, pyinstaller adds data files or creates necessary directories w/in this temporary folder. In other words, when the application runs, all added files will be there and according to the specified folder structure (through --add-data option). print(os.listdir(os.path.dirname(__file__))) will show system and application needed files and folders.
Bottom line: Files specified w/ --add-data option will be visible w/in /var/folder/my_app_tmp_folder when running and not w/in the *.app folder.
Some useful links from documentation:
My application had this issue and a subsequent issue that is likely, if not inevitable.
1. --add-data for a kv file
Use --add-data as in the answer by crifan.
2. Kivy still can't find the file
Once PyInstaller has the kv file in the correct directory, Kivy still can't find the file.
Possible Symptoms:
GUI launches, but screen is black and empty.
An AttributeError error that depends on the application code.
AttributeError Examples:
This question
My own case:
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'ids'
Fortunately, this answer solves the problem.

How to set output directory for QMake generated vcproj files

Is there anyway to modify the path where *.vcproj (and *.vcxproj, *.sln...) files generated by QMake are written ?
I do not want to modify the path of the generated *.exe or *.dll file. I'm looking for a way to create the *.vcproj file out of my sources directory, to keep it clean from any generated file.
I'm using Qt 5.5.
By default, QMake generate a .sln/.vcproj file next to the *.pro file (in the same directory). I'm looking for a way to generate the .sln/.vcproj file elsewhere.
