How to rename a symbol in hash parameters? - ruby-on-rails

I have parameters from an external API that formats JSON responses using CamelCase that I want to fit into my Rails app:
"ChannelProductDescription"=>"0004", "Currency"=>"CAD",
"CurrentBalance"=> {"Amount"=>"162563.64", "Currency"=>"CAD"}}
Using the below script I converted them to lower case:
data = JSON.parse(response, symbolize_keys: true)
data = {:_json => data} unless data.is_a?(Hash)
Leaving me correctly formatted params like this:
:channel_product_description=>"SAVINGS", :currency=>"CAD",
:current_balance=> {:amount=>"43.00", :currency=>"CAD"}}
I'm trying to map this external API response into a generic Rails model Account, where JSON from this API call will return cleanly as parameters into my database to allow a clean saving interface such as:
#account = Account.create(
But I ran into a problem with converting :account_id, as that param conflicts with the primary key of my database.
To get around this, my idea is to convert all symbol instances of params[:account_id] into params[:account_key_id], so that those params don't conflict with my databases existing account_id field.
How do I do this, and is there a better approach for consuming external JSON API's than what I've described here?

Hash#deep_transform_keys does this:
Returns a new hash with all keys converted by the block operation.
This includes the keys from the root hash and from all
nested hashes and arrays.
So you could do it in one pass with an appropriate block, something like:
data.deep_transform_keys! do |key|
key = key.underscore.to_sym
key = :account_key_id if(key == :account_id)
You might as well drop the symbolize_keys: true flag to JSON.parse too, you're changing all the keys anyway so don't bother.
If you're doing this sort of thing a lot then you could write a method that takes a key mapping Hash and gives you a lambda for transforming the keys:
def key_mangler(key_map = { })
->(key) do
key = key.underscore.to_sym
key = key_map[key] if(key_map.has_key?(key))
and then say things like:
data.deep_transform_keys!(&key_mangler(:account_id => :account_key_id))
You might want to use a different name than key_mangler of course but that name is good enough to illustrate the idea.
BTW, if you're sending this JSON into the database then you probably don't need to bother with symbol keys, JSON only uses strings for keys so you'll be converting strings to symbols only for them to be converted back to strings. Of course, if you're symbolizing the keys when pulling the JSON out of the database then you'll probably want to be consistent and use symbols across the board.

In addition to the previous answer...
Unfortunately, there is, to my knowledge, no method on Hash that does this in one operation. I've always accomplished this by brute force, as in:
hash[:new_key] = hash[:old_key]
A shortcut for this, suggested in the comment below by "mu is too short", is:
hash[:new_key] = hash.delete(:old_key)
To illustrate in irb:
2.4.1 :002 > h = { foo: :bar }
=> {:foo=>:bar}
2.4.1 :003 > h[:foo_new] = h.delete(:foo)
=> :bar
2.4.1 :004 > h
=> {:foo_new=>:bar}


Parse Hash in Ruby

How can I parse a hash in ROR?
I have a hash in string format(enclosed by double quotes) and i need to parse them to a valid hash.
input_hash = "{"name" => "john"}"
output_hash = {"name" => "john"}
This is the wrong approach. String representation of a ruby hash is not a good way to serialise data. It is well structured, and definitely possible to get it back to a ruby hash (eval), but it's extremely dangerous and can give an attacker who has control over the input string full control over your system.
Approach the problem from a different angle. Look for where the string gets stored and change the code there instead. Store it for example as JSON. Then it can easily and safely be parsed back to a hash and can also be sent to systems running on something that is not ruby.

substitute key name for subset of ruby sliced elements

the following ruby slice command runs as expected{ |a| a.slice('point', 'point_name') }
returning and array of keys and values.
However, before dumping the array of hashes off to json, the goal is to transform the key 'point_name' to 'title'. Attempting a rails helper, as such{ |a| a.slice('point', 'point_name' as: 'title') }
fails. What is the proper syntax?
There is no such syntax in ruby. Key rename can be achieved like this: do |a|
a['title'] = a.delete('point_name')
a.slice('point', 'title')
You may need json serializer (as you mentioned Rails), consider using FastJsonApi.

Select on hash with indifferent access not working

I am trying to deal with inconsistent keys (Strings/Symbols) in hashes. I thought that HashWithIndifferentAccess would be the answer but I am getting some slightly confusing results when trying to do some basic operations on these hashes
For example I have the following HashWithIndifferentAccess
(rdb:1) metadata
{"indexes"=>["respondent", "brand"], "columns"=>["rating"],
"value_labels"=>{}, "column_labels"=>{}}
(rdb:1) metadata.class
when I try the following select I get an empty hash
(rdb:1){ |k, v| [:indexes, :columns, :value_labels, :column_labels]
.include? k }
Are all common hash operations available with HashWithIndifferentAccess ? Why is this operation returning an empty hash
All you really get with HashWithIndifferentAccess is the ability to set and get values using either a string or a key. Once you start using other reading methods on the hash you move to objects that are not indifferent to strings or symbols.
However, HashWithIndifferentAccess does help you because:
Internally symbols are mapped to strings when used as keys in the entire writing interface (calling []=, merge, etc)
You are guaranteed that the key is returned as a string
This means that you're always going to get a string for keys with methods like select:
> h = { sym_key: 'sym_value', 'string_key' => 'string_value' }.with_indifferent_access
> h.keys
=> ["sym_key", "string_key"]
Indifferent access means HashWithIndifferentAccess#[] will check both strings and keys. However, there is no such patch done on Array#include?, which you are using to filter your data. Easy fix:
[:indexes, :columns, :value_labels, :column_labels].include? k.to_sym

Transforming JSON to nested ruby hash

I have a JSON block that I want to convert to a ruby hash.
json_blob = {"WHATEVER"=>{"FOO"=>"BAR", "CAT"=>"DAY}}
so that when I am using the data, I can check whether the data is there. Example:
hashed_json_blob[:whatever][:foo] returns "bar"
and also, I could handle values that don't exist either (they were omitted in the json_blob).
hashed_json_blob[:whatever][:nonexistant] returns nil
Note: if there is an easier way with the data as XML, that can work to. The json_blob was pulled using JSON.parse
your json_blob object is already a hash (minus one missing quote at the end of "DAY"):
json_blob = {"WHATEVER"=>{"FOO"=>"BAR", "CAT"=>"DAY"}}
with this you can do:
=> {"FOO"=>"BAR", "CAT"=>"DAY"}
=> "BAR"
The same data as a json object would look like this:
gem install json
require 'json'
json_blob = {"WHATEVER"=>{"FOO"=>"BAR", "CAT"=>"DAY}}
abc = JSON.parse(json_blob)
now you can perform operations on abc

Rails: Convert string to variable (to store a value)

I have a parameter hash that contains different variable and name pairs such as:
param_hash = {"system_used"=>"metric", "person_height_feet"=>"5"}
I also have an object CalculationValidator that is not an ActiveRecord but a ActiveModel::Validations. The Object validates different types of input from forms. Thus it does not have a specific set of variables.
I want to create an Object to validate it like this:
validator =
validator.system_used = "metric"
validator.person_height_feet = 5
my problem right now is that I really would not prefer to code each CalculationValidator manually but rather use the information in the Hash. The information is all there so what I would like to do is something like this, where MAKE_INTO_VARIABLE() is the functionality I am looking for.
validator =
param_hash.each do |param_pair|
["validator.", param_pair[0]].join.MAKE_INTO_VARIABLE() = param_pair[1]
# thus creating
# "validator.system_used".MAKE_INTO_VARIABLE() = "metric"
# while wanting: validator.system_used = "metric"
# ...and in the next loop
# "validator.person_height_feet".MAKE_INTO_VARIABLE() = 5
# while wanting: validator.person_height_feet = 5
Basically my problem is, how do I make the string "validator.person_height" into the variable validator.person_height that I can use to store the number 5?
Additionally, it is very important that the values of param_pair[1] are stored as their real formats (integer, string etc) since they will be validated.
I have tried .send() and instance_variable_set but I am not sure if they will do the trick.
Something like this might work for you:
param_hash.each do |param, val|
validator.instance_eval("def #{param}; ##{param} end")
validator.instance_variable_set("##{param}", val)
However, you might notice there's no casting or anything here. You'd need to communicate what type of value each is somehow, as it can't be assumed that "5" is supposed to be an integer, for example.
And of course I probably don't have to mention, eval'ing input that comes in from a form isn't exactly the safest thing in the world, so you'd have to think about how you want to handle this.
Have you looked at eval. As long as you can trust the inputs it should be ok to use.
