Google OAuth Developer Verification Form with private home page - oauth

I have "unverified app screen" when I request access to Google accounts.
To get rid of it I want to fill out OAuth Developer Verification Form. But, I got some problems with that due to some restrictions on my environment.
There is a field:
Homepage URL for your app *
The problem is that in my application my home page is not accessible publicly. Usually, it can only be accessed using VPN connection.
For push notifications, I use different URL that only handles them, but for the UI there is no access from the world without VPN. I was thinking of overcoming the issue and have a few ideas, but I'm not sure whether they will work.
Inform Google of restricted access to the home page via this field:
Is there any other information you can provide that will be useful?
However, this approach might not work due to the fact that it's not said that I can omit to specify the home page.
Find out what addresses google requests homepage from and to allow access to it from those addresses. But, firstly it's insecure and secondly, it's still a question how to get these addresses.
Make some static resource stub page and place it somewhere where I can provide access. For instance, I can put it near privacy policy file that is publicly accessible.
Is there a more suitable way of addressing this issue or some of these options might still work?


iOS Firebase Auth Domain visible to users

I have searched for solutions to this issue but everything I've found seems to be applicable to a firebase web app, not to iOS implementations.
When verifying a user using firebase phone auth for iOS, I understand the recaptacha is very unlikely to appear. However in the event it does, it creates a webview for the recaptcha like so:
Is there any way for me to hide the from the user? It's not very clean or secure I'm afraid. I haven't been able to find anything in the way of documentation on this topic, and most stack overflow answers that solved the issue seem to be applicable to the firebase web sdk only.
Am I missing it somewhere? I have followed the documentation for silent notifications as well, so normally the recaptcha does not appear. From the documentation, "only a very small percentage of users will experience the recaptcha", but I would still like to account for those users.
Set up your domain for Hosting
Step 1: Add domain
From your project's Hosting page, enter the wizard for connecting a
custom domain:
If you have only one Hosting site, click Connect domain. If you have
more than one Hosting site, click View for the desired site, then
click Connect domain. Enter the custom domain name that you'd like to
connect to your Hosting site.
(Optional) Check the box to redirect all requests on the custom
domain to a second specified domain (such that and redirect to the same content).
Click Continue to initiate the validation process.
Step 2: Verify domain ownership
If requested in the Connect Domain setup wizard, verify your apex domain.
Step 3: Go live
In the Connect Domain window of the Firebase console, select Quick
Setup for a new site or Advanced Setup if you already have a site
running on another hosting provider and need a zero-downtime
Have a look at this for detailed information.

Testing Google OAuth 2.0 with localhost?

How do I test the Google OAuth 2.0 on my app with localhost, since Google requires a top private domain as the authorized domain?
I tried to look up solutions, but all the solutions given have been a while ago, and I think Google has changed their service since then.
localhost is not a valid top-level domain, and it won't let you generate credentials without setting up a consent screen. You can add more than one authorized domain if you'd like, but you can't leave it empty. But you CAN delete the field if you have no domains / would not like to add domains for now. you just can't LEAVE it empty.
Notice the description -- "When a domain is used". so it's not an obligation to add authorized domain for consent screen. Moreover, the authorized domain here is only related with consent screen. Authorized origins and Authorized redirect URLs needs to be specified in the credentials part, which is all that matters; specifying the origin from which requests will be accepted and where it will be redirected. So just omit the authorized domain in the consent screen.
So how to delete it? Just in case if you haven't noticed, just hover over the field and this little man will pop up. delete it. that's all. Now you should be able to save and continue, where it might ask you to setup scopes.
I know it's really late, hoping it might help others..
After about an hour banging my head against the wall I found this article that has a step by step solution that works (as of July 2020).
Basically you need to create a service account, share the sheet with that account, and then it should work.
All of the other auth methods I tried either raised nonsense errors, or simply silently didn't work.
The list of authorized domains is required before you submit a request for app verification. If you want to configure a localhost redirect URI, that is configurable in your web OAuth client ID configuration.
In case anyone has struck out on the suggestions above, this answer did the trick for me. Set my authorized JavaScript origins URI to http://localhost:8080 in the google API console then emptied my Chrome cache.
Just add an OAuth-consent-screen from here without a domain or valid domain that's up to you, after that create Credentials from here, then select OAuth client ID and enter your from here you can add javascript origin url and there you go you've done.
You add your final domain for when you are ready to become verified. Until then you will generate an OAuth client ID and enable https://localhost:3000 in "Authorized JavaScript origins"
Simple screenshot of the field you can enter localhost
Not beautiful, but works!
I've made local website(domain) on Xampp like, added that domain in Authorized domains and started Chrome from separate shortcut with parameter --ignore-certificate-errors
Note, that when you start with this flag, Chrome must not be running!
It cause Chrome to open web site in the xampp\htdocs folder and I was forced to go to folder test1.git and then to public folder, where finally site opened and the url was:
ps. Use port 80 in httpd-vhosts.conf and not 443!

HTTP 403 Error when deploying ASP.NET App to Azure Web App

I am trying build up a Staging Environment for an ASP.NET MVC Web App, but am stumbling from problem to problem, the last one having been this one: HTTP 500.79 Error / System.UriFormatException when deploying ASP.NET App to Azure Web App
Currently I am getting a HTTP 403 - Forbidden, "You do not have permission to view this directory or page." error when trying to access the page.
Authentication-wise the App uses Azure Active Directory as Authentication Provider, which is working fine in local testing (using a Test-AAD) and in production. The local and productive apps are not using Azure Web Apps. I noticed on the Azure App Service page that there is a possibility to specify authentication right within Azure, but I don't really want / need to use that, as everything is specified within the app resp. configured in the web.config (ClientID, ClientSecret and Tenant). Anyway, when I tried filling in the Authentication on Azure directly it did not work either, so I removed it again.
What happens now is that the redirect to the Login page on works, and according to the AAD Admin the login attempt is being successful, or at least shows no pecularities. However, when being redirected back to my page, I get a generic 403, without any additional information that could help pin the problem down.
I did check all sorts of logs for further details, and the only pecularity I found is that for some very odd reason, all requests are made to a completely gibberish URL:
Requested URL / specified Reply URL: https:\\
Actually requested URL according to logs: https:\\Skillmanagementtest:80
I have absolutely no clue where this URL originates from, however, "Skillmanagementtest" with that capitalization seems to be the name I specified for the Azure Web App:
Screenshot resource group items
The web.config is being transformed properly during the CI/CD pipeline and I double-checked the auth settings there (tenant, clientID, clientSecret), and I am really out of ideas what may be causing this problem.
One hint I found on other problems was to check the IIS logs, but when I attempted accessing the directory these logs were said to be placed in I was rejected access, even though I have owner permissions on the App Service...
After a long and weary process of trying stuff out and discussing we finally got the App up and running. Some observations we made which may be interesting for others with this or similar problems:
The role-based authorization did not work because we forgot to specify the App Roles in the App registration's manifest file, and then link the security groups to the application roles. Check here for more info:
We had one API which is only visible within our company's domain. As an Azure Web App runs outside that domain, trying to access that API resulted in an internal server error. We still have to find a solution for this.
We had a situation where requests to the reply URL after authorization would be redirected from HTTPS to HTTP. We have solved this, but as five people were trying out stuff consecutively we don't know currently what the fix actually was. We may create another Azure Web App which may then reveal this part of the solution.
Check to ensure that what you have in your web.config and app settings matches what you have in the reply URLs for your app registration in the portal. There may be some reference somewhere where the reply URL does not match.
Are you using the openid sample?
Also ensure that you are logging in with a user who has the right permissions under the tenant and to the app itself. My colleague and I made a short video that includes the right configurations that may be helpful for this use case.
After a long and weary process of trying stuff out and discussing we finally got the App up and running. Some observations we made which may be interesting for others with this or similar problems:
The role-based authorization did not work because we forgot to specify the App Roles in the App registration's manifest file, and then link the security groups to the application roles. Check here for more info:
We had one API which is only visible within our company's domain. As an Azure Web App runs outside that domain, trying to access that API resulted in an internal server error. We still have to find a solution for this.
We had a situation where requests to the reply URL after authorization would be redirected from HTTPS to HTTP. We have solved this, but as five people were trying out stuff consecutively we don't know currently what the fix actually was. We may create another Azure Web App which may then reveal this part of the solution.

"Remember this approval" when using dotNetOpenAuth and Google Apps doesn't work as expected

I'm using dotNetOpenAuth to provide SSO to my app via a user's Google Apps account. Besides just simple authentication I also ask Google to return the user's email, first name and last name. When a user first goes in they get redirected to the typical Google Accounts page telling them that the app is asking for this info and do they want to allow it. There is the checkbox there to Remember This Approval. The problem is, the approval isn't being remembered. It does remember them if they go back to the site without closing their browser. But if they close their browser and then open it later and go back in, they are again prompted to allow it.
If I look through my Google account page that shows me connected sites, apps, and services, I see my app listed multiple times. It's like it doesn't recognize that it's the same app and keeps adding it.
I know I must be missing something obvious, but I'm not sure what it is. Any ideas?
You can find my code here
I see several problems in your code. To first answer your direct question, the reason Google doesn't remember you on return visits is because you are passing a random GUID in as part of your Realm each time you log in. The symptom is actually much worse than you realize. It's not just that Google prompts the user on return visits, your site won't recognize the user at all on return visits because Google will give them a new claimed identifier on each visit.
The fix is that you should use the exact same Realm for every login request:
Realm realm = "";
var req = openid.CreateRequest(discoveryUri, realm, URIbuilder.Uri );
Or my personal favorite:
var req = openid.CreateRequest(discoveryUri, Realm.AutoDetect, URIbuilder.Uri );
Realm.AutoDetect will work for you unless your site is available both via HTTP and HTTPS, in which case you need to lock it down to just one or the other of these so that Google recognizes your site as always the same.
You must also remember that the returnTo URL that you pass in as the 3rd parameter to CreateRequest must always be based on the realm. So if your realm is HTTPS, so must your returnTo parameter be.
I also want to call out that you seem to have some GUID code and complex URL manipulation around trying to ensure that every OpenID response you accept comes from a request you sent out. I'm not sure why you're trying to do this in the first place, although there certainly can be legitimate reasons. The way you did it is insecure and can be circumvented. I suggest you delete all this code, in favor of adding this to your web.config file:
<security rejectUnsolicitedAssertions="true" />
The library has support for requiring all responses to come from your requests built in, and it does so securely so that the security exploit I alluded to earlier isn't possible.
But if you're only trying to apply this restriction so that you know it's coming from Google, may I recommend that instead of rejecting unsolicited assertions, you instead check the IAuthenticationResponse.Provider.Uri property when you receive responses and verify that it is coming from the Google OP Endpoint? Then, if Google ever supported sending unsolicited assertions it would work on your site, and ultimately your security gate is exactly where you intended it to be anyway.

How to test the twitter API locally?

I'm trying to write a web application that would use Twitter via OAuth.
I run my local server as 'localhost', so I need the callback URL to be something like http://localhost/something/ but Twitter doesn't like that: Not a valid URL format
I'm probably going to do a lot of tests, but once I've approved my app with my username, I can't test again can I? Am I supposed to create multiple twitter accounts? Or can you remove an app and do it again?
You can use instead of localhost.
You can authorize your app as many times as you like from the same twitter account without the necessity to revoke it. However, the authenticate action will only prompt for Allow/Deny once and all subsequent authenticate requests will just pass through until you revoke the privilege.
Twitter's "rate limiting" for API GET calls is based on IP address of the caller. So, you can test your app from your server, using the same IP address, and get (once approved) 15,000 API calls per hour. That means you can pound on your app with many different usernames, as long as your approved IP address remains the same.
When you send the e-mail to Twitter to ask for an increase to your rate limit, you can also ask for the increase to apply to your Twitter username too.
I believe Twitter requires you - if you need to change your IP address, or change the username that is using the app - to send in another request asking for the rate limit increase for that new IP address or username. But, in my experience, Twitter has been pretty quick at turning around these requests (maybe less than 48 hours?).
use like this
for Website :
and for callback URL:
or any of your page address like
Have you tried creating your own caching mechanism? You can take the result of an initial query, cache it on thread local, and given an expiration time, refresh from Twitter. This would allow you to test your app against Twitter data without incurring call penalties.
There is also another solution (a workaround, rather) which requires you to edit your hosts file.
Here is how you do it on a linux box:
Open your /etc/hosts file as root. To do this, you can open a terminal and type something like sudo vi /etc/hosts.
Pick a non-existent domain to use as your local address, and add it to your hosts file. For example, you will need to add something similar to the following at the end. localhost.cep # this domain name was accepted.
So, that's pretty much it. Pointing your browser to localhost.cep will now take you to your local server. Hope that helped :)
In answer to (1), see this thread, in particular episod's replies:
It doesn't matter what callback URL you put in your app's management page on (as long as you don't use localhost). You provide the 'real' callback URL as part of your request for an OAuth token.
1.) Don't use localhost. That's not helpful. Why not stand up another server instance or get a testing vm slice from slicehost?
2.) You probably want a bunch of different user accounts and a couple different OAuth key/secret credentials for testing.
You were on the right track though: DO test revoking the app's credentials via your twitter account's connections setting. That should happen gracefully. You might want to store a status value alongside the access token information, so you can mark tokens as revoked.
