Custom font are not showing in new storyboard - ios

I have created my new storyboard file and added some fonts in info.plist. These fonts are showing in main.storyboard but In my created storyboard, these are not reflected. I am using Xcode 9.1.

If everything you done right then just check Target Membership if its check box check marked or not, if not then Checked it mark.

The project was developed on another machine. So these fonts were not installed on my machine. I just double click on all fonts and clean the project and Quit the Xcode and open again. Now it's working fine.


Custom font none installed - Xcode 11 beta

After installing the new beta xCode. The custom font set in an existing project does not work. When opening the storyboard file, it says as shown in image below
After clocking ok, I'm not able to choose custom font from the attribute inspector.
It was working fine with xcode 10.2. This issue occurs only on Xcode 11 beta
I had the same issue after I switched system language, and it was fixed by restarting the system and then restarting Xcode.
I've also had this issue.
I had to change the text style to attributed, pick the font, then change back to plain.
2022 Update!
You don't need to restart your system. Just perform these simple steps to solve this issue.
Open Spotlight (Cmd + space) and type Font Book
Drag-Drop your font into the Font Book.
Restart Xcode and it'll work fine.

Launch Storyboard not found - Xcode 10 uploading to app store

I'm getting the error 'Launch Storyboard not found' in Xcode 10 when trying to upload the Archive to TestFlight.
I added LaunchScreen to the Info Plist and added it directly to the main project folder.
One thing I noticed is that the main Target of the storyboard is greyed out so I can't check it, though.
Any thoughts?
Just create new storyboard => right click on the project => New File => Choose story board ( name it as Launch or anything ). Storyboard name can be anything.
In case LaunchScreen not display then remove and add again.
I was able to get it linking by adding the file to Compile Sources.
It seems that if when bundling using react-native (I also used ignite as a starting boilerplate) it wouldn't let me link up the target, even manually -- so adding it to here did the trick and thus I was able to archive the project.
You need to add Launch Screen to the General > App Icons and Launch Screen
Whilst your Storyboard is open, ensure you've selected it as an Initial View Controller.

custom font shows on storyboard, but not on simulator, device

first time using SO to ask a question after lurking for so long.
I have added a custom font for some UITextFields and UITextViews in the Storyboard....
screenshot of storyboard
...but the fonts are not showing on the Simulator, nor the actual device (iPad 2, iPad Mini3).
screenshot of simulator
Please advise on how you got through this, or any additional information that you may need. Thanks! Running XCode 7.3.1 on El Capitan 10.11.6.
The iOS Application in development is set for running on iOS 9.3 and above.
You should add custom fonts to your application folder (TTF/OpenType) and then, modify the application-info.plist file. Add the key "Fonts provided by application" to a new row
It supports TTF and OpenType fonts both. One caveat is that it loads and parses all fonts in the startup of your app, so it will slow down the initial load time.
You also have to add the fonts to the "Copy Bundle Resources" in the Build phases.
Check that your font file's (exp. Chewy.ttf) target is set to the app target.
select the font file
Check target membership in File inspector
Add your custom font into your project. i.e. Dragged the font file(ocrb.TTF) into XCode project.
check below link you solve your issue : Custom Font issue
Try adding you font name into your info.plist with full path.
i.e.: fonts/Arial.ttf

Xcode 6 localization error

I accidentally deleted localization files , which resulted in the removal of Storyboard. I restore Storyboard from the Recycle Bin and add it back to the project. Then in Storyboard File Inspector i pressed the "Localize" button...
Next i go to my project info and add to them localization files (interface Builder Storyboard)... Then I made changes to the view in localiztion storyboard. Run the project in the emulator. In the emulator everything works fine. Text in View changes depending on the selected language... All greate. But when I try to run the project on the iphone localization does not occur. I also noticed that even if i change Main.Storyboard (Base) any changes in the View on Iphone did not change. Even if I delete any picture also view did not change. But in emulator all works great. I tried to remove the application from the iPhone, but it has no effect. I also installed the app on another iPhone, and it also does not give effect. Any idea how to solve this problem?
Rename storyboard file.
Reconnect storyboard in project.

Xcode custom font not showing in app

I have downloaded Open Sans font and added all the .tff files into my Xcode project, and have checked the checkbox in "Target Membership" pane for each file. I have added the UIAppFonts key and values in Info.plist, and I am sure that the values are typo-free. Plus, the .tff files are added to "Copy Bundle Resources", and the custom font is showing up in Interface Builder. And then I changed the font of all the labels to Open Sans in the Interface Builder (no code).
But when I run the app in the simulator, all the labels and buttons are showing the system font in ultra small sizes, like this:
One thing to note is that I am using Xcode 7 beta 5, and the app's Base SDK is iOS 9.
But why is there this problem? Is it a bug? Thanks!
Check That fonts inside the proyect are part of the target.
Select fonts, verify the property Target Membership for your app is checked at the right in File Inspector.
That solved the problem for me:
Blip, here's a photo of what I did in an empty "Single View" project. And, I could see the font on sim and IB editor. Anything look different for your project? Maybe recreate the basics in a new project, just to double check? All of my notes on the image were associated with my original thoughts...just use them for reference as you double check things.
I recently encountered this problem too. But it only happened for one font-style of a font-family, the others worked fine.
I could only solve it by using this font in a button, then the font was also available for other controls such as labels or the large title.
