How do I specify nvidia runtime from docker-compose.yml? - docker

I am able to run a tensorflow container w/ access to the GPU from the command line w/ the following command
$ sudo docker run --runtime=nvidia --rm
I would like to be able to run this container from docker-compose. Is it possible to specify the --runtime flag from docker-compose.yml?

Currently (Aug 2018), NVIDIA container runtime for Docker (nvidia-docker2) supports Docker Compose.
Yes, use Compose format 2.3 and add runtime: nvidia to your GPU service. Docker Compose must be version 1.19.0 or higher.
Example docker-compose.yml:
version: '2.3'
image: ubuntu:16.04
runtime: nvidia
command: nvidia-smi
More example from NVIDIA blog uses Docker Compose to show how to launch multiple GPU containers with the NVIDIA Container Runtime.

You should edit /etc/docker/daemon.json, adding the first level key "default-runtime": "nvidia", restart docker daemon (ex. "sudo service docker restart") and then all containers on that host will run with nvidia runtime.
More info on daemon.json here

Or better: using systemd and assuming the path is /usr/libexec/oci/hooks.d/nvidia
mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/
cat > /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/nvidia-containers.conf <<EOF
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -D --add-runtime nvidia=/usr/libexec/oci/hooks.d/nvidia --default-runtime=nvidia
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart docker
Don't need to specify --runtime=nvidia since we set default-runtime=nvidia in the configuration step.
docker run --rm
Solution Inspired from my tutorial about KATA runtime.


docker service inside a LXC container: unable to apply RC_ULIMIT settings

I have a Debian hypervisor in which I ran a LXC Alpine 3.14 container. In the Alpine container, I would like to install a docker service. Alpine provides a docker package, but starting the docker service raises this error:
$ sudo service docker start
sh: error setting limit: Operation not permitted
* docker: unable to apply RC_ULIMIT settings
* Starting Docker Daemon ...
Is the problem on the hypervisor or the container? How can I solve this?
As the FAQ mentions it, I had to enable container nesting:
lxc config set <container> security.nesting true

Docker different volume path for specific container

By default docker uses /var/lib/docker/volumes/ for any started container.
Is there any way to launch a new container and have it consume all the required disk on a different specified path on the host?
Basically have the root volume different.
For a specific container only, the simplest way i think would be to use docker volumes, Create docker volume and then attach the volume to the container. So the process running on the container uses up the share, so this is using the disk you would like to use.
More information on the following webpage,
you can define the volume path.
docker run -it --rm -v PWD$:/MyVolume ubuntu bash
This command will use the current folder where you execute the command from.
In the container you'll find your file under /MyVolume.
jens#DESKTOP:~$ docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/MyVolume ubuntu bash
root#71969d68099e:/# cd /MyVolume/
root#71969d68099e:/MyVolume# ls
But you can define any path:
docker run -it --rm -v /home/someuser/somevolumepath:/MyVolume ubuntu bash
Almost the same is available in docker compose.
- "80:8080"
- "443:443"
- $HOME/userhome/https_cert:/etc/nginx/certs

Logging to local syslog inside centos7 container

I would like my centos7 container to log message to /var/log/messages
[root#gen-r-vrt-057-009 ~]# docker exec -it rsyslog_base_centos7 "/bin/bash"
[root#gen-r-vrt-057-009 /]# logger "lior"
[root#gen-r-vrt-057-009 /]# cat /var/log/messages
[root#gen-r-vrt-057-009 /]#
I installed rsyslog, tried running container in several ways:
docker run -dit --name rsyslog_base_centos7 --network host --privileged rsyslog/rsyslog_base_centos7:latest /usr/sbin/init
docker run -dit --name rsyslog_base_centos7 --log-driver=syslog --network host --privileged rsyslog/rsyslog_base_centos7:latest /usr/sbin/init
docker run -dit --name rsyslog_base_centos7 --log-driver=syslog --network host -v /dev/log:/dev/log --privileged rsyslog/rsyslog_base_centos7:latest /usr/sbin/init
But nothing seems to do the trick.
Container os and docker version:
[root#gen-r-vrt-057-009 /]# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708 (Core)
[root#gen-r-vrt-057-009 /]# exit
[root#gen-r-vrt-057-009 ~]# docker -v
Docker version 17.03.2-ce, build f5ec1e2
Any ideas?
If I understand you correctly, you want to run rsyslog inside the container but want to make rsyslog log data from the host machine. By default, this is not possible due to isolation.
It is an interesting use case, and we probably should add an issue tracker at
You can probably achieve your goal by mounting /dev/log into the container, but depending on the host OS that requires some extra work there as well.
The rsyslog/rsyslog_base_centos7 is designed with the intent to provide a base container that you can use to make applications inside the container use rsyslog logging.
Please also have a look at this Twitter conversation: - doc updates will be upcoming once we have the actual procedure.
Note: This answer was completely rewritten as I originally totally missed the point.
Smart people from rsyslog put the following Docker image together:
It allows for your use case :
c) want to run a client machine where rsyslog processes log messagesv
(the default CentOS 7 config does NOT work inside a container, but
this container has a corrected config!)
Here is a URL to a patch you can throw to CentOS7 docker config to make it work:
Of course, restart rsyslogd to apply changes.

Using Docker-Compose with storage options (size)

I can apply disk size quota with "--storage-opt size=1536M" argument when working under devicemapper. For example:
docker run -dt --name testing --storage-opt size=1536M ubuntu
the problem is, how can I do this by using docker-compose, via a compose *.yml file.
Use devicemapper as default storage driver for Docker and set basesize for every container.
To use devicemapper as the default:
1) apt-get install lvm2 thin-provisioning-tools
2) change /etc/default/docker as this:
--storage-driver devicemapper --storage-opt dm.basesize=3G
3) do these one by one:
systemctl stop docker
systemctl daemon-reload
rm -rf /var/lib/docker
systemctl start docker
4) now your containers have only 3GB space. In addition, you can define vol. space when using RUN command with devicemapper (size must be equal or bigger than basesize). For eg:
docker run --storage-opt size=1536M ubuntu
Try this:
size: '1G'
as in

Bind to docker socket on Windows

On *nix systems, it is possible to bind-mount the docker socket from the host machine to the VM by doing something like this:
docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ...
Is there an equivalent way to do this when running docker on a windows host?
I tried various combinations like:
docker run -v tcp:// ...
docker run -v "tcp://":/var/run/docker.sock ...
docker run -v localhost:2376:/var/run/docker.sock ...
none of these have worked.
For Docker for Windows following seems to be working:
-v //var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
As the Docker documentation states:
If you are using Docker Machine on Mac or Windows, your Engine daemon
has only limited access to your OS X or Windows filesystem. Docker
Machine tries to auto-share your /Users (OS X) or C:\Users (Windows)
directory. So, you can mount files or directories on OS X using:
docker run -v /Users/<path>:/<container path> ...
On Windows, mount directories using:
docker run -v /c/Users/<path>:/<container path> ...
All other paths come from your virtual machine’s filesystem, so if you
want to make some other host folder available for sharing, you need to
do additional work. In the case of VirtualBox you need to make the
host folder available as a shared folder in VirtualBox. Then, you can
mount it using the Docker -v flag.
With all that being said, you can still use the:
docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock ...
The first /var/run/docker.sock refers to the same path in your boot2docker virtual machine.
For example, when I run my own Jenkins image using the following command in a Windows machine:
$ docker run -dP -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock alidehghanig/jenkins
I can still talk to the Docker Daemon in the host machine using the typical docker commands. For example, when I run docker ps in the Jenkins container, I can see running containers in the host machine:
65311731f446 jen... "/bi.." 10... Up 10.. jenkins
Just to top it off on the answers provided earlier
When using docker-compose, one must set the COMPOSE_CONVERT_WINDOWS_PATHS=1 by either:
1) create a .env file at the same location as the project's docker-compose.yml file
before running the docker-compose up command.
This never worked for me on Windows 10 even if it is a linux container:
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
But this did:
-v /usr/local/bin/docker:/usr/bin/docker
Solution taken from this issue i opened:
Some containers (eg. portainer) work fine with -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
The jenkins container required --user root permissions on the docker run command to successfully access the Docker UNIX socket (using Docker-Desktop on Windows).
By default, a unix domain socket (or IPC socket) is created at
/var/run/docker.sock, requiring either root permission, or docker
group membership.
--group-add docker had no effect using Docker-Desktop on Windows.
To bind to a Windows container you need to use pipes.
-v \\.\pipe\docker_engine:\\.\pipe\docker_engine
What it was suitable for me in Windows 10 was:
-v "\\.\pipe\docker_engine:\\.\pipe\docker_engine"
Have in mind that I was trying to access to portainer that I do recommend a lot it's a great app. For that I use this command:
docker run -d -p 9000:9000 -v "\\.\pipe\docker_engine:\\.\pipe\docker_engine" portainer/portainer
And then just go to:
I never made it worked myself, but i know it works on windows container on docker for windows server 2016 using this technique:
We actually have at the shop vsts-agents on windows containers that uses the host docker like that:
# listen using the default unix socket, and on 2 specific IP addresses on this host.
$ sudo dockerd -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock -H tcp:// -H tcp://
# then you can execute remote docker commands (from container to host for example)
$ docker -H tcp:// ps
This is what actually made it work for me
docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v D:\docker-data\jenkins:/var/jenkins_home -v /usr/local/bin/docker:/usr/bin/docker -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -u root jenkins/jenkins:lts
it works well :
docker run -it -v //var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /usr/local/bin/docker:/usr/bin/docker ubuntu
