Convert Unicode escape sequence into its corresponding character - ios

I'm receiving a string from the server and it has the special characters in code. Here's the example:
"El usuario o las contrase\UOOOOfffda no son v\UOOOOfffdlidos"
The first one should be an "ñ" and the second one "á"
I know it's not complicated but I can't find the answer. How can I get the string with the special characters correctly formatted?

Unicode U+FFFD (in your string, displayed as UTF-32 \U0000fffd) is "�", the replacement character. It is often substituted in strings when a system encounters unrecognized characters.
This character really shouldn't appear in string data since its purpose is to indicate an error in displaying or interpreting the string. Since your server is sending you that character for both ñ and á, there is no way to retrieve the correct character.
How are you "receiving" this string? It could be that you are accessing the server incorrectly so it isn't sending you an unmodified string.

Unicode for those characters should look like this:
#"accented-a is \u00f1, and tilda-n is \u00e1"
But it's not clear what you're getting from the server makes any sense. The objective-c literal must have a lowercase leading "u" followed only by valid hex digits (0-9 and a-f). I don't see a transformation that changes the literals you have to the ones you expect.
Once the characters are formatted properly, the built-in classes will just work, for example, assigning the string to a label's text property will show the user a nice glyph.


How to escape strings with numeric character references in Java

Hello and thank you for reading my post.
The Apache Commons StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml3() and StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4() functions allow, in particular, to convert characters with an acute (like é, à...) in a string into
character entity references which have the format &name; where name is a case-sensitive alphanumeric string.
How can I get the escaped string of a given string with numeric character references instead (&#nnnn; or &#xhhhh; where nnnn is the code point in decimal form, and hhhh is the code point in hexadecimal form)?
I actually need to escape strings for a XML document which doesn't know about such entities as & eacute;, & agrave; etc.
Best regards.
To solve this problem, I wrote a method which takes a string as an argument and replaces, in this string, character entity references (like é) with their corresponding numeric character references (é in this case).
I used this W3C list of references:
Nota: It would be great to be able to pass another argument to the StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4() method to tell it whether we would like character entity references or numeric character references in the output string...
Create your CharacterTranslator:
CharacterTranslator XML_ESCAPE = StringEscapeUtils.ESCAPE_XML11.with(
NumericEntityEscaper.between(0x7f, Integer.MAX_VALUE) );
and use it:

iPhone - Localizable.strings - string with single quotes inside

I need to add some french translation into iOS Application. But I don know how to use single qute char in the Localizable.strings file.
For example text :
"Invalid username or password."="Nom d'utilisateur ou mot de passe incorrect.";
Causes an error. I've tried adding backslashes, but it havn't worked as well.
Using Special Characters in String Resources Just as in C, some
characters must be prefixed with a backslash before you can include
them in the string. These characters include double quotation marks,
the backslash character itself, and special control characters such as
linefeed (\n) and carriage returns (\r).
Did you try escaping it with a backslash?
As a last resort you could use direct U codes:
You can include arbitrary Unicode characters in a value string by
specifying \U followed immediately by up to four hexadecimal digits.
The four digits denote the entry for the desired Unicode character;
for example, the space character is represented by hexadecimal 20 and
thus would be \U0020 when specified as a Unicode character. This
option is useful if a string must include Unicode characters that for
some reason cannot be typed. If you use this option, you must also
pass the -u option to genstrings in order for the hexadecimal digits
to be interpreted correctly in the resulting strings file. The
genstrings tool assumes your strings are low-ASCII by default and only
interprets backslash sequences if the -u option is specified.
The apostrophe should be \U0027

Escape Unicode Characters for iOS

There are some Unicode arrangements that I want to use in my app. I am having trouble properly escaping them for use.
For instance this Unicode sequence: 🅰
If I escape it using an online tool i get: \ud83c\udd70
But of course this is an invalid sequence per the compiler:
var str = NSString.stringWithUTF8String("\ud83c\udd70")
Also if I do this:
var str = NSString.stringWithUTF8String("\ud83c")
I get an error "Invalid Unicode Scalar"
I'm trying to use these Unicode "fonts":
If I view the source of this website I see sequences like this:
Struggling to wrap my head around what is the "proper" way to work with/escape unicode.
And simply need a to figure out a way to get them working on iOS.
Any thoughts?
\ud83c\udd70 is a UTF-16 surrogate pair which encodes the unicode character 🅰 (U+1F170). Swift string literals do not use UTF-16, so that escape sequence doesn't make sense. However, since 1F170 has five digits you can't use a \uXXXX escape sequence (which only accepts four hexadecimal digits). Instead, use a \UXXXXXXXX sequence (note the capital U), which accepts eight:
var str = "\U0001F170" // returns "🅰"
You can also just paste the character itself into your string:
var str = "🅰" // returns "🅰"
Swift is an early Beta, is is broken in many ways. This issue is a Swift bug.
let ringAboveA: String = "\u0041\u030A" is Å and is accepted
let negativeSquaredA: String = "\uD83D\uDD70" is 🅰 and produces an error
Both are decomposed UTF16 characters that are accepted by Objective-C. The difference is that the composed character 🅰 is in plane 1.
Note: to get the UTF32 code point either use the OSX Character Viewer or a code snippet:
NSLog(#"utf32: %#", [#"🅰" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF32BigEndianStringEncoding]);
utf32: <0001f170>
To get the Character Viewer in the Apple Menu go to the "System Preferences", "Keyboard", "Keyboard" tab and select the checkbox: "Show Keyboard & Character Viewers in menu bar". The "Character View" item will be in the menu bar just to the left of the Date.
After entering the character right (control) click on the character in favorites to copy the search results.
Copied information:
Unicode: U+1F170 (U+D83C U+DD70), UTF-8: F0 9F 85 B0
Better yet: Add unicode in the list on the left and select it.

Maple fails to parse() spesial characters

I need to generate things like"
I try parse("F__||;|(,t,t)"). Maple returns "Error, incorrect syntax in parse: ; unexpected (near 6th character of parsed string)"
Is there any way to get this F||;||(,t,t)"?
To create names with special characters, you need to use single back quotes (also known as accent grave), which is the character under escape on most US keyboards.

Is % percentage a valid url character

I am trying to put a url, something like the following urn:test.project:123, as part of the url.
Does it make sense to encode urn:test.project:123 into urn%3atest.project%3a123 and decode it back to urn:test.project:123 at the receiver end?
Yes, it's a valid character. It's the escape character for URLs in a similar way to how the ampersand & is the escape character for xml/html, and the backslash \ is the escape character for string literals in c-like languages. It's the (very important) character that allows you to specify (through an escape sequence) all the other characters that wouldn't be valid in a URL.
(And yes, it makes sense to encode such a string so it's a legal URL, and as #PaulPRO mentions, most frameworks will automatically decode it for you on the server-side.)
Yes, the %3a means that 3a is the HEX encoded value for ':'
If you put it in the url as %3a your server will most likely automatically decode it.
