I would like to get the "watch position" of my watched videos, from the watch history, using Youtube API.
I do use https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlistItems? to get my history, but so far I do not find the information I need.
What I call "watch position" is an information giving you the watch position in a video that you have already started, visually it is the red bar in screenshot below:
YouTube displays a menu with video suggestions ("More videos") when an embedded video is paused. The element in the iframe has the class "ytp-pause-overlay". It is displayed every time the user pauses, unless it is minimized once.
screenshot of more videos menu in embedded videos
If possible [The Guardian and Udacity did it], how can it be removed? If not, is it possible to display it minimized by default ("ytp-scroll-min")?
"More videos" feature affects subtitles and keyboard controls and, in educational or corporate contexts, it is not desirable.
As expected, none of the following suggested parameters has been useful:
I would be utterly grateful if anyone in Google engineers team could help.
Thank you in advance.
Based from what you have tried about rel parameter,
The behavior for the rel parameter is changing on or after September
25, 2018. The effect of the change is that you will not be able to
disable related videos. However, you will have the option of
specifying that the related videos shown in the player should be from
the same channel as the video that was just played.
To be more specific:
Prior to the change, if the parameter's value is
set to 0, then the player does not show related videos.
After the
change, if the rel parameter is set to 0, the player will show related
videos that are from the same channel as the video that was just
Youtube's embed api no longer lets you disable it.
Check this same issue in github.
How to remove title, watch later, share link in Youtube embed link?
It seems none of the suggestions in the internet works anymore?
YouTube deprecated these parameters on September 25. You can find more information at YouTube's Developer page
"The showinfo parameter, which indicates whether the player should
display information like the video title and uploader before the video
starts playing, is also being deprecated. Following the change, the
channel avatar and video title will always display before playback
begins, when playback is paused, and when playback ends. The avatar
being displayed is new behavior that will be consistent across all
embedded players."
Not sure if something changed in YouTube API but with a new website when I embed a video I always get the share, watch later and channel image
Can't find a way to hide them
Not working in code snippet not sure why
<iframe id="vid-player-1" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Bey4XXJAqS8?enablejsapi=1&rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>
Youtube revision history states that showinfo parameter is deprecated as of September 25, 2018. It was used to hide video title and uploader info.
Following the change, the channel avatar and video title will always display before playback begins, when playback is paused, and when playback ends. The avatar being displayed is new behavior that will be consistent across all embedded players.
Unfortunately it seems that "Watch Later" and "Share" buttons are part of this feature and they can't be removed.
We're a non-profit that captures short oral histories. We're looking for
a way to have anyone submit their own short video on our youtube channel via our site and
briefly show our logo before each video begins (users would be notified and consent to this image being added). Is this possible in any way--through YouTube API, etc?
We don't have a ton of programming know-how but are trying to see if there's any way to auto-add our logo or a title screen to videos uploaded by others. Thanks!
You can solicit videos via YouTube Direct Lite.
For adding a slide, you'll have to do it before recording the video.
I searched for quiet some time… Seems like that embedded youtube videos really need the "human click" to increase the views on the YT profile. Tried some things with the API given from YT… no luck so far.
Does the mediaelement.js do the magic?
here is the answer from the YT js doc:
Note: A playback only counts toward a video's official view count if it is initiated via a native play button in the player.
You can't use your own play button or enable autoplay if you want the stats... Tried it, the best way is to use the "native" youtube player with minimal UI and let the users click the "native" play button ...