How to set mouse click as global shortcut in electron app - electron

I want to trigger an action on double right-click of mouse when electron app is running in the background.
I read the documentation and seems like there are no globalshortcuts for mouse events.
Any other way to achieve this? perhaps some node module compatible with electron app?

Unfortunately, we can't achieve that yet.
As MarshallOfSound commented on this official issue
"globalShortcut intercepts the key combination globally and prevents any application from receiving those key events. If you blocked apps from receiving mouse button presses things would break everywhere very quickly 👍"
For macOS, I'm currently using Keyboard Maestro App.
I'm getting my mouse keys with this app and triggering a globalShortcut key combination register in my Electron App.
Maybe for Windows, AHK (auto hot keys)

I found this nice solution for HTML code
<script type = "text/javascript">
const {remote} = require('electron')
const {Menu, MenuItem} = remote
const menu = new Menu()
// Build menu one item at a time, unlike
menu.append(new MenuItem ({
label: 'MenuItem1',
click() {
console.log('item 1 clicked')
menu.append(new MenuItem({type: 'separator'}))
menu.append(new MenuItem({label: 'MenuItem2', type: 'checkbox', checked: true}))
menu.append(new MenuItem ({
label: 'MenuItem3',
click() {
console.log('item 3 clicked')
// Prevent default action of right click in chromium. Replace with our menu.
window.addEventListener('contextmenu', (e) => {
}, false)
Put this as first item in your HTML Body and it should work. At least it worked on my project
EDIT, cause I forgot it: Credits to google for answer on 6th entry


Testing-library unable to find rc-menu

I'm trying to implement integration tests on our React frontend which uses Ant design. Whenever we create a table, we add an action column in which we have a Menu and Menu Items to perform certain actions.
However, I seem unable to find the correct button in the menu item when using react-testing-library. The menu Ant design uses is rc-menu and I believe it renders outside of the rendered component.
Reading the testing-library documentation, I've tried using baseElement and queryByRole to get the correct DOM element, but it doesn't find anything.
Here's an example of what I'm trying to do. It's all async since the table has to wait on certain data before it gets filled in, just an FYI.
Tried it on codesandbox
const row = await screen.findByRole('row', {
name: /test/i
const menu = await within(row).findByRole('menu')
expect(queryByRole('button', { name: /delete/i })).toBeDisabled()
the menu being opened with the delete action as menu item
I had a same issue testing antd + rc-menu component. Looks like the issue is related to delayed popup rendering. Here is an example how I solved it:
const { queryByTestId, getByText } = renderMyComponent();
const nav = await waitFor(() => getByText("My Menu item text"));
act(() => {
jest.runAllTimers(); // ! <- this was a trick !

Content script event listener not working in all tabs? (Firefox add-on SDK)

In my Firefox SDK add-on, I have a simple content script that adds a keydown event listener to its page and logs the event:
window.addEventListener("keydown", function(event) {
console.log("Key down event");
And I have written a function to set up this behavior in main.js:
function setupTab(tab) {
contentScriptFile: "./content-script.js"
tabs.on("open", function(tab) {
My ultimate goal is to run the content script on all tabs that are open when the add-on starts up, as well as any tabs that open afterward. For the moment I am just running this on the active tab and all subsequently opened ones.
When I run the add-on, the console logs "setup" and "Running" and also logs any key presses I make in the initial window, which is the expected behavior. However, when I open new tabs, the first new tab opened will log both "setup" and "Running" but they will NOT log any keypresses. Every new tab after that will log "setup", "Running", and keypresses.
I have noticed that the Add-on SDK version of Firefox runs like a fresh installation each time, and the first new tab opened (and only this tab) pops up a "What is this page?" message. This might be interfering somehow, but if so I don't know how to circumvent it.
I'm suspecting that the behaviour you want is at every active tab. So the code may be like this:
var tabs = require("sdk/tabs");
tabs.on('ready', function (tab) {
contentScriptFile: "./content-script.js"

Is it possible to add buttons and control its event to toolbar of inappbrowser using javascript...?

I am developing a Hybrid App for iOS and Android using PhoneGap.Is it possible to add buttons and control its event to toolbar of inappbrowser using javascript.I know how to add it through ios native side but i cant use that process.I need to control the button event through a javascript method.
You have two options to do that.
The first option is, obviously, to patch the native plugin code, and that's it. Here you can find an example made for iOS, you will have to do the same to your Android Java code and for every other platform you want to support.
Another option is to hide the native toolbar and inject HTML and CSS to create a new one when the page is loaded.
Something like this:
// starting inappbrowser...
inAppWindow =, '_blank', 'location=no');
// Listen to the events, we need to know when the page is completely loaded
inAppWindow.addEventListener('loadstop', function () {
code = CustomHeader.html();
// Inject your JS code!
code: code
}, function () {
console.log("injected (callback).");
// Inject CSS!
code: CustomHeader.css
}, function () {
console.log("CSS inserted!");
And you will have obviously to define the CustomHeader object, something like this:
var CustomHeader = {
css: '#customheader { your css here }',
html: function() {
var code = 'var div = document.createElement("div");\ = "customheader";\
// Insert it just after the body tag
if (document.body.firstChild){ document.body.insertBefore(div, document.body.firstChild); } \
else { document.body.appendChild(div); }';
return code;
I had experience with this problem.
For my case, the second option was enough, not a critical task. Sometimes it takes a lot for the loadstop event to fire, and so you don't see the injected bar for >= 5 seconds.
And you have to pay attention even on the CSS of the loaded page, because obviously you can affect the original CSS, or the original CSS can affect the style of your toolbar.

jQuery Tooltip remains open if it's on a link within an iframe (in FF & IE)

I'm replacing the standard "Reset your password" text link with a help' icon, but I discovered that when a jQuery Tooltip is on a link within an iframe, it remains open once the link is clicked until the parent page is refreshed.
I'm using inline frames, but I also experienced the same problem when linking to another page. I tried moving the title inside a <span> tag, as well as closing the iframe and opening a new one with the functions below, but the tooltip just remains open on the page.
UPDATE - I created a fiddle to demonstrate the problem (Click on 'Reset Link'). I experience the problem in both Firefox & IE (it's fine in Chrome & Safari).
<img src="help.jpg">
Functions to close iframe and open new iframe
function close_iframe() {
function open_iframe() {
$[{href:'reset_password.html'}], { type:'iframe'
I am using jquery-1.8.2, jquery-ui-1.9.1 and fancyapps2
Could be an incompatibility or bug between the fancybox and the jQueryUI tooltip.
Essentially, the fancybox is showing the second form but the browser is not seeing the mouseout event. You can check this by adding a callback function to the .close() event of the jQueryUI tooltip.
close: function( event, ui ) {
You should be able to see closing in the console in IE, Firefox and Chrome when the mouse moves out of the "Reset Link" anchor. However, when clicking "Reset Link" in Chrome you see the closing log line again but in IE9 it does not appear again. So the browser is missing the event.
We can work around this by manually calling .tooltip('close') when "Reset Link" is clicked, like this:
$('a[href="#inline_form1"]').on('click', function() {
There is a small problem with the way in which the tooltips are created which means that with just the above click handler it will error with
Uncaught Error: cannot call methods on tooltip prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'close'
This seems to be caused by using the $(document).tooltip() method which uses event delegation for all elements with a title attribute. This is the simplest way of creating tooltips for all elements so I understand why this is used but it can add unnecessary events and handling to the whole page rather than targeting specific elements. So looking at the error it is telling us that we need to explicitly create a tooltip on the element we want to call 'close' on. So need to add the following initialisation
Sp here is the completed JavaScript
$(function () {
title: ''
$('a[href="#inline_form1"]').on('click', function() {
Note: You only need one jQuery document.ready wrapping function - the $(function (){ ... }) part :-)

How to close a sidebar in firefox

I have a sidebar inside my firefox addon. I want the following behavior for this sidebar - I should force close the sidebar if it is open when the browser is being closed (so that the next time the browser is opened the sidebar is not in an open state). I am trying to do this:
uninit: function() {
var sidebarWindow = document.getElementById("sidebar").contentWindow;
if (sidebarWindow.location.href == "chrome://myaddon/content/mysidebar.xul") {
// Act on the sidebar content
I call this uninit for the window.unload event:
window.addEventListener("unload", function() { myobj.uninit()}, false);
Can someone tell me how to achieve this, as what I am trying to do is not working.
In your firefox sidebar overlay javascript add
in the "load" event listener function.
See here for example:
sidebar.onFirefoxLoad = function(event) {
.addEventListener("popupshowing", function (e)
{ sidebar.showFirefoxContextMenu(e); }, false);
window.addEventListener("load", sidebar.onFirefoxLoad, false);
Your code is correct for closing your sidebar, but I think unload is too late to change the startup state of the browser window (browser.xul), because browser.xul has already been unloaded (and its state, including sidebar state, has already been stored away).
Instead use beforeunload. I tested the following and it seems to work fine:
window.addEventListener("unload", myobj.uninit, false)
On rare occasions the browser process could be killed so unload would not be called (user kills it or it crashes). I'm not sure if occasionally stores the state of the sidebar like it does tabs, but if it does it could open and have the sidebar visible in that rare case. To handle that case, you can add what #Vinothkumar suggested.
window.addEventListener("load", myobj.uninit, false)
