Xamarin google login - xamarin.android

I'm trying to log the user into google and get a UserCredential for the youtube Api. I've made many research but all the informations i've found are outdated or arn't working on xamarin. Can somebody send a link to an updated documentation whitch work on xamarin android, an exemple (like a github) or describe here how to do it.
Thanks for reading.


disallowed_useragent with Google Drive SDK

I am trying to implement Google Drive SDK in my project but nothing seems to go well, i wanted to upload images and create folder on Google Drive but i am stuck with the error ,which i don't know how to get through, as i found nothing related to the following error.
I have strongly followed this link for code
Google has updated its security restrictions for OAuth flow. They are not going to allow native web-views to initiate OAuth flows. You will need to use the OS browsers to do so.
Modernizing OAuth interactions in Native Apps for Better Usability and Security
You may have to wait for google to update the sample code or figure out how to do it yourself sorry i am not an IOS developer so cant be of any help.
The issue is already logged on the issue forum for Google drive 4919

salesforce login in ios native App

I am quite new to iOS and i am trying to post something from my App on salesforce(like we share something on twitter). For that i want to first display the login screen if user is already not logged in and if user is logged in he can post on salesforce from my app. Please guide me to a tutorial or some sample code. i have done a hell lot of searching on web but didn't find any good tutorial. i have already added the SDK to my project but not able to figure out how implement all this.
Thank you.
what about this : SalesForce on iOS login without using the SalesForce Webview?
The post point to SFDC API for iPhone. May be you will found what you need.

Twitter for blackberry

I want to integrate twitter api in my BB (OS 5 and above) application. Is there any api available. I already tried twitter api me, but no success.
Please halp.
I have found the Twitter APIME SDK to work well.
For my particular purposes, I have updated it a little and provided a simplified interface that you can find here:
Hopefully this link takes you to the post that contains the download for my updated project, if not search the Thread for it.
All I wanted to do is provide an interface that sends a tweet and posts to a facebook wall, and the supplied code does that fine for me in OS 5.0 and above.

How to post on Facebook wall through an iOS app?

In my application i try to integrate New FBconnect api using this tutorial ,but when i run this tutorial source code its give me following Errors.
Here is link of this Tutorial http://gabriel-tips.blogspot.com/2011/10/how-to-post-on-facebook-wall-through.html.
I request to all Who want to help me please check this tutorial before Answering me,bcz my work is related as done in this tutorial.so please guide me about this tutorial.Any help will be appriated.Thanx in advance.
Forget about older tutorials and random sample code found on the web. Facebook has an official sample project for you to use called HackBook. It includes several working examples that you can dissect. You should download this, read their instructions, and see exactly how to achieve Facebook functionality within your app.
There is a api called AddThis. You can use that api to share anything over hundreds of social networking sites including twitter and Facebook.
You will get the documents and api on this link.

Any well written Facebook iOS SDK tutorial?

I'm trying to integrate facebook graph into my app. I've tried to follow the official-creepy-nonexaustive documentation of facebook, but it doesn't work.
There are any well written tutorial out there?
Facebook SDK – Posting to User News Feed
A recent, solid explanation of how to post to a user's feed, which should help get you there.
