SIAlertView freezes app - ios

SIAlertView sometimes freeze application on dismissal of alert view.
When clicking one of the buttons, even "Cancel" or any button, the handler block executed and everything seems to be in order, except that the UI becomes non-responsive, and I have to kill the application.
I'm using CocoaPods.
Can anyone suggest how to debug this issue or solve it?
Thanks in advance.


How iOS handles events that occurs just right before the background?

First of all I'd like to say sorry in case my question is dummy, I'm really new to iOS and what to understand how thing are going on. Imagine such a situation - user taps on home button and the app starts to collapse, but immediately after taping on home button user taped on some UI element. So, I'm wondering how the iOS will handle this? I tried to do some tests using breakpoints, but since it just test I can't be 100% sure. It seems that if the UI interaction event will happen before the system will call willResignActive then the event will be fully processed and if the system will call willResignActive first, then the even will be discarded and won't be handled at all. Is this correct, or I missed something? Thanks
First, why do you want to use this in your app? If a user presses a button exactly in this time, it's okay that the action is not handled.
The only thing you have to keep track of is that whenever the button gets pressed and let's say you store a file without a completion handler it could be that you present an alert which is saying that everything went well but you actually not saved the file because the user left the app in this time.
But since you're never doing critical actions without completion handlers, in my opinion, there's no need to make sure that this doesn't happen.
If I got you wrong, just comment!

Should touchID be displayed if app minimized

Im implementing touch ID to "unlock" my app, and im not sure if ive run into an apple bug or something i need to handle myself. If i tap the Home button and minimize my app before evaluatePolicy can load the Touch ID prompt, it appears over the home screen.
![not enough reputation to display screenshot, so heres a link]
Successful/failure/cancel evaluation of this policy does nothing, but when i re-enter the app and cancel it again, touchID seems to be disabled forever until i restart the phone.
Anyone else running into this issue or have an ideas?
P.S. Theres an open radar where errSecUserCanceled is never returned from a cancel button tap, so right now i fall into my errSecAuthFailed case, which could also be the cause.
Answer is no. It should not be be displayed, when minimized.
The problem is IMHO that the code segment is being called again from your app when it goes to the background. For example loadView , didLoad and so on.
Try moving the code, that calls the authentication somewhere else in the program (different method).
For example, if your code uses a textView to enter password, you can implement the authentication within keyboardWillShow or similar.
Hope it helps.

Objective c program behaving differently with and without breakpoints (XCode)

I am new to iOS development and i am facing an issue.
Putting breakpoints in my app before running the app in simulator is causing unexpected behavior.
If I put breakpoints in my app then I am not able to type in to text controls or click buttons i.e. it makes entire view read only.
If I disable the breakpoints, my app runs fine.
Any pointers to this issue will be really helpful.
You are hitting a breakpoint which pauses execution of the main (UI) thread. Your application will not be able to process touch events when it is paused. Click the play button in Xcode to resume execution.

iOS app black screen after exiting and re-loading

I've seen some other solutions, but none of them are working for me.
My app is suddenly returning to a black screen after I use the home button to leave and then return to the program. It briefly shows the screen and then goes black.
There's nothing inside my appDelegate methods related to foreground and background, and I don't know if there's another bit of code that I should be looking for to solve this issue.
What can cause this to happen?
Upon re-entering the foreground I've checked to make sure that all of the views, subviews, layers and sublayers still exist. Calling setNeedsDisplay to all of them from the WillEnterForeground notification does no good.
Looking at the notifications sent out, there is one called
which looks menacing, but I can't find any information about that.
Any pointers about where to look are much appreciated, I've tried everything that seems possibly relevant. Thanks!!
The most probable cause is you're doing something on the main thread. When the app goes black just click pause on the debugger and check the main thread. If you're not doing something on the main thread please tell us what is your app doing when you click pause.

iOS Splash screen appears when application is reloaded from background

The splash screen of my app is showing when I reload the app after clicking the home button. It doesn't happen every time. It only happens when I press the home button while the app is creating a movie with AVFoundation and the reload the app.
Anyone have any idea why this is happening and how can I tackle the problem?
Thanks a lot!
It sounds like your app is actually being shut down, not just put in the background. It may be doing too much processing after being sent to the background so that the OS kills the app.
