erlang elixir observer ui: what does reds/reductions mean in processes tab? - erlang

I was doing the exercise of making a dictionary module, implemented with Agent, that should output random word on random_word(pid) function call. After implementation was complete the author asked: "Using the observer (:observer.start), find this process. Double click on it to bring up the process details. Now generate some random words. Do you see any changes in the process display (you may have to wait a few seconds or refresh the process window to see a change)?"
The only change I have noticed is in the number of reds/reductions (it increases when I call the function from iex). However there was no explanation of what "Reds" is or why it increased.
After a quick web surf I could not find anything understandable for a beginner (a lot of elixir/erlang in production articles popup). Could you folks give a nice, simple answer to this.

In a BEAM application, you can potentially have millions of processes running at the same time. In order to ensure that each process gets (roughly) equal share of the available CPU(s), the VM counts reductions. One reduction is essentially equivalent to one function call.


Azure Durable Function getting slower and slower over time

My Azure Durable Function(Runtime V3) getting an average of 3M events per day. When it runs for two or three weeks it is getting slower and slower. When I remove two table storages(History & Instances) used by Durable Function Framework, it is getting better and works as expected. I hosted my function app in the consumption plan. And also inside my function app, I'm used Durabel Entities as well. In my code, I'm using sub orchestrators as well for the Fan-Out mechanism.
Is this problem possible when it comes to heavy workload? Do I need to clear those table storages from time to time or do I need to Delete the state of completed entities inside my Durable Entity Function?
Someone, please help me
Yes, you should perform periodic clean-ups yourself by calling the PurgeInstanceHistoryAsync method. See a similar post on how to do this:
Also review any loops or Monitor patterns that you may have in your code.
Any looping logic, (like foreach, for or while loops) will replay from the initial startup state. Whilst the Durable Function replay architecture is very efficient at doing this, the code we write may not be optimised for repetitive iterations.
Durable Monitor Pattern is almost an Anti-Pattern. The concept is OK but it is easily misinterpreted and is open to abuse. It is designed for a low-frequency loop that polls an endpoint either for a set number of iterations or up until a finite time, or of course when the state of the endpoint being monitoried has changed. That state change will be the trigger to perform the rest of the operation.
It is NOT an example of how to use general or high frequency looping structures in Durable functions
It is NOT and example of how to implement a traditional HTTP endpoint reporting monitor in an infinite loop (while(true)) style, perhaps to record changes into a data store over time.
If your durable function logic has an iterator that may involve many iterations, consider migrating the iteration step to a sub-orchestration that uses the Eternal Orchestration pattern

Marking a key as complete in a GroupBy | Dataflow Streaming Pipeline

To our Streaming pipeline, we want to submit unique GCS files, each file containing multiple event information, each event also containing a key (for example, device_id). As part of the processing, we want to shuffle by this device_id so as to achieve some form of worker to device_id affinity (more background on why we want to do it is in this another SO question. Once all events from the same file are complete, we want to reduce (GroupBy) by their source GCS file (which we will make a property of the event itself, something like file_id) and finally write the output to GCS (could be multiple files).
The reason we want to do the final GroupBy is because we want to notify an external service once a specific input file has completed processing. The only problem with this approach is that since the data is shuffled by the device_id and then grouped at the end by the file_id, there is no way to guarantee that all data from a specific file_id has completed processing.
Is there something we could do about it? I understand that Dataflow provides exactly_once guarantees which means all the events will be eventually processed but is there a way to set a deterministic trigger to say all data for a specific key has been grouped?
I wanted to highlight the broader problem we are facing here. The ability to mark
file-level completeness would help us checkpoint different stages of the data as seen by external consumers. For example,
this would allow us to trigger per-hour or per-day completeness which are critical for us to generate reports for that window. Given that these stages/barriers (hour/day) are clearly defined on the input (GCS files are date/hour partitioned), it is only natural to expect the same of the output. But with Dataflow's model, this seems impossible.
Similarly, although Dataflow guarantees exactly-once, there will be cases where the entire pipeline needs to be restarted since something went horribly wrong - in those cases, it is almost impossible to restart from the correct input marker since there is no guarantee that what was already consumed has been completely flushed out. The DRAIN mode tries to achieve this but as mentioned, if the entire pipeline is messed up and draining itself cannot make progress, there is no way to know which part of the source should be the starting point.
We are considering using Spark since its micro-batch based Streaming model seems to fit better. We would still like to explore Dataflow if possible but it seems that we wont be able to achieve it without storing these checkpoints externally from within the application. If there is an alternative way of providing these guarantees from Dataflow, it would be great. The idea behind broadening this question was to see if we are missing an alternate perspective which would solve our problem.
This is actually tricky. Neither Beam nor Dataflow have a notion of a per-key watermark, and it would be difficult to implement that level of granularity.
One idea would be to use a stateful DoFn instead of the second shuffle. This DoFn would need to receive the number of elements expected in the file (from either a side-input or some special value on the main input). Then it could count the number of elements it had processed, and only output that everything has been processed once it had seen that number of elements.
This would be assuming that the expected number of elements can be determined ahead of time, etc.

Assess scalability of Erlang

I'm having some difficulties thinking about a good way to assess the scalability of my school project. The assignment is simply put a twitter-service. Very bare bones. The main goal is to make it as scalable as possible. However, it's equally important to know how and why the assignment would scale. So the point is not really to create a very scalable project, but mainly to create a few different architectures for the server and see which one outperforms which one and why.
So so far I have the basic server architecture like this:
* 1 main process which holds the data
* 1 unique process server-side per user
A user sends messages to his own server-side process, which then simply delegates those messages to the central process.
To test this I would spawn 1 or more processes which would act as clients. I would spam the server with tweets and then assess how well it can withstand a certain load.
Now, to assess the scalability I came up with following metrics:
First off, a process is being a bottleneck if it's message queue is piling up. So, I would store the queuelength every time a tweet is processed (or every N tweets) and in the end calculate the average. If I run it on more cores and the average queue length goes down, it scales better.
Second, if I create N users to spam the server (on N processes or less) I simply time how long it takes for the server to process all these tweets.
Is there a better way to do this? I can't stop thinking that there should be better metrics..
So far I have tried fprof and eprof. These tools however, show me how much time is spent in certain methods. While this is a good indicator where I can improve my code, it's not really a good indicator for scalability. It would be better if it would for example show the time spent per process.
Look at percept and percept2 if you are really interested in this.

How would someone create a preemptive scheduler for the Lua VM?

I've been looking at lua and lvm.c. I'd very much like to implement an interface to allow me to control the VM interpreter state.
Cooperative multitasking from within lua would not work for me (user contributed code)
The debug hook gets me only about 50% of the way there, instruction execution limits, but it raises an exception which just crashes the running lua code - but I need to be able to tweak it even further.
I want to create a system where 10's of thousands of lua user scripts are running - individual threads would not work, and the execution limits would cause headache for beginning developers, I'm going to control execution speeds too. but ultimately
while true do
will execute forever, and I really don't care that it is.
Any ideas, help or other implementations that I could look at?
EDIT: This is not about sandboxing pretend I'm an expert in that field for this conversation
EDIT: I do not want to use an internally ran lua code coroutine based controller.
EDIT: I want to run one thread, and manage a large number of user contributed lua scripts, an external process level control mechansim would not scale at all.
You can search for Lua Sandbox implementations; for example, this wiki page and SO question provide some pointers. Note that most of the effort in sandboxing is focused on not allowing you to execute bad code, but not necessarily on preventing infinite loops. For better control you may need to combine Lua sandboxing with something like LXC or cpulimit. (not relevant based on the comments)
If you are looking for something Lua-based, lightweight, but not necessarily 100% foolproof, then you can try running your client code in a separate coroutine and set a debug hook on that coroutine that will be triggered every N-th line. In that hook you can check if the process you are running exceeded its quotes. You also need to take care of new coroutines started as those need to have their own hooks set (you either need to disable coroutine.create/wrap or to replace them with something that sets the debug hook you need).
The code in this case may look like:
local coro = coroutine.create(client_func)
debug.sethook(coro, debug_hook, "l", 1000) -- trigger hook on every 1000th line
It's not foolproof, because it may block on some IO operation and the debug hook will not help there.
[Edit based on updated question and comments]
Between "no lua code coroutine based controller" and "no external process control mechanism" I don't think you are left with much choice. It may be that your only option is to run one VM per user script and somehow give ticks to those VMs (there was a recent question on SO on this, but I can't find it). Before going this route, I would still try to do this with coroutines (which should scale to tens of thousands easily; Tir claims supporting 1M active users with coroutine-based architecture).
The mechanism would roughly look like this: you install the debug hook as I shown above and from that hook you yield back to your controller, which then decides what other coroutine (user script) to resume. I have this very mechanism working in the Lua debugger I've been developing (although it only does it for one client script). This doesn't protect you from IO calls that can block and for that you may still need to have a watchdog at the VM level to see if it's been blocked for longer than needed.
If you need to serialize and deserialize running code fragments that preserve upvalues and such, then Pluto is probably your only option.
Look at implementing lua_lock and lua_unlock.
Take a look at lulu. It is lua VM written on lua. It's for Lua 5.1
For newer version you need to do some work. But it's then you really can make a schelduler.
Take a look at this,
I maintain this project. It,s a non blocking preemptive scheduler for running lua code. Suitable for long running game scripts.

Is the process dictionary appropriate in this case?

I've read several comments here and elsewhere suggesting that Erlang's process dictionary was a bad idea and should die. Normally, as a total Erlang newbie, I'd just avoid it. However, in this situation my other options aren't great.
I have a main dispatcher function that looks something like this:
dispatch(State) ->
{cmd1, Params} ->
NewState = do_cmd1_stuff(Params, State),
{cmd2, Params} ->
NewState = do_cmd2_stuff(Params, State),
BadMsg ->
Obviously, my names are more meaningful to me, but that's the gist of it. Deep down in a function called by a function called by a function called by do_cmd2_stuff(), I want to send out messages to all my users telling them about something I've done. In order to do that, I need to get the list of users from the point where I send the messages. The user list doesn't lend itself easily to sticking in the global state, since that's just one data structure representing the only block of data on which I operate.
The way I see it, I have a couple unpleasant options other than using the process dictionary. I can send the user list through all the various levels of functions down to the very bottom one that does the broadcasting. That's unpleasant because it causes all my functions to gain a parameter, whether they really care about it or not.
Alternatively, I could have all the do_cmdN_stuff() functions return a message to send. That's not great either though, since sending the message may not be the last thing I want to do and it clutters up my dispatcher with a bunch of {Msg, NewState} tuples. Furthermore, some of the functions might not have any messages to send some of the time.
Like I said earlier, I'm very new to Erlang. Maybe someone with more experience can point me at a better way. Is there one? Is the process dictionary appropriate in this case?
The general rule is that if you have doubts, you shouldn't use the process dictionary.
If the two options you mentioned aren't good enough (I personally like the one where you return the messages to send) and what you want is some particular piece of code to track users and forward messages to them, maybe what you want to do is have a process holding that info.
Pid ! {forward, Msg}
where Pid will take care of sending everything to a bunch of other processes. Now, you would still need to pass the Pid around, unless you give it a name in some registry to find it. Either with register/2, global or gproc.
A simple answer would be to nest your global within a state record, which is then threaded through the system, at least at the stop level. This makes it easy to add new fields to the state in the future, not an uncommon occurrence, and allow you to keep your global state data structure untouched. So initially
-record(state, {users=[],state_data}).
Defining it as a record makes it easy to access and extend when necessary.
As you mentioned you can always pass the user list as extra param, thats not so bad.
If you don't want to do this just put it in State. You can have a special State just for this part of the calculation that also contains the user list.
Then there always is the possibility of putting it in ETS or in another server process.
What exactly to do is hard to recommend since it depends a lot on your exact application and preferences.
Just choose from the mentioned possibilities as if the process dictionary doesn't exist. Maybe your code needs restructuring if none of the variants look elegant, there always is some better way without the process dictionary.
Its really bad it is still there, because its alluring to many beginning Erlang users.
You really should not use process dictionary. I accept using dictionary only if
It is short living process.
I have full control about the process from spawn to termination i.e. I use minimum and well known set of external modules.
I need performance gain badly. It means avoid copy of data when using ets and dict/gb_tree is too slow (for GC reason).
ad 1. is not your case, you are using in server. ad 2. I don't know if it is your case. ad 3. is not your case because you need list of recipient so you don't gain nothing from that process dictionary is very fast key/value storage. In your case I don't see any reason why you should not include what you need to your State. IMHO State is exactly the right place for it.
Its an interesting question because it involves the fundamentals of functional design.
My opinion:
Try as much as possible to make the function return the messages, then send them. This separates the two different tasks nicely, and separates the purely functional task from the one that causes side effects.
If this isn't possible, pass receivers as argument even if its a bit messy. If the broadcasting function uses that data, it should be given to it explicitly, for clarity and predictability.
Using ETS as Peer Stritzinger suggests is really not any better than the PD, both hides the fact that the broadcasting function uses the receiver list and makes it dependent on global data.
I'm not sure about the Erlang way of encapsulating some state in a process, as I GIVE TERRIBLE ADVICE suggests. Is it really any better that ETS or PD?
clutters up my dispatcher with a bunch
of {Msg, NewState}
This is my experience also, that you often end up like this. It's not particularly pretty, but functional design seems to encourage this. Could some language feature be introduced to make it more beautiful and natural?
6 years ago I wrote:
Could some language feature be introduced to make it more beautiful and natural?
After learning much more about functional programming I have realised that examples of this are state-monads and do-notation that are found in Haskell.
I would consider sending a special message to self() from deep inside the call stack, and handling it at the top level dispatch method that you've sketched, where list of users is available.
