What does X-Apple-Store-Front means in apple http headers? - ios

I need get hot search keywords using apple API https://search.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZSearchHints.woa/wa/trends, and set values {"X-Apple-Store-Front": "143465-19,30"} in http
headers, if i set "X-Apple-Store-Front" to "143465-19,30", the result is
"header": {
"label": "热门搜索"
"trendingSearches": [
"label": "蜜芽",
"url": "https://search.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/search?clientApplication=Software&src=trending&term=%E8%9C%9C%E8%8A%BD"
"label": "qq",
"url": "https://search.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/search?clientApplication=Software&src=trending&term=qq"
"label": "腾讯视频",
"url": "https://search.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/search?clientApplication=Software&src=trending&term=%E8%85%BE%E8%AE%AF%E8%A7%86%E9%A2%91"
"label": "微信",
"url": "https://search.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/search?clientApplication=Software&src=trending&term=%E5%BE%AE%E4%BF%A1"
"label": "爱奇艺",
"url": "https://search.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/search?clientApplication=Software&src=trending&term=%E7%88%B1%E5%A5%87%E8%89%BA"
"label": "淘宝",
"url": "https://search.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/search?clientApplication=Software&src=trending&term=%E6%B7%98%E5%AE%9D"
"label": "百度",
"url": "https://search.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/search?clientApplication=Software&src=trending&term=%E7%99%BE%E5%BA%A6"
"label": "qq音乐",
"url": "https://search.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/search?clientApplication=Software&src=trending&term=qq%E9%9F%B3%E4%B9%90"
"label": "微博",
"url": "https://search.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/search?clientApplication=Software&src=trending&term=%E5%BE%AE%E5%8D%9A"
"label": "百度网盘",
"url": "https://search.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/search?clientApplication=Software&src=trending&term=%E7%99%BE%E5%BA%A6%E7%BD%91%E7%9B%98"
if i set "X-Apple-Store-Front" to "143465-19,29", the result will change.
"header": {
"label": "热门搜索"
"trendingSearches": [
"label": "铃声",
"url": "https://search.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/search?clientApplication=MusicPlayer&src=trending&term=%E9%93%83%E5%A3%B0"
"label": "李荣浩",
"url": "https://search.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/search?clientApplication=MusicPlayer&src=trending&term=%E6%9D%8E%E8%8D%A3%E6%B5%A9"
"label": "泰勒·斯威夫特",
"url": "https://search.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/search?clientApplication=MusicPlayer&src=trending&term=%E6%B3%B0%E5%8B%92%C2%B7%E6%96%AF%E5%A8%81%E5%A4%AB%E7%89%B9"
"label": "像我这样的人",
"url": "https://search.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/search?clientApplication=MusicPlayer&src=trending&term=%E5%83%8F%E6%88%91%E8%BF%99%E6%A0%B7%E7%9A%84%E4%BA%BA"
"label": "eminem",
"url": "https://search.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/search?clientApplication=MusicPlayer&src=trending&term=eminem"
"label": "杨宗纬",
"url": "https://search.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/search?clientApplication=MusicPlayer&src=trending&term=%E6%9D%A8%E5%AE%97%E7%BA%AC"
"label": "张碧晨",
"url": "https://search.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/search?clientApplication=MusicPlayer&src=trending&term=%E5%BC%A0%E7%A2%A7%E6%99%A8"
"label": "刘若英",
"url": "https://search.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/search?clientApplication=MusicPlayer&src=trending&term=%E5%88%98%E8%8B%A5%E8%8B%B1"
"label": "lady gaga",
"url": "https://search.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/search?clientApplication=MusicPlayer&src=trending&term=lady%20gaga"
"label": "赵雷",
"url": "https://search.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/search?clientApplication=MusicPlayer&src=trending&term=%E8%B5%B5%E9%9B%B7"
, pls tell me what does mean and how to use X-Apple-Store-Front, and the X-Apple-Store-Front mapping?

THis X-Apple-Store-Front is a country code. For more info:

143465-19,29 means CN store, zh-cn language, P84 platform
It's ${storefrontID}-${languageVariationID},${platformID}. More info here. Language variations are explained a bit here. Basically, if you leave off the -${languageVariationID}, you'll get a decent default for storefront's country.
If you want a non-default language, the language-variations are here:
'pt-br': 15,
'it-it': 7,
'hi-in': 50,
'ca-es': 42,
'es-es': 8,
'zh-tw': 18,
'th-th': 35,
'da-dk': 11,
'fi-fi': 12,
'en-gb': 2,
'nl-nl': 10,
'pl-pl': 20,
'ro-ro': 39,
'zh-cn': 19,
'no-no': 14,
'pt-pt': 24,
'de-ch': 57,
'uk-ua': 29,
'en-us': 1,
'vi-vi': 43,
'sv-se': 17,
'en-ca': 6,
'fr-fr': 3,
'sk-sk': 40,
'zh-hk': 45,
'hr-hr': 41,
'en-au': 27,
'ko-kr': 13,
'tr-tr': 25,
'el-gr': 23,
'ms-my': 38,
'id-id': 37,
'cs-cz': 22,
'hu-hu': 21,
'fr-ca': 5,
'es-mx': 28,
'de-de': 4,
'ru-ru': 16,
'ja-jp': 9
The platform-ids available are these:
K7: 20,
P7: 21,
K71: 23,
P71: 24,
K8: 25,
P8: 26,
P84: 29,
K84: 30,
Android: 31,
Watch: 35,
MacPodcasts1: 38
And the store-ids are here:
DZ: 143563,
AO: 143564,
AI: 143538,
AR: 143505,
AM: 143524,
AU: 143460,
AT: 143445,
AZ: 143568,
BH: 143559,
BB: 143541,
BY: 143565,
BE: 143446,
BZ: 143555,
BM: 143542,
BO: 143556,
BW: 143525,
BR: 143503,
VG: 143543,
BN: 143560,
BG: 143526,
CA: 143455,
KY: 143544,
CL: 143483,
CN: 143465,
CO: 143501,
CR: 143495,
HR: 143494,
CY: 143557,
CZ: 143489,
DK: 143458,
DM: 143545,
EC: 143509,
EG: 143516,
SV: 143506,
EE: 143518,
FI: 143447,
FR: 143442,
DE: 143443,
GH: 143573,
GR: 143448,
GD: 143546,
GT: 143504,
GY: 143553,
HN: 143510,
HK: 143463,
HU: 143482,
IS: 143558,
IN: 143467,
ID: 143476,
IE: 143449,
IL: 143491,
IT: 143450,
JM: 143511,
JP: 143462,
JO: 143528,
KE: 143529,
KW: 143493,
LV: 143519,
LB: 143497,
LT: 143520,
LU: 143451,
MO: 143515,
MK: 143530,
MG: 143531,
MY: 143473,
ML: 143532,
MT: 143521,
MU: 143533,
MX: 143468,
MS: 143547,
NP: 143484,
NL: 143452,
NZ: 143461,
NI: 143512,
NE: 143534,
NG: 143561,
NO: 143457,
OM: 143562,
PK: 143477,
PA: 143485,
PY: 143513,
PE: 143507,
PH: 143474,
PL: 143478,
PT: 143453,
QA: 143498,
RO: 143487,
RU: 143469,
SA: 143479,
SN: 143535,
SG: 143464,
SK: 143496,
SI: 143499,
ZA: 143472,
ES: 143454,
LK: 143486,
SR: 143554,
SE: 143456,
CH: 143459,
TW: 143470,
TZ: 143572,
TH: 143475,
TN: 143536,
TR: 143480,
UG: 143537,
UA: 143492,
AE: 143481,
US: 143441,
UY: 143514,
UZ: 143566,
VE: 143502,
VN: 143471,
YE: 143571

A (small) update on this one:
X-Apple-Store-Front work with ID's in this order:
Where language is optional. Default is EN-US.
Example: 143452-10,9 (-Dutch,Apps)
Here's an updated list of country codes:
'AE' => '143481',
'AF' => '143610',
'AG' => '143540',
'AI' => '143538',
'AL' => '143575',
'AM' => '143524',
'AO' => '143564',
'AR' => '143505',
'AT' => '143445',
'AU' => '143460',
'AZ' => '143568',
'BA' => '143612',
'BB' => '143541',
'BD' => '143490',
'BE' => '143446',
'BF' => '143578',
'BG' => '143526',
'BH' => '143559',
'BJ' => '143576',
'BM' => '143542',
'BN' => '143560',
'BO' => '143556',
'BR' => '143503',
'BS' => '143539',
'BT' => '143577',
'BW' => '143525',
'BY' => '143565',
'BZ' => '143555',
'CA' => '143455',
'CD' => '143613',
'CG' => '143582',
'CH' => '143459',
'CI' => '143527',
'CL' => '143483',
'CM' => '143574',
'CN' => '143465',
'CO' => '143501',
'CR' => '143495',
'CV' => '143580',
'CY' => '143557',
'CZ' => '143489',
'DE' => '143443',
'DK' => '143458',
'DM' => '143545',
'DO' => '143508',
'DZ' => '143563',
'EC' => '143509',
'EE' => '143518',
'EG' => '143516',
'ES' => '143454',
'FI' => '143447',
'FJ' => '143583',
'FM' => '143591',
'FR' => '143442',
'GA' => '143614',
'GB' => '143444',
'GD' => '143546',
'GF' => '143615',
'GH' => '143573',
'GM' => '143584',
'GR' => '143448',
'GT' => '143504',
'GW' => '143585',
'GY' => '143553',
'HK' => '143463',
'HN' => '143510',
'HR' => '143494',
'HU' => '143482',
'ID' => '143476',
'IE' => '143449',
'IL' => '143491',
'IN' => '143467',
'IQ' => '143617',
'IS' => '143558',
'IT' => '143450',
'JM' => '143511',
'JO' => '143528',
'JP' => '143462',
'KE' => '143529',
'KG' => '143586',
'KH' => '143579',
'KN' => '143548',
'KP' => '143466',
'KR' => '143466',
'KW' => '143493',
'KY' => '143544',
'KZ' => '143517',
'LA' => '143587',
'LB' => '143497',
'LC' => '143549',
'LI' => '143522',
'LK' => '143486',
'LR' => '143588',
'LT' => '143520',
'LU' => '143451',
'LV' => '143519',
'LY' => '143567',
'MA' => '143620',
'MD' => '143523',
'ME' => '143619',
'MG' => '143531',
'MK' => '143530',
'ML' => '143532',
'MM' => '143570',
'MN' => '143592',
'MO' => '143515',
'MR' => '143590',
'MS' => '143547',
'MT' => '143521',
'MU' => '143533',
'MV' => '143488',
'MW' => '143589',
'MX' => '143468',
'MY' => '143473',
'MZ' => '143593',
'NA' => '143594',
'NE' => '143534',
'NG' => '143561',
'NI' => '143512',
'NL' => '143452',
'NO' => '143457',
'NP' => '143484',
'NR' => '143606',
'NZ' => '143461',
'OM' => '143562',
'PA' => '143485',
'PE' => '143507',
'PG' => '143597',
'PH' => '143474',
'PK' => '143477',
'PL' => '143478',
'PT' => '143453',
'PW' => '143595',
'PY' => '143513',
'QA' => '143498',
'RO' => '143487',
'RS' => '143500',
'RU' => '143469',
'RW' => '143621',
'SA' => '143479',
'SB' => '143601',
'SC' => '143599',
'SE' => '143456',
'SG' => '143464',
'SI' => '143499',
'SK' => '143496',
'SL' => '143600',
'SN' => '143535',
'SR' => '143554',
'ST' => '143598',
'SV' => '143506',
'SZ' => '143602',
'TC' => '143552',
'TD' => '143581',
'TH' => '143475',
'TJ' => '143603',
'TM' => '143604',
'TN' => '143536',
'TO' => '143608',
'TR' => '143480',
'TT' => '143551',
'TW' => '143470',
'TZ' => '143572',
'UA' => '143492',
'UG' => '143537',
'US' => '143441',
'UY' => '143514',
'UZ' => '143566',
'VC' => '143550',
'VE' => '143502',
'VG' => '143543',
'VN' => '143471',
'VU' => '143609',
'XK' => '143624',
'YE' => '143571',
'ZA' => '143472',
'ZM' => '143622',
'ZW' => '143605'
I haven't found a 'platform' list (yet).


Shopware 6 Plugin - text snippet not deleted on uninstall plugin - order custom field label

We created custom fields within our plugin for orders and for products.
Shopware creates text snippets for the custom fields labels.
These should be removed when uninstalling the plugin.
It works for the products custom field.
'customFields' => [
'name' => 'product_custom_field_name_dummy',
'type' => CustomFieldTypes::BOOL,
'config' => [
'type' => 'checkbox',
'componentName' => 'sw-field',
'customFieldType' => 'checkbox',
'label' => [
self::GER_ISO => 'Label GER',
self::EN_ISO => 'Label EN',
Defaults::LANGUAGE_SYSTEM => 'Label EN',
'relations' => [
'entityName' => ProductDefinition::ENTITY_NAME,
But not for the orders custom fields.
'customFields' => [
'name' => 'order_custom_field_name_dummy_one',
'type' => CustomFieldTypes::TEXT,
'config' => [
'customFieldType' => CustomFieldTypes::TEXT,
'label' => [
self::GER_ISO => 'Order Label GER',
self::EN_ISO => 'Order Label EN',
Defaults::LANGUAGE_SYSTEM => 'Order Label EN',
'name' => 'order_custom_field_name_dummy_two',
'type' => CustomFieldTypes::SELECT,
'config' => [
'customFieldType' => CustomFieldTypes::SELECT,
'componentName' => 'sw-single-select',
'label' => [
self::GER_ISO => 'Order Label GER 2',
self::EN_ISO => 'Order Label EN 2',
Defaults::LANGUAGE_SYSTEM => 'Order Label EN 2',
'options' => [
'name' => 'order_custom_field_name_dummy_three',
'type' => CustomFieldTypes::DATETIME,
'config' => [
'customFieldType' => CustomFieldTypes::DATETIME,
'label' => [
self::GER_ISO => 'Order Label GER 3',
self::EN_ISO => 'Order Label EN 3',
Defaults::LANGUAGE_SYSTEM => 'Order Label EN 3',
'name' => 'order_custom_field_name_dummy_four',
'type' => CustomFieldTypes::SELECT,
'config' => [
'customFieldType' => CustomFieldTypes::SELECT,
'componentName' => 'sw-single-select',
'label' => [
self::GER_ISO => 'Order Label GER 4',
self::EN_ISO => 'Order Label EN 4',
Defaults::LANGUAGE_SYSTEM => 'Order Label EN 4',
'options' => [
'relations' => [
'entityName' => OrderDefinition::ENTITY_NAME,
Is this a problem Shopware has with order custom fields or did we possibly make a mistake when creating the order custom fields?
The custom fields are created on install method und removed on uninstall method inside the plugin via the CustomFieldSetRepository.
This is how we delete the custom fields on uninstall:
public function uninstallCustomFieldSet() {
$customFieldSet = $this->getCustomFieldSet(self::CUSTOM_FIELD_SET_NAME);
if ($customFieldSet instanceof CustomFieldSetEntity) {
$this->customFieldSetRepository->delete([['id' => $customFieldSet->getId()]], $this->context);
protected function getCustomFieldSet(string $customFieldSetName): ?CustomFieldSetEntity {
$criteria = new Criteria();
$criteria->addFilter(new EqualsFilter('name', $customFieldSetName));
$customFieldSet = $this->customFieldSetRepository->search($criteria, $this->context)->first();
if ($customFieldSet instanceof CustomFieldSetEntity) {
return $customFieldSet;
} else {
return null;
The author mentions that Shopware 6 confirms that it's a bug.
I am creating an answer to this question even though it was already answered in the comments so that it can be accepted & this question resolved.

How to post nested JSON to HTTParty in Ruby on Rails

I am trying to work out the correct way to post a nested JSON object to an API using HTTParty.
I am getting a successful response using Postman to test the call:
POST: http://service.net/api
Headers: x-api-key : apikey123
Body :
"VehicleRequests": [{
"Id": "Vehicle1",
"Parameters": {
"Term": 60,
"CashDeposit": 10,
"DepositType": "Percentage",
"AnnualMileage": 10000
"PhysicalVehicle": {
"ExternalVehicleId": "12345",
"Type": "Car",
"Status": "PreOwned",
"OnTheRoadPrice": "30000",
"Mileage": "12345",
"Registration": {
"RegistrationNumber": "REGN0",
"DateRegisteredWithDvla": "01/01/2018"
This returns:
"Vehicles": [
"Id": "Vehicle1",
"HasError": false,
"Error": null,
"FinanceQuotations": [
"HasError": false,
"Error": null,
"Finance": {
"Key": "HP",
"Notifications": [],
"Quote": {
But i'm struggling to replicate the call from my rails app. I have a class set up which i'm calling on create
class Monthlyprice
def initialize()
#response = HTTParty.post('http://service.net/api',
:body =>{
:VehicleRequests=> [{
:Id => "Vehicle1",
:Parameters => {
:Term => 60,
:CashDeposit => 10,
:DepositType => "Percentage",
:AnnualMileage => 10000
:PhysicalVehicle => {
:ExternalVehicleId => "12345",
:Type => "Car",
:Status => "PreOwned",
:OnTheRoadPrice => "30000",
:Mileage => "12345",
:Registration => {
:RegistrationNumber => "REGN0",
:DateRegisteredWithDvla => "01/01/2018"
:headers => {"x-api-key" => "apikey123"})
But this is returning the following error message from the API:
{"Error"=>{"UserMessage"=>"Request is invalid.", "TechnicalMessage"=>"Request Validation failed. Request had 2 error(s). 1: request.VehicleRequests[0].Id - The Id field is required.\r\n2: request.VehicleRequests[0].Parameters - The Parameters field is required.", "Code"=>"80000"}}
This is the same error that I get from the api in postman if I remove the Id and Parameters objects which suggests the contents of my VehicleRequests object is formatted incorrectly? Any advice would be great!
Can you please change the syntax like below :-
:body => {
that means you have to use .to_json where the body parenthesis close I think it's only syntax error.
Syntax :-
response = HTTParty.post("your request URL",
headers: {
#your header content
body: {
#your body content
I have just edited in your code please try below code :-
#response = HTTParty.post('http://service.net/api',
:headers => {"x-api-key" => "apikey123"},
:body =>{
:VehicleRequests=> [{
:Id => "Vehicle1",
:Parameters => {
:Term => 60,
:CashDeposit => 10,
:DepositType => "Percentage",
:AnnualMileage => 10000
:PhysicalVehicle => {
:ExternalVehicleId => "12345",
:Type => "Car",
:Status => "PreOwned",
:OnTheRoadPrice => "30000",
:Mileage => "12345",
:Registration => {
:RegistrationNumber => "REGN0",
:DateRegisteredWithDvla => "01/01/2018"
Hope this will help you :)

How can I access value in deeply nested hash in Ruby?

Could someone help me to access "value" in this deeply nested hash:
hash = {
"data" => {},
"content" => [
"data" => {},
"content" => [
"data" => {},
"marks" => [],
"value" => "est ce que j'arrive à te choper",
"nodeType" => "text"
"nodeType" => "paragraph"
"nodeType" => "document"
You can get value with dig
hash.dig('content', 0, 'content', 0, 'value')
#=> "est ce que j'arrive à te choper"

Failed to parse date field [0] with format [MMM, YY] with elastic search 5.0

I am trying to get the date parsed into a string format as month and numerical year format like "JAN, 92". My mapping is as below:
size" => 0,
"query" => {
"bool" => {
"must" => [
"term" => {
"checkin_progress_for" => {
"value" => "Goal"
"term" => {
"goal_owner_id" => {
"value" => "#{current_user.access_key}"
"aggregations" => {
"chekins_over_time" => {
"range" => {
"field" => "checkin_at",
"format" => "MMM, YY",
"ranges" => [
"from" => "now-6M",
"to" => "now"
"aggs" => {
"checkins_monthly" => {
"date_histogram" => {
"field" => "checkin_at",
"format" => "MMM, YY",
"interval" => "month",
"min_doc_count" => 0,
"missing" => 0,
"extended_bounds" => {
"min" => "now-6M",
"max" => "now"
I throws the following error:
elasticsearch.transport.RemoteTransportException: [captia-america][][indices:data/read/search[phase/query]]
Caused by: elasticsearch.ElasticsearchParseException: failed to parse date field [0] with format [MMM, YY]
If I remove the {MMM, YY} and put the normal date format it works.
What could the solution to rectify this.Help appreciated.
Your checkins_monthly aggregation is a bit wrong. The missing part should have the same format for the date to use when the field is missing. A 0 is not actually a date.
For example:
"aggs": {
"checkins_monthly": {
"date_histogram": {
"field": "checkin_at",
"format": "MMM, YY",
"interval": "month",
"min_doc_count": 0,
"missing": "Jan, 17",
"extended_bounds": {
"min": "now-6M",
"max": "now"

Attempted to handle event `loadedData` on while in state rootState.loaded.updated.uncommitted. Called with undefined

I am using ember-data to fetch json response from server side, my embeer model looks like.
App.Field = DS.Model.extend
component: DS.attr 'string'
fieldinfos: DS.hasMany('App.Fieldinfo')
forInstitution: (institution)->
App.Field.find { institution_id: institution.id }
and my json response looks like
:login_fields => [
[0] {
:component => "ns4:FieldInfoComponent",
:id => 1,
:fieldinfo_ids => [
[0] 1
[1] {
:component => "ns4:FieldInfoComponent",
:id => 2,
:fieldinfo_ids => [
[0] 2
[2] {
:component => "ns4:FieldInfoComponent",
:id => 3,
:fieldinfo_ids => [
[0] 3
:fieldinfos => [
[0] {
:field_info_obj => "FieldInfoSingle",
:login_field_id => 1,
:id => 1,
:element_ids => [
[0] 1
[1] {
:field_info_obj => "FieldInfoSingle",
:login_field_id => 2,
:id => 2,
:element_ids => [
[0] 2
[2] {
:field_info_obj => "FieldInfoSingle",
:login_field_id => 3,
:id => 3,
:element_ids => [
[0] 3
it works perfectly when I call once
App.Field.find { institution_id: 1 }
but in between if I again call for different institution
App.Field.find { institution_id: 2 }
Following is the code that fetch loginfields whenever institution changes
loginFields: (->
return [] unless #get('institution')?
App.LoginField.forInstitution(#get 'institution')
).property 'institution'
It gives me Attempted to handle event loadedData on while in state rootState.loaded.updated.uncommitted. Called with undefined error
what I am doing wrong over here and what I need to do to resolve this error. help!
