So I'm trying to get all of the elements from a set of sets but am getting the error:
"a set comprehension must produce a finite set, but Dafny's heuristics can't figure out how to produce a bounded set of values for 'x' "
I think it may be to do with the fact that you can't get the cardinality of a set.
Appreciate all help.
function flatten(nested: set<set<int>>) : set<int>
{ set x | forall y :: y in nested && x in y :: x }
Perhaps the following will do what you want:
function flatten(nested: set<set<int>>) : set<int>
set x, y | y in nested && x in y :: x
Your definition is quite different. It says something along the lines of "the set of elements such that for all y at all of type set<int>, y is in nested and x is in y." This is typically false (and thus useless) because it requires that nested be a finite set that contains all sets of type set<int>.
Finally, also note that you can get the cardinality of a set S using the expression |S|.
In Z3-Py, I am performing quantifier elimination (QE) over the following formulae:
Exists y. Forall x. (x>=2) => ((y>1) /\ (y<=x))
Forall x. Exists y. (x>=2) => ((y>1) /\ (y<=x)),
where both x and y are Integers. I did QE in the following way:
x, y = Ints('x, y')
t = Tactic("qe")
negS0= (x >= 2)
s1 = (y > 1)
s2 = (y <= x)
ea = Goal()
ea.add(Exists([y],Implies(negS0, (ForAll([x], And(s1,s2))))))
ea_qe = t(ea)
ae = Goal()
ae.add(ForAll([x],Implies(negS0, (Exists([y], And(s1,s2))))))
ae_qe = t(ae)
Result QE for ae is as expected: [[]] (i.e., True). However, as for ea, QE outputs: [[Not(x, >= 2)]], which is a results that I do not know how to interpret since (1) it has not really performed QE (note the resulting formula still contains x and indeed does not contain y which is the outermost quantified variable) and (2) I do not understand the meaning of the comma in x, >=. I cannot get the model either:
phi = Exists([y],Implies(negS0, (ForAll([x], And(s1,s2)))))
s_def = Solver()
This results in the error Z3Exception: model is not available.
I think the point is as follows: since (x>=2) is an implication, there are two ways to satisfy the formula; by making the antecedent False or by satisfying the consequent. In the second case, the model would be y=2. But in the first case, the result of QE would be True, thus we cannot get a single model (as it happens with a universal model):
phi = ForAll([x],Implies(negS0, (Exists([y], And(s1,s2)))))
s_def = Solver()
In any case, I cannot 'philosophically' understand the meaning of a QE of x where x is part of the (quantifier-eliminated) answer.
Any help?
There are two separate issues here, I'll address them separately.
The mysterious comma This is a common gotcha. You declared:
x, y = Ints('x, y')
That is, you gave x the name "x," and y the name "y". Note the comma after the x in the name. This should be
x, y = Ints('x y')
I guess you can see the difference: The name you gave to the variable x is "x," when you do the first; i.e., comma is part of the name. Simply skip the comma on the right hand side, which isn't what you intended anyhow. And the results will start being more meaningful. To be fair, this is a common mistake, and I wish the z3 developers ignored the commas and other punctuation in the string you give; but that's just not the case. They simply break at whitespace.
This is another common gotcha. When you write:
ea.add(Exists([y],Implies(negS0, (ForAll([x], And(s1,s2))))))
the x that exists in negS0 is not quantified over by your ForAll, since it's not in the scope. Perhaps you meant:
ea.add(Exists([y],ForAll([x], Implies(negS0, And(s1,s2)))))
It's hard to guess what you were trying to do, but I hope the above makes it clear that the x wasn't quantified. Also, remember that a top-level exist quantifier in a formula is more or less irrelevant. It's equivalent to a top-level declaration for all practical purposes.
Once you make this fix, I think things will become more clear. If not, please ask further clarifying questions. (As a separate question on Stack-overflow; as edits to existing questions only complicate the matters.)
It is actually pretty unxpected to me but consider this snippet in F#:
let f x =
printfn $"{x}"
fun x' -> x'
let y<'t> = f 1 //> val y<'t> : (obj -> obj)
y 2
//val it: obj = 2
what I would expect is that it will print "1" only when you bind f 1 to "y" (and that would tell me that "f" body only executes once) but seem like it executes "f" body on the every call of "y". Is it unavoidable effect related to auto curring or I'm missing something and there is a way to bypass outer function body execution on the every call of the returned function?
The hint as to what's going on here is the fact that 't has been constrained to obj and the signature of y is (obj -> obj). That's the F# compiler effectively say, "I give up, these have no real types, it is whatever it is" and emitting something that can execute at runtime but without any real type safety.
A side effect of this is that because it can't "pin down" y to a known signature, it cannot evaluate f, so it just emits y as a direct call to f, since you've effectively told the compiler that this is fine by parameterizing it with 't (which ends up just being obj, or "whatever").
Why is this happening? Value restriction!
I suspect you've evaluated this in F# Interactive block-by-block. The line of code that defines let y = f 1 is not possible to compile with more information. You can do so in two ways:
Use y with a real type that will pin its signature to the type you're using it as.
Give it an explicit signature like let y: int -> int = f 1 so that it's pinned down to a concrete type.
That's why if you execute this entire snippet in FSI or run it as a program, things work exactly like you'd expect:
let f x =
printfn $"{x}"
fun x' -> x'
let y = f 1
y 2
y 3
This is because y is generic.
Every time you refer to y, you choose a particular 't to go with that. For example:
let a = y<int>
let b = y<string>
a and b cannot be the same value, because they have been obtained from different instantiations of y. They have to be two different values. And this in turn means that y itself cannot be a single value. It has to be a function.
And that's what it is under the hood: it's compiled as a function, and every time you refer to it, the function is instantiated with the generic parameter you chose, and the body of the function is executed to obtain the result.
If you remove the generic parameter and give y a concrete type, the issue should go away:
let y = f 1 : obj -> obj
I'm implementing a vector field method that should return a numeric value based on an (x, y) position, where x and y are both instances of pydrake.symbolic.Variable. I'm essentially looking to run f(x, y) -> float inside of the dynamics method of my SymbolicVectorSystem. Is it possible to evaluate the numeric value of x and y so that they can be used to compute f(x, y) numerically?
Yes. You can just call y = Evaluate(my_symbolic_expression), or y = Evaluate(my_vector_or_matrix_of_symbolic_expressions) which are using with the default arguments. This will return floats iff the expression is simply holding a constant value, or will throw an error if you still have symbols inside that need to be defined.
Good Morning everyone,
I must do an exercise of Programming, but i'm stuck!
Well, the exercise requires a function that given a list not empty of integers, return the first number with maximum number of occurrences.
For example:
mode [1;2;5;1;2;3;4;5;5;4:5;5] ==> 5
mode [2;1;2;1;1;2] ==> 2
mode [-1;2;1;2;5;-1;5;5;2] ==> 2
mode [7] ==> 7
Important: the exercise must be in functional programming
My idea is:
let rec occurences_counter xs i = match xs with
|[] -> failwith "Error"
|x :: xs when x = i -> 1 + occurences_counter xs i
|x :: xs -> occurences_counter xs i;;
In this function i'm stuck:
let rec mode (l : int list) : int = match l with
|[] -> failwith "Error"
|[x] -> x
|x::y::l when occurences_counter l x >= occurences_counter l y -> x :: mode l
|x::y::l when occurences_counter l y > occurences_counter l x -> y :: mode l;;
Thanks in advance, i'm newbie in programming and in stackoverflow
Sorry for my english
one solution : calculate first a list of couples (number , occurences).
hint : use List.assoc.
Then, loop over that list of couple to find the max occurrence and then return the number.
One suggestion:
your algorithm could be simplified if you sort the list before. This has O(N log(N)) complexity. Then measure the longest sequence of identical numbers.
This is a good strategy because you delegate the hard part of the work to a well known algorithm.
It is probably not the most beautiful code, but here is with what i came up (F#). At first i transform every element to an intermediate format. This format contains the element itself, the position of it occurrence and the amount it occurred.
type T<'a> = {
Element: 'a
Position: int
Occurred: int
The idea is that those Records can be added. So you can first transform every element, and then add them together. So a list like
will be first transformed to
[{Element=1;Position=0;Occurred=1}; {Element=3;Position=1;Occurred=1}]
By adding two together you only can add those with the same "Element". The Position with the lower number from both is taken, and Occurred is just added together. So if you for example have
{Element=3;Position=1;Occurred=2} {Element=3;Position=3;Occurred=2}
the result will be
The idea that i had in mind was a Monoid. But in a real Monoid you had to come up that you also could add different Elements together. By trying some stuff out i feel that the restriction of just adding the same Element where way more easier. I created a small Module with the type. Including some helper functions for creating, adding and comparing.
module Occurred =
type T<'a> = {
Element: 'a
Position: int
Occurred: int
let create x pos occ = {Element=x; Position=pos; Occurred=occ}
let sameElements x y = x.Element = y.Element
let add x y =
if not <| sameElements x y then failwith "Cannot add two different Occurred"
create x.Element (min x.Position y.Position) (x.Occurred + y.Occurred)
let compareOccurredPosition x y =
let occ = compare x.Occurred y.Occurred
let pos = compare x.Position y.Position
match occ,pos with
| 0,x -> x * -1
| x,_ -> x
With this setup i now wrote two additional function. One aggregate function that first turns every element into a Occurred.T, group them by x.Element (the result is a list of list). And then it uses List.reduce on the inner list to add the Occurred with the same Element together. The result is a List that Contains only a single Occurred.T for every Element with the first Position and the amount of Occurred items.
let aggregate =
List.mapi (fun i x -> Occurred.create x i 1)
>> List.groupBy (fun occ -> occ.Element)
>> (fun (x,occ) -> List.reduce Occurred.add occ)
You could use that aggregate function to now implement different aggregation logic. In your case you only wanted the one with the highest Occurrences and the lowest position. I wrote another function that did that.
let firstMostOccurred =
List.sortWith (fun x y -> (Occurred.compareOccurredPosition x y) * -1) >> List.head >> (fun x -> x.Element)
One note. Occurred.compareOccurredPosition is written that it sorts everything in ascending order. I think people expecting it in this order to go to the smallest to the biggest element by default. So by default the first element would be the element with the lowest occurrence and the biggest Position. By multiplying the result of it with -1 you turn that function into a descending sorting function. The reason why i did that is that i could use List.head. I also could use List.last to get the last element, but i felt that it would be better not to go through the whole list again just to get the last element. On top of it, you didn't wanted an Occurred.T you wanted the element itself, so i unwrap the Element to get the number.
Here is everything in action
let ll = [
|> aggregate
|> firstMostOccurred
|> List.iter (printfn "%d")
This code will now print
It has still some rough edges like
Occurred.add throws an exception if you try to add Occurred with different Elements
List.head throws an exception for empty lists
And in both cases no code is written to handle those cases or making sure an exception will not raise.
You need to process you input list while maintaining a state, that stores the number of occurrences of each number. Basically, the state can be a map, where keys are in the domain of list elements, and values are in domain of natural numbers. If you will use Map the algorithm would be of O(NlogN) complexity. You can also use associative list (i.e., a list of type ('key,'value) list) to implement map. This will lead to quadratic complexity. Another approach is to use hash table or an array of the length equal to the size of the input domain. Both will give you a linear complexity.
After you collected the statistics, (i.e., a mapping from element to the number of its occurrences) you need to go through the set of winners, and choose the one, that was first on the list.
In OCaml the solution would look like this:
open Core_kernel.Std
let mode xs : int =
List.fold xs ~init:Int.Map.empty ~f:(fun stat x ->
Map.change stat x (function
| None -> Some 1
| Some n -> Some (n+1))) |>
Map.fold ~init:Int.Map.empty ~f:(fun ~key:x ~data:n modes ->
Map.add_multi modes ~key:n ~data:x) |>
Map.max_elt |> function
| None -> invalid_arg "mode: empty list"
| Some (_,ms) -> List.find_exn xs ~f:(List.mem ms)
The algorithm is the following:
Run through input and compute frequency of each element
Run through statistics and compute spectrum (i.e., a mapping from frequency to elements).
Get the set of elements that has the highest frequency, and find an element in the input list, that is in this set.
For example, if we take sample [1;2;5;1;2;3;4;5;5;4;5;5],
stats = {1 => 2; 2 => 2; 3 => 1; 4 => 2; 5 => 5}
mods = {1 => [3]; 2 => [1;2]; 5 => [5]}
You need to install core library to play with it. Use coretop to play with this function in the toplevel. Or corebuild to compile it, like this:
corebuild test.byte --
if the source code is stored in
I know that OCaml provide the let rec ... and ... for definition of mutually recursive function. Why I can't use that expression for define mutually recursive value?
In particular, why I can't do something like let rec x=3 and y=x+5 in x but I can do let rec x=3 and y=[x;4] in y?
For the first case, I've try to give me an answer and I think that is a binding "problem", since the binding of the values should be simultaneous, so y can't know the value of x so I can't add it to the value of the constant 5.
It is true?
Neither of your definitions are mutually recursive. You could just as well write them like this:
let x = 3 in
let y = x + 5 in
let x = 3 in
let y = [x; 4] in
Mutually recursive definitions would look like this:
let rec x = y + 3
and y = x + 5 in
let rec x = 3 :: y
and y = 4:: x in
In the second piece of code x is a cyclic list that contains a 3 followed by a 4 and then loops back to the beginning. However the first piece of code doesn't make any sense. How can x equal y + 3 when y equals x + 5? It can't and therefore recursive values can only be defined using constructors of variant types (because that's the only case where a recursive value would not lead to infinite recursion).
So since recursive values can't be defined without constructors and the let rec ... and syntax is not necessary when the value you're trying to define is not recursive, the syntax simply can not be used with anything but constructor applications.