getAdGroupBidLandscape returning no campaigns found - google-ads-api

I'm trying to use the Google AdWords bid simulator system to try and get some insights out of the AdWords bid simulator. More specifically I'm using the AdGroupBidLandscape() functionality, but it's returning 'No Campaigns Found', but we definitely have campaigns where the Bid Simulator tool works through the AdWords web page interface, so I'm a bit confused. Here is the code I'm running, and yes I know I'm only retrieving a single field - I'm just trying to keep things as simple as possible.
from googleads import adwords
import logging
import time
CHUNK_SIZE = 16 * 1024
adwords_client = adwords.AdWordsClient.LoadFromStorage()
dataService = adwords_client.GetService('DataService', version='v201710')
offset = 0
selector = {'fields':['Bid'], #'impressions', 'promotedImpressions', 'requiredBudget', 'bidModifier', 'totalLocalImpressions', 'totalLocalClicks', 'totalLocalCost', 'totalLocalPromotedImpressions'],
'paging': {
'startIndex': str(offset),
'numberResults': str(PAGE_SIZE)
more_pages = True
while more_pages:
page = dataService.getAdGroupBidLandscape(selector)
# Display results.
if 'entries' in page:
for campaign in page['entries']:
print ('Campaign with id "%s", name "%s", and status "%s" was '
'found.' % (campaign['id'], campaign['name'],
print 'No campaigns were found.'
offset += PAGE_SIZE
selector['paging']['startIndex'] = str(offset)
more_pages = offset < int(page['totalNumEntries'])
We have several different accounts attachd to AdWords. My account is the only one that has developer API access, so I sort of wonder if the problem is that my account isn't the primary account associated with the campaigns- I just have one of the few administrator accounts. Can anyone provide some insights about this for me?

The solution I found to this problem was to add a predicate to the selector specifying a particular CampaignId. While that doesn't make any sense to me that it would fix it, because it should really just be filtering the data with that if I understand things correctly, it seems to have. I don't have a good explanation for that, but I thought someone else might find this useful. If I come to realize this wasn't the fix to the problem I had, I will come back and update this answer.


Is it possible to call an URL passing website parameters?

I am writing code for a custom SAP program regarding some Vendor information. In my program flow, there is a possibility of me trying to use a Vendor VAT Number that belongs to an unknown Vendor. There is a Web site (EU Based - for such purposes that requires a country key and the specified VAT Number in order for it to provide an answer with the available Company information (only works for company VAT numbers of course). My problem is that I cannot seem to find any way to pass those parameters dynamically to the Web site without needing the user to interfere during this process. Manually, the process would be to select a country key, type in a VAT number and press 'Verify'.
Is there any way for me to call this specific Web site URL and "bypass" this process to only display the result page? For now, I'm using the following Function Module to just call the specified URL, in lack of any better choices.
call function 'CALL_INTERNET_ADRESS'
pi_adress = ''
no_input_data = 1
others = 2.
You need to install given web page SSL root certificate to your system with STRUST t-code.
Example usage of CL_HTTP_CLIENT below.
DATA: lv_url TYPE string VALUE ''.
DATA: o_client TYPE REF TO if_http_client.
DATA: lv_http_rc TYPE i.
DATA: lv_reason TYPE string.
DATA: lt_fields TYPE tihttpnvp.
cl_http_client=>create_by_url( EXPORTING
url = lv_url
client = o_client
OTHERS = 0 ).
o_client->request->get_header_fields( CHANGING fields = lt_fields ).
o_client->request->set_header_field( name = '~request_uri' value = '/ip.php' ).
o_client->request->set_header_field( name = '~host' value = '' ).
o_client->request->set_method( if_http_request=>co_request_method_get ).
o_client->send( ).
o_client->receive( ).
o_client->response->get_status( IMPORTING
code = lv_http_rc
reason = lv_reason ).
* Error check
IF lv_http_rc = 200.
DATA(lv_xml) = o_client->response->get_cdata( ).
* Handle error
WRITE: / 'Fehler: ', lv_http_rc.
o_client->close( ).
CATCH cx_root INTO DATA(e_txt).
WRITE: / e_txt->get_text( ).
EU Commission has a SOAP service for vat numbers.
See the info page
and that it even supports http
You have a non screen scrape method, proper interface you should look at.
On the other point of Avoiding SSL.
Make a basic guide for customers to add the European commission cert to their SAP system. If someone is complaining about that, then they are a serious user of the internet. Every sap on premise user, that needs to call the internet adds certs.
Http is dead....

How to create context for the chatbot using twilio

I am trying to create a bot where when ever someone send a message about a type of food to the bot, then the bot will respond with the location that serves that food. However I am trying to establish context so that the conversation can flow more thoroughly.
I have tried nesting the if statement, and it gets it to display the message, but it would have to rely on the if-statement prior to be true before testing for the ones that comes after.
from flask import Flask, request
from twilio.twiml.messaging_response import MessagingResponse
from intents import fallback_intent, getLocation
import random
app = Flask(__name__)
location_fallback = ['What kind of restaurant are you seeking?', 'What kind? Nearby, Cheap or The best?']
welcome = ['hello', 'what\'s up', 'hey','hi', 'what\'s happening?']
near = ['near', 'nearby']
cheap = ['cheap', 'good for my pockets']
good = ['good', 'top rated']
intro_resp = ['''Hey! Welcome to Crave! This interactive platform connects you to the top foodies in the world! We provide you with the best food places where ever you are. The instructions are simple:
1. Save our number in your Phone as Crave.
2. Text us and tell us what type of food you are craving!
This is from python''', '''
Welcome to Crave! Are you ready to get some food for today?
1. Save our number in your Phone as Crave.
2. Text us and tell us what type of food you are craving!
#app.route('/sms', methods=['GET','POST'])
def sms():
num = request.form['From']
msg = request.form['Body'].lower()
resp = MessagingResponse()
#welcome intent
if any(word in msg for word in welcome):
if any(near_word in msg for near_word in near):
resp.message('These are the location of places near you!')
return str(resp)
elif any(cheap_word in msg for cheap_word in cheap):
resp.message('These are the location of places that are low cost to you!')
return str(resp)
elif any(good_word in msg for good_word in good):
resp.message('These are the best places in town!')
return str(resp)
resp.message(intro_resp[random.randint(0, 1)])
return str(resp)
return str(resp)
if __name__ == '__main__':
I want the user to say 'hi'' or something related to initiate the bot, then I want the bot to prompt the user to ask what kind of food they would like. Then the bot will ask what parameters for the restaurant they would like(i.e Close, cheap, or good). Then the user will answer accordingly, and then the bot needs to use these parameters to search for the restaurant near them with these attributes.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
You could store this in many places, in cookies as part of the conversation with Twilio, in a database where you use the user's number as a key to look up previous messages, or even just in memory.
If you're looking for a more robust way to achieve this, with better natural language processing, have you checked out Twilio Autopilot? It stores the context of a conversation for you and is built to collect information before giving a response based on the complete set like you are doing.

Process Maker default tables

I am new to process maker.while I am exploring the process maker I got an employee on boarding process.while understanding the process I understood the dynaforms but I faced problem with trigger forms. In trigger forms they mentioned tables to get data but i didn't find the tables in my work space. Please let me know if anyone know the answer.
##hrUser = ##USER_LOGGED;
//Get image
$sqlSdocument = "SELECT *
$resSdocument = executeQuery($sqlSdocument);
$dirDocument = $resSdocument[1]['APP_DOC_UID'];
$httpServer = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS'])) ? 'https://' : 'http://';
##linkImage =
Judging by the your code, you want to query the uploaded file but base on the commend, you want to get the image?
Well if employee onboarding is what you want, I am guessing that you uploaded the picture on the first dynaform and you want it to be shown. Well this is your luck because ProcessMaker Documentation already have that
If you want a code that let you see the image immediately after upload, you might want to signup for a enterprise trial and test their Employee Onboarding.

Sales order total different with actual total

Just need to know any one of you experiencing this issue with sales order document in acumatica ERP 4.2,
The header level total is wrong when compared to the total of lines. Is there any way we can recalculate the totals in code as i couldn't find fix from acumatica yet?
If document is not yet closed, you can just modify qty or add/remove line.
If document is closed i do not see any possible ways except changing data in DB.
I am adding my recent experience to this topic in hopes it might help others.
Months ago, I wrote the code shown below anticipating its need when called by RESTful services. It was clearly not needed, and even worse, merely written and forgotten...
The code was from a SalesOrderEntryExt graph extension.
By removing the code block, the doubling of Order Total was resolved.
It's also an example of backing out custom code until finding the problem.
protected void _(Events.RowInserted<SOLine> e, PXRowInserted del)
// call the base BLC event handler...
del?.Invoke(e.Cache, e.Args);
SOLine row = e.Row;
if (!Base.IsExport) return;
if (row != null && row.OrderQty > 0m)
// via RESTful API, raise event
SOLine copy = Base.Transactions.Cache.CreateCopy(row) as SOLine;
copy.OrderQty = 0m;
Base.Transactions.Cache.RaiseRowUpdated(row, copy);

web server memory leak issue

i'm create a dating website using symfony 1.4 (it's my first project using symfony). the problem is there server freezes if there is only 10 or less users online. i tryied optimizing my js, css, sprites using yslow i got grade A but still the problem is always there. that's why i think the way i build the application might be wrong so here is the website i'm asking u for advices and things to do so i overcome this problem
If i wasn't clear enough just ask, if you want cpanel admin access i'll post it
i realy realy needs your help
for instance i have this code on my home page action does it seems ok or it needs to be optimized and how
$this->me = $this->getUser()->getGuardUser()->getPerson();
$this->cities = Doctrine_Core::getTable('City')->findByDql("zipcode=''");
$this->countries = Doctrine_Core::getTable('City')->findByDql("zipcode='10'");
$this->contacts = $this->me->getContacts();
$this->favorites = $this->me->getFavorites();
$this->matches = $this->me->getMatches();
$this->pager = new sfDoctrinePager('Conversation', sfConfig::get('app_home_conversations_per_page'));
$this->pager->setPage($request->getParameter('page', 1));
i can do this
will i be able to do stuff like $this->contacts[0]['username'];
help please
The problem is doctrine...
Try to fetch the needed values as array and set a limit!
How many objects are returned by the following queries:
$this->cities = Doctrine_Core::getTable('City')->findByDql("zipcode=''");
$this->countries = Doctrine_Core::getTable('City')->findByDql("zipcode='10'");
$this->contacts = $this->me->getContacts();
$this->favorites = $this->me->getFavorites();
$this->matches = $this->me->getMatches();
? Do not forget that they are object with references to other objects!
And yes, this will work $this->contacts[0]['username'];.
if you join the tables with the doctrine query, you can access related entities too - without executing additional queries.
$this->contacts = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Contact')
->leftJoin('c.Users u')
->execute(array(), Doctrine_Core::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
