ActiveAdmin passing variable in controller - ruby-on-rails

I have a permit and vehicle model. I am trying to update the AA create controller to work how I have it in my rails app. That is taking the vehicle license_number entered and inputting it into the permit table, then also taking the inputted permit_id and inputting it into the permits attribute of the vehicle it is related to in the vehicle table.
permit_params :permit_id, :vehicle, :date_issued, :issued_by, :date_entered, :entered_by
form do |f|
f.inputs do
f.input :permit_id
f.input :vehicle, :collection =>{ |vehicle| [vehicle.license_number]}
f.input :date_issued, as: :date_picker
f.input :issued_by
controller do
def new
#permit =
#vehicle = #permit.build_vehicle
#vehicle = Vehicle.all
def create
vehicle = Vehicle.find_by(license_number: permit_params[:vehicle_attributes][:license_number])
#permit =,
My errors that I am getting, is that it is inputting the license_number in for the permit_id and then it is also saying the permit_params is not a defined variable. Any help would be great, thanks!

You have an interesting case here: it is confusing because you have a model called Permit, and usually in Rails you name the params method something like permit_params. Turns out, permit_params is the general method signature for ActiveRecord to implement strong params:
With that, instead of calling permit_params in your create action, you need to call permitted_params[:vehicle_attributes][:license_number]. That’s why it’s considering permit_params as an undefined variable. Again, those two method signatures will be the same for all your ActiveAdmin forms.
Additionally, I’m not sure if this is a typo but you define #vehicle twice in your new method. I’m not sure you need to build a vehicle for the permit form unless you’re doing nested forms. Either way, I think the last line should read #vehicles = Vehicle.all Then you can use that in your form, which also could use an update in the collection part of your form field:
form do |f|
f.inputs do
f.input :permit_id
f.input :vehicle, collection: { |vehicle| [vehicle.license_number,] }
f.input :date_issued, as: :date_picker
f.input :issued_by
The collection_select form tag will take the first item in the array as the value that appears in the form, and the second value will be the value passed through in the params (
Then in your create action, you can find the Vehicle with the id:

I would avoid Permit as a model name, try using VehiclePermit.


How to handle data from nested forms in Rails 4 with cocoon gem?

I am using Cocoon gem to do nested forms.
I have models like that:
# request.rb
has_many :filled_cartridges, inverse_of: :request, dependent: :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :filled_cartridges, :reject_if => :all_blank, allow_destroy: true
belongs_to :request
Inside of my form_for #request i have nested form like that:
<div id="filled_cartridges">
<%= f.fields_for :filled_cartridges do |filled_cartridge| %>
<%= render 'filled_cartridge_fields', f: filled_cartridge %>
<% end %>
<div class="links">
<%= link_to_add_association 'add', f, :filled_cartridges %>
Where filled_cartridge_fields partial is like that:
<%= f.text_field :cartridge_id %>
<%= f.hidden_field :_destroy %>
<%= link_to_remove_association "remove", f %>
When i click on "add" it adds one more . When clicking on "remove" it removes that .
When i submit form the params for nested form look like that:
filled_cartridges_attributes: !ruby/hash:ActionController::Parameters
'0': !ruby/hash:ActionController::Parameters
cartridge_id: '12'
_destroy: 'false'
'1429260587813': !ruby/hash:ActionController::Parameters
cartridge_id: '2'
_destroy: 'false'
How do i access these params, and how to save them. How to traverse over these params and save them, or do Cocoon gem has some built in functionality? And finally how to check if these params are set? Since it is nested, it tricks me.
EDIT: My request_controllers#create:
def create
#request = request_params )
# code for handling Request model
# here i want to handle nested model too (filled_cartridge)
flash[:success] = "Заявка была добавлена"
redirect_to #request
render 'new'
EDIT2: my strong params:
def request_params
params.require(:request).permit(:name, :address, :phone, :mobile, :type, :description, :priority, :responsible, :price, :payed, :date, filled_cartridges_attributes: [:cartridge_id, :_destroy], :stype_ids => [], :social_media =>[])
In a recent project using cocoon I had to access the params of the attributes about to be saved. I figured a code in my create action in my controller. The trick is to understand how to retrieve the key of the hash of the attribute that is about to be saved. The key of the hash is that number '1429260587813' that is in your params
'1429260587813': !ruby/hash:ActionController::Parameters
cartridge_id: '2'
_destroy: 'false'
So you need to create a loop in your create action to retrieve this key using ruby hash method "keys". I do a loop because when using cocoon dynamic nested field I might create more than one nested attributes at once so it means more than one key to retrieve.
Here is a the code that worked for me, read my comments which explains the different steps of this code. I hope it will help you to adapt it to your needs.
#Here I just initialize an empty array for later use
info_arr = []
#First I check that the targeted params exist (I had this need for my app)
if not params[:recipe]["informations_attributes"].nil?
#z variable will tell me how many attributes are to be saved
z = params[:recipe]["informations_attributes"].keys.count
x = 0
#Initiate loop to go through each of the attribute to be saved
while x < z
#Get the key (remember the number from above) of the first hash (params) attribute
key = params[:recipe]["informations_attributes"].keys[x]
#use that key to get the content of the attribtue
value = params[:recipe]["informations_attributes"][key]
#push the content to an array (I had to do this for my project)
#Through the loop you can perform actions to each single attribute
#In my case, for each attributes I creates a new information association with recipe info_arr[x]["title"]).save
x = x +1
This work to access cocoon nested attribute content and apply actions based on your need. This worked for me so you should be able to use this sample code and adapt it to your need.

has_one relationship without nested_form

I'm trying to implement a has_one relationship through a basic form and am getting completely stuck.
I seem to have tried huge numbers of combinations of things in controllers and forms but don't seem to be getting anywhere.
I have a phone number for which I use an external service populated by an api.
Eventually I would like to have all the phone numbers of this type set up for this, but right now I'd be happy with getting just one working.
has_one :clever_phone
And a phone model
attr_accessible :number, :parent_id, :prefix, :country_iso
belongs_to :parent
def new
#parent = Parent.find(params[:parent_id])
#clever_phone = #parent.build_clever_phone
def create
#parent = Parent.find(params[:parent_id]
#clever_phone = Parent.create_clever_phone(params[:clever_phone])
I really don't want to do a nested form from the parent here as I have some complicated code which generates information used in the creation through an api that sits, correctly I think, in the clever_phones_controller
#simple_form_for #clever_phone do |f|
= f.input :country_iso, as: :country, :iso_codes => true, priority: ["gb"]
= f.input :prefix
= f.submit
resources :parent do
resource :clever_phone
My issue is that the params for #parent don't seem to be being passed to the create method in the controller and thus I get a
'Can't find parent without ID'
If I try it as a nested form
I get
NoMethodError undefined method 'parent_clever_phones_path'
When in fact I've not used that, only parent_clever_phone_path (note the absence of plural).
I'm sure this should be really simple but I've stared at it for hours now and am at the end of my tether...
Any ideas?
Okay, there are several issues which you need to contend:
The reason why #parent params are not being passed is because you've not included them in your form. This is where nesting your forms would come in very handy - passing your parent params, and your clever_phone params in a single call
Since you don't want to do this, I would recommend at least populating a hidden field with the parent_id that the clever_phone is associated with:
= simple_form_for #clever_phone do |f|
= f.input :parent_id, as: :hidden, value: params[:parent_id]
= f.input :country_iso, as: :country, :iso_codes => true, priority: ["gb"]
= f.input :prefix
= f.submit
Alternatively, you have to make sure you're able to create the correct route for your form (as I think the #parent = Parent.find params[:parent_id] is not being called on your create method:
= simple_form_for [#parent, #clever_phone] do |f|
This will give you the ability to point your create action to the nested version of your route; hence providing the parent_id param for you
Having written, this I don't think it will address the core of your issue. If you need more information, please write a comment & I'll happily work to create a more appropriate answer!
Right: Worth putting in the solution that finally worked.
Thanks to Rich Peck for getting me halfway there...
has_one :clever_phone
belongs_to :parent
simple_form_for #clever_phone, url: parent_clever_phone_path(#parent) do |f|
f.input :parent_id, :value:
resources :parent do
resource :clever_phone
def new
#parent = Parent.find(params[:parent_id])
#clever_phone = #parent.build_clever_phone
def create
#parent = Parent.find(params[:parent_id]
#clever_phone =[:clever_phone]
Unless you do build_clever_phone the parent_id won't populate. I couldn't get #parent.create_clever_phone to work, but this seemed to do the trick...
Hope that saves somebody a days work...

simple_form association field not pre-selecting selected elements

I have a Message data model in Rails with a "virtual" association. That is, a method that returns a collection of "associated objects", but it is not an actual association in the ActiveRecord sense.
class Message
def recipients
def recipients=(arr)
#recipients = arr
The thing with simple_form is that, when I try to show a association field, it fails because there's no :recipients association:
= simple_form_for(#message) do |f|
= f.association :recipients, collection: Recipient.all
The solution seemed then simple, I went on to use a f.input with the as: :select option:
= simple_form_for(#message) do |f|
= f.input :recipients, as: :select, collection: Recipient.all
And this works fine, except for the fact that it does not automatically detect the values already in #message.recipients so that the elements appear pre-selected when the form is rendered.
If Message#recipients were an actual association, in the ActiveRecord sense, then f.association in the form would do this as well. But for reasons that go beyond the scope of this question, I can't make it as an actual association.
The question then is, can I achieve f.input :recipients, as: :select to pre-select the selected elements?
Well, this is embarrassing. Just after posting this, I came up with an idea that ended up solving the problem:
class Message
# ...
def recipient_ids
# ...
def recipient_ids=(arr)
# ...
I added the recipient_ids getter and setter, in addition to the association getter and setter that I had before.
Then I updated the form input field to refer to :recipient_ids instead of :recipients:
= simple_form_for(#message) do |f|
= f.input :recipient_ids, as: :select, collection: Recipient.all

Rails 4 NOT updating nested attributes

Issue: Instead of updating nested attributes, they are being created on top of the existing nested attributes when I hit the #update action of the associated features_controller.rb
Likely Cause: I think the problem lies in my lack of understanding in Rails' form_for. I think the breakdown is in my views, how I render the persisting nested attributes, and/or how I fail to specify the nested attribute's id, causing it to simply create a new one
class Feature < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :scenarios
accepts_nested_attributes_for :scenarios,
allow_destroy: true,
reject_if: :all_blank
def update
project = Project.find(params[:project_id])
#feature = Feature.find(params[:id])
if #feature.update_attributes(feature_params)
# checking feature_params looks good...
# feature_params['scenarios'] => { <correct object hash> }
redirect_to project
render :edit
def feature_params
params.require(:feature).permit(:title, :narrative, :price, :eta, scenarios_attributes[:description, :_destroy])
_form.html.haml (simplified)
= form_for [#project, #feature] do |f|
- if #feature.new_record? -# if we are creating new feature
= f.fields_for :scenarios, do |builder|
= builder.label :description, "Scenario"
= builder.text_area :description, rows: "3", autocomplete: "off"
- else -# if we are editing an existing feature
= f.fields_for :scenarios do |builder|
= builder.label :description, "Scenario"
= builder.text_area :description, rows: "3", autocomplete: "off"
I'm sure there's a nicer way to achieve the if #feature.new_record? check. I'm also using a few Javascript hooks to create dynamic nested attribute forms (which I've left out), heavily influenced by Railscast #196 Nested Model Form (revised)
I would love a really nice Rails-y implementation of dealing with these sorts of nested forms.
Try adding :id to the :scenario_attributes portion of your feature_params method. You only have the description field and the ability to allow a destroy.
def feature_params
# added => before nested attributes
params.require(:feature).permit(:id, :title, :narrative, :price, :eta, scenarios_attributes => [:id, :description, :_destroy])
As #vinodadhikary suggested, you no longer need to check if feature is a new record, since Rails, specifically using the form_for method, will do that for you.
You don't need to define if #feature.new_record? ... else in your form. It will be taken care by Rails when you use form_for. Rails checks if the action is going to be create or update based on object.persisted?, so, you can update your form to:
= form_for [#project, #feature] do |f|
= f.fields_for :scenarios, do |builder|
= builder.label :description, "Scenario"
= builder.text_area :description, rows: "3", autocomplete: "off"
As #Philip7899 mentioned as a comment in the accepted answer, allowing the user to set the id means that they could "steal" children records belonging to another user.
However, Rails accepts_nested_attributes_for actually checks the id and raises:
Couldn't find Answer with ID=5 for Questionnaire with ID=5
Basically the ids are looked for in the children association (again, as said by #glampr). Therefor, the child record belonging to another user is not found.
Ultimately, 401 is the response status (unlike the usual 404 from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)
Follows some code I used to test the behaviour.
let :params do
questionnaire: {
answers_attributes: answers_attributes
let :evil_params do
params.tap do |params|
params[:questionnaire][:answers_attributes]['0']['id'] =
it "doesn't mess with other people's answers" do
old_value = another_participant_s_answer.value
put :update, evil_params
expect(another_participant_s_answer.reload.value).to eq(old_value) # pass
expect(response.status).to eq(401) # pass
In conclusion, adding the id to the permitted params as stated above is correct and safe.
Fascinating Rails.

How to send with :user in params even though is what is in the form drop down?

Currently, I have an action in my customers controller generating an array of names, #username_array, of all objects of class User with which to populate a drop down menu in a form that creates a new object of class Customer. The form element looks like this right now:
<%= :user_id, #username_array %>
What I'd really like is for the id of the user to be sent into params[:customer][:user_id] instead of the name of that user that is chosen in the drop down. So in my create action in my customers controller I have the following code:
#customer =[:customer])
#user = User.find_by_name(params[:customer][:user_id]) # where :user_id is actually currently the name selected from the drop down
#customer.user_id =
Is there an easier way of doing this?
Change your #username_array to include both the name and the id of the user:
Instead of:
Make it:
[["Bob", 1],["Sally",2],["Dave",3]]
This could be accomplished by something like this:
#username_array = {|user| [,]}
Then, will display the name in the dropdown, but the actual value passed in through params[:customer][:user_id] will be the id of the user, which is what you want. With this in place, the following is all you need in the controller action code:
#customer =[:customer])
You won't have to look up the user by name, the params hash will already have the correct id value.
Note that instead of making #username_array an instance variable you could just create a utility method in the helper for this controller, or the application helper:
def user_select {|user| [,]}
Then, in your view:
<%= :user_id, user_select %>
If you put this in your application helper, you can use it everywhere and only have the code in one place (DRY).
you can do
#user = User.find_by_name(params[:customer][:user_id])[:customer])
#user = User.find_by_name(params[:customer][:user_id])
#customer = #user.customers.create(params[:customer])
but to do that you must have the relation (has_many, belongs_to,...)
or[:customer], :user_id => params[:customer][:user_id])
f.collection_select :user_id, #username_array, :id, :name
