How does one share an existing iOS provisioning profile (or app due for submission)? - ios

A colleague has a completed iPhone app ready for submission to the App Store. In his iTunesConnect/Apple Dev account/XCode/etc. he has his own profiles and certifs all set up. Now we would like to pass responsibility for the submission to me. I have my own iTunesConnect/Apple Dev account/XCode/etc. as you might imagine, associated with my own business.
I'll be making the first submission, but ideally we'd like to both be able to make them for future releases, and I'm imagining it would be best to use his rather my than my Apple Dev account, as otherwise the app will be associated with my company rather than his, and he built the app for his client.
Yes? No? What is the best way ahead please?
Thank you for reading.

If these are individual Apple Developer enrollments, then there is no team. You can only have developer teams with corporate/company Apple Developer enrollments/accounts. With individual accounts, only the enrolled agent (using their own developer account login) can download their certificates and provisions and submit apps under their accounts name.
If you do let the other developer use or log into your Mac to make an app submission using their own developer account, you might want to set up a separate User account on your Mac for that purpose, in order not to mix together the keychain certificates and logins of two accounts, which can make a mess.
If you want the app in the App store to be listed under the end clients name (recommended), and that client is a corporation, not an individual, then you might want to get added to the client's (enrolled in Apple's Developer program as a company) team.


Submit iOS App to App Store from Group company's Apple Account

We have two companies A and B under one group. Can I submit My App to app store for Company B using Company A's Developer/iTunes Connect Account?
Or do I need to create a Different Developer Account using a different DUNS Number. Or can I transfer app in future to company B's Account as it will take time for us to compete all legal procedure.
Will Apple approve that? This app will be Free on the App Store.
You should create a separate Developer Account for the the Company B and use it to submit your Company B application to the App Store (for review).
Otherwise your app might get reject by Apple with a statement similar than the following:
The seller and company names associated with your app do not reflect the name, "Company B" in the app or its metadata, as required by section 1.2 of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement.
The relevant section of the Apple Developer Program License Agreement:
For the sake of clarity, You may authorize contractors to develop Applications on Your behalf, but any such Applications must be owned by You, submitted under Your own developer account, and distributed as Applications only as expressly permitted herein. You are responsible to Apple for Your contractors’ activities under Your account (e.g., adding them to Your team to perform development work for You) and their compliance with this Agreement. Any actions undertaken by Your contractors arising out of this Agreement shall be deemed to have been taken by You, and You (in addition to Your contractors) shall be responsible to Apple for all such actions.
However, if the Company B is not a well known brand, Apple might not notice this violation and might approve the app. I am not advising doing that, but there are many apps violating this.
It is also possible to transfer an app from one developer (company) to another. To learn more see iTunes Connect Developer Guide - Transferring and Deleting Apps. I have never personally done it so don't know how much hassle it is. If you are thinking about transferring the app later, it might easier to release the app under the correct company in the first place.
Also note that if you have not yet released any app under the Company A account, the first time you release an app, you need to pick a seller name that is used for all apps released under this account and cannot be changed (unless you contact iTunes Connect support). So if you pick "Company B" as the seller name, all the future apps will have "Company B" as the seller name.

Possible to rename iOS App before uploading?

I'm about to upload my app to AdHoc for Beta Testing however the Xcode project is named "MyApp" (not the actual name of the app) but I want to upload it to the app store as "MyLive". The bundle identifier is also com.myproject.MyApp but I would like to rename it if possible to something like com.mycompany.MyLive.
At the moment this is just a personal app attatched to my personal App ID but I'd like to future proof it as best as I can so it doesnt cause me any problems down the line.
As I've enrolled in the Apple Dev program using my personal Apple ID the only team I can choose is my name. However, is it possible to create a new team so that it seems like a company based around the app?
Lastly, if I upload it connected to my personal Apple ID how much personal information will be publicly visible? Is it possible to hide my email address?
EDIT: Is it possible to transfer an App from on Apple Developer account to another? Say when my current membership runs out and I set one up in the company name would I be able to transfer ownership?
Once you've created an app in iTunes Connect the bundle identifier can never be changed. If you have created it as com.myproject.MyApp then it's stuck as such. However, if this is your first upload, there's really no loss to create a different iTunes app with the bundle id of com.mycompany.MyLive.
None of that really matters though as no one will ever see this except you and anyone you've allowed on to your account. Just keep it simple.
You can rename your iTunes app name when your app is in editable state. i.e. If you've already submitted version 1.0 of the app with an iTunes app name of 'MyApp', you cannot change it for that version. But you can setup a version 1.1 and change the name before it's submitted.
It's not possible to create new 'teams'. A team is basically a developer account. You can be invited to join other teams via the owner of those accounts. In the future you can convert your personal account to a business account. It requires a bit of legal paperwork but is not hard.
The only publicly available information is what you've added when creating your iTunes Connect app. You have to add an email under review contact info, this is only used by Apple to reach you in case of questions with your app. You are also required to provide a support URL so your customers can reach you.
Everything you wanted to know about what goes on iTunes:
Google's answer for ability to transfer apps:

Best practice for uploading app to Appstore for Client

im a developer and i have my own developer-account for IOS. I have a Prototype-App which i want to sell to my clients. All of my clients do not have a MAC and a own developer account. Im searching for the easiest way for me and for my clients for uploading the app on their dev-accounts.
So i thought, that i let my customer open a own developer-account (99$/year) and send me only the login-data. Then i can prepare and upload the app on their account. Is this possible? Can i upload from my MAC (XCode) to a different Dev-Account?
The best way to accomplish what you want is for the client to setup their own dev account but instead of giving you their credentials, they should add you as a collaborator. Given that you will be handling everything for them, they may as well make you an admin (although a technical role may work as well).
One of the annoying thing with iTunesConnect is that a login can only be attached to one account.
If you already have an iTunes Connect account for distributing another
media type besides apps (music, TV, movies, or books) or for
participating in the Volume Purchase Program, the same Apple ID cannot
be used to manage apps. When you enroll in the iOS Developer Program
or Mac Developer Program, you'll need to use a different Apple ID. (source)
So you will need to create a new login for yourself. I do this with clients by creating custom email address for each one. Say my client is Odyssey, I would create an Apple account "" and have them add that account into their iTunesConnect.
Thanks to Vijayts in the comments: You can actually append +something to your email address to reuse the same one with a different login id (so same email, different login basically). So if my normal ID is I can use
This gives the client the most control, while allowing you to accomplish everything you need.

Multiple accounts on iOS Developer Program

My company develops Apps for different clients say ClientA, ClientB, and ClientC. I already have my company's iOS developer program setup and have Apps for ClientA. Now I want to develop an Apps for ClientB and ClientC, and want to keep their App selling and Bank accounts separate. If I create new iOS developer programs, when people clicks more Apps from this Developer, it won't displayed ClientA, ClientB and ClientC all together. Am I right? Can someone please help me here?
Client B and Client C will require their own accounts which you could use to publish their apps on their behalf
You must be create new Apple Developer Account for clientB and clientC. and publish your app with this new account.
When user clicks more Apps from this Developer, it'll display the name of the app's provision profile's developer account only.
if you want to list the number of apps developed by your company means, Open one developer account with our company name and use in your company app.
If you want to keep the bank accounts for each client's app separate, then you have to use a separate iOS developer account for each client, and you can not list apps under your own individual name. Apple does not recognize non-incorporated partnerships, only individuals and companies.
Choose one or the other. (Or forget developing for Apple's iOS App store).

developing for companies with individual dev account

i have an individual dev account and a project from some company. would it be possible to develop an app for company (with the company name inside of app) and submit it in AppStore using my individual account? Would Apple allow that?
As long as you have the legal right to publish the app, I very much doubt that Apple will care.
What you need to bear in mind, though, is that it will be your name that appears in the App Store. Worse, it's difficult to transfer an app from developer account to developer account (usually involving removing it from sale and resubmitting as the new owner), so it's pretty important to get it right first time.
For what it's worth, I think the company should have their own developer account and you should submit from there.
If the business (any client) want to control its application(s) (not have the app expire if you stop developing, have other developers work on it in the future, own the copyright, etc.), and have their name as seller of the app, they should enroll as a company in the iOS developer program, and have you submit the app under their account, even if that takes longer. But it shouldn't take longer if they have all their paperwork (corporate documents, trademarks, email/website domains, company bank accounts, etc.) in order.
