I was trying to find a way how to build and run my game from a Ubunty-based linux container just using command line. Even though I was able to find few containers on DockerHub, neither of them allowed me to pass license registration stage in 'batch' mode.
Commands I tried so far:
xvfb-run --auto-servernum /opt/Unity/Editor/Unity -force-free -batchmode -nographics -logFile -username 'xxx' -password xxx -quit
/opt/Unity/Editor/Unity -force-free -batchmode -nographics -logFile -username 'xxx' -password xxx -quit
I'm usually getting following error log from Unity:
mono profile = '/opt/Unity/Editor/Data/Mono/lib/mono/2.0' Initialize
mono Mono path[0] = '/opt/Unity/Editor/Data/Managed' Mono path[1] =
'/opt/Unity/Editor/Data/Mono/lib/mono/2.0' Mono path[2] =
'/opt/Unity/Editor/Data/UnityScript' Mono path[3] =
'/opt/Unity/Editor/Data/Mono/lib/mono/2.0' Mono config path =
'/opt/Unity/Editor/Data/Mono/etc' Using monoOptions
DisplayProgressbar: Unity license Cancelling DisplayDialog: Failed to
activate/update license. Timeout occured while trying to update
license. Please try again later or contact support#unity3d.com This
should not be called in batch mode.
I wonder is someone else had already solved that problem and able to share Dockerfile & proper command lines.
It has been quite a while since the original question, but it took me a lot of time to find the correct answer, so just in case someone else would struggle with this problem - the answer is:
At some point Unity stopped requiring usage of xvfb-run and neatly builds stuff without it. If using xvfb-run - you'll be receiving timeouts (Unity error messages are pretty misleading in this case). I have a pipeline on Jenkins that uses Ubuntu image and these commands work fine for me so far
The trick is in using "-nographics" argument after implementation of which the need in xvfb-run disappeared.
/opt/unity/Editor/Unity -quit -logFile -batchmode -nographics -username XXXX -password XXXX -serial XXXX
/opt/unity/Editor/Unity -quit -logFile -batchmode -nographics -quit -projectPath . -buildTarget iOS -customBuildTarget iOS -customBuildName XXXX -customBuildPath builds/iOS/ -executeMethod BuildCommand.PerformBuild -logFile /dev/stdout
Return license
/opt/unity/Editor/Unity -quit -logFile -batchmode -nographics -username XXXX -password XXXX -serial XXXX
Hope this saves someone that huge amount of time I wasted on figuring this out ;)
I am new to Fabric 2.0 and recently installed all samples and I was able to run test-network without an issue with 2 orgs. Then I followed the directory on addOrg3 to add 3rd organization and join the channel I created earlier.
Now the fun part came in when I wanted to add 4th organization. What I did was, I copied the addOrg3 folder and renamed almost everything in each file to represent 4th organization. I even assigned new PORT for this organization. However I am seeing the following error.
I've also added the following in Scripts/envVar.sh
export PEER0_ORG4_CA=${PWD}/organizations/peerOrganizations/org4.example.com/peers/peer0.org4.example.com/tls/ca.crt
And added the following in envVarCLI.sh
elif [ $ORG -eq 4 ]; then
I have also added step1Org4.sh and step2Org4.sh basically following by following addOrg3's structure.
What steps do you follow to add additional organizations ? Please help.
"No such container: Org4cli"
Sorry for the formatting since I wasn't able to put in to coding style but here is the output from running the command "./addOrg4.sh up"
**Add Org4 to channel 'mychannel' with '10' seconds and CLI delay of '3' seconds and using database 'leveldb'
##### Generate certificates using cryptogen tool #########
############ Create Org4 Identities ######################
+ cryptogen generate --config=org4-crypto.yaml --output=../organizations
+ res=0
+ set +x
Generate CCP files for Org4
####### Generating Org4 organization definition #########
+ configtxgen -printOrg Org4MSP
2020-05-29 13:33:04.609 EDT [common.tools.configtxgen] main -> INFO 001 Loading configuration
2020-05-29 13:33:04.617 EDT [common.tools.configtxgen.localconfig] LoadTopLevel -> INFO 002 Loaded configuration: /Desktop/blockchain/BSI/fabric-samples/test-network/addOrg4/configtx.yaml
+ res=0
+ set +x
####### Generate and submit config tx to add Org4 #############
Error: No such container: Org4cli
ERROR !!!! Unable to create config tx **
In your addOrg4.sh have condition check like this:
CONTAINER_IDS=$(docker ps -a | awk '($2 ~ /fabric-tools/) {print $1}')
if [ -z "$CONTAINER_IDS" -o "$CONTAINER_IDS" == " " ]; then
echo "Bringing up network"
If you already run addOrg3.sh up, CONTAINER_IDS alway have value (Example: 51b4ad60d812). It is ContainerID of Org3cli. So function Org4Up will never call. Simple way is just comment code like this:
# CONTAINER_IDS=$(docker ps -a | awk '($2 ~ /fabric-tools/) {print $1}')
# if [ -z "$CONTAINER_IDS" -o "$CONTAINER_IDS" == " " ]; then
echo "Bringing up network"
# fi
It will bring up Org4cli you missing.
First check the container is up or not and if it is up then I think the CLI where the command is executed is not bootstrapped with the Org4 details.
I have added the 4th Organization from the three Org Hyperledger Fabric Network .Firstly, you have to create the Org4-artifacts (Crypto.yaml and Org4 docker file including the Org4Cli) and then try to follow the manual (step by step) process to add the new Organization from the official documentation.
Omit the process of editing scripts (step1 Org3.sh ...) because the workflow for adding the 4th or a new Org is slightly changed.So,you will spend a lot of time in just modifying the scripts.
I will write an article to add a new Org (4th) on medium,will paste the link here too.
This is my first post on Stackoverflow. Please bear with me...
I am new to basically everything around hyperledger-fabric.
While trying to follow the "Writing Your First Application Tutorial" i am unable to generate the genesis block.
I am running:
windows 10
Docker version 18.03.0-ce, build 0520e24302
docker-compose version 1.20.1, build 5d8c71b2
npm 6.1.2
node.js v12.1
python 2.7
I used the curl commands given in the instructions.
When i run
./startFabric.sh javascript
at first everything is going ok. I am getting some warnings but starting the Channel seems to work fine.
In the next few lines however i am getting an error.
Generate CCP files for Org1 and Org2
Generating Orderer Genesis block
+ '[' solo == solo ']'
+ configtxgen -profile TwoOrgsOrdererGenesis -channelID byfn-sys-channel -outputBlock ./channel-artifacts/genesis.block
2019-11-25 10:35:01.676 CET [common.tools.configtxgen] main -> INFO 001 Loading configuration
2019-11-25 10:35:01.677 CET [common.tools.configtxgen.localconfig] Load -> PANI 002 Error reading configuration: Unsupported Config Type ""
2019-11-25 10:35:01.679 CET [common.tools.configtxgen] func1 -> PANI 003 Error reading configuration: Unsupported Config Type ""
panic: Error reading configuration: Unsupported Config Type "" [recovered]
panic: Error reading configuration: Unsupported Config Type ""
It seems that the configuration is missing/not the right "type".
I googled my error and came up with people having similar/the same issue but i havent been able to solve my issue by following the advice they were given (hence why i am here).
Similar posts i found:
Error cryptogen tool in Hyperledger Fabric
The people responding to the posts above generally seem to think its an issue regarding the path to the config file which apparently can be fixed with
But that hasnt worked for me.
Full Console Output:
Look at the warning at the start: you are missing some prerequisites.
First, use the generate script to generate the crypto-config and artifacts folder.
Once you got your certificates you can start fabric.
You should have a generte.sh script or something like that.
Essentially it runs the certificate generation for your network using cryptogen.
The code is something like this:
which cryptogen
if [ "$?" -ne 0 ]; then
echo "cryptogen tool not found. exiting"
exit 1
if [ -d "crypto-config" ]; then
rm -Rf crypto-config
set -x
cryptogen generate --config=./crypto-config.yaml
Once you generated the certificates, you can now generate the genesis block with something like:
which configtxgen
if [ -d "config" ]; then
rm -Rf config
mkdir config
configtxgen -profile OneOrgOrdererGenesis -outputBlock ./config/genesis.block
configtxgen -profile OneOrgChannel -outputCreateChannelTx ./config/channel.tx -channelID $CHANNEL_NAME
configtxgen -profile OneOrgChannel -outputAnchorPeersUpdate ./config/${MSP_NAME}anchors.tx -channelID $CHANNEL_NAME -asOrg $MSP_NAME
Obviously replacing with your names and variables.
I am new to 8th wall. I have cloned 8th wall web from git and executed below steps properly
# cd <directory_where_you_saved_sample_project_files>
# cd serve
# npm install
# cd ..
# ./serve/bin/serve -d <sample_project_location>
but on execution of last step which is for ex.
./serve/bin/serve -n -d gettingstarted/xraframe/ -p 7777
I am getting below errors
Failed to compile.
Error: Child compilation failed: Entry module not found: Error:
Can't resolve
\index.html' in 'C:\8thWall_Project\web\serve': Error: Can't resolve
\index.html' in 'C:\8thWall_Project\web\serve'
compiler.js:79 childCompiler.runAsChild
Compiler.js:306 compile
Compiler.js:631 hooks.afterCompile.callAsync.err
Hook.js:154 AsyncSeriesHook.lazyCompileHook
Compiler.js:628 compilation.seal.err
Hook.js:154 AsyncSeriesHook.lazyCompileHook
Compilation.js:1325 hooks.optimizeAssets.callAsync.err
Any idea or pointers what is missing?
I don't know why, but bat file don't want to be opened by path. Just go to the serve\bin directory and launch bat from here, like that:
7777 is unnecessary. problem was, that it can't find path to your xraframe
project, as you are in another directory, so you have to go tow directories up in ypur path for xraframe
It seems as if you're attempting this on a Windows computer. The serve process for Windows is slightly different than on macOS.
Instead of the normal serve script, use the serve.bat executable.
serve\bin\serve.bat -n -d gettingstarted\xraframe -p 7777
So I'm using weka 3.7.11 in a Windows machine (and runnings bash scripts with cygwin), and I found an inconsistency regarding the AODE classifier (which in this version of weka, comes from an add-on package).
Using Averaged N-Dependencies Estimators from the GUI, I get the following configuration (from an example that worked alright in the Weka Explorer):
weka.classifiers.meta.FilteredClassifier -F "weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Discretize -F -B 10 -M -1.0 -R first-last" -W weka.classifiers.bayes.AveragedNDependenceEstimators.A1DE -- -F 1 -M 1.0 -S
So I modified this to get the following command in my bash script:
java -Xmx60G -cp "C:\work\weka-3.7.jar;C:\Users\Oracle\wekafiles\packages\AnDE\AnDE.jar" weka.classifiers.meta.FilteredClassifier \
-t train_2.arff -T train_1.arff \
-classifications "weka.classifiers.evaluation.output.prediction.CSV -distribution -p 1 -file predictions_final_multi.csv -suppress" \
-threshold-file umbral_multi.csv \
-F "weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.Discretize -F -B 10 -M -1.0 -R first-last" \
-W weka.classifiers.bayes.AveragedNDependenceEstimators.A1DE -- -F 1 -M 1.0 -S
But this gives me the error:
Weka exception: No value given for -S option.
Which is weird, since this was not a problem with the GUI. In the GUI, the Information box says that -S it's just a flag ("Subsumption Resolution can be achieved by using -S option"), so it shouldn't expect any number at all, which is consistent with what I got using the Explorer.
So then, what's the deal with the -S option when using the command line? Looking at the error text given by weka, I found this:
Options specific to classifier weka.classifiers.bayes.AveragedNDependenceEstimators.A1DE:
Output debugging information
-F <int>
Impose a frequency limit for superParents (default is 1)
-M <double>
Specify a weight to use with m-estimate (default is 1)
-S <int>
Specify a critical value for specialization-generalilzation SR (default is 100)
Specify if to use weighted AODE
So it seems that this class works in two different ways, depending on which method I use (GUI vs. Command Line).
The solution I found, at least for the meantime, was to write -S 100 on my script. Is this really the same as just putting -S in the GUI?
Thanks in advance.
I've had a play with this Classifier, and can confirm that what you are experiencing on your end is consistent with what I have here. From the GUI, the -S Option (subsumption Resolution) requires no parameters while the Command Prompt does (specialization-generalization SR).
They don't sound like the same parameter, so you may need to raise this issue with the developer of the third party package if you would like to know more information on these parameters. You can find this information from the Tools -> Package Manager -> AnDE, which will point you to the contacts for the library.
I'm entirely new to using bash and Xcode build scripts and so my code is probably a jungle full of errors.
The idea here is to trigger the script below which will scrape the directory that it is saved in for any .js automation scripts. It will then send these scripts to instruments to be run one at a time. I found some nifty code that created time stamped files and so I used that to create a more meaningful storage system.
# This script should run all (currently only one) tests, independently from
# where it is called from (terminal, or Xcode Run Script).
# REQUIREMENTS: This script has to be located in the same folder as all the
# UIAutomation tests. Additionally, a *.tracetemplate file has to be present
# in the same folder. This can be created with Instruments (Save as template...)
# The following variables have to be configured:
# Find the test folder (this script has to be located in the same folder).
ROOT="$( cd -P "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
# Prepare all the required args for instruments.
TEMPLATE=`find $ROOT -name '*.tracetemplate'`
#EXECUTABLE=`find ~/Library/Application\ Support/iPhone\ Simulator | grep "${EXECUTABLE}$"`
SCRIPTS=`find $ROOT -name '*.js'`
# Prepare traces folder
TRACES="${ROOT}/Traces/`date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S`"
mkdir -p "$TRACES"
printf "\n" >> "$ROOT/results.log"
echo `date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S` >> "$ROOT/results.log"
# Get the name of the user we should use to run Instruments.
# Currently this is done, by getting the owner of the folder containing this script.
USERNAME=`ls -l "${ROOT}/.." | grep \`basename "$ROOT"\` | awk '{print $3}'`
# Bring simulator window to front. Depending on the localization, the name is different.
osascript -e 'try
tell application "iPhone Simulator" to activate
on error
tell application "iOS Simulator" to activate
end try'
# Prepare an Apple Script that promts for the password.
PASS_SCRIPT="tell application \"System Events\"
display dialog \"Password for user $USER:\" default answer \"\" with hidden answer
text returned of the result
end tell"
# Run all the tests.
for SCRIPT in $SCRIPTS; do
echo -e "\nRunning test script $SCRIPT"
TESTC="sudo -u ${USER} xcrun instruments -l -c -t ${TEMPLATE} ${EXECUTABLE} -e UIARESULTSPATH ${TRACES}/${TRACENAME} -e UIASCRIPT ${SCRIPT} >> ${ROOT}/results.log"
#echo "$COMMAND"
echo "Executing command $TESTC" >> "$ROOT/results.log"
echo "here $TESTC" >> "$ROOT/results.log"
echo $OUTPUT >> "$ROOT/results.log"
echo "Finished logging" >> "$ROOT/results.log"
TRACENAME=`echo "$SCRIPTNAME" | sed 's_\.js$_.trace_g'`
for i in $(ls -A1t $PWD | grep -m 1 '.trace')
if [ -e $TRACEFILE ]; then
if [ `grep " Fail: " results.log | wc -l` -gt 0 ]; then
echo "Test ${SCRIPTNAME} failed. See trace for details."
exit 1
rm results.log
A good portion of this was taken from another Stack Overflow answer but because of the repository setup that I'm working with I needed to keep the paths abstract and separate from the root folder of the script. Everything seems to work (although probably not incredibly efficiently) except for the actual xcrun command to launch instruments.
TESTC="sudo -u ${USER} xcrun instruments -l -c -t ${TEMPLATE} ${EXECUTABLE} -e UIARESULTSPATH ${TRACES}/${TRACENAME} -e UIASCRIPT ${SCRIPT} >> ${ROOT}/results.log"
echo "Executing command $TESTC" >> "$ROOT/results.log"
This is turned into the following by whatever black magic Bash runs on:
sudo -u Braains xcrun instruments -l -c -t
ekqevowxyipndychtscxwgqkaxdk/Build/Products/Debug-iphoneos/AppName.app/ -e UIARESULTSPATH
/Users/Braains/Documents/Automation/AppName/TestCases/Traces/2014-07-17_16-31-49/ -e
UIASCRIPT /Users/Braains/Documents/Automation/AppName/TestCases/Test-Case_1js
(^ Has inserted line breaks for clarity of the question ^)
The resulting error that I am seeing is:
posix spawn failure; aborting launch (binary ==
I have looked all over for a solution to this but I can't find anything because Appium has a similar issue. Unfortunately I don't understand the systems well enough to know how to translate the fixes to Appium to my own code but I imagine it's a similar issue.
I do know that the posix spawn failure is related to threading, but I don't know enough about xcrun to say what's causing the threading issue.
Related info:
- I'm building for the simulator but it'd be great to work on real devices too
- I'm using xCode 5.1.1 and iOS Simulator 7.1
- This script is meant to be run as a build post action script in xCode
- I did get it briefly working once before I broke it and couldn't get it back to the working state. So I think that means all of my permissions are set correctly.
UPDATE: So I've gotten to the root of this problem although I have not found a fix yet. First of all I have no idea what xcrun is for and so I dropped it. Then after playing around I found that my Xcode environment variables are returning the wrong path, probably because of some project setting somewhere. If you copy the Bash command from above but replace Debug-iphoneos with Debug-iphonesimulator the script can be run from the command line and will work as expected.
So for anyone who happens across this the only solution I could find was to hardcode the script for the simulator.
I changed EXECUTABLE="${BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/${PRODUCT_NAME}.app/" to be EXECUTABLE="${SYMROOT}/Debug-iphonesimulator/${EXECUTABLE_PATH}". This is obviously not a great solution but it works for now.