Swift 4 UiTextView - delete a word inside textView on button click - ios

Is there a way to delete a specific word inside a UITextView?
let's say for example that in a textView the user wrote: "Hello my nome is john".
As soon as he finished typing he noticed that he mistyped a word.
Lets' say that there is an array initialised with a set o word and "name" is one of this.
when the user go back with the cursor and start deleting the misspelled a list of suggestion comes up.
He detect the word name and click on it.
is there a way to delete the word nome and insert the word name on which he just clicked.
So basically is there a way to get the word immediately before the cursor and remove it from the text view?
I have been able to get the first word before the cursor:
func characterBeforeCursor() -> String? {
// get the cursor position
if let cursorRange = postTextField.selectedTextRange {
// get the position one character before the cursor start position
if let newPosition = postTextField.position(from: cursorRange.start, offset: -1) {
let range = postTextField.textRange(from: newPosition, to: cursorRange.start)
return postTextField.text(in: range!)
return nil
but i wouldn't know how to get the entire word (until the first space, or a particular character e.g "#" ) and delte it from the textview.
I am a bit lost.... so Thanks to anyone will help.


Position cursor at desired location iOS Swift 3

I have custom UITextField which holds data (eg:) for username . I'm trying to place cursor at desired location if I enter wrong data and want to modify it. For eg: If I enter my username as "stcak" instead of "stack" , I need to place cursor at "a" in textField and delete "ca" and modify that with "ac" so i get desired text "stack".
Im not able to place my cursor at desired location. I had to delete entire text
Kindly help me how I can achieve this
Use UITextPosion for set cursor in UItextField.
Below Sample code for that:
let newposition = textField.position(from: textField.beginningOfDocument, offset: index)
textField.selectedTextRange = textField.textRange(from: newposition!, to: newposition!)
Here index is Position of cursor in text Field.

UINavigationItem title truncation

I have text that is built from two Strings:
I want to use both strings as the title for the UINavigationItem but in case of truncation I want only A to be truncated and not B.
The title I want is "The quick brown fox jumps (over the lazy dog)".
The screen size is too small so the title truncates and it is now "The quick brown fox jumps (over...".
What I want it to be is: "The quick br... (over the lazy dog)"
How can I do that?
First check number of characters navigation bar allowing as title without truncating. Next, before setting title check whether the total string length is less than those number of characters or not. Now based on condition set either combined string or B only.
Since xcode won't be able to detect in which part of your title you want to stop and which part you want to start again, you need to do it yourself.
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.navigationItem.title = "Heal the world make it a better place for you and for me and the entire human race"
setNavTitle(title: self.navigationItem.title!)
func setNavTitle(title: String)
//get the last 10 characters of your title, change the number to your need
let last10 = title.substring(from:title.index(title.endIndex, offsetBy: -14))
//get the first 10 characters of your title, change the number to your need
let first10 = title.substring(to: title.index(title.startIndex, offsetBy: 14))
//concatenate the strings
let title = first10 + " ... " + last10
self.navigationItem.title = title

Scroll to a specific part of a UITextView in Swift

In the Swift app I'm creating, the user can type some text into a text view and then search for a specific string within it, just like in Pages (and numerous others).
I have the index of the character they are searching for as an Integer (i.e., they are on the third instance of "hello" in the massive text block they typed in, and I know that's the 779th letter of the text view) and I am trying to automatically scroll the text view to the string they're on, so that it pops out (like it would in Pages).
I am trying to jump to the applicable string with this command:
self.textview.scrollRangeToVisible(NSMakeRange(index, 0))
but it never jumps to the right place (sometimes too far down, sometimes way too far up), often depending on screen size, so I know that index doesn't belong right there.
How can I correctly allow the user to jump to a specific string in a text view, by making the text view scroll to a certain character?
You can get string, which is before index 779, and then calculate the height of this string and then scroll to this point.
let string = textView.text.substringWithRange(Range<String.Index>(start: textView.text.startIndex, end: textView.text.startIndex.advancedBy(779)))// your <779 string
let size = string.sizeWithAttributes([NSFontAttributeName:yourFont])
let point = CGPointMake(0, size.height)
scrollView.setContentOffset(point, animated:true)
The other answer doesn't seem to work anymore (Jan 2021). But there is a simpler way now:
// Range specific to the question, any other works
let rangeStart = textView.text.startIndex
let rangeEnd = textView.text.index(rangeStart, offsetBy: 779)
let range = rangeStart..<rangeEnd
// Convert to NSRange
let nsrange = NSRange(range, in: textView.text)
// ... and scroll

How to programmatically enter text in UITextView at the current cursor position

I would like to add (some predefined) text at the current cursor position in a UITextView using Swift. So if I have a UITextField named txtField that has some text in it already such as "this is a beautiful valley" and I tap in the area between "a" and "beautiful" so that the cursor is now in the space between "a" and "beautiful" and then click a Button on my user interface a string of text such as "very" will get typed at the cursor position, so that the text in the UITextView will now become "this is a very beautiful valley". At the end of this operation (after button click event) I would the cursor to be just after the word "very". Many thanks for your help. I can see some question on the forum with similar themes, but the answers are in Objective C. I suicidal like help using Swift.
Try this... Inside your button's IBAction use this (please do not use forced optional unwrapping) or else if the textView has no selection or cursor, the app might crash:
let txt = "whatever you want"
if let range = handleToYourTextView.selectedTextRange {
// From your question I assume that you do not want to replace a selection, only insert some text where the cursor is.
if range.start == range.end {
handleToYourTextView.replaceRange(range, withText: txt)
try this
textView.replaceRange(textView.selectedTextRange!, withText: "your text")
Swift 5.2
let txt = "whatever you want"
if let range = myTextView.selectedTextRange {
if range.start == range.end {
myTextView.replace(range, withText: txt)

UITextView increment character to the left

I have a UITextView that has a fixed width and height. I pre-populate the entire textfield with blanks.
I would like to insert a character with the push of a button that will erase the last blank character, insert my string character and then place the cursor at the beginning of the newly inserted string. I am trying to achieve inserting special fonts right to left and bottom to top.
It is working with the first button push and on the second button push the new value is inserted in the correct position to the left, however, the cursor will not move to the left after the second button push, it remains to the right after the second string insert.
Here is my code...
-(IBAction)chartP:(id)sender {
NSRange currentRange = myChart.selectedRange;
if (currentRange.length == 0) {
myChart.text = [myChart.text stringByReplacingCharactersInRange:currentRange
withString:[NSString string]];
currentRange.length = 0;
myChart.selectedRange = currentRange;
myChart.text = [myChart.text stringByAppendingString:#"p"];
myChart.selectedRange = NSMakeRange(myChart.selectedRange.location -1, 0);
Can someone assist me with what I am missing here to continually increment to the left with my string inserts?
How about flipping the text area:
myChart.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeScale(-1,-1);
It sounds like you are trying to implement right-to-left text direction by faking it. Why not do the real thing?
Here's a question that covers the topic:
Change the UITextView Text Direction
If you need bottom-to-top entry, and you have the ability to use a custom font, perhaps you can apply a transformation to the UITextView and y-flip it. Look at the transform property of UIView. (Things like the text selection loupe may break, but it's worth a try.)
