YouTube IFrame Player API getVideoData is removed: how to get title? - youtube-api

On November 13th, I got a call from a customer reporting that the YouTube player didn't work anymore. After a quick look in the dev tool, I found that there was an error:
Uncaught TypeError: a.getVideoData is not a function
Looking into what the player object was containing, I learned that there's no function getVideoData anymore.
The function getVideoData provided a way to get the video title. Now, how can I get the title?
Is there any article from Google about this change?

To get a video's title, you can query the YouTube Data API v3:
For that you need to sign up on the Google Cloud Console and create an API key (it's free). You can restrict the API key to only be used from your website, that way you can safely make it public in your JS source code/html code without others being able to make queries on your behalf. Make sure to enable the YouTube Data API v3 in the console as well, otherwise your queries will return errors.
The above query will return a JSON representation of the information on the video that you are interested in (the snippet part). Say you parse the JSON into an object called result. Then you can get the video title via

getVideoData() seems to be back (Dec, 2017). So, try again !

As of today (October 1st, 2020), I am retrieving the title of the video from within YouTube's API object:
// Assigning YouTube's ID to your ID variable
const playerID = "xxxxxxx";
// Creating an object for the video using YouTube's API.
const yPlayer = new YT.Player(playerID, {
events: {
'onReady': onPlayerReady(),
'onStateChange': onPlayerStateChange()
function onPlayerReady() {
function onPlayerStateChange() {
// Title retrieved here
let videoTitle = yPlayer.j.videoData.title;


YouTube API "ChannelSections" results don't match with channel?

So for the YouTube Channel Mindless Self Indulgence it has 4 sections on the home tab first section is they're music videos playlist, the 2nd section is albums which is a group of different playlists, then another playlist section and the last section is there uploads.
But when I do a channelSections api call I get like 20 different items and it has me scratching my head why.
Here's the api response{KEYHERE}&channelId=UChS8bULfMVx10SiyZyeTszw&part=snippet,contentDetails
So I figured this out finally, I neglected to read the documentation on the channelSections api 😅
I was getting channel sections for all the regions where channel like music may more often have region specific sections... To filter these you need to also include the targeting object in the part parameter. If the section is region free (or atleast i assume) it won't have the targeting object so something to take into condertation when handling your api response and filter sectoins based on regions.
Here's my code just trying to get the data filtered in react app, not the most practical maybe but I fumbled through it:
const data =;
console.log("response2 data", data);
const filtered = data.filter(item => {
if (item.targeting === undefined) return true;
let test = false;
item.targeting.countries.forEach(i => {
if (i === "US") test = true;
return test;

YouTube API V3 - Get recommended video for new feed

As YouTube official documentation about implement and immigrate to API V3, they said:
YouTube Data API (v2) functionality: Retrieve video recommendations
The v3 API does not retrieve a list that only contains videos recommended for the current API user. However, you can use the v3 API to find recommended videos by calling the activities.list method and setting the home parameter value to true.
But now the parameter home has been deprecated too.
Currently, when I set the home parameter to true, I only retrieve the recently uploaded video in the channel: Popular video in YouTube. There are no video with snippet.type=recommendation at all.
I need to show recommended videos of authenticated user in new feed, but seem like this feature is completely deprecated by YouTube.
Anyone has solution for that?
Thanks first!
Unfortunately, I can't find any documentation or example about this feature. It seems that this has been deprecated. However, you may check this documentation with sample JSON structure that shows the format of a activities resource such as recommendation:
"recommendation": {
"resourceId": {
"kind": string,
"videoId": string,
"channelId": string,
Hope this helps!
I found this youtubes search api. All we need to do is put a video id in the relatedToVideoId and it'll giveout a list of videos related to it.
The docs for the api include a way to test the request. code samples there show how to set 'mine' for an authenticated request.
youtube activities
This is android sample code. it would need to be in some background thread. The setmine = true on the channelList response is like the home (I think). Was not sure if your implementation was for the web or an app.
this is android code:
YouTube youtube = new YouTube.Builder(transport, jsonFactory,
YouTube.Activities.List activities;
ActivityListResponse activityListResponse = null;
List<ActivityData> activitiesData = new ArrayList<ActivityData>();
try {
* Now that the user is authenticated, the app makes a
* channels list request to get the authenticated user's
* channel. Returned with that data is the playlist id for
* the uploaded videos.
* /v3/docs/channels/list
ChannelListResponse clr = youtube.channels().list("contentDetails")
activities = youtube.activities().list("id,snippet,subscriberSnippet");
activities.setMaxResults((long) 50);
activityListResponse = activities.execute();
ArrayList<String> subscriptionListIdentifier = new ArrayList<String>()
,listTitles = new ArrayList<String>()
,listThumbnails = new ArrayList<String>();
List<Activity> results = activityListResponse.getItems();
for (Activity activity : results) {
//if ("public".equals(playlist.getStatus()
// .getPrivacyStatus())) {
ActivityData data = new ActivityData();
return activitiesData;
You can retrieve them using the following API call:

Retrieving individual videos view count - Youtube API V3.0 - JavaScript

I've been trying to get the view count on videos that I query through the following method:
function search() {
var request ={
part: 'snippet',
channelId: 'IRRELEVANT',
order: 'date',
maxResults: '25'
While the documentation tells me that there's a statistics portion to every video, after the snippet I have __proto__ which I guess means there was an error somewhere? or did the API change? Essentially I need the view count of those 25 most recent videos...
I tried changing part: 'snippet' to part: 'statistics' but got back a code: -32602...
Thanks for the help,
EDIT: Apparently the search.list doesn't have the "statistics" but rather I need to search every video individually... The thing is, when using googles "Try It" feature ( when you ask for the statistics in the "Fields" part at the bottom, it doesn't do anything... So I am VERY confused as to how the heck can I get the view counts & length of all 25 videos (if individually or all at once - preferably-)
The link you gave is working for me.
To get duration and viewCount: Fill in for part: contentDetails,statistics and for id: a comma-separated-list of video-id's like: TruIq5IxuiU,-VoFbH8jTzE,RPNDXrAvAMg,gmQmYc9-zcg
This will create a request as:
Agree with the answer provided by #Als.
But I found a code snippet which might be more convenient for some of you:
function youtube_view_count_shortcode($params)
$videoID = $params['id']; // view id here
$json = file_get_contents("
part=statistics&id=" . $videoID . "&key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
$jsonData = json_decode($json);
$views = $jsonData->items[0]->statistics->viewCount;
return number_format($views);
Replace the key value with the google api key for youtube data API and the video id with the youtube video id and Voila you get the total number of views for the youtube video.

Is there a YouTube API that can give me structured metadata about a video?

Using the YouTube API, how can I fetch structured data about a video? For instance, given a video that is a movie trailer, how can I find the movie title or topic in a structured format, and other interesting metadata such as the celebrities featured or the director?
Yes. The v3 API allows you do do this via videos/list. Here's an example API call using a trailer for The Dark Knight Rises:
(To get a developer key, follow the instructions in our video tutorial).
That sets:
topic: topicDetails
id: g8evyE9TuYk
fields: items/topicDetails/topicIds
In the response body, you get:
"items": [
"topicDetails": {
"topicIds": [
These correspond to Freebase mids, which you can lookup using the Freebase API. For instance, the first response corresponds to the Freebase entity The Dark Knight Rises (movie). Once you look up the entity, you can look up related entities such as the director, actors, or genre.
Play around with the API explorer a bit. When you're ready to translate this into code, watch out video about turning the API reference into code.
I found that I got the metadata details I wanted via this request url:,contentDetails&id={YouTubeVideoID}&key={YourAPIkey}
Here is documentation with description of all the returned data fields.
Here's info on how to get an API key.

Getting top twitter trends by country

I know how to get trends using API, but i want it by country and top 10.
How can I ? Is that possible?
Tried this one but not working
Note that Twitter API v1 is no longer functional. Read announcement
So you should use Twitter API 1.1.
REST method is this: GET trends/place
You should authenticate with access tokens to reach this data.
Yes, you can.
First, figure out which countries you want to get data for.
Will give you a list of all the countries Twitter has trends for.
Suppose you want the trends for the UK. The above tells us that the WOEID is 23424975.
To get the top ten trends for the UK, call
you need to figure out the woeids first use this tool here and then it becomes as easy as a simple function
function get_trends($woeid){
return json_decode(file_get_contents("".$woeid.".json?exclude=hashtags", true), false);
Here you go, I wrote a simple sample script for you. Check It Out Here Twitter Trends Getter
Hope it helps!
I'm a 'bit' late to the party on this one but you can use:
npm i twit --save
const Twit = require('twit');
const config = require('./config');
const T = new Twit(config);
const params = {
id: '23424829',
id: '23424975',
id: '23424977'
// count: 3
T.get('trends/place', params, gotData, limit);
function gotData(err, data, response) {
var tweets = data;
console.log(JSON.stringify(tweets, undefined, 2));
You have to Complete Authentication using Api Key to Fetch Results in JSON.
Another Thing Keep in Mind Twitter Api is Limited.
If you are Making Website for Top Twitter Trends then Visit this Url, Right Click >> Copy Source Code and Replace only Trends Name using Your Json Variable.
