I have a doubt, I have to do a tail recursion for this pow function:
pow(_, 0) -> 1;
pow(N, X) when X > 0 -> N * pow(N, X - 1).
I've read about it, but I do not totally get it, Can somebody explain me how to this function in tail recursion?
Basically in a tail recursion you need a another parameter that act as an accumulator.
%% So the first step is to convert the pow function to the pow_tail function, and initialize the accumulator to the default value.
pow(N, X) -> pow_tail(N, X, 1);
%% Defined the base case for the pow_tail, to return the accumulator
pow_tail(_, 0, ACC) -> ACC;
%% Write the pow_tail function and store the result in the accumulator
pow_tail(N, X, ACC) when X > 0 -> pow_tail(N, X-1, ACC * N);
Hope this gives you an idea how it can be done.
I'd like to get the nth element.
functionGetnth([], _N) ->
{error, no_such_element};
functionGetnth([H|_T], 1) -> H;
functionGetnth([H|T], N) when N > 1 ->
functionGetnth([H|T], N-1).
How can I delete the Head while the Head isn't the nth position?
There is already such function in the standard library, see lists:nth/2.
If you insist on making your own, you need to recurse only on the tail (T) in your third clause, thus discarding the head (H), i.e.:
functionGetNth(T, N-1).
functionGetNth([], _N) ->
{error, no_such_element};
functionGetNth([H|_], 1) -> H;
functionGetNth([_|T], N) when N > 1 ->
functionGetNth(T, N-1).
I would like to use the below Erlang code to get the highest integer in a list of integers but for some reason always end up getting the last integer in the list. Any help?
Solution example -> test:max([2,8,5,6]). should return 8 but with this code it returns 6.
-spec max(L) -> M when
max([H | T]) ->
F = fun(L, Acc) -> max([L]) end,
lists:foldl(F, H, T).
Your function F should return the max of L and Acc. You can use the builtin max/2 function for that:
F = fun(L, Acc) -> max(L, Acc) end.
1> F = fun(L, Acc) -> max(L, Acc) end.
2> [H | T] = [2, 8, 5, 6].
3> lists:foldl(F, H, T).
What you return in your function F will be the new value of Acc, and eventually the value lists:foldl/3 will return.
What you may want to do is do comparison inside F and check if Acc is greater than the current value. You don't need to recurse max/1 since you're iterating the list in lists:foldl/3 anyway.
Let me know if you need the actual code right away, but I would recommend figuring it out yourself. It's more fun for you that way.
I have the following Erlang code and it is giving the warning as follows, when i try to compile it, but that make sense. function need two arguments, but i need to patten match "everything else" rather x, y or z.
fall_velocity(P, D) when D >= 0 ->
case P of
x -> math:sqrt(2 * 9.8 * D);
y -> math:sqrt(2 * 1.6 * D);
z -> math:sqrt(2 * 3.71 * D);
(_)-> io:format("no match:~p~n")
crop.erl:9: Warning: wrong number of arguments in format call.
I was trying an anonymous variable after io:format, but still it is not happy.
In the format you use ~p. It means -- print value. So you must specify what value to print.
last line of case must be
_ -> io:format("no match ~p~n",[P])
Besides, io:format returms 'ok'. So if P is not x y or z, your function will return 'ok' instead of numeric value. I would suggest to return tagged value to separate correct and error returns. Kind of
fall_velocity(P, D) when D >= 0 ->
case P of
x -> {ok,math:sqrt(2 * 9.8 * D)};
y -> {ok,math:sqrt(2 * 1.6 * D)};
z -> {ok,math:sqrt(2 * 3.71 * D)};
Otherwise-> io:format("no match:~p~n",[Otherwise]),
{error, "coordinate is not x y or z"}
To make the comments to the other answer explicit, this is how I would write that function:
fall_velocity(P, D) when D >= 0 ->
case P of
x -> math:sqrt(2 * 9.8 * D);
y -> math:sqrt(2 * 1.6 * D);
z -> math:sqrt(2 * 3.71 * D)
That is, don't handle the incorrect argument in your case expression. If someone passes foo as an argument, you'll get the error {case_clause, foo} along with a stacktrace that points to this function and its caller. This also means that this function cannot leak incorrect values into the rest of the code as a result of being called with incorrect arguments.
Returning {ok, Result} | {error, Error} as in the other answer is equally valid. You'll need to choose the variant that fits your case best.
For calculating a fibonacci sequence in O(logn) we use matrix exponential since the term
fn = fn-1 + fn-2 is linear but what is the matrix required if we want to find nth term of
fn = fn-1 + fn-2 + a0 + a1*n + a2*n^2 + ... an*n^n
which is a dependent on polynomial???
Here a0,a1,... an are constants
Look here for implementation in Erlang which uses formula
. It shows nice linear resulting behavior because in O(M(n) log n) part M(n) is exponential for big numbers. It calculates fib of one million in 2s where result has 208988 digits. The trick is that you can compute exponentiation in O(log n) multiplications using (tail) recursive formula (tail means with O(1) space when used proper compiler or rewrite to cycle):
% compute X^N
power(X, N) when is_integer(N), N >= 0 ->
power(N, X, 1).
power(0, _, Acc) ->
power(N, X, Acc) ->
if N rem 2 =:= 1 ->
power(N - 1, X, Acc * X);
true ->
power(N div 2, X * X, Acc)
where X and Acc you substitute with matrices. X will be initiated with and Acc with identity I equals to .
I am new to F# and was reading about tail recursive functions and was hoping someone could give me two different implementations of a function foo - one that is tail recursive and one that isn't so that I can better understand the principle.
Start with a simple task, like mapping items from 'a to 'b in a list. We want to write a function which has the signature
val map: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
map (fun x -> x * 2) [1;2;3;4;5] == [2;4;6;8;10]
Start with non-tail recursive version:
let rec map f = function
| [] -> []
| x::xs -> f x::map f xs
This isn't tail recursive because function still has work to do after making the recursive call. :: is syntactic sugar for List.Cons(f x, map f xs).
The function's non-recursive nature might be a little more obvious if I re-wrote the last line as | x::xs -> let temp = map f xs; f x::temp -- obviously its doing work after the recursive call.
Use an accumulator variable to make it tail recursive:
let map f l =
let rec loop acc = function
| [] -> List.rev acc
| x::xs -> loop (f x::acc) xs
loop [] l
Here's we're building up a new list in a variable acc. Since the list gets built up in reverse, we need to reverse the output list before giving it back to the user.
If you're in for a little mind warp, you can use continuation passing to write the code more succinctly:
let map f l =
let rec loop cont = function
| [] -> cont []
| x::xs -> loop ( fun acc -> cont (f x::acc) ) xs
loop id l
Since the call to loop and cont are the last functions called with no additional work, they're tail-recursive.
This works because the continuation cont is captured by a new continuation, which in turn is captured by another, resulting in a sort of tree-like data structure as follows:
(fun acc -> (f 1)::acc)
((fun acc -> (f 2)::acc)
((fun acc -> (f 3)::acc)
((fun acc -> (f 4)::acc)
((fun acc -> (f 5)::acc)
(id [])))))
which builds up a list in-order without requiring you to reverse it.
For what its worth, start writing functions in non-tail recursive way, they're easier to read and work with.
If you have a big list to go through, use an accumulator variable.
If you can't find a way to use an accumulator in a convenient way and you don't have any other options at your disposal, use continuations. I personally consider non-trivial, heavy use of continuations hard to read.
An attempt at a shorter explanation than in the other examples:
let rec foo n =
match n with
| 0 -> 0
| _ -> 2 + foo (n-1)
let rec bar acc n =
match n with
| 0 -> acc
| _ -> bar (acc+2) (n-1)
Here, foo is not tail-recursive, because foo has to call foo recursively in order to evaluate 2+foo(n-1) and return it.
However, bar ís tail-recursive, because bar doesn't have to use the return value of the recursive call in order to return a value. It can just let the recursively called bar return its value immediately (without returning all the way up though the calling stack). The compiler sees this and optimized this by rewriting the recursion into a loop.
Changing the last line in bar into something like | _ -> 2 + (bar (acc+2) (n-1)) would again destroy the function being tail-recursive, since 2 + leads to an action that needs to be done after the recursive call is finished.
Here is a more obvious example, compare it to what you would normally do for a factorial.
let factorial n =
let rec fact n acc =
match n with
| 0 -> acc
| _ -> fact (n-1) (acc*n)
fact n 1
This one is a bit complex, but the idea is that you have an accumulator that keeps a running tally, rather than modifying the return value.
Additionally, this style of wrapping is usually a good idea, that way your caller doesn't need to worry about seeding the accumulator (note that fact is local to the function)
I'm learning F# too.
The following are non-tail recursive and tail recursive function to calculate the fibonacci numbers.
Non-tail recursive version
let rec fib = function
| n when n < 2 -> 1
| n -> fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);;
Tail recursive version
let fib n =
let rec tfib n1 n2 = function
| 0 -> n1
| n -> tfib n2 (n2 + n1) (n - 1)
tfib 0 1 n;;
Note: since the fibanacci number could grow really fast you could replace last line tfib 0 1 n to
tfib 0I 1I n to take advantage of Numerics.BigInteger Structure in F#
Also, when testing, don't forget that indirect tail recursion (tailcall) is turned off by default when compiling in Debug mode. This can cause tailcall recursion to overflow the stack in Debug mode but not in Release mode.