Using Spring Boot, SpringMVC and Spring Security I can configure the security part of my Spring Boot app as follows: ...requestMatchers("status", "info")).....
Now I'm migrating from SpringMVC to Spring WebFlux. I see that I've to use pathMatchers() instead of requestMatchers. However, EndpointRequest is depending on HttpServletRequest (and thus on Spring MVC). Any hint is appreciated.
Could anyone describe what is difference between openfeign/feign and spring cloud openfeign? I see spring cloud openfeign depends on openfeign/feign, but I couldn't get specific differences.
Is it always recommendable to use spring cloud openfeign rather than vanilla feign when I use spring framework?
OpenFeign/feign is a complete http client binder solution which can use multiple different libraries
Spring Cloud Openfeign
provides OpenFeign integrations for Spring Boot apps through
autoconfiguration and binding to the Spring Environment and other
Spring programming model idioms.
"Spring Cloud Openfeign" is only for spring, "OpenFeign" can work without spring environment.
Conclusion, if you are using spring go with "Spring Cloud Openfeign"
PS: this video explains with all details.
We are using Spring Security OAuth 2.5.x(now deprecated) and are migrating to Spring security 5.x.x. We are using ConsumerTokenServices.revokeToken method at the moment to revoke an existing token during logout or a manual refresh. How can this be achieved in Spring security 5.x.x? I have looked at the samples in here ( but did not find anything specific to this.
I'm just prototyping the migration from Spring MVC to Spring WebFlux using the latest milestone releases (also Spring Boot, Spring Data, and Spring Security). Using the Maven module spring-security-webflux I was able to setup BASIC authentication. However, I didn't find how to define a realm. Any hint is appreciated.
by default there is not an option to set maximum concurrent session propery in grails spring security plugin. That is available with spring security (spring security session control). How can i implement such functionality with grails 3 using spring security plugin?
I have configured an embedded Jetty server and registered JspServlet myself. I am trying to integrate Spring Security, Spring MVC and realised that internal JSP requests are also filtered by Spring Security. Is this expected or my fault?
This was my fault. I had configured Spring Security Filter for DispatcherType.Forward.
handler.addFilter(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey(), EnumSet.allOf(DispatcherType.class));
handler.addFilter(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey(), EnumSet.of(DispatcherType.REQUEST, DispatcherType.ERROR, DispatcherType.ASYNC));