Whitelabel Error Page
This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback.
Sat Nov 11 23:14:39 SGT 2017
There was an unexpected error (type=Not Found, status=404).
No message available
I was building this from the source and got this error. Anyone faced this error before and how to solve this issue? Thank you.
This happens when SVG files have XML content in it such as text. Convert all entities in svg to one object and used optimized svg option and then rebuild. It should solve the problem.
I hope someone here can help me solve my technical issue.
Since I installed R and RStudio on my work computer I have had the same error message when I try to compute the first command. It says:
Warning message:
In normalizePath(path.expand(path), winslash, mustWork) :
path[1]="//regsj.intern/homedir$/m/name": Adgang nægtet
(where 'Adgang nægtet' is Danish for 'Access denied' and 'name' in the path has replaced the original text in the path).
Through Google (often directing me to this site) I have seen some possible solution, but I haven't had succes making any of them work. Maybe I'm doing it wrong? Maybe that simply does not solve my specific problem.
The problem, I think, is that the path is a network/drive with more strict administration, so I want the path to direct to my local C-drive.
Please, let me know if you have a possible solution, and if so, please explain in details how to do it, because my technical skills are very basic.
Kind regards
PS Most often the error message does not seem to interfere with my use of RStudio, but some times I experience problems out of the blue, such as problems with knitting my Markdown file to pdf - and I suspect the above error message to be the cause.
I tried to uninstall R and then reinstall, and that solved the problem the first time I opened RStudio, but after closing at reopening it, the same error message occured.
Can not extract resource from com.android.aaptcompiler.ParsedResource#d5789c4.,Can not extract resource from com.android.aaptcompiler.ParsedResource#57808e1e.
i had the same message of error and it resulted to be this annoying litle mistake in the color resource file: the double angle bracket, which by the way the compliler doesn't highlights
This is likely a problem in some resource file. I think it's very frustrating, the error message says "Check logs for more details" but I am not sure how to get the logs.
I had a similar problem and after many attempts I exited Studio, manually removed the build directory, and tried again. This time I did see a log, and they pointed at my strings.xml file, which I was able to fix.
By the way, I realized that if you run "Compile some_file.xml" from the Build menu, you'll get the error even if the error is somewhere else. So this is not helpful.
(FWIW, my error had to do with a single quote inside a [[CDATA]] block. I thought that Xml allows any text inside CDATA, but maybe Studio is less forgiving. Anyway, your error is probably something else, you'll just have to find it.)
I see here that people discuss how to get grade logs. I was not able to run gradlew from the terminal (I am on macOS) but that seems to be the official way to get lgs.
Check colors.xml and strings.xml file. I had error in colors.xml. I had written wrong color code of two colors. That is why I was getting this error.
I'm trying to use Vaadin Components with snowpack. Specifically just to recreate the basic app layout example. But I get the following error message. What does this mean? How do I fix it?
Unhandled Runtime Error
SyntaxError: indirect export not found: IronResizableBehavior
http://localhost:8080/_snowpack/pkg/#polymer.iron-resizable-behavior.iron-resizable-behavior.v3.0.1.js [:4:9]
Thanks for the report, we now have a pull request for fixing the issue: https://github.com/vaadin/web-components/pull/2405
The fix is currently expected to become available in Vaadin 20.0.8
I think my question is already asked, but I didn't find any topic about that.
When I try somme script with kivy, I have sometimes errors (such as undeclared variable, bad indentation...), but Qpython don't display them.
I lunch kivy with:
and consequently, there is no console. A log is however present, but it's empty.
Is there a way to remedy this ?
Should I add a line to display error ?
PS: The "print" command is also useful, but not working (no console). I think it's the same problem.
The newest 1.2.0 version had fixed this blank log issue.
the admin form is working well but problem with the front end
problem that
There has been an error processing your request
Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons.
Error log record number: 847199895
please help
i think you are new to magento. But no worrys, you find the exact error.
Go to your magento installation folder. You will see a folder named "errors". In that folder rename the local.xml.sample file to local.xml.
Your frontend will display the errors instead of Error log record number: 847199895. Copy the error and let me know what it is. So that I can help you.