Why is the gettimeofday timezone wrong? - timezone

Both ftime and gettimeofday are returning 0 for the current timezone in Ubuntu 16. The timezone is set correctly in the date and time settings provided by Ubuntu. There is no TZ env variable set.
I don't want to just "fix" it because this is production software used in many different contexts. So I just want a reliable way of programmatically getting the timezone (and preferably the current DST offset as well).
My attempts so far:
#if 0
timeb tbTime;
int CurTz = -tbTime.timezone;
struct timeval tv;
struct timezone tz;
int r = gettimeofday(&tv, &tz);
if (r)
return NO_ZONE;
int CurTz = tz.tz_minuteswest;
The 'date' command is working:
matthew#mallen-ubuntu:~$ date +%Z
matthew#mallen-ubuntu:~$ date +%z
I could just spawn a process to call "date", but that seems very heavy handed when some API calls are available.

On GNU/Linux, the second argument of gettimeofday is quite useless and should always be NULL. The manual page for gettimeofday says this:
The use of the timezone structure is obsolete; the tz argument should normally be specified as NULL.
Even on non-Linux systems, the tz_dsttime has useless semantics (e.g., it reports that India uses DST because it did so for a brief period about seventy years ago).
If you need to obtain the time zone for the current time, you need to use localtime or localtime_r and examine the broken-down time structure it produces (and not global variables such as daylight). The struct tm members you are probably interested are tm_isdst, tm_gmtoff, and perhaps tm_zone. The latter two are glibc extensions.


Dart: DateTime.parse() not including microseconds

See the following code:
void main()
String test = '2017-10-11T12:03:46.351363-04:00';
DateTime testDate = DateTime.parse(test);
When running this code I lose the microseconds in the string that I parse. Why is this and is there anyway to solve this?
The Dart docs say that the parse method supports microseconds.
'2017-10-11T12:03:46.351363-04:00' is not a format Dart's DateTime can handle.
DateTime only supports Z for GMT or no Z for local time.
Just print the value from a created DateTime to see what format it can parse.
DateTime has also 2 constructors fromMicrosecondsSinceEpoch and fromMillisecondsSinceEpoch to create an instance from an integer value.
There's an issue here
As the test show it only 6 decimal places
You can parse format 2018-12-11T12:00:32.304272Z
but cannot parse 2018-12-11T12:00:32.304272001Z
I found an issue for dart-lang/sdk.
The web Date object doesn't support microseconds. It's implemented
using the JavaScript Date object which only supports millisecond
precision. So, working as well as possible.

why pytz.country_timezones('cn') in centos system have different result?

Two computer install centos 6.5, kernel is 3.10.44, have different result.
one result is [u'Asia/Shanghai', u'Asia/Urumqi'], and the other is ['Asia/Shanghai', 'Asia/Harbin', 'Asia/Chongqing', 'Asia/Urumqi', 'Asia/Kashgar'].
Is there any config that make the first result same as the second result?
I have following python code:
def get_date():
date = datetime.utcnow()
from_zone = pytz.timezone("UTC")
to_zone = pytz.timezone("Asia/Urumqi")
date = from_zone.localize(date)
date = date.astimezone(to_zone)
return date
def get_curr_time_stamp():
date = get_date()
stamp = time.mktime(date.timetuple())
return stamp
cur_time = get_curr_time_stamp()
print "1", time.strftime("%Y %m %d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time()))
print "2", time.strftime("%Y %m %d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(cur_time))
When use this code to get time, the result of one computer(have 2 results) is:
1 2016 04 20 08:53:18
2 2016 04 20 06:53:18
and the other(have 5 results) is:
1 2016 04 20 08:53:18
2 2016 04 20 08:53:18
I don't know why?
You probably just have an outdated version of pytz on the system returning five time zones (or perhaps on both systems). You can find the latest releases here. It's important to stay on top of time zone updates, as the various governments of the world change their time zones often.
Like most systems, pytz gets its data from the tz database. The five time zones for China were reduced to two in version 2014f (corresponding to pytz 2014.6). From the release notes:
China's five zones have been simplified to two, since the post-1970
differences in the other three seem to have been imaginary. The
zones Asia/Harbin, Asia/Chongqing, and Asia/Kashgar have been
removed; backwards-compatibility links still work, albeit with
different behaviors for time stamps before May 1980. Asia/Urumqi's
1980 transition to UTC+8 has been removed, so that it is now at
UTC+6 and not UTC+8. (Thanks to Luther Ma and to Alois Treindl;
Treindl sent helpful translations of two papers by Guo Qingsheng.)
Also, you may wish to read Wikipedia's Time in China article, which explains that the Asia/Urumqui entry is for "Ürümqi Time", which is used unofficially in some parts of the Xinjiang region. This zone is not recognized by the Chinese government, and is considered a politically charged issue. As such, many systems choose to omit the Urumqi time zone, despite it being in listed in the tz database.

tzfile format : handling of istd and isgmt

I'm trying to parse the tzfile (Olson) format on a Unix system. In the tzfile(5) man page it states the following:
Then there are tzh_ttisstdcnt standard/wall indicators, each stored
as a one-byte value; they tell whether the transition times
associated with local time types were specified as standard time or
wall clock time, and are used when a timezone file is used in
handling POSIX-style timezone environment variables.
Finally, there are tzh_ttisgmtcnt UTC/local indicators, each stored
as a one-byte value; they tell whether the transition times
associated with local time types were specified as UTC or local time,
and are used when a timezone file is used in handling POSIX-style
timezone environment variables.
Does this mean I can ignore isstd and isgmt and still get the correct times? In spot checking, this seems to be the case but in digging around in the C source files, I see unix makes some adjustments dependant on these values.
As requested above, I asked on the mailing list. The answer was to look in the code. So the relevant code is in zic.c (zone compiler) and glib's tzfile.c. Source code for both can be found on github at the time of this wring. The relevant code for zic.c is
switch (lowerit(*ep)) {
case 's': /* Standard */
rp->r_todisstd = true;
rp->r_todisgmt = false;
*ep = '\0';
case 'w': /* Wall */
rp->r_todisstd = false;
rp->r_todisgmt = false;
*ep = '\0';
case 'g': /* Greenwich */
case 'u': /* Universal */
case 'z': /* Zulu */
rp->r_todisstd = true;
rp->r_todisgmt = true;
*ep = '\0';
Which says there are 3 possible cases: isstd = true && isgmt = false, both false and both true. So to see what is done with these flags, the relevant code in tzfile.c is
if (trans_type->isgmt)
/* The transition time is in GMT. No correction to apply. */ ;
else if (isdst && !trans_type->isstd)
/* The type says this transition is in "local wall clock time", and
wall clock time as of the previous transition was DST. Correct
for the difference between the rule's DST offset and the user's
DST offset. */
transitions[i] += dstoff - rule_dstoff;
/* This transition is in "local wall clock time", and wall clock
time as of this iteration is non-DST. Correct for the
difference between the rule's standard offset and the user's
standard offset. */
transitions[i] += stdoff - rule_stdoff;
So this seems to say that if isgmt is true we can ignore everything else. If it is false then if the previous transition was DST and the current one is not standard (i.e. case 'w' above, as it's also not gmt) apply the dst offset (the last one found in the file). Otherwise apply the standard offset.
Which seems to mean that glibc ignores the offsets in the individual tt_types and case 's'. I looked in localtime.c in the tz package and it worked the same way.
I can only conclude from all this that most of the information in the tzfile isn't actually used anywhere. Some of this may be due to POSIX requirements. If anyone can expand on the details below, please do. It would be nice to have this behaviour documented somewhere on the internet besides in C source code.

Jodatime get milliseconds with offset

New to JodaTime library, i would like to get a DateTime's milliseconds field with the specified TimeZone's offset.
So far my attempt is:
private DateTimeZone timeZone = DateTimeZone.forID("Europe/Amsterdam");
private long now=new DateTime().withZone(timeZone).getMillis();
But i always get the UTC millis, the timezone offset isnt applied,
Is there any way to apply the timezone's offset to the DateTime object?
First: What do you intend to do with these "local" millis? What do you really try to achieve? Normally only UTC-millis are needed.
Anyway, remember the general timezone offset definition which is:
UTC + Offset = Local Time
Then the solution is simple:
DateTimeZone tz = DateTimeZone.forID("Europe/Amsterdam");
long nowUTC = new DateTime().withZone(tz).getMillis();
long nowLocal = nowUTC + tz.getOffset(nowUTC);
But once again: What is your use-case for "local" millis? They are not even related to UNIX epoch any longer because the UTC-link is cut off.
About your last question ("Is there any way to apply the timezone's offset to the DateTime object?"):
Your DateTime-object already has got a timezone, namely "Europe/Amsterdam". It is internally used to compute the field tuple representation once you have a global UTC-timestamp expressed as millis since UNIX epoch. No need to apply an extra offset on DateTime. It is already there.
JodaTime is using machine time inside. So to find miliseconds, you can use a constant storing LocalDateTime referring to Jan 1, 1970(Because of UNIX Time).
Unix time, or POSIX time, is a system for describing points in time,
defined as the number of seconds elapsed since midnight proleptic
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) of January 1, 1970, not counting leap
Then calculate the difference between your DateTime.
I tried like this;
public static void main(String[] args) {
final LocalDateTime JAN_1_1970 = new LocalDateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0);
DateTime local = new DateTime().withZone(DateTimeZone.forID("Europe/Amsterdam"));
DateTime utc = new DateTime(DateTimeZone.UTC);
System.out.println("Europe/Amsterdam milis :" + new Duration(JAN_1_1970.toDateTime(DateTimeZone.forID("Europe/Amsterdam")), local).getMillis());
System.out.println("UTC milis :" + new Duration(JAN_1_1970.toDateTime(DateTimeZone.UTC), utc).getMillis());
And the result is;
Europe/Amsterdam milis :1429695646528
UTC milis :1429692046534
And #leonbloy write here a good comment.
Your local and utc represent the same instants of time, (only with
different timezones attached). Hence, getMillis() (which gives the
"physical" time interval elapsed from the "instant" corresponding to
the unix epoch), must return the same value.
I will also look for better solution with no constant.

How to properly parse timezone codes

In the example bellow the result is always "[date] 05:00:00 +0000 UTC" regardless the timezone you choose for the parseAndPrint function. What is wrong with this code? The time should change depending on the timezone you choose. (Go Playground servers are apparently configured in UTC timezone).
package main
import (
func main() {
now := time.Now()
parseAndPrint(now, "BRT")
parseAndPrint(now, "EDT")
parseAndPrint(now, "UTC")
func parseAndPrint(now time.Time, timezone string) {
test, err := time.Parse("15:04:05 MST", fmt.Sprintf("05:00:00 %s", timezone))
if err != nil {
test = time.Date(
When you Parse a time, you are parsing it in your current location, which is OK as long as that's what you're expecting, and the timezone abbreviation is known from within your location.
If you can forgo timezones, it's far easier to normalize all the times you're dealing with into UTC.
The next easiest is handling everything with explicit offsets, like -05:00.
If you want to deal with times originating in other timezones, you need to use time.Location. You can load Locations from the local timezone db with time.LoadLocation, and parse times there with time.ParseInLocation.
Question: How to properly parse time with abbreviated timezone names like UTC, CET, BRT, etc.?
Answer: You better should not. As JimB and others in this question Why doesn't Go's time.Parse() parse the timezone identifier? carefully suggest, you can expect that Go correctly parses only two timezones: UTC and the local one.
What they don't make quite explicit is that you can't expect Go to correctly parse time with any other timezone. At least that is so in my personal experience (go1.16.1, Ubuntu 20.04).
Also, abbreviated timezones are ambiguous. IST could mean India Standard Time, Irish Standard Time or Israel Standard Time. There's no way to disambiguate unless you know zone location, and, if you know location, you should use time.ParseInLocation.
If this is user input and you have control, you should change format requirements for users to input time with explicit offsets as JimB is also suggesting in their answer. Make sure you don't forget about minutes, i.e. use -0700, -07:00, Z0700 or Z07:00 but not -07 or Z07 in layout. Not all offsets are whole hours. For instance, Inidia Standard Time is UTC+5:30.
If you have no other choice and forced to parse such times, you can do something like that:
func parseTimeWithTimezone(layout, value string) (time.Time, error) {
tt, err := time.Parse(layout, value)
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err
loc := tt.Location()
zone, offset := tt.Zone()
// Offset will be 0 if timezone is not recognized (or UTC, but that's ok).
// Read carefully https://pkg.go.dev/time#Parse
// In this case we'll try to load location from zone name.
// Timezones that are recognized: local, UTC, GMT, GMT-1, GMT-2, ..., GMT+1, GMT+2, ...
if offset == 0 {
// Make sure you have timezone database available in your system for
// time.LoadLocation to work. Read https://pkg.go.dev/time#LoadLocation
// about where Go looks for timezone database.
// Perhaps the simplest solution is to `import _ "time/tzdata"`, but
// note that it increases binary size by few hundred kilobytes.
// See https://golang.org/doc/go1.15#time/tzdata
loc, err = time.LoadLocation(zone)
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, err // or `return tt, nil` if you more prefer
// the original Go semantics of returning time with named zone
// but zero offset when timezone is not recognized.
return time.ParseInLocation(layout, value, loc)
Note that zone names that aren't present as files in timezone database will fail parsing. These are quite many. You can see what is present by checking
contents of /usr/share/zoneinfo, /usr/share/lib/zoneinfo on your system,
contents of this file https://github.com/golang/go/blob/master/lib/time/zoneinfo.zip.
