share post on facebook using applinks iphone - ios

I am working on a app which has the user feed of posts and I want to post feed post on facebook just like instagram do and if user will clicks on facebook shared post user will redirect to app or appstore, we are not using any post hosting server.
To implement this feature I found this url from facebook and I successfully got the object:
"canonical_url": "url",
"id": "643402985734299"
here I am facing problem to share my post with this given object please help.

I recommend using a deferred deep linking service like Branch which is free to use. You'll be able to generate links that work from most other apps including Facebook. You can start by implementing the iOS SDK.
In terms of sharing, you should be able to use the Facebook iOS SDK to add functionality for sharing pieces of content directly to Facebook. If you embed a Branch link as the contentURL you'll be able to link to the content in your app regardless of whether the app is installed.
Branch already leverages App Links for you so you do not need to do any specific handling just for Facebook.


Facebook comments on ios app using sdk

I have a website which uses the web(Social) plugin for facebook comments for each post/article on the website.
On my iOS app, the same are presented in a webview.
The users on the app are logged in with Facebook but I can't find a way to enable them to post comments.
I looked up the OpenGraph documentation but it doesn't say anything about this.
How is it possible to maintain a relation between the facebook object on the web and the app and how do I show the people the option to comment?

Facebook Deep Linking with swift

I want to integrate facebook deep kinking with my application.
I search out for related documents and examples, but could not find.
This link (facebook developers) only describe Handling incoming links , Adding back navigation.
Which I want to find, how to post on facebook using facebook deeplinking.
I also include images in my facebook post , when user click on that image then If my app already installed in device then open app ,not installed then open app store.
First of all, You have to enable Deeplinking From your Facebook App
After setting up your Facebook app, You can share Image on Facebook with Facebook SDK, Facebook Ref:
You can also pass extra parameter for Deep linking with Facebook Graph API Check out similar link, That will help you

How to send Tweet via your iOS App (NOT Twitter)

In my application I need to generate a link and needs to share on Twitter and Facebook. For Facebook I have used its SDK but for Twitter I am not able to find any such SDK which I can integrate in my app and make it able to Tweet it.
On Twitter site I saw REST API but I think that cannot be used for Tweeting. One more thing, I have integrated the Twitter with the help of Social.framework but in case if user hasn't provided his/her details in iPhone then that code won't work and I think if Twitter App is installed in the iPhone we can just launch the app but I cannot pass Data to be Tweeted.
How would you have handled this situation?
Try using one of these URIs. You need to handle the case where the user does not have the app installed also. For that I believe you will want to launch the browser and send a web intent.

How To Post Link To Friends Wall Using The Facebook IOS SDK?

I am looking for some advice on the best approach to achieve posting to a users wall from either the IOS App or my server.
My app is currently available and incorporates the Facebook SDK. At the minute there is a custom social network in the app where users can join via Facebook Connect and share their edited photos. The user in the app uploads their photos to my server and then the app will fetch them for other users to see i.e. (latest, categories) etc.
I am looking at creating a web based viewing platform, think instagram where the users can also see their photos.
At the point of upload from the app I want to be able to post to the users friends on Facebook with a link to the web based image. I am unsure whether or not to send the notification from the app or post it from the server.
Can someone point out what it is that I need to do to achieve the above? I would imagine that I need to ask for extended permissions and then post an open graph notice. Is this correct?

App requests in Facebook without re-logging and use session in Social Framework

I've successfully connected in Facebook using Social Framework, also able to get list of my friends. However, I need to invite friend to use my app, I have been reading some articles and stackoverflow, that this need to use Facebook SDK.
Now, I able to achieve this using Facebook SDK. but then I need to re-logging (show pop up or direct to FB app). What I want is, to use session or outhToken that I have while I connected using Social Framework and use it in Facebook SDK. what I know, I have outhToken already. how to use this maybe to pass in FBSession or whatever class object to show app request ?
below is sample of app request.
For those who stumbled this question,
Facebook now remove graph API to grab friends that doesn't install the app. hence we cannot invite friends who doesn't install app.
even using Facebook SDK. if anyone has better solution or any updates on this, please share.
