How to aggregate test results in jenkins parallel pipeline? - jenkins

I have a Jenkinsfile with a definition for parallel test execution, and the task is to grab the test results from both in order to process them in a post step somewhere.
Problem is: How to do this? Searching for anything acting as an example code does not bring up anything - either the examples deal with explaining parallel, or they explain post with junit.
pipeline {
agent { node { label 'swarm' } }
stages {
stage('Testing') {
parallel {
stage('Unittest') {
agent { node { label 'swarm' } }
steps {
sh ''
stage ('Integrationtest') {
agent { node { label 'swarm' } }
steps {
sh ''
Defining a post {always{junit(...)}} step at both parallel stages yielded a positive reaction from the BlueOcean GUI, but the test report recorded close to double the amount of tests - very odd, some file must have been scanned twice. Adding this post step to the surrounding "Testing" stage gave an error.
I am missing an example detailing how to post-process test results that get created in a parallel block.

Just to record my solution for the internet:
I came up with stashing the test results in both parallel steps, and adding a final step that unstashes the files, then post-processes them:
pipeline {
agent { node { label 'swarm' } }
stages {
stage('Testing') {
parallel {
stage('Unittest') {
agent { node { label 'swarm' } }
steps {
sh 'rm build/*'
sh ''
post {
always {
stash includes: 'build/**', name: 'testresult-unittest'
stage ('Integrationtest') {
agent { node { label 'swarm' } }
steps {
sh 'rm build/*'
sh ''
post {
always {
stash includes: 'build/**', name: 'testresult-integrationtest'
stage('Reporting') {
steps {
unstash 'testresult-unittest'
unstash 'testresult-integrationtest'
post {
always {
junit 'build/*.xml'
My observation though is that you have to pay attention to clean up your workspace: Both test stages do create one file, but on the second run, both workspaces are inherited from the previous run and have both previously created test results present in the build directory.
So you have to remove any remains of test results before you start a new run, otherwise you'd stash an old version of the test result from the "other" stage. I don't know if there is a better way to do this.

To ensure the stage('Reporting') will be always executed, put all the step in the 'post':
post {
always {
unstash 'testresult-unittest'
unstash 'testresult-integrationtest'
junit 'build/*.xml'


Running script (stash) prior to parallel stages being invoked

I have a parallel stage setup, and would like to know if it's possible to run a script prior to the nested stages, so something like this:
stage('E2E-PR-CYPRESS') {
when {
allOf {
expression {
return fileExists("cypress.json")
branch "PR-*"
steps {
script {
stash name: 'cypress-dir', includes: 'cypress/**/*'
parallel {
stage('Cypress Tests 1') {
agent { label 'aws_micro_slave_e2e' }
options { skipDefaultCheckout() }
steps {
stage('Cypress Tests 2') {
agent { label 'aws_micro_slave_e2e' }
options { skipDefaultCheckout() }
steps {
post {
always {
e2eAfterCypressRun(this, true)
I know the above is wrong, I get the error Only one of "matrix", "parallel", "stages", or "steps" allowed for stage "E2E-PR-CYPRESS"
I already have the stash script in a setup stage at the beginning of my pipeline, but I'd like to be able to restart from this stage above on Jenkins, and so need the stash part in this stage as the parallel stages need to unstash the contents.
Updated Answer:
After playing a bit with the Restart from a Stage option there is seems to be a nice feature designed exactly for your needs called Preserving stashes for Use with Restarted Stages:
Normally, when you run the stash step in your Pipeline, the resulting
stash of artifacts is cleared when the Pipeline completes, regardless
of the result of the Pipeline. Since stash artifacts aren’t accessible
outside of the Pipeline run that created them, this has not created
any limitations on usage. But with Declarative stage restarting, you
may want to be able to unstash artifacts from a stage which ran before
the stage you’re restarting from.
To enable this, there is a job property that allows you to configure a
maximum number of completed runs whose stash artifacts should be
preserved for reuse in a restarted run. You can specify anywhere from
1 to 50 as the number of runs to preserve.
This job property can be configured in your Declarative Pipeline’s options section, as below:
options {
// or
preserveStashes(buildCount: 5)
This built in feature is exactly what you need to solve your issue without any special modifications to your code, as it will allow you to rerun the pipeline from any stage and still use the existing file that were previously stashed.
Original Answer:
You can actually achieve this quite simply using the scripted syntax for the parallel command, and it will also allow you to avoid the duplicate code in the parallel stages.
parallel: Execute in parallel
Takes a map from branch names to closures and an optional argument failFast which will terminate all branches upon a failure in any other branch:
parallel firstBranch: {
// do something
}, secondBranch: {
// do something else
failFast: true|false
In your case it can look like:
stage('E2E-PR-CYPRESS') {
when {
allOf {
expression {
return fileExists("cypress.json")
branch "PR-*"
steps {
script {
stash name: 'cypress-dir', includes: 'cypress/**/*'
// Define the parallel execution stages
def stages = ['Cypress Tests 1', 'Cypress Tests 2']
// Create the parallel executions and run them
parallel stages.collectEntries {
["Running ${it}": {
node('aws_micro_slave_e2e') {
post {
always {
e2eAfterCypressRun(this, true)
This way you can easily add more parallel steps by updating the stages list, or even receive it as an input parameter. In addition you can create the parallel executions by different labels or tests suits, instead of the stage name.
You can add a Prepare stage at the top like this:
when {
allOf {
expression {
return fileExists("cypress.json")
branch "PR-*"
steps {
script {
stash name: 'cypress-dir', includes: 'cypress/**/*'
stage('E2E-PR-CYPRESS') {
parallel {
stage('Cypress Tests 1') {
agent { label 'aws_micro_slave_e2e' }
options { skipDefaultCheckout() }
steps {
stage('Cypress Tests 2') {
agent { label 'aws_micro_slave_e2e' }
options { skipDefaultCheckout() }
steps {
post {
always {
e2eAfterCypressRun(this, true)
An out of the box concept
Propose splitting the job into 2 parts taking the following into consideration:
Currently use an EC2 plugin, as the current agents are EC2
Running the parallel stages with the same stashed content ready to unstash
Create jenkins pipeline job 1:
This job will checkout the workspace with any type of agent
Create a packer json to create a customised AMI for the EC2
The customised AMI will stash the contents and move to a directory that will appear on the EC2 when the agent is built
Output the AMI ID, run a groovy job to update the EC2 plugin AMI ID with the customised AMI ID to temporarily set the AMI in memory on Jenkins
pipeline {
agent {
docker {
options {
numToKeepStr: '10',
artifactNumToKeepStr: '10'
stages {
stage('Run Stash Cypress Functional Test') {
steps {
dir('functional-test') {
// develop branch is canary build, all other branches are stable builds
script {
sh """
# script to stash cypress tests
stage('Functional Test AMI Build') {
steps {
dir('functional-test/packer') {
withAWS(role: 'PackerBuild', roleAccount: '123456789012', roleSessionName: 'Jenkins-Workflow-FunctionalTest-Packer') {
script {
sh """
# packer json script will require to copy contents from workspace, run the script to stash content
# packer json script will require to capture new AMI ID
packer validate FunctionalTestPacker.json
packer build -debug FunctionalTestPacker.json
# grab AMI ID and export as jenkins env variable
stage('run groovy script to update AMI ID on EC2 plugin') {
steps {
dir(groovy job dir) {
script {
sh """
# run groovy job to update AMI on Jenkins EC2 plugin
stage('Kickoff Functional Test Deploy') {
// pipeline checkbox parameter, when ticked it will automatically kick off the functional test pipeline
when {
expression {params.RUN_TESTS.toBoolean()}
steps {
env.branch = params.BRANCH
sh """
echo "Branch is ${branch}"
build job: 'workflow/CypressFunctionaTestDeployAndRun',
parameters: [
string(name: 'BRANCH', value: env.branch)
wait : false
post {
always {
Create jenkins pipeline job 2:
This job will create the EC2 agents via the plugin from the customised AMI from pipeline job 1
This means your agents will have the same workspace ready to unstash - so you can execute a parallel run
Also you could move a lot of your user data script that is in the EC2 plugin as part of the customised AMI build, thus cut down the time for each EC2 agent to get ready to carry out execution
pipeline {
stages {
stage('E2E-PR-CYPRESS') {
when {
allOf {
expression {
return fileExists("cypress.json")
branch "PR-*"
parallel {
stage('Cypress Tests 1') {
agent { label 'aws_micro_slave_e2e' }
options { skipDefaultCheckout() }
steps {
stage('Cypress Tests 2') {
agent { label 'aws_micro_slave_e2e' }
options { skipDefaultCheckout() }
steps {
post {
always {
e2eAfterCypressRun(this, true)

Conditional post section in Jenkins pipeline

Say I have a simple Jenkins pipeline file as below:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Test') {
steps {
sh ...
stage('Build') {
steps {
sh ...
stage('Publish') {
when {
steps {
sh ...
send_slack_message("Built tag")
post {
failure {
send_slack_message("Error building tag")
Since there's a lot non-tag builds everyday, I don't want to send any slack message about non-tag builds. But for the tag builds, I want to send either a success message or a failure message, despite of which stage it failed.
So for the above example, I want:
When it's a tag build, and stage 'Test' failed, I shall see a "Error building tag" message. (This is a yes in the example)
When it's a tag build, and all stages succeeded, I shall see a "Built tag" message. (This is also a yes in the example)
When it's not a tag build, no slack message will ever been sent. (This is not the case in the example, for example, when the 'Test' stage fails, there's will be a "Error building tag" message)
As far as I know, there's no such thing as "conditional post section" in Jenkins pipeline syntax, which could really help me out here. So my question is, is there any other way I can do this?
post {
failure {
script {
if (isTagBuild) {
send_slack_message("Error building tag")
where isTagBuild is whatever way you have to differentiate between a tag or no tag build.
You could also apply the same logic, and move send_slack_message("Built tag") down to a success post stage.
In the postbuild step you can also use script step inside and use if. And inside this if step you can add emailext plugin.
Well, for those who just want some copy-pastable code, here's what I ended-up with based on #eez0's answer.
pipeline {
agent any
environment {
stages {
stage('Setup') {
when {
steps {
script {
stage('Test') {
steps {
sh ...
stage('Build') {
steps {
sh ...
stage('Publish') {
when {
steps {
sh ...
post {
failure {
script {
if (BUILDING_TAG == 'yes') {
slackSend(color: '#dc3545', message: "Error publishing")
success {
script {
if (BUILDING_TAG == 'yes') {
slackSend(color: '#28a745', message: "Published")
As you can see, I'm really relying on Jenkins built-in buidingTag() function to help me sort things out, by using an env-var as a "bridge". I'm really not good at Jenkins pipeline, so please leave comments if you have any suggestions.

How do I run the same stages on multiple nodes in Jenkins declarative pipeline?

We have a pipeline like this:
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage('Build') {
// ...
stage('Test') {
parallel {
stage('Test on Debian') {
agent {
label 'debian'
steps {
unstash 'compile-artifacts'
unstash 'dot-gradle'
sh './gradlew check --stacktrace'
post {
always {
junit '*/build/test-results/**/*.xml'
stage('Test on CentOS') {
agent {
label 'centos'
steps {
unstash 'compile-artifacts'
unstash 'dot-gradle'
sh './gradlew check --stacktrace'
post {
always {
junit '*/build/test-results/**/*.xml'
stage('Test on Windows') {
agent {
label 'windows'
steps {
unstash 'compile-artifacts'
unstash 'dot-gradle'
bat "gradlew.bat check --stacktrace"
post {
always {
junit '*/build/test-results/**/*.xml'
stage('Test on macOS') {
agent {
label 'macos'
steps {
unstash 'compile-artifacts'
unstash 'dot-gradle'
sh './gradlew check --stacktrace'
post {
always {
junit '*/build/test-results/**/*.xml'
Every stage is essentially identical, save for one line in the Windows block which I already know how to deal with, so is there a way to template out the common parts of these stages to remove the duplication?
I already tried putting a loop inline, but it's not something that declarative pipelines let you do. :(
You can refactor your step{}-blocks with groovy-methods:
def stageX(boolean linux) {
unstash 'compile-artifacts'
unstash 'dot-gradle'
if (linux) {
sh './gradlew check --stacktrace' }
else {
bat "gradlew.bat check --stacktrace" }
which you have to call like the following in your step{}:
steps {
script { stageX( true) } // or with false for your windows agent
Of course you can do the same for your junit-plugin-call:
def junitCall() {
junit '*/build/test-results/**/*.xml'
and call it like:
post {
always {
script { junitCall()
You won't win a lot of lines but it will improve the handling of the code a lot. If you want to cleanup your Jenkinsfile even more you could put the methods into a shared-library which you import so they aren't even declared in your Jenkinsfile.
Essentially what you want to do is currently not possible. As states:
Only entire pipelines can be defined in shared libraries as of this
time. This can only be done in vars/*.groovy, and only in a call
method. Only one Declarative Pipeline can be executed in a single
build, and if you attempt to execute a second one, your build will
fail as a result.
So you can define methods to bundle several steps or you can bundle a whole pipeline in a shared library but nothing in between. Which is a shame, really.

Use a lightweight executor for a declarative pipeline stage (agent none)

I'm using Jenkins Pipeline with the declarative syntax, currently with the following stages:
Build (two parallel sets of steps)
Test (also two parallel sets of steps)
Ask if/where to deploy
For steps 1, 2, 3, and 5 I need and agent (an executor) because they do actual work on the workspace. For step 4, I don't need one, and I would like to not block my available executors while waiting for user input. This seem to be referred to as either a "flyweight" or "lightweight" executor for the classic, scripted syntax, but I cannot find any information on how to achieve this with the declarative syntax.
So far I've tried:
Setting an agent directly in the pipeline options, and then setting agent none on the stage. This has no effect, and the pipeline runs as normalt, blocking the executor while waiting for input. It is also mentioned in the documentation that it will have no effect, but I thought I'd give it a shot anyway.
Setting agent none in the pipeline options, and then setting an agent for each stage except #4. Unfortunately, but expectedly, this allocates a new workspace for every stage, which in turn requires me to stash and unstash. This is both messy and gives me further problems in the parallel stages (2 and 3) because I cannot have code outside the parallel construct. I assume the parallel steps run in the same workspace, so stashing/unstashing in both would have unfortunate results.
Here is an outline of my Jenkinsfile:
pipeline {
agent {
label 'build-slave'
stages {
stage("Prepare build") {
steps {
// ...
stage("Build") {
steps {
frontend: {
// ...
backend: {
// ...
stage("Test") {
steps {
jslint: {
// ...
phpcs: {
// ...
post {
// ...
stage("Select deploy target") {
steps {
script {
// ... code that determines choiceParameterDefinition based on branch name ...
try {
timeout(time: 5, unit: 'MINUTES') {
deployEnvironment = input message: 'Deploy target', parameters: [choiceParameterDefinition]
} catch(ex) {
deployEnvironment = null
stage("Deploy") {
when {
expression {
return binding.variables.get("deployEnvironment")
steps {
// ...
post {
// ...
Am I missing something here, or is it just not possible in the current version?
Setting agent none at the top level, then agent { label 'foo' } on every stage, with agent none again on the input stage seems to work as expected for me.
i.e. Every stage that does some work runs on the same agent, while the input stage does not consume an executor on any agent.
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage("Prepare build") {
agent { label 'some-agent' }
steps {
echo "prepare: ${pwd()}"
stage("Build") {
agent { label 'some-agent' }
steps {
frontend: {
echo "frontend: ${pwd()}"
backend: {
echo "backend: ${pwd()}"
stage("Test") {
agent { label 'some-agent' }
steps {
jslint: {
echo "jslint: ${pwd()}"
phpcs: {
echo "phpcs: ${pwd()}"
stage("Select deploy target") {
agent none
steps {
input message: 'Deploy?'
stage("Deploy") {
agent { label 'some-agent' }
steps {
echo "deploy: ${pwd()}"
However, there are no guarantee that using the same agent label within a Pipeline will always end up using the same workspace, e.g. as another build of the same job while the first build is waiting on the input.
You would have to use stash after the build steps. As you note, this cannot be done normally with parallel at the moment, so you'd have to additionally use a script block, in order to write a snippet of Scripted Pipeline for the stashing/unstashing after/before the parallel steps.
There is a workaround to use the same build slave in the other stages.
You can set a variable with the node name and use it in the others.
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage('First Stage Gets Agent Dynamically') {
agent {
node {
label "some-agent"
steps {
echo "first stage running on ${NODE_NAME}"
script {
stage('Second Stage Setting Node by Name') {
agent {
node {
label "${BUILD_AGENT}"
steps {
echo "Second stage using ${NODE_NAME}"
As of today (2021), you can use nested stages ( to group all the stages that must run in the same workspace before the input step, and all the stages that must be run in the same workspace after the input step. Of course, you need to stash or to store artifacts in some external repository before the input step, because the second workspace may not be the same than the first one:
pipeline {
agent none
stages {
stage('Deployment to Preproduction') {
agent any
stages {
stage('Stage PRE.1') {
steps {
echo "StagePRE.1"
stage('Stage PRE.2') {
steps {
echo "Stage PRE.2"
stage('Stage Ask Deploy') {
steps {
input message: 'Deploy to production?'
stage('Deployment to Production') {
agent any
stages {
stage('Stage PRO.1') {
steps {
echo "Stage PRO.1"
stage('Stage PRO.2') {
steps {
echo "Stage PRO.2"

How do I assure that a Jenkins pipeline stage is always executed, even if a previous one failed?

I am looking for a Jenkinsfile example of having a step that is always executed, even if a previous step failed.
I want to assure that I archive some builds results in case of failure and I need to be able to have an always-running step at the end.
How can I achieve this?
We switched to using Jenkinsfile Declarative Pipelines, which lets us do things like this:
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Test') {
steps {
sh './gradlew check'
post {
always {
junit 'build/reports/**/*.xml'
Tests and Artifacts
Jenkins Pipeline Syntax
try {
sh "false"
} finally {
stage 'finalize'
echo "I will always run!"
Another possibility is to use a parallel section in combination with a lock. For example:
pipeline {
stages {
parallel {
stage('Stage 1') {
steps {
lock('MY_LOCK') {
echo 'do stuff 1'
stage('Stage 2') {
steps {
lock('MY_LOCK') {
echo 'do stuff 2'
Parallel stages in a parallel section only abort other stages in the same parallel section if the fail fast option for the parallel section is set. See the docs.
