Layers for predicting financial data using Tensorflow/tflearn - machine-learning

I'd like to predict the interest rate and I've got some relevant factors like stock index and money supply number, something like that. The number of factors may be up to 200.
For example,the training data like, X contains factors and y is the interest rate I want to train and predict.
factor1 factor2 factor3 factor176 factor177 factor178
X= [[ 2.1428 6.1557 5.4101 ..., 5.86 6.0735 6.191 ]
[ 2.168 6.1533 5.2315 ..., 5.8185 6.0591 6.189 ]
[ 2.125 4.7965 3.9443 ..., 5.7845 5.9873 6.1283]...]
y= [[ 3.5593]
[ 3.014 ]
[ 2.7125]...]
So I want to use tensorflow/tflearn to train this model but I don't really know what method exactly I should choose to do regression. I have tried LinearRegression from tflearn before, but the result is not so great.
For now, I just use the code I found online.
net = tflearn.input_data([None, 178])
net = tflearn.fully_connected(net, 64, activation='linear',
net = tflearn.fully_connected(net, 1, activation='linear')
net = tflearn.regression(net, optimizer=
tflearn.optimizers.AdaGrad(learning_rate=0.01, initial_accumulator_value=0.01),
loss='mean_square', learning_rate=0.05)
model = tflearn.DNN(net, tensorboard_verbose=0, checkpoint_path='tmp/'), y, show_metric=True,
batch_size=1, n_epoch=100)
The result is roughly 50% accuracy when the error range is ±10%.
I have tried to make the window to 7 days but the result is still bad. So I want to know what additional layer I can use to make this network better.

First of all this network makes no sense. If you do not have any activations on your hidden units, you network is equivalent to linear regression.
So first of all change
net = tflearn.fully_connected(net, 64, activation='linear',
net = tflearn.fully_connected(net, 64, activation='relu',
Another general thing is to always normalise your data. Your X's are big, y's are big as well - make sure they aren't, by for example whitening them (making them 0 mean and 1 std).
Finding right architecture is hard problem and you will not find any "magical recipies" for that. Start with understanding what you are doing. Log your training, see if the training loss converges to small values, if it does not - you either do not train long enough, network is too small, or training hyperparameters are off (like too big learning right, too high regularisation etc.)


Is there a way to increase the variance of model's prediction?

I created a randomly generated(using numpy, between range 30 and 60) Data of about 12000 points (to
generate an artificial time-series data for more than a year in Time).
Now I am trying to fit that data points in an LSTM model and forecast
based upon that.
The LSTM model i applied,(here data is a single series so n_features = 1, and steps-in and out are for sequence-generation function for time-series, i took both equal to 5. Also the for the activation functions i tried all with both relu, both tanh and 1st tanh & 2nd relu (as shown here))
X, y = split_sequences(data, n_steps_in, n_steps_out)
n_features = X.shape[2]
model = Sequential()
model.add(LSTM(200, activation='tanh', input_shape=(n_steps_in,
model.add(LSTM(200, activation='relu', return_sequences=True))
opt = keras.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=0.05)
model.compile(optimizer=opt, loss='mse'), y, epochs= n, batch_size=10, verbose=1,
workers=4, use_multiprocessing = True, initial_epoch = 0)
I also tried smoothening of the data-points as they are randomly
distributed (in the predefined boundaries).
and then applied the model on the smoothed data, but still i am getting similar results.
for e.g., In this image showing both the smoothed-training data and the forecasted-prediction from the model
plt.plot(Training_data, 'g')
Every time the models are giving straight lines in prediction.
and which is obvious since it is a set of random numbers so model tends to get to a mean value between the upper and lower limits of the data, but still is there any way to generate a somewhat real looking model.
P.S-1 - I have also tried applying different models like prophet, sarima, arima.
But i think i need to find a way to increase the Variance of the prediction, which i am unable to find.
PS-2 - Sorry for the long question i am new to deep-learning so i tried to explain more.

Non-linear multivariate time-series response prediction using RNN

I am trying to predict the hygrothermal response of a wall, given the interior and exterior climate. Based on literature research, I believe this should be possible with RNN but I have not been able to get good accuracy.
The dataset has 12 input features (time-series of exterior and interior climate data) and 10 output features (time-series of hygrothermal response), both containing hourly values for 10 years. This data was created with hygrothermal simulation software, there is no missing data.
Dataset features:
Dataset targets:
Unlike most time-series prediction problems, I want to predict the response for the full length of the input features time-series at each time-step, rather than the subsequent values of a time-series (eg financial time-series prediction). I have not been able to find similar prediction problems (in similar or other fields), so if you know of one, references are very welcome.
I think this should be possible with RNN, so I am currently using LSTM from Keras. Before training, I preprocess my data the following way:
Discard first year of data, as the first time steps of the hygrothermal response of the wall is influenced by the initial temperature and relative humidity.
Split into training and testing set. Training set contains the first 8 years of data, the test set contains the remaining 2 years.
Normalise training set (zero mean, unit variance) using StandardScaler from Sklearn. Normalise test set analogously using mean an variance from training set.
This results in: X_train.shape = (1, 61320, 12), y_train.shape = (1, 61320, 10), X_test.shape = (1, 17520, 12), y_test.shape = (1, 17520, 10)
As these are long time-series, I use stateful LSTM and cut the time-series as explained here, using the stateful_cut() function. I only have 1 sample, so batch_size is 1. For T_after_cut I have tried 24 and 120 (24*5); 24 appears to give better results. This results in X_train.shape = (2555, 24, 12), y_train.shape = (2555, 24, 10), X_test.shape = (730, 24, 12), y_test.shape = (730, 24, 10).
Next, I build and train the LSTM model as follows:
model = Sequential()
model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer=Adam()), y_train, epochs=100, batch_size=batch=batch_size, verbose=2, shuffle=False)
Unfortunately, I don't get accurate prediction results; not even for the training set, thus the model has high bias.
The prediction results of the LSTM model for all targets
How can I improve my model? I have already tried the following:
Not discarding the first year of the dataset -> no significant difference
Differentiating the input features time-series (subtract previous value from current value) -> slightly worse results
Up to four stacked LSTM layers, all with the same hyperparameters -> no significant difference in results but longer training time
Dropout layer after LSTM layer (though this is usually used to reduce variance and my model has high bias) -> slightly better results, but difference might not be statistically significant
Am I doing something wrong with the stateful LSTM? Do I need to try different RNN models? Should I preprocess the data differently?
Furthermore, training is very slow: about 4 hours for the model above. Hence I am reluctant to do an extensive hyperparameter gridsearch...
In the end, I managed to solve this the following way:
Using more samples to train instead of only 1 (I used 18 samples to train and 6 to test)
Keep the first year of data, as the output time-series for all samples have the same 'starting point' and the model needs this information to learn
Standardise both input and output features (zero mean, unit variance). I found this improved prediction accuracy and training speed
Use stateful LSTM as described here, but add reset states after epoch (see below for code). I used batch_size = 6 and T_after_cut = 1460. If T_after_cut is longer, training is slower; if T_after_cut is shorter, accuracy decreases slightly. If more samples are available, I think using a larger batch_size will be faster.
use CuDNNLSTM instead of LSTM, this speed up the training time x4!
I found that more units resulted in higher accuracy and faster convergence (shorter training time). Also I found that the GRU is as accurate as the LSTM tough converged faster for the same number of units.
Monitor validation loss during training and use early stopping
The LSTM model is build and trained as follows:
def define_reset_states_batch(nb_cuts):
class ResetStatesCallback(Callback):
def __init__(self):
self.counter = 0
def on_batch_begin(self, batch, logs={}):
# reset states when nb_cuts batches are completed
if self.counter % nb_cuts == 0:
self.counter += 1
def on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs={}):
# reset states after each epoch
model = Sequential()
model.add(layers.CuDNNLSTM(256, batch_input_shape=(batch_size,T_after_cut ,features),
model.add(layers.TimeDistributed(layers.Dense(targets, activation='linear')))
optimizer = RMSprop(lr=0.002)
model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer=optimizer)
earlyStopping = EarlyStopping(monitor='val_loss', min_delta=0.005, patience=15, verbose=1, mode='auto')
ResetStatesCallback = define_reset_states_batch(nb_cuts), y_dev, epochs=n_epochs, batch_size=n_batch, verbose=1, shuffle=False, validation_data=(X_eval,y_eval), callbacks=[ResetStatesCallback(), earlyStopping])
This gave me very statisfying accuracy (R2 over 0.98):
This figure shows the temperature (left) and relative humidity (right) in the wall over 2 years (data not used in training), prediction in red and true output in black. The residuals show that the error is very small and that the LSTM learns to capture the long-term dependencies to predict the relative humidity.

Cost function training target versus accuracy desired goal

When we train neural networks, we typically use gradient descent, which relies on a continuous, differentiable real-valued cost function. The final cost function might, for example, take the mean squared error. Or put another way, gradient descent implicitly assumes the end goal is regression - to minimize a real-valued error measure.
Sometimes what we want a neural network to do is perform classification - given an input, classify it into two or more discrete categories. In this case, the end goal the user cares about is classification accuracy - the percentage of cases classified correctly.
But when we are using a neural network for classification, though our goal is classification accuracy, that is not what the neural network is trying to optimize. The neural network is still trying to optimize the real-valued cost function. Sometimes these point in the same direction, but sometimes they don't. In particular, I've been running into cases where a neural network trained to correctly minimize the cost function, has a classification accuracy worse than a simple hand-coded threshold comparison.
I've boiled this down to a minimal test case using TensorFlow. It sets up a perceptron (neural network with no hidden layers), trains it on an absolutely minimal dataset (one input variable, one binary output variable) assesses the classification accuracy of the result, then compares it to the classification accuracy of a simple hand-coded threshold comparison; the results are 60% and 80% respectively. Intuitively, this is because a single outlier with a large input value, generates a correspondingly large output value, so the way to minimize the cost function is to try extra hard to accommodate that one case, in the process misclassifying two more ordinary cases. The perceptron is correctly doing what it was told to do; it's just that this does not match what we actually want of a classifier. But the classification accuracy is not a continuous differentiable function, so we can't use it as the target for gradient descent.
How can we train a neural network so that it ends up maximizing classification accuracy?
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
# Parameters
epochs = 10000
learning_rate = 0.01
# Data
train_X = [
train_Y = [
rows = np.shape(train_X)[0]
cols = np.shape(train_X)[1]
# Inputs and outputs
X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
Y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
# Weights
W = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([cols]))
b = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([]))
# Model
pred = tf.tensordot(X, W, 1) + b
cost = tf.reduce_sum((pred-Y)**2/rows)
optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(cost)
# Train
for epoch in range(epochs):
# Print update at successive doublings of time
if epoch&(epoch-1) == 0 or epoch == epochs-1:
print('{} {} {} {}'.format(
cost.eval({X: train_X, Y: train_Y}),
)){X: train_X, Y: train_Y})
# Classification accuracy of perceptron
classifications = [pred.eval({X: x}) > 0.5 for x in train_X]
correct = sum([p == y for (p, y) in zip(classifications, train_Y)])
print('{}/{} = perceptron accuracy'.format(correct, rows))
# Classification accuracy of hand-coded threshold comparison
classifications = [x[0] > 1.0 for x in train_X]
correct = sum([p == y for (p, y) in zip(classifications, train_Y)])
print('{}/{} = threshold accuracy'.format(correct, rows))
How can we train a neural network so that it ends up maximizing classification accuracy?
I'm asking for a way to get a continuous proxy function that's closer to the accuracy
To start with, the loss function used today for classification tasks in (deep) neural nets was not invented with them, but it goes back several decades, and it actually comes from the early days of logistic regression. Here is the equation for the simple case of binary classification:
The idea behind it was exactly to come up with a continuous & differentiable function, so that we would be able to exploit the (vast, and still expanding) arsenal of convex optimization for classification problems.
It is safe to say that the above loss function is the best we have so far, given the desired mathematical constraints mentioned above.
Should we consider this problem (i.e. better approximating the accuracy) solved and finished? At least in principle, no. I am old enough to remember an era when the only activation functions practically available were tanh and sigmoid; then came ReLU and gave a real boost to the field. Similarly, someone may eventually come up with a better loss function, but arguably this is going to happen in a research paper, and not as an answer to a SO question...
That said, the very fact that the current loss function comes from very elementary considerations of probability and information theory (fields that, in sharp contrast with the current field of deep learning, stand upon firm theoretical foundations) creates at least some doubt as to if a better proposal for the loss may be just around the corner.
There is another subtle point on the relation between loss and accuracy, which makes the latter something qualitatively different than the former, and is frequently lost in such discussions. Let me elaborate a little...
All the classifiers related to this discussion (i.e. neural nets, logistic regression etc) are probabilistic ones; that is, they do not return hard class memberships (0/1) but class probabilities (continuous real numbers in [0, 1]).
Limiting the discussion for simplicity to the binary case, when converting a class probability to a (hard) class membership, we are implicitly involving a threshold, usually equal to 0.5, such as if p[i] > 0.5, then class[i] = "1". Now, we can find many cases whet this naive default choice of threshold will not work (heavily imbalanced datasets are the first to come to mind), and we'll have to choose a different one. But the important point for our discussion here is that this threshold selection, while being of central importance to the accuracy, is completely external to the mathematical optimization problem of minimizing the loss, and serves as a further "insulation layer" between them, compromising the simplistic view that loss is just a proxy for accuracy (it is not). As nicely put in the answer of this Cross Validated thread:
the statistical component of your exercise ends when you output a probability for each class of your new sample. Choosing a threshold beyond which you classify a new observation as 1 vs. 0 is not part of the statistics any more. It is part of the decision component.
Enlarging somewhat an already broad discussion: Can we possibly move completely away from the (very) limiting constraint of mathematical optimization of continuous & differentiable functions? In other words, can we do away with back-propagation and gradient descend?
Well, we are actually doing so already, at least in the sub-field of reinforcement learning: 2017 was the year when new research from OpenAI on something called Evolution Strategies made headlines. And as an extra bonus, here is an ultra-fresh (Dec 2017) paper by Uber on the subject, again generating much enthusiasm in the community.
I think you are forgetting to pass your output through a simgoid. Fixed below:
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
# Parameters
epochs = 10000
learning_rate = 0.01
# Data
train_X = [
train_Y = [
rows = np.shape(train_X)[0]
cols = np.shape(train_X)[1]
# Inputs and outputs
X = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
Y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
# Weights
W = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([cols]))
b = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([]))
# Model
# CHANGE HERE: Remember, you need an activation function!
pred = tf.nn.sigmoid(tf.tensordot(X, W, 1) + b)
cost = tf.reduce_sum((pred-Y)**2/rows)
optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(cost)
# Train
for epoch in range(epochs):
# Print update at successive doublings of time
if epoch&(epoch-1) == 0 or epoch == epochs-1:
print('{} {} {} {}'.format(
cost.eval({X: train_X, Y: train_Y}),
)){X: train_X, Y: train_Y})
# Classification accuracy of perceptron
classifications = [pred.eval({X: x}) > 0.5 for x in train_X]
correct = sum([p == y for (p, y) in zip(classifications, train_Y)])
print('{}/{} = perceptron accuracy'.format(correct, rows))
# Classification accuracy of hand-coded threshold comparison
classifications = [x[0] > 1.0 for x in train_X]
correct = sum([p == y for (p, y) in zip(classifications, train_Y)])
print('{}/{} = threshold accuracy'.format(correct, rows))
The output:
0 0.28319069743156433 [ 0.75648874] -0.9745011329650879
1 0.28302448987960815 [ 0.75775659] -0.9742625951766968
2 0.28285878896713257 [ 0.75902224] -0.9740257859230042
4 0.28252947330474854 [ 0.76154679] -0.97355717420578
8 0.28187844157218933 [ 0.76656926] -0.9726400971412659
16 0.28060704469680786 [ 0.77650583] -0.970885694026947
32 0.27818527817726135 [ 0.79593837] -0.9676888585090637
64 0.2738055884838104 [ 0.83302218] -0.9624817967414856
128 0.26666420698165894 [ 0.90031379] -0.9562843441963196
256 0.25691407918930054 [ 1.01172411] -0.9567816257476807
512 0.2461051195859909 [ 1.17413962] -0.9872989654541016
1024 0.23519910871982574 [ 1.38549554] -1.088881492614746
2048 0.2241383194923401 [ 1.64616168] -1.298340916633606
4096 0.21433120965957642 [ 1.95981205] -1.6126530170440674
8192 0.2075471431016922 [ 2.31746769] -1.989408016204834
9999 0.20618653297424316 [ 2.42539024] -2.1028473377227783
4/5 = perceptron accuracy
4/5 = threshold accuracy

How to find if a data set can train a neural network?

I'm a newbie to machine learning and this is one of the first real-world ML tasks challenged.
Some experimental data contains 512 independent boolean features and a boolean result.
There are about 1e6 real experiment records in the provided data set.
In a classic XOR example all 4 out of 4 possible states are required to train NN. In my case its only 2^(10-512) = 2^-505 which is close to zero.
I have no more information about the data nature, just these (512 + 1) * 1e6 bits.
Tried NN with 1 hidden layer on available data. Output of the trained NN on the samples even from the training set are always close to 0, not a single close to "1". Played with weights initialization, gradient descent learning rate.
My code utilizing TensorFlow 1.3, Python 3. Model excerpt:
with tf.name_scope("Layer1"):
#W1 = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([512, innerN], minval=-2/512, maxval=2/512), name="Weights_1")
W1 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([512, innerN]), name="Weights_1")
b1 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1]), name="Bias_1")
Out1 = tf.sigmoid( tf.matmul(x, W1) + b1)
with tf.name_scope("Layer2"):
W2 = tf.Variable(tf.random_uniform([innerN, 1], minval=-2/512, maxval=2/512), name="Weights_2")
#W2 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([innerN, 1]), name="Weights_2")
b2 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1]), name="Bias_2")
y = tf.nn.sigmoid( tf.matmul(Out1, W2) + b2)
with tf.name_scope("Training"):
y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None,1])
cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean(
labels = y_, logits = y)
train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.005).minimize(cross_entropy)
with tf.name_scope("Testing"):
# Test trained model
correct_prediction = tf.equal( tf.round(y), tf.round(y_))
# ...
# Train
for step in range(500):
batch_xs, batch_ys = Datasets.train.next_batch(300, shuffle=False)
_, my_y, summary =[train_step, y, merged_summaries],
feed_dict={x: batch_xs, y_: batch_ys})
I suspect two cases:
my fault – bad NN implementation, wrong architecture;
bad data. Compared to XOR example, incomplete training data would result in a failing NN. However, the training examples fed to the trained NN are supposed to give right predictions, aren't they?
How to evaluate if it is possible at all to train a neural network (a 2-layer perceptron) on the provided data to forecast the result? A case of aceptable set would be the XOR example. Opposed to some random noise.
There are only ad hoc ways to know if it is possible to learn a function with a differentiable network from a dataset. That said, these ad hoc ways do usually work. For example, the network should be able to overfit the training set without any regularisation.
A common technique to gauge this is to only fit the network on a subset of the full dataset. Check that the network can overfit to that, then increase the size of the subset, and increase the size of the network as well. Unfortunately, deciding whether to add extra layers or add more units in a hidden layer is an arbitrary decision you'll have to make.
However, looking at your code, there are a few things that could be going wrong here:
Are your outputs balanced? By that I mean, do you have the same number of 1s as 0s in the dataset targets?
Your initialisation in the first layer is all zeros, the gradient to this will be zero, so it can't learn anything (although, you have a real initialisation above it commented out).
Sigmoid nonlinearities are more difficult to optimise than simpler nonlinearities, such as ReLUs.
I'd recommend using the built-in definitions for layers in Tensorflow to not worry about initialisation, and switching to ReLUs in any hidden layers (you need sigmoid at the output for your boolean target).
Finally, deep learning isn't actually very good at most "bag of features" machine learning problems because they lack structure. For example, the order of the features doesn't matter. Other methods often work better, but if you really want to use deep learning then you could look at this recent paper, showing improved performance by just using a very specific nonlinearity and weight initialisation (change 4 lines in your code above).

neural network produces similar pattern for all inputs

I am attempting to train an ANN on time series data in Keras. I have three vectors of data that are broken into scrolling window sequences (i.e. for vector l).
np.array([l[i:i+window_size] for i in range( len(l) - window_size)])
The target vector is similarly windowed so the neural net output is a prediction of the target vector for the next window_size number of time steps. All the data is normalized with a min-max scaler. It is fed into the neural network as a shape=(nb_samples, window_size, 3). Here is a plot of the 3 input vectors.
The only output I've managed to muster from the ANN is the following plot. Target vector in blue, predictions in red (plot is zoomed in to make the prediction pattern legible). Prediction vectors are plotted at window_size intervals so each one of the repeated patterns is one prediction from the net.
I've tried many different model architectures, number of epochs, activation functions, short and fat networks, skinny, tall. This is my current one (it's a little out there).
Conv1D(64,4, input_shape=(None,3)) ->
Conv1d(32,4) ->
Dropout(24) ->
LSTM(32) ->
But nothing I try will affect the neural net from outputting this repeated pattern. I must be misunderstanding something about time-series or LSTMs in Keras. But I'm very lost at this point so any help is greatly appreciated. I've attached the full code at this repository.
I played with your code a little and I think I have a few suggestions for getting you on the right track. The code doesn't seem to match your graphs exactly, but I assume you've tweaked it a bit since then. Anyway, there are two main problems:
The biggest problem is in your data preparation step. You basically have the data shapes backwards, in that you have a single timestep of input for X and a timeseries for Y. Your input shape is (18830, 1, 8), when what you really want is (18830, 30, 8) so that the full 30 timesteps are fed into the LSTM. Otherwise the LSTM is only operating on one timestep and isn't really useful. To fix this, I changed the line in from
X = X.reshape(X.shape[0], 1, X.shape[1])
X = windowfy(X, winsize)
Similarly, the output data should probably be only 1 value, from what I've gathered of your goals from the plotting function. There are certainly some situations where you want to predict a whole timeseries, but I don't know if that's what you want in this case. I changed Y_train to use fuels instead of fuels_w so that it only had to predict one step of the timeseries.
Training for 100 epochs might be way too much for this simple network architecture. In some cases when I ran it, it looked like there was some overfitting going on. Observing the decrease of loss in the network, it seems like maybe only 3-4 epochs are needed.
Here is the graph of predictions after 3 training epochs with the adjustments I mentioned. It's not a great prediction, but it looks like it's on the right track now at least. Good luck to you!
EDIT: Example predicting multiple output timesteps:
from sklearn import datasets, preprocessing
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from keras import models, layers
OUTPUT_WINDOW = 5 # Predict 5 steps of the output variable.
# Randomly generate some regression data (not true sequential data; samples are independent).
X, y = datasets.make_regression(n_samples=1000, n_features=4, noise=.1)
# Rescale 0-1 and convert into windowed sequences.
X = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(X)
y = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler().fit_transform(y.reshape(-1, 1))
X = np.array([X[i:i + INPUT_WINDOW] for i in range(len(X) - INPUT_WINDOW)])
y = np.array([y[i:i + OUTPUT_WINDOW] for i in range(INPUT_WINDOW - OUTPUT_WINDOW,
len(y) - OUTPUT_WINDOW)])
print(np.shape(X)) # (990, 10, 4) - Ten timesteps of four features
print(np.shape(y)) # (990, 5, 1) - Five timesteps of one features
# Construct a simple model predicting output sequences.
m = models.Sequential()
m.add(layers.LSTM(20, activation='relu', return_sequences=True, input_shape=(INPUT_WINDOW, 4)))
m.add(layers.LSTM(20, activation='relu'))
m.add(layers.LSTM(20, activation='relu', return_sequences=True))
m.add(layers.wrappers.TimeDistributed(layers.Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')))
m.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='mse')[:800], y[:800], batch_size=10, epochs=60) # Train on first 800 sequences.
preds = m.predict(X[800:], batch_size=10) # Predict the remaining sequences.
print('Prediction:\n' + str(preds[0]))
print('Actual:\n' + str(y[800]))
# Correlation should be around r = .98, essentially perfect.
print('Correlation: ' + str(stats.pearsonr(y[800:].flatten(), preds.flatten())[0]))
