As far as I know bin/setup is for easy set up for every project in rails e.g installing required gems, preparing database etc. But how to do this in Windows environment?
You'll need ruby installed first.
Open a command prompt in the relevant folder and run:
ruby bin/setup
I am trying to follow the Redmine guide here.
I am running into the same problem this previous post, but the solution didn't solve it for me.
Steps that I have done so far:
I have downloaded/installed the Ruby from and verified that Rails was installed.
rails -v
Rails 5.1.3
ruby -v
ruby 2.3.3p222
Visual Studio 2019 redistributable installed.
Ran the MySql installer msi
Selected the Developer (Defaults)
Took all the defaults for the rest of the wizard (I did set root password and added a user)
*I think I had to do all this first before starting the Installation procedures.
Completed step 1-4 with the MySQL settings
Step 5
Running the command:
bundle exec rake generate_secret_token
Could not locate Gemfile or .bundle/ directory
I have verified that rake is installed
rake -V
rake, version 13.0.1
gem list rake
(rake 13.0.1)
Using the stackoverflow post from above, I did update the version of rake I had installed, but that didn't solve the issue. I am new to gem/bundle type of installs, so I may be missing something that is quite obvious.
Do I need to be a specific directory when running these commands?
Any direction for me would be good. I am trying to run this on a Windows Server if that makes any difference.
Redmine is a Rails app. You must download the app, extract it, then change into that directory before running your rake task. The process for this is defined in step 1:
Get the Redmine source code by either downloading a packaged release or checking out the code repository.
See the download page for details.
Afterwards, you can run bundle exec rake generate_secret_token because that is a Rake task defined by lib/tasks/initializers.rake. Rake tasks in Rails are typically defined within the lib/tasks directory and you can see multiple examples there.
If you attempt to run rake something then Rake is going to look for a Rakefile where this task is defined. Since you're currently just in your Ruby bin/ directory there are no defined rake tasks so you get the errors that you see.
I have just set up ruby and rails on a freshly installed freeBSD. It works great. I can do rails new blabla mv into blabla and do rails s and it just works.
I had an up and running rails app on another computer. I copied the repertory that contained the app to the new computer running freeBSD. However, when I mv into that repertory of the rails app and to rails server I get -bash: rails: command not found
I have tried creating a new app with the same name and let rails create all the repertories and then copy the files of the existing rails app therein but no success.
I can run rails -v and rails s from within any repertory and get correct answer, but when I move into that specific repertory I get that command not found.
You're probably using a ruby version manager I suspect (rbenv/rvm)? Check the ruby version in your Gemfile (top of the file). It probably isn't the same as the ruby version you have installed. If you're using one of the above mentioned version managers than install the correct ruby for your rails project. After that you can do a gem install bundler in the project directory and after run bundle install which will install rails and all dependencies.
Which version you are using? It happens with earlier versions. Try updating your gems and bundler. And try again. Hope it helps.
Did you try running bin/rails s? I think tha you need run bundle install too.
First of all I am not Ruby developer, hence my hopefully really simple question.
I inherited a project with the following folder structure:
My question is:
how to run this project in local environment? I'm running MAC OS X and have Ruby and Apache installed
from the folder structure, are you able to identify framework/frameworks this project is utilising?
Thanks for you help!
Maybe it's a Ruby on Rails project. Try these lines in the console in the project folder:
gem install bundler
rake db:create && rake db:migrate
rails s
These commands will start Rails server at localhost:3000. This project requires DB to be installed. (DB type depends on Gemfile content). Also you should check if config/database.yml file is present.
Old question, but I would open up the Gemfile and see which framework is being used. It is often the first gem in the list.
I need to run an application built in ruby on rails. I have installed ruby 1.9.2, rails 3.2.1, gem 1.8.15, Netbeans 6.8, glassfish v3, jdk6u30 and mysql but still, I can't get it run.
How do I install ruby on rails on WindowsXP?
I have to code on Windows at work and deploy to Linux and this is what I use
Ruby installer
Ruby Dev Kit
Install Rubygems
Open a Ruby command prompt for the next steps
gem install bundler
bundle install mysql
bundle install rails
Go to the directory you want to house your rails apps (e.g. cd \rails_source)
rails new (inserting the app name you want)
Once that is done, cd into the directory
Edit Gemfile to ask for gem 'mysql'
cd Config
edit Database.yaml to look for mysql db
cd ..
create a db for your mysql instance called _development
Go back to rails command line
bundle exec rails g scaffold (like blog_entry)
bundle exec rake db:migrate
bundle exec rake routes
Look for your desired route in the output
bundle exec rails s
Open a browser
Go to http://localhot:3000/
You should see a plain app
You can also check out Rails for Zombies which is a visual tutorial. It is not windows oriented but it helps fill in the gaps
I think its a quite simple to install ROR with mysql database on windows.
Follow the below instruction
Install Mysql Server 5.6 from [] , use 32bit for XP and 64Bit for W7.
Go to mysql/bin folder under Program Files and copy and set the path in environment variable.Open command propmt and type mysql in order to check if mysql is installed correctly.
If still problem with Mysql, open run and type services.msc and check for MySQL service is started or not if not start manually.
Download ruby2.0.0, devkit 64-32 from
Download mysql connector from [] and make sure the version should be "(", you will find in "Looking for previous GA versions?".
Install ruby in C folder and select add path to executable while installing in first/second prompt.
Create folder devkit and extract devkit into it.
Extract mysql connector in C folder.
Open command Prompt and type ruby -v in order to check if ruby is installed, if not check ruby/bin path have to be added in environment variable.
Go to devkit folder, where you have extracted devkit, open command prompt and type ruby dk.rb init and then ruby dk.rb install.
Now we go through test, follow the instruction is given in test installation section in and check with command starts with gem and ruby.
Create directory called dev and go inside it and type command gem install rails.
rails new app -d mysql2
Run command "bundle config build.mysql2 --no-ri --no-rdoc -- --with-mysql-dir=c:\mysql-connector[select what folder name is there for mysql connector]".
bundle install.
If still problem is exist, delete app folder and repeat command rails new app -d mysql2 again.
Go to app folder and use command rails server to start services. Check in browser with localhost:3000.
To create DB, use rake db:create in app folder.
Hope it helps.
I recently upgraded a rails project I am working on from 2.0.5 to 2.3.2. I noticed that there was a local copy of the 2.0.5 rails files in vendor/rails and I was wondering should I put a local copy the 2.3.2 rails files in there too or just leave them out? What is considered a better practice?
Yes. The copy of Rails that sits in vendor/rails is actually used in preference to the Rails gems installed system-wide—in other words, though you upgraded your Rails install, your app is actually still running on 2.0.5.
The vendor/rails directory exists so you can "freeze" your app to a specific version of Rails, thus making it less vulnerable to changes in the configuration of the machine it's running on. This is so darned useful that there's an automated way to manage the directory. To delete the existing version of Rails sitting in vendor/rails, go to the root of your Rails project directory and do the following:
rake rails:unfreeze
To then install the most current Rails gems on your system into vendor/rails, do:
rake rails:freeze:gems
There are a few other things you can do with vendor/rails. Check out rake -T for a full list of commands.
P.S. If you ever hear someone talk about their Rails install being "vendored", this is what they mean.
In the meanwhile things have changed a little.
rake rails:freeze
rake rails:unfreeze
are deprecated. Instead you should use:
bundle install --path vendor/bundle
bundle install --system
to switch back.