Estimating mortality with acmeR package - hessian

There is a relatively new package that has come out called acmeR for producing estimates of mortality (for birds and bats), and it takes into consideration things like bleedthrough (was the carcass still there but undetected, and then found in a later search?), diminishing searcher efficiency, etc. This is extremely useful, except I can't seem to get it to work, despite it seeming to be pretty straightforward. The data structure should be like:
Date, in US format mm/dd/yyyy or ISO 8601 format yyyy-mm-dd
Time, in am/pm US format HH:MM:SS AM or 24-hr ISO format HH:MM:SS
ID, arbitrary distinct alpha strings unique to each carcas
Species, arbitrary distinct alpha strings (e.g. AOU, ABMP, IBP)
Event, “Place”, “Check”, or “Search” (only 1st letter counts)
Found, TRUE or FALSE (only 1st letter counts)
and look something like this:
“1/7/2011”,“08:00:00 PM”,“T091”,“UNBA”,“Place”,TRUE
“1/8/2011”,“12:00:00 PM”,“T091”,“UNBA”,“Check”,TRUE
“1/8/2011”,“16:00:00 PM”,“T091”,“UNBA”,“Search”,FALSE
My data look like this:
Date: Date, format: "2017-11-09" "2017-11-09" "2017-11-09" ...
Time: Factor w/ 644 levels "1:00 PM","1:01 PM",..: 467 491 518 89 164 176 232 39 53 247 ...
Species: Factor w/ 52 levels "AMCR","AMKE",..: 31 27 39 27 39 31 39 45 27 24 ...
ID: Factor w/ 199 levels "GHBT001","GHBT002",..: 1 3 2 3 2 1 2 7 3 5 ...
Event: Factor w/ 3 levels "Check","Place",..: 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 2 1 2 ...
I have played with the date, time, event, etc formats too, trying multiple formats because I have had some issues there. So here are some of the errors I have encountered, depending on what subset of data I use:
Error in optim(p0, f, rd = rd, method = "BFGS", hessian = TRUE) :non-finite value supplied by optim In addition: Warning message: In log(c(a0, b0, t0)) : NaNs produced
Error in, spec = spec, blind = blind) : Expecting date format YYYY-MM-DD (ISO) or MM/DD/YYYY (USA) USA
Error in solve.default(rv$hessian): system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 1.57221e-20
Warning message: # In sqrt(diag(Sig)[2]) : NaNs produced
Error in solve.default(rv$hessian) : Lapack routine dgesv: system is exactly singular: U[2,2] = 0
The last error is most common (and note, my data are non-numeric, sooooo... I am not sure what math is being done behind the scenes to come up with these equations, then fail in the solve), but the others are persistent too. Sometimes, despite the formatting being exactly the same in one dataset, a subset of that data will return an error when the parent dataset does not (does not have anything to do with species being there/not being there in one or the other dataset, as far as I can tell).
I cannot find any bug reports or issues with the acmeR package out there - so maybe it runs perfectly and my data are the problem, but after three ecologists have vetted the data and pronounced it good, I am at a dead end.
Here is a subset of the data, so you can see what they look like:
Date Time Species ID Event Found
8 2017-11-09 1:39 PM VATH GHBT007 P T
11 2017-11-09 2:26 PM CORA GHBT004 P T
12 2017-11-09 2:30 PM EUST GHBT006 P T
14 2017-11-09 6:43 AM CORA GHBT004 S T
18 2017-11-09 8:30 AM EUST GHBT006 S T
19 2017-11-09 9:40 AM CORA GHBT004 C T
20 2017-11-09 10:38 AM EUST GHBT006 C T
22 2017-11-09 11:27 AM VATH GHBT007 S F
32 2017-11-09 10:19 AM EUST GHBT006 C F


missing data in time series

As im so new to this field and im trying to explore the data for a time series, and find the missing values and count them and study a distribution of their length and fill in these gaps, the thing is i have, let's say 10 file.txt and for each file i have 2 columns as follows:
C1 C2
944 0
920 1
920 2
928 3
912 7
920 8
920 9
880 10
888 11
920 12
944 13
and so on... lets say till 100 and not necessarily the 10 files have the same number of observations.
so here for example the missing values and not necessarily appears in all files that i have, missing value are: 4,5 and 6 in C2 and the corresponding 1st column C1(measured in milliseconds, so the value of 928ms is not a time neighbor of 912ms). So i want to find those gaps(the total missing values in all 10 files) and show a histogram of their lengths.
i wrote a piece of code in R, but the problem is that i don't get the exact total number that i should have for the missing values.
path = "files path"
out.file<-data.frame(TS = 0, Index = 0, File = '')
file.names <- dir(path, pattern =".txt")
for(i in 1:length(file.names)){
file <- cbind(read.table(file.names[i],
sep ="\t",
colnames(file) <- c('TS', 'Index', 'File')
out.file <- rbind(out.file, file)
d = dim(out.file)[1]
misDa = 0
for(i in 2:(d-1)){
if(abs(out.file$Index[i]-out.file$Index[i+1]) > 1)
misDa = misDa+1
Hard to give specific hints without having a more extensive example of your data that contains some of the actual NAs.
If you are using R (like it seems) the naniar and the imputeTS packages offer nice functions for missing data visualizations.
Some examples from the naniar package, which is especially good for multivariate data (more plot examples):
Some examples from the imputeTS package, which is especially good for time series data (additional plot examples):

Google sheets importHTML removes zero and treats commas as decimal

I'm trying to import a table where the commas are the 1000 separator,
example: 32,100 is 32100 but it is treating it as 32.1 instead.
This is a similar table (first one / top left):
imgur for screenshots:
I want it to say:
Year million
1500 458
1600 580
1700 682
1750 791
1800 978
1850 1262
1900 1650
1950 2521
1999 5978
2008 6707
2011 7000
2015 7350
2018 7600
2020 7750
But it comes out as:
Year million
1500 458
1600 580
1700 682
1750 791
1800 978
1850 1,262
1900 1,65
1950 2,521
1999 5,978
2008 6,707
2011 7
2015 7,35
2018 7,6
2020 7,75
This is the function I'm using:
=IMPORTHTML(""; "table"; 1)
I have also tried using this function:
=IMPORTXML(""; "//*[#id='mw-content-text']/div/table[1]/tbody")
But that shows as this witch is extremely hard to understand since it looks like this and still removes the zeros:
World Population[1][2] Yearmillion 1500458 1600580 1700682 1750791 1800978 18501,262 19001,65 19502,521 19995,978 20086,707 20117 20157,35 20187,6 20207,75
Other things i have tried is:
forsing it to always print out three decimals, that wont work since it adds more numbers to the end of all numbers.
The main & easiest possible solution that you have is to change your Spreadsheet's locale setting to one that uses the , as mile separator.
As an alternative, if changing this setting is really not a possibility, you could create a script that uses URLFetchApp to retrieve the page's contents and parses the values, taking into considerations the usage of , as mile separator.

how to use seq2seq to decode concatenated string

Am trying to decode a concatenated String like below ...
PT05A1219PY023 PT 05 A 12 19 P Y 023
PT55A1019PX02 PT 55 A 10 19 P X 02
PT33SE2215SW023 PT 33 SE 22 15 S W 023
PT05A2216PW023(LC) PT 05 A 22 16 P W 023 (LC)
am looking for a smarter way rather than hard-coded rules as the input will have variations(number of characters and digits), I came across SEQ2SEQ model and I want to know if it's possible to use it in such problem
I already followed some tutorials to get a taste of it, but the results weren't even close
it also seems there are 2 approaches character level and word level as per this tutorial
Character level:
Input sentence: SQCACA333BA71A
Decoded sentence: P 9(PDD366AZ2IDD4K )F)F(L)L)1)1)1) 6A
Input sentence: SQCAAC152DA71A
Decoded sentence: P 9(PDD366AZ2IDD4K )F)F(L)L)1)1)1) 6A
am still trying to implement the word level, but I'd like to know if the problem can be solved using this approach (seq2seq)

NMF Sparse Matrix Analysis (using SKlearn)

Just looking for some brief advice to put me back on the right track. I have been working on a solution to a problem where I have a very sparse input matrix (~25% of information filled, rest is 0's) stored in a sparse.coo_matrix:
sparse_matrix = sparse.coo_matrix((value, (rater, blurb))).toarray()
After some work on building this array from my data set and messing around with some other options, I currently have my NMF model fitter function defined as follows:
def nmf_model(matrix):
model = NMF(init='nndsvd', random_state=0)
W = model.fit_transform(matrix);
H = model.components_;
result =,H)
return result
Now, the issue is my output doesn't seem to be accounting for the 0 values correctly. Any value that was a 0 gets bumped to some value less than 1 and my known values fluctuate from the actual quite a bit (All data are ratings between 1 and 10). Can anyone spot what I am doing wrong? From the documentation for scikit, I assumed using the nndsvd initialization would help account for the empty values correct. Sample output:
#Row / Column / New Value
35 18 6.50746917334 #Actual Value is 6
35 19 0.580996641675 #Here down are all "estimates" of my function
35 20 1.26498699492
35 21 0.00194119935464
35 22 0.559623469753
35 23 0.109736902936
35 24 0.181657421405
35 25 0.0137801897011
35 26 0.251979684515
35 27 0.613055371646
35 28 6.17494590041 #Actual values is 5.5
Appreciate any advice any more experienced ML coders can offer!

VARSTOCASES (in SPSS) function with unequal spacing of waves

My problem with the VARSTOCASES is that I'm unable to deal with unequal spacing of waves in longitudinal data (I'm using the NLSY79). My dependent variable (log of wage) is not available for all years. But with R, I can easily deal with that using a syntax like this :
ld = reshape(d, varying = c("logwage1989", "logwage1990", "logwage1991", "logwage1992", "logwage1993", "logwage1994", "logwage1996", "logwage1998", "logwage2000", "logwage2002", "logwage2004", "logwage2006", "logwage2008", "logwage2010"), v.names = "logwage", timevar = "year", times = c("1989", "1990", "1991", "1992", "1993", "1994", "1996", "1998", "2000", "2002", "2004", "2006", "2008", "2010"), direction = "long")
And in SPSS, what I do is something like this :
/make logwage from logwage1989 logwage1990 logwage1991 logwage1992 logwage1993 logwage1994 logwage1996 logwage1998 logwage2000 logwage2002 logwage2004 logwage2006 logwage2008 logwage2010
/index= year(14)
/keep=grade AFQT educmom educdad occupationmom occupationdad familyincome.
In the above, 14 is the total number of waves. And what SPSS outputs is a series of numbers going from 1 to 14. The data is collected once every year first, and then it's collected once every two years. For SPSS, the values 1 and 2 in the year variable correspond to 1989 and 1990 while values 13 and 14 correspond to 2008 and 2010, respectively. And that's the problem.
How would you write the reshape function in SPSS as I did in R ?
On the VARSTOCASES command instead of using a numeric index you can use a string index, which will put the original variable names into the column. This can then be converted to a numeric column of the years.
DATA LIST FREE /logwage1989 logwage1990 logwage1991 logwage1992 logwage1993 logwage1994 logwage1996 logwage1998
logwage2000 logwage2002 logwage2004 logwage2006 logwage2008 logwage2010.
89 90 91 92 93 94 96 98 00 02 04 06 08 10
/MAKE logwage FROM logwage1989 TO logwage2010
/INDEX=year (logwage).
*Now convert to an actual year.
COMPUTE year = REPLACE(year,"logwage","").
ALTER TYPE year (F4.0).
