CXF wsdl2java set wsdlLocation of multiple wsdl - wsdl

I trying to generate classes through CXF wsdl2java of multiple wsdl files. But I can't set the wsdl location of these wsdl files in a relative path into project. I have seen a solution setting options of each wsdl like this:
But I don't want to do this of each case. I have this in my code:
How can I set wsdlLocation in all wsdl's without set each one?

I got it.
You must add a wsdlRoot section in your configuration. Furthermore you must add a include section with wildcards.
This is my plugin section


filter maven properties using profile-dependent properties file

I'm using the properties-maven-plugin to load properties from a custom properties file. The properties file name depends on the selected build profile.
Each vpn-${environment}.properties file contains two properties, e.g. for dev environment:
Two profiles default and dev have been defined:
What I'm trying to do now is to use the maven-resources-plugin to replace the vpn property placeholders used within a unix template file with the property values of the corresponding active profile and to copy this file to another location.
<executions> <execution>
The customUnixTemplate file contains something like vpn-connect ${vpn.username} ${vpn.password}.
After I build the project with mvn clean install -Pdev and open the output file in the src/main/vpn/bin directory I can see for a split second that the properties were taken from the correct properties file, i.e., but the file gets overwritten by the default properties file and I can't figure out why. I suspect that it has something to do with the build phases/orders in which the plugins are executed. Can anybody help?
Edit in response to Andrei's comment:
The maven resource plugin uses a second execution:

How to run `jacoco-maven-plugin` with `-Xbootclasspath/p:my.jar` option?

To successfully run my unit tests I have to provide JVM with some replaced standard classes. Therefore, I use following configuration for maven-surefire-plugin :
plugin/configuration/argLine added, nothing special. But how can I tell jacoco the same thing? The jacoco doesn’t have configuration/argLine :( .
I have configured the Maven JaCoCo plugin as follows in my pom.xml file:
<!-- NO ONE (((((
<rule implementation="org.jacoco.maven.RuleConfiguration">
<limit implementation="">
As stated in documentation of prepare-agent - it simply sets property argLine that is used by maven-surefire-plugin, and you have two options to add additional arguments:
<argLine>-your -extra -arguments</argLine>
<!-- no argLine here -->
or using late property evaluation feature of maven-surefire-plugin:
<!-- empty to avoid JVM startup error "Could not find or load main class #{argLine}" in case when jacoco-maven-plugin not executed -->
<argLine>#{argLine} -your -extra -arguments</argLine>

move the maven-onejar generated jar to a custom location

I am using the onejar-maven-plugin to generate the jar for my project and it all goes well. But, when I try to change it to a sub-folder, for eg. dist, the jar from maven-jar-plugin gets generated, not the jar from onejar.
The onejar plugin does not have an output directory option.
How do I change the output directory of the onejar generated file to a subfolder, eg. dist?
I finally went with maven-assembly-plugin. Has lots of configuration options.

Does -nexclude work when using JiBX as the CXF databining?

I am trying to get CXF (2.7.7) to use JiBX (1.2.5) for databinding. The documentation is a bit sketchy, but there have been reports of success with it. One problem is that CXF does not pass configuration to the JiBX code generator, so if you need to do something that requires customization, such as mapping Joda DateTime to XML Schema date, you need to be able to tell CXF to ignore specific namespaces and then handle those with a separate call to JiBX.
The examples I have seen use the CXF -nexclude flag for this purpose, as in
I have tried both inline and imported versions of the namespace but the -nexclude flag does not appear to work with JiBX. One option might be to let JiBX do the whole WSDL without invoking the CXF plugin, but apparently this creates problems in the generated service code. An ugly workaround might be to let JiBX regenerate the code for just the classes in this namespace, overwriting the code created by CXF.
Can the -nexclude flag be made to work?
I was having a similar problem while using jaxb. This worked for me:
move the extraargs out of the wsdlOption section and into the defaultOptions section.

maven - jibx codegen - storing binding.xml

I'm using maven to build a jar containing generated code from an schema file using jibx. To do this I'm using the jibx-maven-plugin with the schema-codegen goal. I want to include the generated binding.xml file as part of the resulting maven jar. Is there any way of directing the jar creation to include the generated binding.xml
Currently using:
Good! While including the binding.xml file is not required, it is good practice. The new jibx-maven-plugin can use this file later when creating a new binding that is based on the original schema. There are plenty of examples in the JiBX source repository.
Since JiBX is OSGi enabled, it is also good practice to add an OSGi manifest when creating your jar file. This also simplifies including the binding.xml file. Even if you don't use OSGi, your jar will work fine. Here is what your project file should look like:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
Take a look at your jar file. Your classes, the binding.xml file, and OSGi manifest entries are there!
Don Corley
jibx-maven-plugin author
You can always use maven-antrun-plugin to copy your file(set) to target/classes.
Make sure that:
you attach the jibx plugin to a phase before package - best is generate-resources
you attach the antrun execution to the same or later, but again, before package - best is generate-resources or process-resources
the jibx plugin declaration precedes antrun declaration
Then you can use something like this:
<copy file="${}/PATH/TO/binding.xml" todir="${}/PATH/IN/JAR/"/>
You can create your binding.xml in the target directory you want it to be placed in the jar like this:
When binding the code, you can use the refer to this directory with the <bindingDirectory> tag
You can do it using the add-resource goal of the build-helper-maven-plugin.
You will find the binding.xml file in your jar at:
