Docker compose access to port on host - docker

I'm running another docker-compose exposing Logstash on port 5044 (using docker-elk). I'm able to make requests to the service on localhost:5044 on my host, so the port is exposed correctly.
I'm then running another docker-compose (Filebeat) but from there I cannot connect to "localhost:5044". Here is the docker compose file:
version: '2'
build: filebeat/
- elk
driver: bridge
Any cluye why the localhost:5044 is not accessable in this docker compose?

First of all, the compose file you linked exposes port 5000, but you say you're trying to connect to port 5044.
Secondly, exposing port 5044 (or 5000) will make the port available to the host machine, not to other containers launched with other compose files.
The way i see it is you can either:
keep the first service as it is and instead of localhost:port on the secon service use your_ip:port , where your_ip can be retrieved from ifconfig -a or something similar and should look like 192.168.x.x
Connect both services to an external created network like so:
first create the network with docker network create foo
link the services to the external network in the compose file:
external: true
Then access change the logstash reference from localhost:port to logstash:port
Good luck


Howto make a service listen on a specific docker network only?

I have docker services that are attached to several networks.
For example - a service would be attached to a traefik ingress network - and several other networks, such as etcd or minio. A compose file might look like this:
version: "3.8"
image: ...
command: server --listen=
- public
- internal-api
- etcd
Now, currently, we can see in my example the listen address of
But this is not what I want - I want this service to only listed on the public interface and not be discoverable on the etcd or internal-api networks.
How can I - generally, specify which docker network I want a service to listen on?
Keep your container connected only to necessary networks (which is best practice)
command: server --listen=< CONTAINER IP IN SPECIFIC NETWORK >:8080
Setup firewall in container
Comment for second option:
One way is to setup static IP using docker-compose file or you can get IP of currently running container with command:
docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' <CONTAINER_NAME>

Access localhost of Docker container

I am running docker on mac and am trying to set up a development environment for an angular project in a docker container.
My docker-compose setup currently looks like this:
version: '3.7'
context: .
dockerfile: "${DOCKERFILE_DIR}"
working_dir: "${CONTAINER_DIR}"
- "3000:4200"
- "3001:8080"
- "nfsmount:${CONTAINER_DIR}"
tty: true
driver: local
type: nfs
o: addr=host.docker.internal,rw,nolock,hard,nointr,nfsvers=3
device: ":/System/Volumes/Data/${SOURCE_DIR}"
The thing is, when I run ng serve inside the docker container, it serves to the localhost:4200 of the docker container and not to the exposed ports of the container. This means that the port mapping of "3000:4200" is insufficient for me to connect localhost:3000 from my host machine to localhost:4200 of my docker container.
Sure, an easy solution would just be to serve to of my docker container by using ng serve --host instead. However, I am trying to mimic my development environment as much as possible, so I was wondering if there was any other way to connect localhost:4200 to inside my docker container (or better still, connect localhost:3000 of my host machine directly to localhost:4200 of my docker container).
Any help is greatly appreciated!
It is not possible unless you use host networking inside the container. When you create a container, the container gets it's own network namespace. The loopback interface is accessible only to the processing running in the same network namespace i.e., the processes inside the container only and hence cannot be accessed from the host.
Instead of running your container in separate network namespace, you can run it in the host network using network_mode: "host" parameter in the docker compose. This should work for your use case if you insist on not binding to inside the container. -

How to connect to localhost and external database from docker container

I have two docker containers, nginx and php, from which I want to access mysql server running on host machine and sql server on remote machine.
Have tried change the network type from "bridge" to "host" but it returns errors.
version: '2'
image: nginx:latest
- "8080:80"
- /var/www/:/code
- ./site.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
- mynetwork
image: php:fpm
- /var/www/:/code
- mynetwork
driver: bridge
I'm expecting php code running in my containers can connect to those two databases.
Note: I don't using docker run to run container, instead I'm using docker-compose up -d so I just want to edit the docker-compose.yml file.
Just make sure the container can access the external database by going online.Bridge" and "host network type can do.
First, you need to make sure you have a correct mysql grant rule, such as %.
1\You can use the ip of the host to access the mysql on the host from the inside of the container.
2\Other mysql instances that belong to the same LAN as the host, access from the container can also be accessed using the LAN ip on the mysql instance.
Ensure the ping is normal,Make sure the ping is working, otherwise your docker installation may have problems, such as problems from iptables.
In your php service declaration you have to add something like:
- "local_db:host_ip"
Where local_db is the name you will configure in your database connection string and host_ip is the IP of your host on the local network.
You have to make sure that your php code does not try to connect to "localhost" because that will not work. You need to use the server name "local_db" (in my example).
You do the same thing for the remote database, just make sure the IP is reachable.
You can remove the network declaration because it is not needed.
In order to docker containers has access to each other you should link them. docker service uses link switch to add ID and IP of one container in /etc/hosts file of another.

How do I setup two docker containers, such that they can see each other?

I have two services defined for docker-compose
version: '3'
context: .
dockerfile: ./docker/celery/Dockerfile
command: celery -A api.tasks worker -l info
image: "rabbitmq:3-management"
- "5672:5672"
- "15672:15672"
hostname: ""
I can start the first service
docker-compose run --service-ports rabbitmq
And everything works well. I can ping and connect to port 5672 for communication from host os.
$ curl
However, the second service cannot see that port. The following command errors because it cannot connect to
docker-compose run --service-ports celery
How do I setup two docker containers, such that they can see each other?
From inside the Docker container, the loopback address refers to the container itself. Use your host's IP address to reach the other container.
Here's an extensive explanation on how to reach your host from inside a container and various network modes that Docker offers:
Another approach would be to create a Docker Network, connect both your containers to it, and then they'll be able to resolve each other on that network. Details here:
So the easy answer is to refer to each other by name. In your compose file you reference two services:
if you use docker-compose up -d (or just docker-compose up) it will create the new containers on a newly created network they share. Docker compose then registers both services to the DNS service for that network via an automatic alias.
So from celery, you could ping rabbitmq via:
ping rabbitmq and on rabbitmq you could ping celery via
ping celery
This applies to all network communications as it's just name resolution. You can accomplish this all manually by creating a new network, assigning them to the hosts, and then registering aliases, but docker-compose does all the hard work.

Connecting docker containers using external network

I am working on a micro-service architecture where we have many different projects and all of them connect to the same redis instance. I want to move this architecture to the Docker to run on development environment. Since all of the projects have separate repositories I can not just simply use one docker-compose.yml file to connect them all. After doing some research I figured that I can create a shared external network to connect all of the projects, so I have started by creating a network:
docker network create common_network
I created a separate project for common services such as mongodb, redis, rabbitmq (The services that is used by all projects). Here is the sample docker-compose file of this project:
version: '3'
image: redis:latest
container_name: test_project_redis
- "6379:6379"
- common_network
external: true
Now when I run docker-compose build and docker-compose up -d it works like a charm and I can connect to the redis from my local machine using But there is a problem when I try to connect to this redis container from an other container.
Here is an other sample docker-compose.yml for another project which runs Node.js (I am not putting Dockerfile since it is irrelevant for this issue)
version: '3'
build: .
container_name: sample_project_api
- common_network
external: true
There is no problem when I build and run this docker-compose as well but the Node.js project is getting CONNREFUSED error, which obviously it can not connect to the Redis server over
So I opened a live ssh into the api container (docker exec -i -t sample_project_api /bin/bash) and installed redis-tools to make some tests.
When I try to ping the redis-cli ping it returns Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused.
I checked the external network to see if all of the containers are connected to it properly, using docker network inspect common_network. There were no problem, all of the containers were listed under Containers, and from there I noticed that sample_project_redis container had an ip address of
As a final solution I tried to use internal ip address of the redis container:
From sample_project_api container I run redis-cli -h ping and it return with PONG which it worked.
So my problem is that I can not connect to the redis server from other containers using ip address of or but I can connect using which changes every time I restart docker container. What is the reason behind this ?
Containers have a namespaced network. Each container has its own loopback interface and an ip for the container per network you attach to. Therefore loopback or in one container is that container and not the redis ip. To connect to redis, use the service name in your commands, which docker will resolve to the ip of the container running redis:
