Example-Swift.h not found - ios

I'm developing an iOS framework that mixes Objective C and Swift code. Build fails at the #import "Example-Swift.h" line with 'Example-Swift.h' file not found.
The header file does get generated, I can find it at:
I tried all of the upvoted solutions on Stack Overflow, none worked. The only fix is manually adding the directory to User Header Search Paths in build settings.
I must be doing something wrong though if other people don't have to manually add the header path. Also, when users of this framework include it as a pod, they need to do update the build settings as well, which I really want to avoid.
So, is there a solution to this that's not an ugly hack? I'm using XCode 9.0.1. I wish Xcode / iOS had a normal build system... coming from Linux/Android, I like many things about the iOS ecosystem but the build system is just ridiculous.

I've seen this problem in a mixed Objective-C/Swift framework and my solution was to include the module name as the directory part of the include. In your case it would be
#import "Example/Example-Swift.h"
instead of
#import "Example-Swift.h"
This is actually documented in the Importing Swift into Objective-C subsection of Importing Code from Within the Same Framework Target at https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/Swift/Conceptual/BuildingCocoaApps/MixandMatch.html


Xcode AFHTTPSessionManager.h file not found

I'm a newcomer to Xcode and native iOS development, having had previous experience on Android native and React native. I inherited an Objective-C codebase for an iOS application, which has not been touched for about 2 years. I tried to build the project on an iOS simulator, but I encountered this error during the build.
I have seen quite a few posts on StackOverflow where "xxxx.h" file is not found, however, I was unable to find a definitive solution. As you can see in the screenshots below, the AFHTTPSessionManager.h file is indeed in the Pods folder, however, for some reason, the header file just cannot be found.
What I have tried is to add the full path of where the file is found into the Header Search in the build settings for both the project and the pods directory.
Some help is very much appreciated so I can start working on the project. Thank you!
When you're importing files inside your module/framework, you use #import "file.h"
But when you need to use an instance defined in an other framework, you can't do that. You need to import that framework header file, in this case #import <AFNetworking.h>, or #import AFNetworking;

Xcode refuses to let me import Swift files to Objective-C files ('projectname-swift.h' not found)

I downloaded this Xcode project and I want to use my Swift files in the Objective-C files but the 'OpenShop-Swift.h' file not found error refuses to go away.
I have tried what seems like every solution on Stack Overflow, including from here and here. Most other solutions were duplicates of the common:
In build settings, set defines module to yes and product module name for the target to your project name and make sure objective-c generated interface header name is correct.
This top solution seemed promising but I am having trouble understanding what he was saying.
If you decide to give it a whirl, just know that the project lacks a working backend and won't compile properly if you get past the file not found error. But, if you add to one of the .m files you should be able to get the error before the project finishes compiling.
Technically, this is not a duplicate since all the other solutions have failed.
I have found the solution thanks to #skladek. I created a swift file and allowed Xcode to create a bridging header file for me when it asked, and the error went away.
I thought the bridging header file (OpenShop-Bridging-Header.h) was to allow the importation of Obj-C code to Swift files and not vice-versa. Thus far everything I have read on the internet has corroborated this, so it's not clear to me why this solution works. Thanks to #skladek once again.

Importing a library in to an Xcode 7 project

So I am trying to add a static library to my project in order to interface with a scanner. I have linked the binary in build phases to the libCaptuvoSDK.a, put the Captuvo.h header file in the project folder, and finally set the project to always search the user paths and added $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR) recursive to the user header search paths. After doing all this I am trying to use #import "Captuvo.h" in my ViewController.swift file and getting the 2 errors Expected identifier in import declaration, and Expected expression. I have tried different combinations of importing and none of them seem to make a difference so I am led to believe the issue is with my process of adding the library.
I am new to Xcode and have never used a third party library in an application before so I feel I may be making a simple mistake or just misinterpreting things. Any help is appreciated!
Okay so I managed to fix my issue! I had imported the static library properly but the real issue was the header file. I fixed my issue by creating a new file in my projects folder named Quick-Scan-Bridging-Header.h. Inside that file is where the #import "Captuvo.h" line belonged. Once that was done I opened the Quick Scan apps build settings and under Objective-C Bridging Header I added the path Quick Scan/Quick-Scan-Bridging-Header. I also added the Header Search Path $(BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR)
After I did all this I am able to use the Captuvo classes in my ViewController.swift file.

external framework File/File.h (Parse/Parse.h) file not found

So every time I update my app, Xcode claims not to be able to find a particular external framework even though it's there. It's happened again with Xcode 6 and my usual methods (I'm fairly inexperienced, so these basically involve clicking and typing things until something happens (I exaggerate but not by much)) aren't working.
I'm getting a Lexical or Preprocessor Issue error that says 'Parse/Parse.h' file not found.' But here are screenshots of it in the project and added to the library:
I also followed the steps in the most upvoted answer at ‘ld: warning: directory not found for option’ but still nothing.
Any idea what to do? Any idea at all? I'm tearing my hair out here.
Actually I was facing the same problem but after doing lots of (removing/adding parse framework) efforts I come to know that parse.framework is already added and error was still there.
Real Problem was not in link Binary for main project but it was with Tests link Binary.
Lets say your project name is "project1" and Xcode create one more folder with it called "project1Tests". So select "project1Tests" and add parse.framework in link Binary.
Check out the hierarchy:
project1Tests (you need to select this to add parse framework).
Hope this would help you resolve this issue.
I had this error also. I'm developing in Swift, so I added a "bridge header" as described in this Parse blog post.
The reason I got the "Parse.h not found" was that my project name contained spaces. (For project name I mean the Product Name you enter when creating a new project, which determines your folder's name.) The first day all went well, but after closing and opening Xcode, it turns out that Xcode interprets the words separated by spaces as different paths.
To fix this, you can go to Build Settings -> Search Paths -> Framework Search Paths and add an "\" before each space. (If you double click the path you'll see that Xcode shows each word separated by space as a different entry.)
Also note that the bridge header with #import <Parse/Parse.h> it's not compulsory: you can simply do import Parse.
All I had to do was remove Parse.framework from this list by highlighting and pressing delete.
Then I went down to the plus sign at the bottom of that list and had to select Add Other and manually locate the downloaded .framework file.
In my case, the error went away after I added the path to the directory where Parse.framework was to the Frameworks Search Paths Build Setting:
My project didn't even have an entry for that setting, so you may need to create it as well.
I had the same issue when upgrading parse to 1.4v. You have to delete Parse.framework from Framework List and from the project directory, when removed from both places copy again and check "Copy items to destination's group folder". It worked for me.
Its work for me.
Just go to Build Active Architecture Only and Debug should be yes and Release should be No
In my case I had to do one more thing additional to Sukhchais' answer.
It seems that though the parse.framework appears in the 'link Binary with Libraries' list for the targets, they might not have linked properly for some reason. Just remove parse.framework from the list and add it again as mentioned. By that way I was able to resolve my issue.
Just to Share my findings in case if somebody might have the same issue:
Accidentally we had two references of Parse.framework inside our source code base at two different places. And a reference of Parse.framework was linked in Build Phases of the target, from the first place. But when the app is compiled, Xcode was not smart enough to get a reference and trowed an error: "Lexical or Preprocessor Issue" error when "Parse/Parse.h" is imported in .pch file.
After spending couple of hours by trying various options, removed a reference of Parse.framework from the source base and kept only a single reference. This solved the issue.
And the app compiled successfully :)
For people coming from Ionic + Cordova if you are getting this error I solved it by removing my current parsePlugin and replacing it with this fork.
For simplicity, I used these console commands (Replace PARSE_APP_ID and PARSE_CLIENT_KEY with your keys in the Parse Console):
cordova plugin rm com.parse.cordova.core.pushPlugin
cordova plugin add https://github.com/grrrian/phonegap-parse-plugin --variable APP_ID=PARSE_APP_ID --variable CLIENT_KEY=PARSE_CLIENT_KEY
Ok, so I was having this problem as well. I uninstalled all my pods, reinstalled them again, and had no luck.
So the good news (and bad news considering the time I spent trying to find the problem) is that I eventually managed to solve it. Apparently, you have to import Foundation/Foundation.h before parse. I don't know whether this will work for you or not, but I tried everything on the net, and only this seemed to work. If you have any instances of this:
#import <Parse/Parse.h>
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
flip it around so that Foundation is declared first:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <Parse/Parse.h>
I also read somewhere that some people had issues with Facebook SDK and Parse SDK import. Apparently, the two have Bolt.Framework in common or something, which causes error. I removed Facebook SDK as well, which at first didn't make any difference. I hope I could help.

iOS XCode Apple LLVM 5.1 Error Too Many Errors Semantic Issues

First of all, my project builds fine initially.
Then I integrate VideoStream SDK for iOS into a standalone app, and it works.
Then I integrate VideoStream SDK into my actual project, and set up search paths for header files for the library, but then my project gets these issues:
I'd have a look if one of your source header files has the same name as a standard C++ or C header file. Quite possibly this prevents inclusion of the standard header file that defines struct tm. Look if there is a file "time.h" or "locale.h" or something like that has become part of your project.
I have not seen this solution posted ANYWHERE after so much time googling since the time I posted, but I disabled Always Search User Paths under Search Paths of Build Settings, and the project built.
