invalid extension element: "mime:part" when parsing wsdl - wsdl

I have a problem with importing (generating client code from wsdl) of wsdl file:
idea$ wsimport
parsing WSDL...
[ERROR] invalid extension element: "mime:part" (in namespace "")
Failed to parse the WSDL.
idea$ wsimport -version
wsimport version "2.2.9"

Using Apache CXF wsdl2java helped me.


Unable to generate classes for swagger

I am using the following config to generate swagger:
java: 6
swagger-codegen-maven-plugin: 2.1.3
io.swagger: 1.5.0
com.fasterxml.jackson.core: 2.7.0
When i run maven install(from intellij), get this error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal io.swagger:swagger-codegen-maven-plugin:2.1.3:generate (default) on project <project>: Execution default of goal io.swagger:swagger-codegen-maven-plugin:2.1.3:generate failed: An API incompatibility was encountered while executing io.swagger:swagger-codegen-maven-plugin:2.1.3:generate: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: JVMCFRE003 bad major version; class=io/swagger/parser/SwaggerParser, offset=6
Can someone please help with it?
Swagger Codegen requires Java 8 or later.

Can not add WSDL

I have a problem when I try to add a WDSL to my repository. In order to explain my problem, those are steps I followed :
I created a service "test" in version 1.0.0 (service namespace = "common")
I added this service to my repository
I added a schema "test0.xsd" with a namespace "" in version 1.0.0
When I try to add finally a WSDL with this definition :
<wsdl:definitions targetNamespace=""
I get the following error :
"Unable to upload file File upload failed. Failed to add resource
/_system/governance/trunk/wsdls/#{namespace}/1.0.0/TestGedService.wsdl. Invalid WSDL definition found"
I do not know at all where is the error(s) and why I have this message.

Up gradation issue while migrate the struts version 2.2.1 from struts

Server: Weblogic
IDE: Intellej IDEA
Hi, I'm trying to migrate the struts version from 2.2.1 to
Added the required jars for Struts version by following the below URL's
but getting the following error:
Could not load user defined filter in web.xml:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/lang3/StringUtils
at com.opensymphony.xwork2.config.providers.XmlConfigurationProvider.register(
at org.apache.struts2.config.StrutsXmlConfigurationProvider.register(
at com.opensymphony.xwork2.config.impl.DefaultConfiguration.reloadContainer(
at com.opensymphony.xwork2.config.ConfigurationManager.getConfiguration(
at org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.Dispatcher.getContainer(
Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
As error suggests "StringUtils" class not found in the Commons-lang3 jar but i already added the commons-lang3-3.2 jar
but still I'm facing the same error above i mentioned.
Added Jars in the pom.xml
struts2-core,commons-fileupload 1.3.1,commons-io 2.4,ognl 3.0.6,javassist 3.11.0.GA,freemarker 2.3.22,xwork-core,asm 3.3,asm-commons 3.3,commons-lang3 3.2,servlet-api 2.4,jsp-api 2.0,log4j 1.2.17
Could anyone suggest me how to solve this issue?

Trouble including external jar required for an import in a src/java/{somename}.java in a grails-app( grails2.0)

I need a DHTMLXCONNECTOR.jar (a connector executable jar) in my grails app to use with my application otherwise i get errors like :
error compiling in javac connot find symbol : import com.dhtmlx.connector
please help !I tried grails install-dependencies dhtmlxconnector .. Is it, that i need to edit the buildconfig file ? like something similar to uncommenting runtime for mysql ?
(grails 2.0.1)
Add your dependency to the dependencies section of BuildConfig.groovy.
For example to add the dependency with
groupId: org.jsoup
artifactId: jsoup
version: 1.6.1
dependencies {
compile 'org.jsoup:jsoup:1.6.1'

ftp task hangs with ant

I'm trying to pull out the file through ftp within ant, it get hung with after printing "getting files", so I enabled debug in ant and my output is
[root#LODIVM11SE001 net]# ant -d -f ftp_t.xml
Apache Ant version 1.6.5 compiled on June 2 2005
Buildfile: ftp_t.xml
Adding reference: ant.PropertyHelper
Detected Java version: 1.5 in: /root/jdk1.6.0_10/jre
Detected OS: Linux
Adding reference: ant.ComponentHelper
Setting ro project property: ant.version -> Apache Ant version 1.6.5 compiled on June 2 2005
Setting ro project property: ant.file -> /Test_Framework/tasks/net/ftp_t.xml
Adding reference: ant.projectHelper
Adding reference: ant.parsing.context
Adding reference: ant.targets
parsing buildfile /Test_Framework/tasks/net/ftp_t.xml with URI = file:///Test_Framework/tasks/net/ftp_t.xml
Setting ro project property: -> FTP simple interface - ftp.xml
Adding reference: FTP simple interface - ftp.xml
Setting ro project property: ant.file.FTP simple interface - ftp.xml -> /Test_Framework/tasks/net/ftp_t.xml
Project base dir set to: /Test_Framework/tasks/net
+Target: ftpget
Setting project property: ftpServerName -> xxxxx
Setting project property: ftpUser -> xxxxx
Setting project property: ftpPassword -> xxxx
Setting project property: ftpRemoteDir -> /test
Setting project property: ftpRemoteFile -> ReadMe.txt
Setting project property: ftpLocalDir -> /local/test
Attempting to create object of type
Adding reference: ant.executor
Build sequence for target(s) `ftpget' is [ftpget]
Complete build sequence is [ftpget, ]
[echo] FTP getting 'ReadMe.txt' from '/test' to '/local/test'
[ftp] Opening FTP connection to xxxxx
[ftp] connected
[ftp] logging in to FTP server
[ftp] login succeeded
[ftp] changing the remote directory
[ftp] getting files
Could not load a dependent class (com/sun/media/jai/codec/FileSeekableStream) for type image
Could not load a dependent class (com/jcraft/jsch/UserInfo) for type sshexec
Could not load a dependent class (com/jcraft/jsch/UserInfo) for type scp
Could not load a dependent class (jdepend/xmlui/JDepend) for type jdepend
Could not load a dependent class (junit/framework/Test) for type junit
fileset: Setup scanner in dir /local/test with patternSet{ includes: [ReadMe.txt] excludes: [] }
My code
<target name="ftpget" description="Get file over FTP">
<fail message="Build Abrted! Failed to find property:ftpRemoteFile" unless="ftpRemoteFile"/>
<fail message="Build Abrted! Failed to find property:ftpLocalDir" unless="ftpLocalDir"/>
<echo message="FTP getting '${ftpRemoteFile}' from '${ftpRemoteDir}' to '${ftpLocalDir}'"/>
<ftp action="get"
<fileset dir="${ftpLocalDir}">
<include name="${ftpRemoteFile}"/>
Note: Normal ftp is working fine. I'm using Linux 64bit, ant 1.6.5 and java 1.6.10
Looks like everything works fine until you actually try and retrieve the data. FTP uses two channels; one for control and one for data. This works out fine until a firewall denies the data connection. Passive mode attempts to work around this. Does your FTP library work have a 'passive mode', or 'PASV' option?
Ant FTP task has require dependencies, Libraries that must be on classpath for it to function properly. See link below,
To use the FTP task, you need jakarta-oro 2.0.8 or later, and commons-net
