i'm trying to make a graph database from an edgelist and i'm kind of new with neo4j so i have this problem. First of all, the edgelist i got is like this:
geneId geneSymbol diseaseId diseaseName score
10 NAT2 C0005695 Bladder Neoplasm 0.245871429880008
10 NAT2 C0013182 Drug Allergy 0.202681755307501
100 ADA C0002170 Alopecia 0.2
100 ADA C0002880 Autoimmune hemolytic anemia 0.2
100 ADA C0004096 Asthma 0.21105290517153
i have a lot of relationships like that (165k) between gen and diseases associated.
I want to make a bipartite network in which nodes are gen or diseases, so i upload the data like this:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///path/curated_gene_disease_associations.tsv" as row FIELDTERMINATOR '\t'
MERGE (g:Gene{geneId:row.geneId})
ON CREATE SET g.geneSymbol = row.geneSymbol
MERGE (d:Disease{diseaseId:row.diseaseId})
ON CREATE SET d.diseaseName = row.diseaseName
after a while (which is way longer than what it takes in R to upload the nodes using igraph), it's done and i got the nodes, i used MERGE because i don't want to repeat the gen/disease. The problem is that i don't know how to make the relationships, i've searched and they always use something like
MATCH (g:Gene {geneId: toInt(row.geneId)}), (d:Disease {diseaseId: toInt(row.geneId)})
CREATE (g)-[:RELATED_TO]->(d);
But when i run it it says that there are no changes. I've seen the neo4j tutorial but when they do the relations they don't work with edgelists so maybe the problem is when i merge the nodes so they don't repeat. I'd appreciate any help!
Looks like there might be two problems with your relationship query:
1) You're inserting (probably) as a string type (no toInt), and doing the MATCH query as an integer type (with toInt).
2) You're MATCHing the Disease node on row.geneId, not row.diseaseId.
Try the following modification:
MATCH (g:Gene {geneId: row.geneId}), (d:Disease {diseaseId: row.diseaseId})
CREATE (g)-[:RELATED_TO]->(d);
#DanielKitchener's answer seems to address your main question.
With respect to the slowness of creating the nodes, you should create indexes (or uniqueness constraints, which automatically create indexes as well) on these label/property pairs:
For example, execute these 2 statements separately:
CREATE INDEX ON :Gene(geneId);
CREATE INDEX ON :Disease(diseaseId);
Once the DB has those indexes, your MERGE clauses should be much faster, as they would not have to scan through all existing Gene or Disease nodes to find possible matches.
I have a graph containing some nodes with :SubSystem labels. I want to add a new node with a :Document label and create relationships with each of the existing :SubSystem nodes.
When I execute this statement:
MATCH (s:SubSystem)
CREATE (d:Document {title:'New Document'})
CREATE (d)-[:DEPICTS]->(s);
I was surprised when Neo4j created a new :Document node for each :SubSystem. I have 12 sub-systems, so I ended up with 12 new documents each related to one sub-system. I would have expected this behavior had I written:
MATCH (s:SubSystem)
CREATE (:Document {title:'New Document'})-[:DEPICTS]->(s);
But I was expecting that separating the CREATE clauses would create 1 document then create relationships between that document and each of the sub-systems.
Can someone explain why this doesn't work as I was expecting.
I found a solution. This statement does what I wanted, but I still think my original attempt should have worked.
CREATE (d:Document {title:'New Document'})
WITH d MATCH (s:SubSystem) CREATE (d)-[:DEPICTS]->(s);
A MATCH clause generates one or more result rows (or aborts the query if no results are found). A subsequent read/write clause would be executed once per row. Rearranging the order of the clauses, as you did, is one way to work around that (when possible).
I am working on creating a graph database in neo4j for a CALL dataset. The dataset is stored in csv file with following columns: Source, Target, Timestamp, Duration. Here Source and Target are Person id's (numeric), Timestamp is datetime and duration is in seconds (integer).
I modeled my graph where person are nodes(person_id as property) and call as relationship (time and duration as property).
There are around 2,00,000 nodes and around 70 million relationships. I have a separate csv files with person id's which I used to create the nodes. I also added uniqueness constraint on the Person id's.
CREATE CONSTRAINT ON ( person:Person ) ASSERT (person.pid) IS UNIQUE
I didn't completely understand the working of bulk import so I wrote a python script to split my csv into 70 csv's where each csv has 1 million nodes (saved as calls_0, calls_1, .... calls_69). I took the initiative to manually run a cypher query changing the filename every time. It worked well(fast enough) for first few(around 10) files but then I noticed that after adding relationship from a file, the import is getting slower for the next file. Now it is taking almost 25 minutes for importing a file.
Can someone link me to an efficient and easy way of doing it?
Here is the cypher query:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///calls/calls_28.csv' AS line
WITH toInteger(line.Source) AS Source,
datetime(replace(line.Time,' ','T')) AS time,
toInteger(line.Target) AS Target,
toInteger(line.Duration) AS Duration
MATCH (p1:Person {pid: Source})
MATCH (p2:Person {pid: Target})
MERGE (p1)-[rel:CALLS {time: time, duration: Duration}]->(p2)
RETURN count(rel)
I am using Neo4j 4.0.3
Your MERGE clause has to check for an existing matching relationship (to avoid creating duplicates). If you added a lot of relationships between Person nodes, that could make the MERGE clause slower.
You should consider whether it is safe for you to use CREATE instead of MERGE.
Is much better if you export the match using the ID of each node and then create the relationship.
CREATE INDEX ON :Person(`pid`);
CALL apoc.export.csv.query("LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///calls/calls_28.csv' AS line
WITH toInteger(line.Source) AS Source,
datetime(replace(line.Time,' ','T')) AS time,
toInteger(line.Target) AS Target,
toInteger(line.Duration) AS Duration
MATCH (p1:Person {pid: Source})
MATCH (p2:Person {pid: Target})
RETURN ID(a) AS ida,ID(b) as idb,time,Duration","rels.csv", {});
and then
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:////rels.csv' AS row
MATCH (a:Person) WHERE ID(a) = toInt(row.ida)
MATCH (b:Person) WHERE ID(b) = toInt(row.idb)
MERGE (b)-[:CALLS {time: row.time, duration: Duration}]->(a);
For me this is the best way to do this.
I am experimenting with Neo4j using a simple dataset of Locations. A location can have a relation to another relation.
a:Location - [rel] - b:Location
I already have the locations in the database (roughly 700.000+ Location entries)
Now I wanted to add the relation data (170M Edges), but I wanted to experiment with the import logic with a smaller set first, so I basically picked 2 nodes that are in the set and tried to create a relationship as follows.
MERGE p =(a:Location {locationid: 3616})-[w:WikiLink]->(b:Location {locationid: 467501})
and also tried the approach directly from the docu
MATCH (a:Person),(b:Person)
WHERE a.name = 'Node A' AND b.name = 'Node B'
CREATE (a)-[r:RELTYPE { name : a.name + '<->' + b.name }]->(b)
I tried using a directional merge, undirectional merge, etc. etc. I basically tried multiple variants of the above queries and the result is: They run forever, seeming to no complete even after 15 minutes. Which is very odd.
ON :Location(locationid) ONLINE (for uniqueness constraint)
ON (location:Location) ASSERT location.locationid IS UNIQUE
This is what I am currently using:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///edgelist.csv' AS line WITH line
MATCH (a:Location {locationid: toInt(line.locationidone)}), (b:Location {locationid: toInt(line.locationidtwo)})
MERGE (a)-[w:WikiLink {weight: toFloat(line.edgeweight)}]-(b)
If you look at the terminal output below you can see Neo4j reports 258ms query execution time, the realtime is however somewhat above that. This query already takes a few seconds too much in my opinion (The machine this runs on has 48GB RAM, 16 Cores and is relatively new).
I am currently running this query with LIMIT 1000 (before it was LIMIT 1) but the script is already running for a few minutes. I wonder if I have to switch from MERGE to CREATE. The problem is, I cannot understand the callgraph that EXPLAIN gives me in order to determine the bottleneck.
time /usr/local/neo4j/bin/neo4j-shell -file import-relations.cql
| p |
| [Node[758609]{title:"Tehran",locationid:3616,locationlabel:"NIL"},:WikiLink[9422418]{weight:1.2282325516616477E-7},Node[917147]{title:"Khorugh",locationid:467501,locationlabel:"city"}] |
1 row
Relationships created: 1
Properties set: 1
258 ms
real 0m1.417s
user 0m1.497s
sys 0m0.158s
If you haven't:
create constraint on loc:Location assert loc.locationid is unique;
Then find both nodes, and create the releationship.
MATCH (a:Location {locationid: 3616}),(b:Location {locationid: 467501})
MERGE p = (a)-[w:WikiLink]->(b)
or if the locations don't exist yet:
MERGE (a:Location {locationid: 3616})
MERGE (b:Location {locationid: 467501})
MERGE p = (a)-[w:WikiLink]->(b)
You should also use parameters if you do that from a program.
Have you indexed the Location nodes on locationid?
CREATE INDEX ON :Location(locationid)
I had a similar problem adding edges to a graph and indexing the nodes led to the linking running over 150x faster.
If the nodes aren't indexed neo4j will do a serial search for the two nodes to link together.
Specifies number of records(rows) to be commited in a transaction. Since you have high RAM, it is good to use value that is greater than 100000. This will reduce the number of transactions committed and might further reduce the overall time.
I have a database in Neo4j of modules that I imported through CSV. The data looks something like this. Each module has its name, it's module that is the successor, average time duration and another duration called medtime.
I have been able to import the data and to set the relationships through a Cypher Query script that looks like this:
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:c:/users/Skelo/Desktop/Neo4J related/Statistic Dependencies/Simple.csv" AS row FIELDTERMINATOR ';'
CREATE (n:Module)
SET n = row, n.name = row.name, n.mafter = row.mafter, n.avgtime = row.avgtime, n.medtime = row.medtime
Then I have set the relationships like this:
Match (p:Module),(q:Module)
Where p.mafter = q.name
Merge (p)-[:PRECEEDS]->(q)
Return p,q
Now to the point. I want to calculate the shortest path from a certain module to another, more specifically the time that it takes to get from a module to another and for this, I use the more or less copied part of the script from
http://www.neo4j.org/graphgist?8412907 and that is
MATCH p = (trop:Module {name:'BLSACXAMT0A_00'})-[prec:PRECEEDS*]->(hop:Module {name:'BL_LOAD_CLOSE'})
WITH p, REDUCE(x = 0, a IN NODES(p) | x + a.avgtime) AS cum_duration
ORDER BY cum_duration DESC
RETURN cum_duration AS `Total Average Time`
This, however, takes about 50 second to execute and that is outrageous. You can see it on the screenshot right below. The ammount of modules imported into the database is only about 2000 and what I want to achieve, is to successfully work with more than 50 000 nodes and perform such tasks much faster.
Other issue is, that the results are somehow suspicious. The format looks wrong, every number I have in the database has max 4 digits after the decimal point and I am only adding these values to zero, therefore if the result looks like this: 00103,68330,51670, I have serious doubts. Please, help me, if it is wrong, why is it so, and what can I do to correct it.
Neo4j claims that it is efficient and fast, therefore I presume that the fault is in my code (the performance of my computer is more than enough). Please, If you can, help me to shorten this time and explain the patterns needed to perform this.
A few observations that should help:
You have several errors in how you are importing. These errors will create many more nodes than you think, and create the "suspicious" issue you raised:
Your file has multiple rows with the same name, but your import is creating a new Module node every time. Therefore, you are ending up with multiple nodes for some of your modules. You should be using MERGE instead of CREATE.
Your mafter property needs to contain a collection of strings, not a single string.
You are importing the numeric values as strings, so code such as x + a.avgtime is just doing string concatenation, not numeric addition. Furthermore, even if you did attempt to convert your strings to numbers, that would fail because your numbers use a comma instead of a period to indicate the decimal place.
Try this for importing (into an empty DB):
LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:c:/users/Skelo/Desktop/Neo4J related/Statistic Dependencies/Simple.csv" AS row FIELDTERMINATOR ';'
MERGE (n:Module {name: row.name})
n.mafter = [row.mafter],
n.avgtime = TOFLOAT(REPLACE(row.avgtime, ',', '.')),
n.medtime = TOFLOAT(REPLACE(row.medtime, ',', '.'))
n.mafter = n.mafter + row.mafter;
You also need to change your current merge query so that you can handle an mafter that is a collection. Note that the following query is designed to NOT create any new nodes (even if a name in mafter does not yet have a module node).
MATCH (p:Module)
WITH p, COLLECT(z.name) AS existing
WITH p, filter(x IN p.mafter
WHERE NOT x IN existing) AS todo
MATCH (q:Module)
WHERE q.name IN todo
MERGE (p)-[:PRECEEDS]->(q)
RETURN p, q;
You should create an index to speed up the matching of modules by name:
CREATE INDEX ON :Module(name)
Cypher does have a shortestPath function, see http://neo4j.com/docs/stable/query-match.html#_shortest_path. However this calculates the shortest path based on the number of hops and does not take a weight into account.
Neo4j has couple of graph algorithms on board, e.g. Dijekstra or AStar. Unfortunately these are not yet available via cypher. Instead you have two alternatives to use them:
1) write an unmanaged extension to Neo4j and use GraphAlgoFactory in the implmentation. This requires to write same java code and deploy it to the Neo4j server. Using a custom CostEvaluator you can use the avgTime property on your nodes as cost parameter.
2) use the REST API as documented on http://neo4j.com/docs/stable/rest-api-graph-algos.html#rest-api-execute-a-dijkstra-algorithm-and-get-a-single-path. This approach requires to have the weight as a property on the relationship and not on a node (like in your data model)
Usually I am building relationships between nodes while loading from CSV files. Here is a statement written cypher I used this time to build relationships between nodes. The Language nodes are 39K and the Description nodes are 2M.
MATCH (d:Description),(l:Language)
> WHERE d.description_language = l.language_name
> CREATE (d)-[r:HAS_LANGUAGE]->(l);
After a long, run the error I got is:
Self-suppression not permitted
I have created indexes on for the properties to be used in the relationship.
ON :Description(woka_id) ONLINE
ON :Description(description_language) ONLINE
ON :Language(language_id) ONLINE (for uniqueness constraint)
ON :Language(language_name) ONLINE (for uniqueness constraint)
What I am doing wrong here causing such a long time to complete the relationships creation (more than 10 hours)?
You are dealing with a very large cartesian product at the filter step:
WHERE d.description_language = l.language_name
You could try to MATCH the Descriptions, group them by their description_language and CREATE the relationships from there:
MATCH (d:Description)
WITH d.description_language AS dl, collect(d) as all_d_for_lang
MATCH (l:Language {language_name: dl})
UNWIND all_d_for_lang AS d
If you look at the PROFILE of this query you'll see there are less DB hits (limit the number of descriptions in the first MATCH for testing).
In general, I think the best way would be to use your CSV files to generate relationships when you create the nodes, i.e. do this application side, not on the database.
Since you are creating relationships from every Description node and there are 2M of them I would just grab the description that are not yet matched and do them in smaller batches.
Something like...
match (d:Description)
where not ( d-[:HAS_LANGUAGE]->() )
with d
limit 200000
match (l:Language {language_name: d.description_language} )
create d-[:HAS_LANGUAGE]->l