iOS Remote Debugging in Windows - ios

I used to be able to hook an iPad up to my PC on USB and launch Firefox WebIDE to debug web development projects on the iPad.
This appears to no longer be working due to an extremely vague notice on Firefox website:
How can I debug a website on the iPad using Windows?


Xamarin - Remote Mac emulation

I'm running Visual Studio 2019 on a Windows 10 machine and have developed a simple Xamarin app.
I've got a Mac mini, with XCode on it, on the same network.
In VS when I select the IOS project and choose debug the Mac mini successfully pairs to the Windows machine. However, nothing is displaying or shows up on the Mac mini.
My understanding is I'd see the app running or being emulated on the Mac at this point.
I'm not getting any error messages on either box or in VS.

How to access to Windows localhost on iOS 10.3.3

We are developing a Progressive Web Application and we would like to preview changes on Safari on my phone before building it. However, we have issues accessing our localhost website (on Windows 10) on my iPhone 6.
It worked on an iPhone connected to the same Wifi with iOS 11.X doing :
ng serve --open --host=
and then writing in safari :
But with iOS 10.3.3, this method seems to be blocked by Apple because we can only see the background-color, and the website's name.
We have tried to this method :
We have also tried localtunnel, works fine with Android and Windows but still not on iOS 10.3.3 iPhone.
It seems to be iOS and not Safari because it doesn't work with Chrome neither.
Hope we will find a solution because we have to build everytime to check if changes work.
Did you try
ng serve --host -port 4200 --disable-host-check
The disable host check flag should only be used for development.

Can ios simulator can be run in Windows

I m working on appium scripting for mobile application automation testing.
I m able to simulate android device using the emulator and run the script in the emulator.
Now my next task is to run in ios. Please let me know it is possible to do it in ios emulator in Windows machine. If so some headsup on it.
You can not. There are platforms like React Native, Flutter, Xamarin, etc which enables you develop iOS applications; but when it comes to debugging and deployment, you have to have a macOS, which in turn requires a Macintosh machine.
Yess you can use Remote simulator to windows by enabling it under
Tools >> Option >> Xamarin >> IOS setting >> Remote simulator to windows.
But you still need active mac agent connection to build your app
You can use Appium studio free community edition for testing iOS physical device from windows machine.
note:- I have tested appium studio personally and think it will be useful for others.

Deploy/testing Apache Cordova apps to ios devices without Mac

I have an ipad Mini 2 and I need to test my JavaScript Cordova applications in it. So far, I can only run in a simulator.
I don't have a Mac nor an Apple developer account. I don't want to publish my app.
Is it possible to deploy to my physical ios device without Mac, similar to USB Debugging with Android devices?
I'm using Visual Studio 2015 Community.

How to launch an ASP.NET MVC 4 Web application in the Windows Phone 8 emulator (pref. from Visual Studio)?

It could be that I'm overlooking the obvious, but how do I launch an ASP.NET MVC 4 application, being developed in Visual Studio 2012, in the Windows Phone 8 emulator? I've installed the WP8 SDK, and am able to debug Windows Phone apps in the WP8 emulator from Visual Studio, but there is no such option to launch the emulator from an MVC project. I am also unable to start the emulator directly, as it doesn't show up when I search for 'emulator' in the Windows 8 Metro screen.
My guess at this point is that there's no way of launching a Web application in the WP8 emulator directly from Visual Studio 2012. The jury's still out on how to start the emulator application from Windows 8 (i.e. not via Visual Studio) though :(
The only way I'm currently able to start the WP8 emulator is to launch a WP8 app in it from Visual Studio 2012.
The workaround I've found is to debug a WP8 app in the emulator via Visual Studio, stop debugging while not closing the emulator, open the Web app project in Visual studio, start it and navigate to it in the WP8 emulator.
Note that you must provide your computer's IP address to the browser, as the emulated WP8 is running as a separate host on the network. As such, you must also configure IIS Express to allow access via said IP address and also configure the firewall to let HTTP traffic on the port in question through.
