String passed to web service inserts Unicode escape - ios

I have a location start and destination which come from LocationServices framework.
The address line is a Swift String. However, when it is passed to a service as a parameter, it goes with \U2013 inserted.
If the string is "100198 Commerce St", it would be like
"100\U2013198 Commerce St"
\U2013 is getting inserted and I don't have any idea from where.

You are trying to convert the Unicode string to a 8-bit string. Try this function to get your required string.
func convertString(string: String) -> String {
if let data = String.Encoding.ascii, allowLossyConversion: true) {
return String.init(data: data, encoding: .ascii)!
return ""

The address line has a unicode character and when you pass it to your service, it is encoded with non-unicode (probably UTF-8) encoding.
That is a broad topic, I'd suggest you looking into string encoding subject in general.


Decode a JSON object escaped in a String

I get a response from an API (unfortunately, I cannot change it) that looks something like (just an example):
As bytes => "{\"key\":\"value\"}"
The starting and ending quotes and the escaped quotes are all part of the response, I am solving it in a really ugly way that looks like this:
// (...) Receiving response
guard var responseString = String(bytes: data, encoding: .utf8) else {
print("Response wasn't just a string, great!") // unfortunately, this never happens
responseString = responseString.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines) // make sure it is trimmed
responseString = String(responseString.dropFirst()) // drop the quote at the start
responseString = String(responseString.dropLast()) // drop the quote at the end
responseString = responseString.replacingOccurrences(of: "\\\"", with: "\"")// convert all \" to " (and hope nothing else is escaped <<< this is really bad!!!)
let responseDataToDecode = .utf8)!
// (...) decoding with JSONDecoder
Is there a way to automatically unescape the string and use the JSON object that is contained in it?
If it's double-encoded, then you just need to double-decode. If I understand correctly, the incoming data is like this:
let str = #""{\"key\":\"value\"}""#
// "{\\"key\\":\\"value\\"}"
The first byte is ", the second byte is {, the third byte is \, the fourth byte is ".
That's a JSON-encoded string. So decode that as a string (there was a time when this didn't work because it's a "fragment," but it works fine currently, at least in all my tests):
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let string = try! decoder.decode(String.self, from: Data(str.utf8)) // {"key":"value"}
And then decode that as your type ([String:String] just for example):
let result = try! decoder.decode([String:String].self, from: Data(string.utf8))
// ["key": "value"]
(IMO this kind of double-encoding is fine, BTW, and I'm not sure why there are so many comments against it. Serializing an arbitrary object makes a lot more sense in many cases than forcing the schema to deal with an arbitrary structure. As long as it's cleanly encoded, I don't see any problem here.)
There's a first step: You need an official documented statement what exactly the format of your data is. It looks like someone took some data, turned it into JSON data, interpreted the data as a string, and then converted the string to a JSON fragment. It's not difficult to decode the JSON fragment, getting a string, turning the string into data, and decoding that data as JSON (starting with JSONSerialization and .allowFragments, probably the only time you should use .allowFragments in your life). Doing it without swearing is hard.
But first you want in writing that this is actually the format. Because I would bet that whoever is responsible for that data format will eventually change it without telling you and break your code.

How to identify UTF-8 encoded text from a string and convert it to smiley\emoticon in Swift

I am doing App which support Smiley/emoticons feature. From the backend I am getting response like this str = "Hferuhggeðððððfjjnjrnjgnejfnsgjen".
This string response has a UTF-8 encoded text in it, for the above str UTF-8 encode text is "ððððð".
Now I need to identify the location of the utf-8 encoded text from the response obtained, and convert that encoded text to an emoticon/smiley.
Finally I found solution if you decode string you will get smiley ,please find the code
let che = descriptionText.cString(using: .isoLatin1)
let decode_string = String(cString: che!, encoding: .utf8)
This worked for me.

What kind of encoding is this ? And what script should I use to decode this?

I have an encode string which I have to convert to a form which has HTML tags and display it in a webview. The encoded data I have is of this format :-
What kind of format is this and how do I convert it into text with html tags ?
I'm currently using this method but I'm getting a nil return value :
func urlDecode(_ htmlString: String) -> String {
var decodedURL = htmlString.replacingOccurrences(of: "+", with: " ")
decodedURL = decodedURL.removingPercentEncoding!
return decodedURL
So you are getting nil, which means that there is something in your string that is invalid. How could we find out what? Well it's certainly not spaces, so let's break your string into "words":
var decodedURL = htmlString.replacingOccurrences(of: "+", with: " ")
let chunks = decodedURL.components(separatedBy: " ")
and now try to decode each "word" and see which ones fail:
for chunk in chunks
let decoded = chunk.removingPercentEncoding
if decoded == nil
this outputs:
Now removingPercentEncoding decodes UTF-8, so checking each of those % sequences to see if they are valid UTF-8 shows that %91, %92 & %A0 are not. However they are valid Windows-1252 encodings - single curly quotes and the non-breaking space.
So you need to decode the string as Windows-1252 not UTF-8. Time for you to look in the documentation...
From apple,
A new string with the percent-encoded sequences removed, or nil if the
receiver contains an invalid percent-encoding sequence.You must call
this method only on strings that you know to be percent-encoded.
Calling this method on strings that are not percent-encoded can lead
to misinterpreting a percent character as the beginning of a
percent-encoded sequence.
You get nil because removingPercentEncoding does not recognize some of your percent encoding. I pasted it onto online parser and find out that %A0 and %92 seem to be suspicious.

Unicode to UTF8 in Swift

I am using the Maps API and when searching for some addresses in foreign countries, the address comes back with Unicode characters embedded like this:
"Place du Panth\U00e9on",
"75005 Paris"
The unicode character in this instance is \U00e9 which is é
The trouble I have having is that SwiftyJSON pukes if I have saved this data in a JSON file and try to read it back. SwiftyJSON does not like the back slash character '\' The JSON is valid and even if I could read it, it is still not good as I would rather have é displayed properly as well as all other Unicode characters.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to convert all unicode characters to UTF8 encoding of that character in Swift?
Should I just write a function that searches for all of the Unicode characters and then convert them?
Unless someone has a better idea, I just wrote this function that is doing the trick for me now.
func convertFromUnicode(var myString:String) -> String {
let convertDict:[String:String] = ["\\U00c0":"À", "\\U00c1" :"Á","\\U00c2":"Â","\\U00c3":"Ã","\\U00c4":"Ä","\\U00c5":"Å","\\U00c6":"Æ","\\U00c7":"Ç","\\U00c8":"È","\\U00c9":"É","\\U00ca":"Ê","\\U00cb":"Ë","\\U00cc":"Ì","\\U00cd":"Í","\\U00ce":"Î","\\U00cf":"Ï","\\U00d1":"Ñ","\\U00d2":"Ò","\\U00d3":"Ó","\\U00d4":"Ô","\\U00d5":"Õ","\\U00d6":"Ö","\\U00d8":"Ø","\\U00d9":"Ù","\\U00da":"Ú","\\U00db":"Û","\\U00dc":"Ü","\\U00dd":"Ý","\\U00df":"ß","\\U00e0":"à","\\U00e1":"á","\\U00e2":"â","\\U00e3":"ã","\\U00e4":"ä","\\U00e5":"å","\\U00e6":"æ","\\U00e7":"ç","\\U00e8":"è","\\U00e9":"é","\\U00ea":"ê","\\U00eb":"ë","\\U00ec":"ì","\\U00ed":"í","\\U00ee":"î","\\U00ef":"ï","\\U00f0":"ð","\\U00f1":"ñ","\\U00f2":"ò","\\U00f3":"ó","\\U00f4":"ô","\\U00f5":"õ","\\U00f6":"ö","\\U00f8":"ø","\\U00f9":"ù","\\U00fa":"ú","\\U00fb":"û","\\U00fc":"ü","\\U00fd":"ý","\\U00ff":"ÿ"]
for (key,value) in convertDict {
myString = myString.stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(key, withString: value)
return myString
Instead of hardcoding all the characters I would decode it with an extension like:
extension String {
var decoded : String {
let data = .utf8)
let message = String(data: data!, encoding: .nonLossyASCII) ?? ""
return message
and then you could use it like this:
let myString = "Place du Panth\\U00e9on"
Which would print Place du Panthéon

How to deal with a user input string that gives an "unprintable ascii character found in source file" error when pasted into Xcode?

I am working on an app that lets the user paste in text and then the app processes that text.
With a certain text string I am getting an "unprintable ascii character found in source file" error. The unprintable character appears to be a tab, but I'm not sure. Anyway, it is causing problems when I try to process the text.
How can I filter out this or other unprintable characters when I first save the string in a variable?
Or is there another way to deal with this?
Here's another way to do it.
This version also allows new line characters.
func convertString(string: String) -> String {
var data = string.dataUsingEncoding(NSASCIIStringEncoding, allowLossyConversion: true)
return NSString(data: data!, encoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding) as! String
If you are only interested in keeping printable ASCII characters, then this code should work.
extension String {
func printableAscii() -> String {
return String(bytes: filter(self.utf8){$0 >= 32}, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding) ?? ""
Note this will filter tabs and line feeds too which may not be expected. Unprintable ASCII are any values less than 0x20. Here is a Playground screen capture.
