* from where pair in ("ARSARS")&env=store:// - yahoo-finance

I have been using the following URL for the past 3 years without issue. However, it has stopped returning results.
URL: * from where pair in ("ARSARS")&env=store://
Now returns the following:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<query xmlns:yahoo="" yahoo:count="0" yahoo:created="2017-11-02T09:33:25Z" yahoo:lang="en-AU">
</query><!-- total: 9 -->
Notice how there are no results, it simply has the tag "results".
I have tried on this many different computers and browsers. I have also tried changing the currency combinations, but no luck.
Can anybody spot what I am doing wrong?

Yes, it looks like Yahoo has discontinued their Currency Converter API service.
I found a different site :
They let you request currency rates (1 USD = 168 other currencies). If you make less than 1000 requests per month, it is free (if you need more, they have different subscriptions :
You just need to sign up and receive your own Access Code. Once you have that, then you simply make the call and it will return JSON of the other currency rates.
They also have code examples in PHP, JavaScript, and Java at
Found it very easy to get started using their API right away.

I think the API is down.
I am similarly receiving "results"=nullfor the query:
Setting diagnostics=true in the request yields:
[execution-start-time] => 7
[execution-stop-time] => 12
[execution-time] => 5
[http-status-code] => 999
[http-status-message] => Request denied
[content] =>
If anyone knows more than me about what this might imply I'd be glad to hear it!

Yahoo is aware of this issue and their engineers are working on it:

Very sadly and quite outrageously Yahoo decided to stop this service without any warning.
See admin message here
So many services depend on it, it's like Google saying they would suddenly stop their maps API... At this point I am blocking yahoo in our DNS so no one in our company will ever use Yahoo again since they are not a reliable entity.


RubyGem 'steam-condenser' - .fetch method only time and fetch_games undefined method `[]'

I am trying to get some basic information from the Steam Community via the steam-condenser gem and so far the seems to work just fine with all the players information.
however when I do this (example)
player ="tiger")
stats = player.fetch_games
I get the following error message
Traceback (most recent call last):
1: from lib/assets/ruby/test.rb:15:in `<main>'
/home/zigs/.rbenv/versions/2.6.6/lib/ruby/gems/2.6.0/gems/steam-condenser-1.3.11/lib/steam/community/steam_id.rb:326:in `fetch_games': undefined method `[]' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
A lot of the information I need seems to be connected to the fetch_games (for example the method total_playtime(id))
Not sure why this is not working. I am lost. Any help or ideas are highly appreciated! Thank you!
TLDR; it looks like this gem no longer works.
the particular module that you're having trouble with is:
def fetch_games
games_data = parse "#{base_url}/games?xml=1"
#games = {}
#recent_playtimes = {}
#total_playtimes = {}
games_data['games']['game'].each do |game_data|
app_id = game_data['appID'].to_i
#games[app_id] = app_id, game_data
recent = game_data['hoursLast2Weeks'].to_f
total = (game_data['hoursOnRecord'] || '').delete(',').to_f
#recent_playtimes[app_id] = (recent * 60).to_i
#total_playtimes[app_id] = (total * 60).to_i
with the particular problem statement being games_data['games']['game'].each
If we were looking to get information for a particular user, it downloads an XML document about the user from a URL looking like:
and this file does not seem to contain any games objects in it.
Having looked at the codebase for the steam-condenser gem; it hasn't really been updated in about 6 years. I can only assume that the XML format has been modified since this time and that the gem will no longer work.
Valve has added more privacy options to Steam Community profiles which are not reflected in the old XML APIs.
Apparently, the profile in question (tiger) has it‘s game details set to “Friends Only” or ”Private” as games are also unavailable in the browser.
The code from the released 1.x versions is no longer guaranteed to work when it comes to Steam Community. Valve deprecated the old XML APIs several years ago. Sadly, the modern Web API hasn‘t gotten much attention from Valve‘s side either. So development of Steam Condenser has mostly come to halt, too.
You might have more luck using the code from the master branch of the GitHub repository which uses Web API for most of the Community features.
You will have to register for a Steam Web API key, though:

Base CRM Rails Gem legacy search?

It looks like Base CRM has upgraded their API and replaced all of their endpoints/parameters.
Previously I was able to retrieve "Won" deals using this call:
session ="<LEGACY_ACCESS_TOKEN>") :won, sort_by: :last_activity, sort_order: :desc, page: 1)
This query recently started ignoring my parameters, yet it continued to respond with unfiltered data (that was fun when I realized that was happening).
The new syntax is:
client = "<YOUR_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN>"), hot: true)
yet this does not work: :won) "Won") 8) # specified ID found in Base Docs for "Won"
I've looked into the most recent updates to the Base CRM Gem as well as the Base CRM API Docs but have not found a solution to searching by specific deal stage.
Has anyone had any luck with the new API and this kind of query?
Is there a way to use the legacy API?
I've left message with Base but I really need to fix this, you know, yesterday.
Thanks for your help!
The legacy API/gem responded with JSON where the v2 API/gem responds with a BaseCRM::Deal object:
# <BaseCRM::Deal
name="Cool Deal Name",
custom_fields={:"Event Location"=>"New York, NY", :Source=>"Friend"},
Checkout stage_id. Is this a bug? According to the Docs stage_id should return an integer between 1 and 10.

Omniture Saint.ImportCreateJob

This is a very specific Omniture API question. Thought I'd check here if anyone encountered this problem since Omniture forum was not of much help -
Sending the following parameters to Omniture API Explorer here - seems to work fine.
"description":"OSRA job description: MyReportID, Products, 51",
"header":["Field1", "Field2"],
But the call fails in the actual code with a 'Bad Request'. It seems like c_view parameter is expecting a certain value. The only documentation for c_view is that it expects a report name. I've tried report names and other values with no luck. Would appreciate any pointers from Omniture API users.
try using the relevant value from the classification_view chart. I know this is what you need for using the get/save classifications methods (I have used those methods, but not the Saint.ImportCreateJob method).
c_value is not required, so unless you plan on using it, it does not need to be present. It is supposed to be a classification_view
It takes some trial and error to get this api working.
Here is an example of a call I use that works using the REST api over Java:
"description":"Report Test 1",
"header":["Key","Survey","Survey^Question","Survey^Question^Response","Engagement Index","Survey > Question > Response"]
Kind Regards C.

get DynamicSearchAd along with TextAd via Google Adwords API

Google provides nice examples of getting TextAd via API:
I expected that getting DynamicSearchAd will be as easy as modifying line 54 to:
$selector->predicates[] = new Predicate('AdType', 'IN', array('TEXT_AD', 'DYNAMIC_SAERCH_AD'));
however for campaign with bunch of negative keywords, 0 postiive keywords and bunch of ads [ visible in the interface ] my result is buch of negative keywords and 0 ads, like they were not existing. I have googled for quite a long time already, but most recent post about keywordless ads is from 2012 and since then I believe that DynamicSearchAds went out from beta and are not available for everyone.
I played quite a little bit with sample example, changing fields [ like removing Headline and leaving only Id etc ], without success.
So my question is, how should I modify this example to obtain DSA ?
You've got missprint on constant in Predicate.

Feed Parsing In Rails

I am working on Ubuntu 10.04 and I am using feed-zirra to parse RSS feeds and I have MySQL database.
I am trying to parse RSS feeds from Times of India Top Stories. There seems to be problem with the first link, I am sure TOI guys will correct it soon. But anyway, I dont want to face similar error later so thats why I want to ask you guys how to solve this problem.
Just look at this and especially look for link
<title>CWG: Abhinav Bindra, Gagan Narang win first Gold for India</title
<description>Abhinav Bindra and Gagan Narang on Tuesday bagged Gold for the men's 10 m air rifle pair's event, getting India its first gold in the 19th Commonwealth Games.</description>
<pubDate>Tue, 05 Oct 2010 04:57:46 GMT</pubDate>
The link is <link>/cwgarticleshow/6688747.cms</link>
Now, when I click the link, in the view.. its getting routed to http://localhost:3000/cwgarticleshow/6688747.cms instead of
And the error I am getting is
**Routing Error**
No route matches "/cwgarticleshow/6688747.cms" with {:method=>:get}
How do I correct this type of Error?
Looking forward for your help and support
You just need to prepend to the link tag value and you'll be ok.
You can use URI class. You can, for example, define following method
require "uri"
def repair_link(feed_link)
uri = URI.parse(feed_link)
uri.scheme ||= "http" ||= ""
It will set the scheme and host part of the URL if they are not already filled. So if you call it for normal link (like http://foo/bar.cms) then nothing will be changed.
And last thing - you probably should catch exception somewhere as the #parse method raises exception InvalidURIError in case of invalid URI. But it's up to you how you will deal with it.
