Download files from url and save to iCloud (Folder app in iOS 11)? - ios

I have some file links in url and I just want to give user a option to save those files directly to his/her iCloud storage or the latest Files App in iOS 11.I have not came through any such link which helps me out in this regard. Some links are creating a zip file after downloading as NSData and syncing to iCloud. I want to give a feature like WhatsApp to save directly the file withe the same extension to iCloud.


iOS Files App Registration with file types

I store video files in the Documents folder of my app. I need to present an option that enables users to copy video files from Documents folder to iOS Files app. I also want to automatically have a folder for my app in iOS files app (as seen in the screenshot).
I tried registering Document type "" (screenshot 2) but didn't help.
Wondering how to achieve it.

How to download files to app from app folder without linking an account via Dropbox API?

How do you automatically download a file from Dropbox, say a .txt or .pdf file, from the app folder (Dropbox) programmatically without having the user link their account and do it manually? Is this even possible? The goal is to eventually display the file in the app.
Edit: I would like to clarify that the file would NOT be the user's. I am just trying to get my OWN file from the app's folder which is located under the developer's Dropbox AKA me.
Edit 2: I will be updating this file, which is why I'm storing it remotely on Dropbox. (to avoid having to repeatedly update the whole app) The purpose is to simply use my Dropbox as a database to retrieve this file from.

download the files saved in the ios app

I am designing an ios app which collects the user data and saves the data into a .txt file. I am currently using the sandbox in organizer in xcode to download these files. However, I want the users who do not have xcode to access these files as well.
So are there any ways that I can download these files either via USB, or via FTP to a server, or via iCloud, or via Bluetooth, or via WIFI?
iTunes File Sharing would probably be the easiest method of getting files out of your app. You basically just add the UIFileSharingEnabled key to your app's Info.plist, then save the file to the sandbox's ~/Documents/ directory.
Here's a tutorial if you want a more in-depth discussion of how to use file sharing.
Probably most easiest way is to dump file content to UIPasteboard.

Storing & Reading documents present in iCloud

i want to develop an iPad app where i can store a list of PDF files/ iWork files in iCloud.
Finally any user who is using this app can able to download & read(only read no write) these documents inside my App.
Also i want to enable the autosync functionality in my app .So user can see updated document always.
Is this Possible ? What is the right way to achieve this functionality ?

Where to Store purchased very huge files >200MB on iOS?

Where i have to store downloaded huge files on iOS?
the file is more then 200MB.
Is < Application_Home >/Library/Caches the right directory for it?
The file is downloaded after in app purchase and should remain in the App.
After iCloud is implemented in Apple, The Document directory data is somehow related with iCloud Storage. Hence Apple is now rejecting the applications using heavy data storage in document directory.
You need to store the data at some other location. Store the PDF & Other Artwork file At some other location.
This link May Help You.
I Hope this helps.
