Array formula is misbehaving - google-sheets

I want to add an extra column which takes a value with a VLOOKUP from another sheet and adds the value to each cell in that column if the value's ID matches an id from another column in this spreadsheet.
I have partial success with my formula. It is working for almost all the cells/rows, but it won't populate the last 9 cells(out of 3000 rows) with the desired value.
Here is the formula :
I don't understand what is wrong in my formula. Also, the data in the problematic rows is perfectly fine and in the same format as in the other rows.
If my formula seems correct, then I'd like to get suggestions for alternatives to that formula, so I can make it work one way or another.

=ARRAYFORMULA(VLOOKUP(G3:INDEX(G3:G,COUNT(G3:G)+9),'Program IDs'!A$1:B$17,2,0))
There are 9 blank rows somewhere in your 3000 rows. I've made the necessary changes.


Google Sheets Fill Down with Formula

I have a very hard problem to solve, which must be completed with a formula (not a script).
Basically, the Raw input column needs to be dynamically filled down until it hits the next piece of text.
Here's an example file with includes the expected output.
Is it even possible to achieve?
This will work based on your ask, assuming that A2 is never blank, place this in the first row of data (not header):
=ArrayFormula(IF(A2:A<>"", A2:A, B1:B))
It checks to see if there is a value in column A, if there is, it fills that column, if not, it copies the cell above.
Delete everything in Column B (including the header) and place the following formula in B1:
Here is a basic explanation of how this formula works:
A virtual array is created between the curly brackets { }; this virtual array contains a header and all results. You can change the header name to whatever you like.
VLOOKUP looks up every row number that is less than or equal to the highest row number that contains text in A2:A. Each of these qualifying rows is looked up in a second array that contains only the row numbers and Column-A data from non-blank rows, returning the data itself. Since rows are in perfect ascending order and the last parameter of VLOOKUP is set to TRUE, all blank rows in the first array will "fall backward" to find the most recent row that did have something in Column A.

Troubleshooting formula with array - array arguments are of different size to EQ

In Google Sheets, I have a formula that displays the value of an item in a row if one of its cells contains any of the values listed in a different sheet. It looks like this:
=ARRAYFORMULA(IF(OR(L2 = ZRSKUs!$A$1:$Z$12005), O2, "0"))
If L2 contains any of the values in sheet ZRSKUs, this formula displays the value of the item, which is held in O2. If I drag the formula down it produces the value of every column and I can then get a SUM of this column. I wanted a way to do this without having to drag the formula down every single row (this spreadsheet has about 20,000 rows so it takes a long time to do). I also wanted the formula to add it up too, so it is all done in one cell.
I tried editing the formula to do this, and this is what I came up with:
=ARRAYFORMULA(SUM(IF(OR($L3:$L = ZRSKUs!$A$1:$A$500), $O3:$O, "0")))
However, this gives me an "Array arguments to EQ are of different size" error. I tried adjusting the number of rows in the ZRSKUs sheets so it had the exact same number as my other sheet, but this made no difference.
I'm not sure what's going wrong, so any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!
You get the error because that is not a well-formed array formula, as $L3:$L and ZRSKUs!$A$1:$A$500 are not equal in length. We could rectify this by using another function for the lookup, in this case, MATCH:
=ARRAYFORMULA(SUM(IF(ISNA(MATCH($L$1:$L, ZRSKUs!$A$1:$A$500, 0)), 0, $O$1:$O)))

Exclude empty cells when using SORT() in descending order

Use case
Sort formula against other sheet but exclude empty values after last item. Empty values get sorted at top, creating a whole bunch of blank space, and then data I care about.
=SORT('other sheet'!A1:C36,'other sheet'!D1:D36,FALSE)
A-C is the data I wish to show.
D is the column I wish to sort on.
The "36" must be manually updated each time I add/remove a row to 'other sheet'.
Possible solution would be:
Get the row number of the last non-empty cell in a column in Google Sheets as [last row].
=SORT('other sheet'!A1:C[last row],'other sheet'!D1:D[last row],FALSE)
What I tried
Lookup("",'other sheet'!A:A)
Result: #N/A
No examples in Help for finding empty cells
Get the last non-empty cell in a column in Google Sheets
Returns value not address. Could find that value in row but not as efficient. Also what if value is found in more than one place?
** Example Speadsheet **
I cannot recreate this in a new spreadsheet. I believe this may be a bug.
If you want to find the last row, you can use the following formula.
=SORT(INDIRECT("'other sheet'!A1:C"&QUERY(TRANSPOSE(FILTER(ROW('other sheet'!A:A),'other sheet'!A:A="")),"select Col1")),INDIRECT("'other sheet'!D1:D"&QUERY(TRANSPOSE(FILTER(ROW('other sheet'!A:A),'other sheet'!A:A="")),"select Col1")),FALSE)
The code in bold is a formula to find the first blank cell in column A in 'other sheet'.
The code in italic return a reference range based on the bolded code.
I hope this help even though it seems to be a very long time since your question.
Edited: I just found out that query can limit rows.
=SORT(INDIRECT("'other sheet'!A1:C"&QUERY(FILTER(ROW('other sheet'!A:A),'other sheet'!A:A=""),"limit 1")),INDIRECT("'other sheet'!D1:D"&QUERY(FILTER(ROW('other sheet'!A:A),'other sheet'!A:A=""),"limit 1")),FALSE)
Edited: Sorry, I didn't read the question carefully. If you want to remove the first blank cell when sort in descending order, you just have to simply add a QUERY function at front, without query for anything.
=QUERY(SORT(INDIRECT("'other sheet'!A1:C"&QUERY(FILTER(ROW('other sheet'!A:A),'other sheet'!A:A=""),"limit 1")),INDIRECT("'other sheet'!D1:D"&QUERY(FILTER(ROW('other sheet'!A:A),'other sheet'!A:A=""),"limit 1")),FALSE),"")

Google Sheet - Transform two columns into one column using arrayformula (more than 50,000 characters)

I'm using Google Sheets and looking for an arrayformula that able to take a list in two columns and arrange it alternately in one column. The sheet contains about 5,000 rows, each row has more than 35 characters.
I tried this:
=transpose(split(join(" ", query(transpose(B5:C),,50000)), " "))
But then I got this message:
Please take a look at the sheet here:
Assuming your 2 columns are A and B, this formula will "interlace" them:
{arrayformula({row(A1:A3)*2, A1:A3});
arrayformula({row(B1:B3)*2+1, B1:B3})}
"select Col2")
Explanation, unwrapping the formula from the inside:
Each value gets a unique number, based on its row number times 2 (+1 for the 2nd column)
Everything is sorted based on this number
Only the 2nd column is extracted for the result.
There is a function for this called FLATTEN().
This works perfectly as a general solution since it takes an array of any size and outputs the items in the order they appear left-right-top-down (See here).
It can be combined with TRANSPOSE() to accomplish the same thing but in the horizontal case, and if needed blank cells can be omitted with FILTER().
My sincere apologies, I did not read the question carefully enough. My response is incorrect.
This should work:
just be careful to NOT change it to
This will start an infinite loop where the spreadsheet will increase the amount of rows in the spreadsheet to allow this output column to expand, but in doing so increases the length of the 2 input columns, meaning the length of the output column increases even more, so the spreadsheet tries adding more rows, etc, etc. It'll make your sheet crash your browser or something each time you try to open it.
In Row5:
Would need to be copied down however.

Sum above cells ignoring blanks

I have a spreadsheet where I have data from a bank account. Each bank transaction has a date and an indication if that transaction is already done or if it's just expected. When it's already done, it must be added to the total balance up to date. If not, then the total balance up to date must be blank. I need to autofilter the data, so I can filter and order it depending on date or other conditions, that's why I've been using this formula:
Problem here is that when the cell above is blank, total sum resets and it starts from the value of that transaction. I need a formula that ignores the upper blank cells, and sums all cells above that are not blank plus the amount of that transaction.
Besides, once I change the "N" in "Done" Column to a "Y" I need the formula to update and show the correct balance.
I share an example sheet for better understanding
Ok I THINK I understand what your going for - please let me know if I am confused, but I added an example on your sheet.... basically what I ended up doing was including one of your conditionals, but then also adding another function to exclude the blank rows by way of filter , index and counta It looks more complicated than it is because I nested it all back into one formula:
To work it from the inside out - the way I am excluding the blank rows is by using FILTER to get all the rows from the first row with a value ( Like A2 in your example) and using INDIRECT and ADDRESS to end the array I want to include exactly one cell above the current cell.
Then I use the condition that the range I built has a number value in it, there fore excluding the blanks.
In order to get the last value available, I use COUNTA to find out the total rows in the filter, then wrap the formula with INDEX to use the counta value as the row to return (which automatically is the last row available above the current cell)
Try this in A3 and copy down:
If you want to display the "N" rows as blank, add a column (B) fill in the header and the starting number (5000) then put this in B3:
Copy it down then hide column A.
